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December 07, 1976 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1976-12-07

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'T'uesday, December 7, 1976



Tuesday, December 7, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

_ag Tre

NEW YORK, (Reuter)-T
found ancient stone circles
World War II plane, shipwre
and some mysterious object
the bottom of Loch Ness -
no Nessie.
The expedition that pro
the Scottish Loch all sumr
for the monster did howe
find some indications of a c






seeks supporters

(Continued from Page1)
Voters in MSA elections
lect candidates in order of tl
preference. Candidates who
ceive a'majority of first pl
votes are declared winners
seats are still available,
candidate with the lowest
total is eliminated and his v(
distributed among the rem
ing candidates according to
ers' second choice. This proc
continues until all vacant se
are filled.
half-year terms were availa
in this election.
Inconsistencies in the vote1
ly were found during the

hey I cass - like shape with a neck- make any assumptions about:
a like projection, about 10 yards this target without further in-
cks long. vestigation."
kon THE LEADERS of the expe- At anews conference yester-
but dition, who published their re- day officially closing the 1976
ports in the December issue of search for the monster, they
bed Technology Review, a Massa- said the results were disappoint-
mer chusetts Institute of Technology ing but not discouraging.
ver (MIT) publication, said: "It The searchers intend to go
car- would be wild speculation to back next spring - perhaps
-__ _- with divers equipped with tele-
vision cameras and strong
lights and a _manned submarine
p ro d u ces to explore sonar findings and
the carcass-like shape.
by Dr. Robert Rines of Bos-
res' I ton, was the most ambitious
and technologically sophisticat-
ed of the many investigations of
count. According to assistant the Loch Ness monster. It was
se- elections director Monty Fow- sponsored by the Academy of:
heir ler, "When we started the re- Applied Science, a Boston-based
re- count we found that there had group of engineers and inves-
Lace' been a transoosition of numbers tors, and The New York Times.
If on one candidate's tally sheet." Engineers and scientists from
the the United States, Canada and
vote The Voluntary Funding Par- Britain monitored the murkeyE
otes ty, which did not win an MSA waters of the Loch in June and
aain- seat in the original count, cap-1 Jlv with an array of under-
vot- tured one seat at the expense water cameras. In addition, so-
cess of the Committee Against Volun- nar systems were used to detect
eats tary Funding (CAVF). Shlump moving objects and to survey
of the Make our Votes Effec- the bottom for possible carcas-
two tive (MOVE) party and Rosen- ses or skeletons.
ble thal of Students for Reform Martin Klein of Klein Asso-

and shape to be the monster."
sendingdaeresearch submarine
and a diver to see what it is,
if it is still there when they get
there," he added.
Rines said that in 1972 he
and his wife, Carol, actually
saw "a giant back come up
and submerge again."
"We're going to find some-
thing eventually. But right now
it's like looking for a needle
in thekhaystack," he said.
In 'echnology Review, Klein,
an underwater exploration ex-
pert, writes that the sonar sur-
veyors at the southwestern end
of the Loch, in Borlum Bay
near Fort Augustus, had detect-
ed traces unlike anything else
they had seen.
"THE TARGET has a car-
cass-like shape with a long
neck-like projection, and the
whole thing appears to be about
10 meters long. It does not look
like any of the other targets
which we picked up in the
Loch," Klein wrote.
"An underwater television or
a small submersible would
probably be needed for identifi-
cation at this depth.
"We named this target 'The


ffill top
. V
(Continued from Page1)
search committees report to
explain the reason for the ex-
clusion. The dean or department
chairperson may then instruct
the search committee to include
a minority or female candidate
for an interview if appropriate.
Cohen noted that search com-
mittees had a tendency to only
consider applicants from t o p-
ranked, institutions. Here, he
said, a search committee must
look elsewhere and appraise
people in terms of their poten-
tial. "Committees must reach
out into other institutions and
areas to get the best," Cohen
The report further suggests
that "Procedures for screening
of candidates shouldsbe the
same for all candidates for the
same position."
IT ADDS THAT all candidates
ahould have an oral interview
to discuss their research and
accomplishments in a seminar
open to students and faculty in
the department. Cohen added
that leadership opportunities
should be established within
various departments to enable
faculty members in line for
promotion to obtain experience.
Cohen noted that those who
hold administrative positions
can play an important role by
following the guidelines and
maintaining personal concern
about affirmative action. He
said he hopes Rhodes would
evaluate the report so further
action could be taken.
Cohen's LSA colleagues rais-
ed many questions. One facul-
ty member asked who would fi-
nance the search committees.
Cohen responded that the indi-
vidual departments could pay
for it.,
LSA Dean Billy Frye suggest-
ed that the oral interview might
be improper for assessing quali-
fied candidates and "would be
generating a problem." Cohen
said he felt that all candidates
would be screened carefully and
raised by another faculty mem-
ber, who said, "We seem to
think there is a pool of well-
qualified candidates. I'm skepti-
cal of this:"
Cohen said "this point was
extensively discussed by the
committee," adding there could
be recruitment through the fi-
nancial aid department. 'The
committee also recognized that
candidates could be pooled from
smaller institutions.
Proposals for further ways to
increase the pool of candidates
were also offered. Associate
Dean of Economics, Eva Muel-
ler, suggested the search com-
mittees "look 'more at the best
women's colleges, such as Vas-
sar and Wellesley."
guitar gaterp
r 236 Nickels Arcade
Ann Arbor
By Dr. Nelson Amos,
Instructor of Guitar
0 A comphrensive
approach to music

were replaced by members of ciates, Inc., who made the so- j Average Plesiosaur' to tease
their own parties. nar soundings, told Reuter he our paleontologist friends. It
, VOGL OF MOVE and Girsh- was convinced the carcass-like will be interesting to find if the
man of Students for Reform i structure on the floor of the target is still there when we
gained full-year terms. Holland Loch "looks like the right size next go to look for it," he said.
of the Voluntary Funding Party'
captured a half-year term in!"
the recount.
The final winners and their re- n
vised vote totals include inde-
pendents Chris Bachelder and " "
Michael Taylor, 189 and 113.657
respectively (fractions in vote
totals are caused by the prefer- -
ential voting system). Bullshit1 (Continued from Page 1) ther to expand the present as-
Party member Irving Freeman jt ete rneI . rto.Wnd


By AP and Reuter
TOKYO - The Liberal-Demo-
cratic party (LDP), battered at
the polls in the wake of the
Lockheed and other scandals,
hung on to the government yes-
terday by persuading eight in-
dependents to join its ranks. But
the party still faced a stormy;
leadership fight and the need to
placate a maverick reform
group that won strong support
from the voters.I
The pro-American LDP lost:
its parliamentary majority for
the first time in 21 years in Sun-1
day's elections.E
HOWEVER, the conservative-1
dominated LDP's loss was little
comfort to the opposition Com-
munists, who lost 22 seats them-E
selves-the only opposition party
that failed to capitalize on the
Liberal-Democrats' problems.,
The biggest of those problems
was Lockheed, which came on
the heels of the alleged irregu-
lar financial wheling and deal-
ing and "money politics" that
forced the resignation of mil-
lionaire former Prime Minister
Kakuei Tanaka in 1974.c
Early this year, it was re-
vealed in U.S. Congressional
hearings that Lockheed hadx
shelled out more than $10 million
to boost sales in Japan, includ-
ing a reported $2 million in.
bribes to government officials. r
TANAKA AND two former
cabinet ministers and a dozenf
others, including prominent busi-I
nessmen have been indicted inf
the case. U.S. officials in Wash-
ington said they are confident
the LDP's poor showing will nott
affect Japanese relations with
the United States.
One official said relations be-I
tween Washington and Tokyo are'
based on "clearly conceived
common interests" which re-
main unchanged leven during
election years. 1
The LDP dropped a 57-seat1
majority in the lower house,
/3 OFF
Coats, Hats,
and Vests
for Men and Women

winning only 249 out of 511 seats the last election, dropped from ing LDP officials linked to al-
at stake. 39 to 17 seats. leged bribery by the aircraft
THE ENLISTING of those Despise the apparent reaction company in Japan were also re-
elected as independents by the against the Lockheed payoffs!elected.
LDP after elections is common scandal and the allegedly shady! Meanwhile, Japanese business-
because nonaligned members of financial dealings that forced men expressed concern that the
Parliament have little power. him out of office in 1972, Ta- nation might be in for a period
But this time, it was a necessity naka was a runaway winner in of political instability that could
and it was only hours before the. his home district as an inde- hamper formulation of economic
party announced it had signed pendent. policy.
up eight independents, giving it Business disa
257 seats compared to an op- THE VOTERS in Tanaka's Bsesadksppointmelt at
position total of 254.;rural disricthashxs tdere ab estg c sDert y heru-
The etbck t th pols oul concerned with his proven abil-j ing Liberal Democratic Party in
te se Mtte Takeu ity to get them roads and other the general election was tem-
Miki's stormy reign. Miki, was public works than his Lockheed pered by satisfaction at the de-
easily reelected to Parliament, involvement. clne in the fortunes of the
but he is required to hand in his Four other former high-rank- Japanese Communist Party.

resignation as prime minister
and party president after the
election. The party will select
a new leader-a contest eagerly
awaited by former deputy prime
minister Takeo Fukuda, Miki's
main rival and seen as the man
likely to replace him.
To fill the chairmanships and
keep control of the 16 standing
committees in the lower house,
the LDP needs 271 seats-a
figure it can't reach even if it
signs up the remaining 13 in-
The big gainers were the
middle - of - the - road opposition
narties. The New Liberal Club,
formed when a few LDP rrkm-
bers bolted from the scandal
ridden -arty, picked up 17 seats.
The Buddist-backed Komeito
(Clean Governmtnt Party) went
from 30 to 55 seats and the,
Democratic Socialists climbed I
from 19 to 29.
The. largest opposition party,
the Socialists, climbed from 112
to 123, but fell short of a goal
of 130. The Communist party,
which nearly doubled its size in




had 125.519, Girshman of Stu-!
dents for Reform 100.565, and
CAMF's Stewart Mandell 102.599.
Three MOVE members, An-
drea Beggs with 105.175, Dan
Browning with 105.502, and Vogl
with 128.395 took seats. Cam-
pus Coalition retained its two
seats in the recount as mem-
bers Brian Laskey and Blanche
Treice (half-year term) cap-
tured 106.651 and 92.542 votes.
Holland took the Voluntary
Funding Party's single seat
with 79.335.
diciary (CSJ) will certify the
election Thursday night.
Fowler said he had spoken
with one candidate, Rosenthal,
who lost his seat in the recount.
"He was disappointed but we
made a mistake and there was
nothing. we could do about it,"~
Fowler said.
Another loser, Chiaravalli said,
"I'm still trying to figure out
what happened. I'm sorry there
was this kind of mismanage-
Chiaravalli does not plate toI
file suit with CSJ over the mis-
take. "If someone else had the
votes, I'm not going to finagle
any for myself," he said.
Results have not yet- been
tallied on the athletic tickets
policy referendum.

ine enureL pr usa - new
structures and all. Local busi-
nesses, she said, had been per-
suaded to support the parking
plan by the promise of new
"They must see some visible
benefit out of this," said Sulli-
van. "Downtown needs your
committment now."
A RESOLUTION which would
have called for a referendum on
creation of an expanded city
assessment board was pulled
from the Council agenda at the
last minute by Mayor Albert
Wheeler, its sponsor.
Under the terms of the reso-
lution, city voters would be
asked in April to decide whe-

nary citizens and members of
organizations which have no
power to levy taxes (such- as
the University.)
Another resolution, calling for
approval of the proposed master
plan for Dolph Park - to be
located at Sister Lakes near
Jackson Road - was also ta-
bled, after requests from local
conservationists. Members of
the Sister Lakes Conservation
Association appeared before
Council to ask that a decision
on the plan be delayed until the
group has time to iron out some
last few differences it has with
the city Department of Parks
and Recreation.

This will be an opportunity for people to look back over the past
year or so-to see where the meaning has been in their lives and
where they might be going.
Ken Feit, an itinerant fool, and Andrew Foster, the chaplain of
Canterbury, will present some ways of looking at ourselves and some
ideas about personal meaning and its social consequences.
You are invited to join us on Saturday, December 11th beginning at
10 'a.m. at Canterbury House, 218 N. Division St., the corner of
Catherine and Division. A simple lunch will 'be provided and we
will end about dinner time. Please call us in advance at 665-0606 to
let us know you will be coming that day.

..@.............. ..............
(Francois Truffaut, 1959)
AUD. A, 7 & 9
In 1957, a young film critic named Truffaut was banned from
the Cannes Film Festival. In 1959, the same Truffaut won the
Director's Award with this beautiful film of a boy unloved and
unwanted at home who withdraws to a private, then fugitive
existence. The film's ending is one of the most cherished in
cinema. "A cinema that brilliantly and strikingly reveals the
explosion of a fresh, creative talent. . .. Here is a picture that
encourages a refreshment of faith in films."-New York Times


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