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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 73 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, December 7, 1976 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Eckstein dies
University Prof.. Alexander Eckstein, a lead-
ing authority on Chinese economy and U.S.-China
relations, died of a heart attack here over the
weekend. He was 60. In a statement released
yesterday, President Robben Fleming called Eck-
stein "a distinguished scholar and a dedicated
member of our faculty." Eckstein, who taught
at Harvard and the University of Rochester be-
fore coming to Ann Arbor, served as chairman
and vice-chairman of the board of the National
Committee on U.S.-China Relations. He led the
committee's delegation to China three years ago.
He was also a policy adviser to the secretary
of state, from 1966-68.
Produce coop
If you're interested in participating in a food
cooperative, here's your chance. The Ann Arbor
People's Produce Cooperative holds its first gen-
eral meeting this evening at 7:30 in their store-
front at 206 N. 4th. The cooperative will be rely-
iog on volunteers to work as cashiers, bookkeep-
ers, purchasing agents, and truck drivers. They
plan to provide a good assortment of fresh fruits
and vegetables at prices lower than other local
Happenings .
.begin, as they usually do, on Tuesdays, with
free music at the Pendleton center of the Union.
This week its Music School tenor Randy Lambert
doing his stuff ... If you're not up for music on
your lunch hour, check out the Scandinavian Col-
loquim at 5208 Angell Hall, where Prof. Thomas
Anton speaks on "The Death of Swedish Social-
ism?" An exhibit of parasites on campus en-
titled "Guess Who's Eating You for Dinner?" be-
gins at 1 today -in rms. four and fi' e of the
Michigan League. It runs from 1-5 and 7-10 to-
day and tomorrow. You can take tea with LSA
Dean Billy Frye this afternoon at 4 in 203D An-
gell Hall. Everyone's invited, with coffee, tea,
and donuts on the bill of fare ... The Go Club
meets in 2050 Frieze Bldg., at 7 ... There is a
screening of the film "Last Grave at Dimbaza"
and a panel discussion on South Africa at 7 in
the Friends Meeting House, 1420 Hill ... The Sparta-
cus Youth League holds a class entitled "The
Class Struggle Road to Black Liberation, 7:30 in
rm. 3207 of the Union ... The Gay Community Ser-
vices Center, 612 S. Forest, holds a discussion on
gay lifestyles at 8 ... And the Gay Liberation Front
meets at 8 in the third floor conference rm. (south
wing) at the Union.
W isconsin swine
Wisconsin health officials were trying yester-
day to confirm that state's first case of swine
flu after the disease was diagnosed in swine at
a hog farm south of Madison. Tests were being
conducted on a 23-year-old farmhand who became
-sick late last month while working with the in-
fected hogs. Health officials said yesterday that
a throat. culture taken from the farmhand showed
the possibility of the disease's presence, but initial
blood tests proved negative. Tests are being re-
peated and the final results would be known to-
day, officials said.
On the inside .. .
... Editorial Page offers Jon Pansius' treatise
on steel prices ... On Arts Page, Angie Nicita
reviews Handel's "Messiah" ... And Sports staf-
fer Tom Cameron gives us the word on Michi-
gan's basketball fortunes at Vanderbilt.
On the outside . .
... Snow in the mornin', snow in the evenin',
but it shouldn't amount to more than two inches.
Highs will be 28-30 and lowps toward evening
around 10 with gusty winds.
Wright named new
House De leader
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - Democrats in the House of Repre-
sentatives today elected burly, genial, Thomas "Tip"
O'Neill as Speaker of the House -- the nation's third high-
est official position.
Then in a three-ballot cliff-hanger, decided by a
single vote, they named Texas Congressman Jim Wright
as Democratic leader, the number two spot in the House
party hierarchy.
WRIGHT, A deputy whip, beat retiri g Democratic caucus
chairman Phillip Burton of California, who had been favored to
win the leadership post. Wright was the most conservative of four
Congressmen seeking the job.
O'Neill was believed to have been strongly opposed to the ag-
gressive Burton, who might have posed a challenge to his leader-
AP Photo
You triesome, you lIose some
Billy Carter (left) shares a laugh with brother Jimmv owside the polling place in Plains, Ga.,
where Billy was defeated yesterday in a bid for mayor. The younger Carter lost by 90 to 71
votes to the incumbent mayor, a barber, provin g that close elections run in the family. "I see
Plains going straight to hell," Billy grumbled after learning the election results.
O'Neill, who will be 64 on
Thursday, will have the task of
uniting, the 292 House Demo-
crats behindthe programs of
the first Democratic adminis-
tration in eight years and thus,
after Jimmy Carter is inaugur-
ated on January 20 could be-
come the new president's most
valuable ally in Congress.
six-foot-two inch, white - haired
Congressman from Massachu-
setts is expected to be in sharp
contrast to that of unassertive
Carl Albert who is retiring from
the speaker's post and from
Ren. Morris Udall of Arizona
praised O'Neill as a man who
showed "courage in the clutch"
on such issues as Vietnam,
Watergate. and morality in the
After beine nominated by ac-
clamation, O'Neill spoke brief-
lv and emotionally of his goals
as speaker.
"I INTEND to assure that
the Congress remains a co-
e01il part of government,"
O'Neill said, with 'full equality
with the White House and the
evecutive branch.
He said the overriding chal-
1-Re facing the country was to
right the ecqnomy and to "put
the uneployed back towork."
O'Neill said his entire life
hns been devoted to public ser-t
vice and to helping people.
HE DID not mention the
scandals which have arisen in-
volving some House members,
See O'NEILL, Page 10
Coleman refuses to
mandate air bag's
By AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - Citing prob-
able consumer rejection and
congressional' opposition. Trans-
portation Secretary William
Coleman yesterday refused to
require air -bags in cars, pro-
posing instead a two-year test
with the devices in about five
per cent of cars sold.
The project, beginning in
September 1978 if the automo-
bile industry agrees, would
raise the price of a new car by
$50 to $100 - depending on whe-
ther the air bag is full or half-
size - for a total cost to con-
s'imers and industry of about
$86 million, Coleman said.
termed by consumer advocate
Ralph Nader as a "massive act
of irresponsibility" that will
"doom thousands of Americans
to needless death and injury on
the highway."
Nader said he would appeal
to the new secretary of trans-
portation, who will take office'
next year, to overturn the de-
cision and predicted the new
secretary would be more sym-
pathetic to consumer and safe-
ty issues.
'Nader said Coleman agreed
the air bag was reliable, effec-
tive and inexpensive but still
refused to require automakers
to put them into cars. The sec-
retary's reasoning that the pub-
lic is opposed to air bags is
specious, Nader said, because
people would never know the
bags were there until they were
needed to save theih lives.
THE SECRETARY said he is
convinced air bags could save
many lives and prevent numer-
ous injuries and said the dem-
onstration program he proposed
is intended to change public
opposition to the safety devices.
Government stud -,s have in-
dicated tl-t if air bags were
See COLEMAN, Page 7
'Coleman blundered
because the wito indus-
try never does any-
thing voluntarily for
the consumer except to
raise prices.
. - Clarence Ditlow
of the Center for
Auto Safety .
Court halts executions
Supreme Court ruled yesterday
that exclusion of even one juror
opposed to capital punishment
invalidates any death penalty
imoosed in a trial.
The justices also postooned
indefinitely the execution of con-
demned Texas murderer Robert
White, who wanted no delay in
the sentence, which had been
scheduled for Friday.
IN A 6-3 DECISION, the court
tossed out the death sentence
of condemned Georgia murderer
Curfew Davis because one pro-
spective juror at Davis' trial
was excused - after stating gen-
eral scruples against capital
The high court postponed,
pending appeal, White's death
in a Texas electric chair. Only
Justice William Rehnquist voted
ii fIvor of letting White become
the first criminal to be executed
in the United States since 1967.
Last week the court postponed
the firing squad execution of
Utah murderer Gary Gilmore,
who had convinced state officials
to let him die at sunrise yes-
terday, to consider an appeal
by Gilmore's mother, Bessie.
GILMORE HAS asked his in-
valid mother to accept his fate
and disassociate herself from
the appeal that prevented his
scheduled execution yesterday.
" I wish to be dead," Gilmore
said in an open letter to Bes-
sie Gilmore, which he dictated
to his attorney, Ronald Stanger
of Provo.
Mrs. Gilmore, crippled with
arthritis, lives in a trailer court
in a Portland, Ore., suburb. She
has said she opposes the death
penalty and wishes her son to
neys contended that the exclud-
ed juror was never asked wheth-
er she could set aside her gen-
eral scruples against the death
penalty in that particular trial.
A 1968 Supreme Court decision
See SUPREME, Page 7
Concil gies OK to
revised parking plan
City Council last night ,gave reluctant approval to a contro-
versial plan for downtown parking that has been the source of
citizen complaints for the past month.
But the proposal, which originally would have cost the city
$5.5 million, has been pared down to a modest $2.2 million.
Carter unsur
From Wire Service Reports
PLAINS, Ga. - President-elect Carter said yesterday that he's
keeping an open mind on the possibility of a tax cut next year,
but he isn't as certain of the prosl1ect as his newly selected budget
Carter, preparing for a series of face-to-face meetings with'
prospective Cabinet members, said a tax cut is "one of the possi-
bilities, if the economy needs stimulation, and I think at this point
it appears that way.'
"I WOULDN'T say it is virtually certain," he said, referring
to a comment Sunday by Thomas "Bert" Lance, the Atlanta bank-
er he has chosen to head the Office of Management and Budget. "I
wouldn't put it that strongly."
Lance had said that the choices to stimulate the economy are
so limited that a tax cut is "almost a certainty."
"I'm deliberately keeping my mind open," the President-elect
"I HAVE advisers who are leaning in all different directions,
but I'll wait and see."
Lance modified his position yesterday on the odds of a new
income tax cut, calling it only "a leading option" instead of "a
Carter also promised to do all he can to reduce unemployment
by an annual rate of 1.5 percentage points, but acknowledged that
will be very difficult.
HE TALKED to reporters briefly in a slight rain outside the town
hall after voting in the municipal election -in which his brother,
Billy, was running for mayor.
Carter said he would "wait until around the first of the year"
after the economic indicators are in for the final quarter of 1976
before making a decision on taxes.
"One of the things that might turn it the economy around is
Seat canehands
in MSA recount
The winners of 11 Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) seats
were finally decided yesterday, five days after the election.
tax cuts
an extremely high level of consumet
mas holidays," he said.
spending during the Christ-
"AND MAYBE my election as president would give people
enough hope and eagerness about the future that they 'would in-
crease spending and therefore stimulate the economy."
Ine said he has not gone into the details of how
large a tax cut might be if he decided to ask for one, or whether
it would be permanent or temporary.
But he said he will be ready to move quickly when the time
for decision comes.
See CARTER, Page 10
THE ORIGINAL plan called for the construction
parking structures in the downtown business area,
of two new
as well as
Planso for affirmative
Saction at 'U' outlined
Literary college (LSA) Affirmative
Action Committee Chairman Wilbur Co-
hen yesterday presented the LSA facul-
ty with guidelines designed to boost the
percentage of minorities and women in
key University positions.
Speaking at the monthly faculty meet-
ing, Cohen offered a set of seven pro-
cedural suggestions, part of his commit-
and minorities in administrative posts
has increased slightly over the last year,
LSA currently has only one woman dean
(in the School of Nursing), and one
woman associate dean and one minority
department head. Therefore the commit-
tee proposed a special effort to find
qualified minorities and women for all
positions which open up.
The report recommended guidelines to
substantial repairs to existing
parking ramps at Maynard, at
William" and Fourth, and at
Forest. The version which
passed last night omits any
mention of new structures.
Council Republicans, who
were behind the amendment
which eliminated the new
ramps, were not happy with the
plan, said Councilman Gerald
Bell (R-Fifth Ward).
Neither was Democrat Liz
Keogh (D-First Ward), the pro-
posal's fore ost opponent on
Council. Keogh's objection-and
the objection of the many citi-
zen groups who came to Council
meetings to protest the park-
ing plan was to the method of
fNding the project by creating
a Snecial Assessment District
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