Wednesday, December 8, 1976 M THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Mandel case ruled mistrial BALTIMORE (AP) - A mis- W. Dale Hess, Ernest Cory Jr. trial was declared yesterday in and brothers William and Harry the political corruption case of Rodgers III were accused of Gov. Marvin Mandel and four violating the federal antiracke- others, but federal prosecutors teering statute in a p'urported said they "will naturally seek scheme involving nail fraud a prompt retrial." ' and bribery. U.S. Dist. Judge John Pratt The co-defendants provided agreed with defese lawyers Mandel gifts and business- inter= who argued jurors might be af- ests in return for his alleged fected by a television newscast effort to get the 1972 General As- thev saw about alleged attempts sembly to legislate benefits for at jlrv tampering in favor of Marlboro Race Track, which the defendants. the others secretly purchased on Dec. 31, 1971, prosecutors PRATT'S DECISTON came as charged. preceedings entered their 92nd The government declined to day, say how much the trial cost There may have been other so far. Lawyers not connected instances in which jurors heard with the trial estimated defense of the alleged fixing, Pratt said, costs of about $1 million. a-d that combined with the tele- , .~ Scientits aknowledge firs t. caseof win;fluin isc (Continued from Page 1) contradictory to the throat cul- ture findings because the anti-, bodies build only gradually af- ter the illness occurs. Three CDC epidemiologists' have gone from Concordia to: Brodhead, a small south-centralI Wisconsin town, to check Har- ris and other area persons who' have shown symptoms of res- piratory illness, Berreth said.j "THERE IS, HOWEVER, no indication that there is exten- sive upper respiratory illness in that area," he said. Recent blood specimens from: the farm worker are being test- ed at the CDC, and a blood! sample taken while he was ill' is on its way to Atlanta, Ber- reth said. The swine flu case suffered, by Harris, 23, was diagnosed by, Dr. Bernard Easterday, a Uni- versity of Wisconsin influenza expert who had gone to the Brodhead farm to check an out- break of swine flu among hogs there. EASTERDAY CONFIRMED that several- of the hogs had contracted the disease. Some Wisconsin officials have speculated that Harris caught the disease by working with the hogs, but the source of his swine flu case has not been positively determined, Berreth said. The source of the Missouri telephone lineman's apparent case also is undetermined, Ber- The number of inoculations in- reth said. creased the week after Hardi- son's apnarqnt swine flue case "THERE'S NO evidence of a was reported but dropped back spread of swine flu in the Con- the next week. cordia area," he said. Federal officials had hoped Slightly more than 30 million to inoculate all Americans 18 Americans had been inoculated years and older in a $135'mil- against swine flu by Nov. 27, lion immunization program be- according to the latest national gun after the disease struck figures available through the Army recruits at Ft. Dix, N. J., CDC. last winter, killing one. MINI-COURSE The-University of Michigan will offer a Mini- Course, No. 414, entitled "Undernutrition and Overnutrition" which is organized by Dr. Stan- ley Garn. The class will meet Wednesday at 3-5 from January 12 to February 23. Registration for the course is through Drop-Add. For permis- sion to register or more information contact Sharon Carlson at 341 Victor Vaughn or call 763-1227. vision incident Fridav evening made it impossible for Mandel and the others to get a fair trial. "It's just a shock that it's over." said one juror who wouldn't give his name. "I WOULD LIKE to have seen it go the whole way through myself," said another, Larry Straitiff, 26. "We heard the prosecution. We should have heard the defense. We heard one side; we ought to be able to hear the other side. We didn't ask to come down here. Once here, we felt we should finish it." 'Mandel said he was stupned by Pratt's decision but added1 the judge had no alternative.' "I really feel we were just starting to present evidence in the case that would vindicate ne completely from these charges," the governor said. "The evidence would show there: fwas absolutely nothing to it (the government's {ase)." MANDEL AND co-defendantsj PRATT ORDERED the jury sequestered at the Lord Balti- more Hotel last Wednesday night after dismissing one juror, Oscar Sislen, who reported he had been offered $10,000 to hold out for a verdict of innocent. Two days after Sislen was dis- missed, the prosecution dis- closed the alleged bribery of Sislen and a fix offer made to1 Arnold Weiner, Mandel's chief counsel, 15 days into the trial. Wilter Weikers, a 67-year-oldt Baltimore furniture salesman, was charged with obstruction of justice in the Sislen incident. He was released on $100,000 bail. G O V E RNMENT documents show a Cinnaminson, N.J., man, Charles Neiswender, also known as Lee Anderson, was arrested in the Weiner incident Nov. 5, charged with jury tampering; and released Nov. 15 after Pratt granted a prosecution motion to: drop the charge. The chief prosecutor in the case, Barnet Skolnik, said the case has not been closed. AP Photo Putting on the dogA The dogs around Albuquerque don't even think of intruding on this kitty's corner. Although the grizzled tomcat with the chewed ear likes the humans who frequent his master's shop, he likes nothing better than a good dogfight. 'DRAWS MIXED REACTION: report proposes safeguaurds onfiles Feature 8 M flf FRST H Rae_ r8w ,,,, week wRr~rlI Security Council re-elects Waldheim (Continued from Page 1) y been expected. IT IS CUSTOMARY to conduct as many ballots as necessary until a candidate receives at least nine of the 15 council votes' without a negative vote from any of the five permanent powers-China, United States, S o v i e t Union, Britain and France. Diplomats said the first ballot vote for Waldheim was 13-1 with 1 abstention, presumably Pan- ama. They said the vote for Echeverria was 4-4 with 7 ab- stentions the first time and 3-5 with 7 abstentions on the second ballot. Echeverria, who finished his six-year term as president of Mexico last week and could not succeed himself, had long had his eye on the U.N. job. WALDHEIM has been an ac- tive, globe-trotting secretary- general, usually willing to speak, out on issues that bother him. In 1972, he incurred the wrath of former President Richard Nixon when he expressed con- cern lest U.S. air raids in North Vietnam endanger dikes and provoke a possibly calamitous flood. Later, he complained bit- terly thit his willingness to help end the war was being ignored. At the Paris peace conference he was given only a ceremonial function. In 1974, Aomie senior U.S. dip- lomats didn't like the red carpet treatment accorded Palestine guerrilla leader Yasir Arafat in his first speaking appearance at the United Nations. Waldheim said he was not responsible, that it had been done by the General Assembly leadership. THE UNITED States and some other Western countries have also felt he was sometimes too quick to support the Third World against the industrialized West. Besides Echeverria, other can- didates mentioned before this year's balloting were Ambassa- dor Hamilton AmerasInghe of Sri Lanka, who is president of the General Assembly; Javier Perez de Cuellar of Peru, Wald-! heim's special representative in Cyprus; and Carlos Ortiz de! Rozas, Argentina's ambassador1 to the United Nations. Amerashinghe and Ortiz de Rozas were also candidates in 1971. Ortiz de Rozas received more affirmative votes than Waldheim but was vetoed by the Soviets. It r C r I+ 5h d2 s (Continued from Page 1) er and reduce the impact of the AMY BLUMENTHAL, MSA amine the contents of their files, ( recommendation because it's not vice-president, said it was "good challenge inaccurate informa- 'candid' or can sign away a to have students, faculty and tion contained in them, append basic right to see his or her staff on the review commit- comments to the file, and with- files," Luker said. . ' , tee," but wanted to know "what hold information "not needed by "The University should not the ratio's going to be." the University in the perform- request confidential recommen- She also expressed concern ance of its responsibilities." dations under any circumstanc- about how student members{ These rules also closely paral- es," he commented., would be chosen. "The stu- lel existing federal law - in this 'dents should be picked by stu- case, provisions of the Family "THERE IS SOME coercion dents. MSA should do it, and Educational Right and Privacy here," conceded Samual Plice, i they should be very careful to Act of 1974, known as the "Buck- Director of Administrative Sys- get minorities and women," she ley Amendment" after the for- tems Planning and chairman added. mer New York senator who of the study committee. "I The report of the study com- sponsored it. They would ex- really don't know any way out mittee is unclear on how the tend these rights to staff as of that. What you have here members of the review commit- well as students. is conflicting rights of privacy tee would be selected. On study on the part of the writer and,' group member suggested that ONE POINT OF dispute over the student," he said. 'student government and the the guidelines - and the Buck- All University vice-presidents Senate Assembly might send ley Amendment which they ec- land their advisory committees, nominees to the administration, ho - is the provision for stu- as well as the Senate Assem- which would then make the fi- dents to "waive" the right to bly Committee on University Af- nal selection. see letters of recommendation fairs (SACUA), are being ap- On controversial and diffi- placed in their files after Janu- proached by Rhodes' office for cult matters, it would have to ary 1, 1975. reaction, defer to the administration and "The waiver benefits all par- "Most verbal comments. so. Regents, anyway," said com- ties," according to Associate far have been favorable," ac- mittee member Donald Lelong, LSA Dean Bernard Galler, who cording to Rhodes. The response director of the Office of Admin- served on the study committee. has come mostly from other istrative Planning and Analysis. Galler said that confidential 'U' vice-presidents up to now, "Ultimately, all committees are recommendations are likely to he added. advisory." >e taken more seriously by those ~- - - vho have to evaluate a stu- ent's records. "I prefer the :onfidential record," he said. BUT MICHIGAN Student As- embly (MSA) President Calvin Luker strongly disagreed: "The waiver puts a student ;eeking a recommendation in in untenable position. The stu- 215 N. Main Cl Ann Arbor 1 663-7758 lent can refuse to sign the waiv- if you see news happen y call 76-DAILY WOMEN LAUGH BACK! The first collection of humor by women MACMILLAN $7.95 * Alw A'mwhp lire * err * "&kwW* Aktql true * AiP * A Mr3 dp- ( or- ieac ings 09 (ose uervo (as excerpted from Chapter 27of The Book.) Yes, Chapter 27, wherein it says that Jose Cuervo is not only the original, since 1795, supreme, premium, ultimate white tequila. But, goes on to say that Jose Cuervo, as the ultimate, is also the ultimate mixer. 0- rie ears/f.-- _ 9I' i ee cia , . i January and March Graduates of: Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Are you interested in an Engineering Career that will put your creative en- gineering ideas to work and provide excellent professional training? Then check with our Detroit employ- ment office while you are at home on Christmas vacation. We are loc'ated at 2000 Second Avenue in Detroit. No appointment is necessary for an interview. We welcome the chance to discuss with you the engineering challenges ___x, d Z4 2,t4 tr7W.W 3 - .. Z * J / & A I i { 5 ~ ~ WIX 1 C.1; . 9.~1 To tIjAuC ;gCCCTW '' . r Icr- Toj,\-ik-ro cu i