t age, Six ". . i H-E MI'CHIGAN UATLY- !,undav.December 5 9'1 7)VINAtt' ,,rrI FOR RENT ! FOR RENT ROOMMATES BRAUTIFUL'WOOD panelled 1 bed- ONE BEDROOM furnished apt., THIRD PERSON needed, own small room apt. On campus. 668-7881 any- avail. Dec. 1 through April, al1 bedroom in three bedroom, three time. 7301210 utilities paid. Located directly person apartment; McKinley Street !acrossfrom Mich. Stadium. Call off State, 12 minute walk to cam- APARTMENT - Available Jan. 1. 494-3955 or 434-0550. cCtc pus; $75/mo. 994-3128. 44Y1205 Close to campus. Parking. 663-6069.~ FOR RENT-A large, modern, fully 8101211 ROOMMATE needed for 4- ___________________furnished apartment with securityFEAEROMTneddfr4 prteshidn.Located near Medical person, 2 bedroom bi-level apt. 1 MALE ROOMMATE needed - Own protection. rutes. Peia block from campus, parking. 668- room in 2-bath, 3-bdrm. apartment center and bus routes. Pets are 6476.46Y1209 very close to campus at 1336 Geddes. welcome. Call . Elliot at 662-0853 - _--. " - - -- -after 5 m . 92C 1208 - -- -- - - - -- ----- Uncontracted Classified Rates WORDS 0-10 11-15 16-20 21 -25 26-30 31-35 36-40 Al Ar 1 1 2. 2 2. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 add. .15 2.30 3.05 3.80 4.55 5.30 .75 .40 2.80 3.70 4.60 5.50 6.40 .90 .65 3.30 4.35 5.40 6.45 7.50 1.05 .90 3.80 5.00 6.20 7.40 8.60 1.20 .15 4.30 5 65 7.90 8.35 9.70 1.35 40 4.80 6.30 7.80 9.30 10.80 1.50 .65 5.30 6.95 8.60 10.25 11.90 1.65 onan ?na n 0 "n N I An Ili.nn s e 14 $112/month. 95-8882. 601209 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted. OWN 4-45 Y.YU .9 5U 7.60 9 .40 1.20. 14.1 0 1.95 OWN ROOM, Female, 3 bedroom bedroom available in large two bed- 46-50 3.15 6.30 8.25 10.20 12.15 14.10 1.95 MATURE FEMALE roommate. Apt-, apt. $92.50 plus elect. Furnished, room modern apartment. Excellent to share, own bedroom, modern and laundry, parking. Available January. campus location. Winter term. INCHES furnished. Close to grad school. 668-7410. 42C1207 Kosher or Vegetarian. Call 662- 1 3.15 6.30 8.25 1020 12.15 14.10 1.95 X130 a month. After 9:00 p.m., 665- _ - --. --- - '2292 or 662-4036. 91Y1208 2 5.65 11.30 14.75 18.20 21.65 25.10 3.45 7183. 8301205 SUBLET 3 8.15 16.30 21.25 26.20 31.15 36.10 4.95 FEMALE TO SHARE large 1-bdrm. 4 1065 21.30 27.90 34.20 40.65 47.10 6.45 ROOM, private bath. Single or cou- FEMALE WANTED to share two- apt. Close to campus, furnish and 5 13.15 26.30 34.40 42.20 50.15 58.10 8.95 ple. Pets welcome. Share kitchen. bedroom apartment with other fe- A/C. $112.50/mon. and utilities. Call 663-6699 between 6-8 p.m. 68C1208 male Dec. or Jan. North Campus 668-7043 or. 668-6906 persistently. N.: Each Group of chorocter counts as one word. area. 995-4274, 663-6213. 82U1208 38Y1210 Hvohenated words over 5 characters count as two word: ARE YOU LOOKING for a clean, RAE Eno.nh-cu seeh e s spacious home with two kitchens, 3 NON-SMOKING FEMALE to share 2 ROOsE EEED Cown ro in ins icluds telechon um rs baths and fireplace tohsit by? 807 bedroom apartment. $120 Upnonth - Big house extremely Close to Cam-10lines eauas I inch 5 words-tier line Arch is the 6-person home you've excellent location. 995-5247. 27UJ12071 pus (Cross St.). Parking, cheap rent. been waiting for. Call 769-6091, after Call 995-8808. 41Y1205 ------ 5 for more information. 5701212 JAN. -AUG. M/F. Own room, share ROOMMATE WANTED-Large house MUSICAL MDSE., TRANSPORTATION _______________________kitchen and bath. Campus area.RO MT ATE-ag os M SC LM S.'T A SO T TO TWO ROOMS available immediately' $110 mo.-includes all utilities. 665- {.in Burns Park. Call after 6, 669449. RADIOS, REPAIRS ihossocmu.ClMcily55.8U25akfrFred. 19Y1210 ________________ IENEELA, 1,poss. 2, leave in houses on, campus. Call McKinley 5153. - STEREOPHILES-Choose from over Dec. 18, share expdnses. Call Marla, Associates, 769-8520, ext. 41. 5201212 FEMALE to take over lease Jan. AM GOING overseas. NEED serious 1150 brands of components at savings 769-5665 atfer 6. 76G1211 O W N __RO O M _in __nice _hou se. ____m i F E M A L-5to6taoeover leaseGJa n. OWN ROOM in nice house. 5 mn- thru Aug. Own room, 2-person apt, female student to fill my place inE of 8-601, Sacred cows, professional ute frm amps. ooingpemit Quet clse o amps.Call 662-1115. 4-person. apt. for next term. Great gear, bulk tape discounts. Call Phil, MISCELLANEOUS utes from campus. Cooking permit- Q5U1210roommates, rent negot. Call 662- 483-9492, 13X1205 ted, avail. immed. 662-0970 eves. and U1 6029. 21Y1212 NEED AN ODD JOB done? Painting, ' _weekends._01209 SPACE IN MALE apartment: East I SHURE VOCAL Master, $600. Apollo cleaning storm window. 761-6529. On rtoNNSOIGwmnQa;kthn oma otatAVAIL. JANUARY-Space available Music Center, 761-9430. cXl2112lI0 One or two NON-SMOKING women a d0/othn, 764-5619.ontUact, in 4-woman modern apt, across from -_. _ needed for the second, room in a $108/month. Dan, 764-5619.51U1207 Law Quad. Comfortable living for NEW MARTIN D-18 guitars starting modern, two bedroom apartment. MODERN EFFICIENCY, large, com- very cheap. Call 995-4539. 22Y1207 at $480. Apollo Music Center, 769- USED VACUUMS Parking, laundry, A/C, carpeting' pletely furnished, 3 minutes to An- 1400. cX1212 5 Month Guarantee. We service all completely furnished. One block Af i 3 minutes tA FEMALE TO SHARE beautiful 2- ---- _ - -- mazes. Vacuum Cleaner Center, from ampu. Ret neot~ible. ie-Bell Hall. Jan.-Aug. Call 995-4027. from campus. Rent negotable. Re- 64Ul207 bdrm. apartment. Two blocks from DRUMS-Heavy duty copper plated 1230 Packard, 761-3677. cMtc liable landlord. 662-4877. dC1212 j_____campus, Winter term. 314 East Wil- I Slingerland, four toni-toms, cym- -- ROOM F-OR RENT for Female in 2 SINGLE ROOM available for winter lam, Apt. No. 6. Call 662-4655. bals, $525. Call Peter, 668-8304. SKI SWAP run by U-M Ski Team. term FOR REuTmer) inwell-knpt'18Y1205 47X1207 Bring equipment in on Friday, Dec. bedroom apartment w/garbage dis- term (thru summer) in well-kept sfrm-_ 10, from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Equip- posal, fully carpeted, parking, big roomingOWN ROOM in 6-BR coed house HERNANDIS G U I T A R S, classical ment goes on sale Saturday, Dec. kitchen. Available January 1. Call campus, located across from Sgt. on Geddes and Observatory. Fur- and steel. 40% list. 665-7348. cXtc 11, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. U-M Sports, 994-5697 or 994-9306. - 3201298 Pepper's Store on East University nished, parking. Available Jan.;- Coliseum, 721 S. Fifth at Hill. For (1027). $85/month. Contact Al at $86.50/month. Call 665-5405. 09Y1207- PROFESSIONAL Musicians - Free info, 995-5015. 36M1211 SPACE AVAILABLE to live in North 995-4620. Move in date flexible. demonstretions of Road amps-base, - Campus Co-ops Winter Term. Men dU1207 AVAILABLE immediately, 1 or 2 guitar, and keyboards. Call for ap- BICYCLE Baby Seat, $7.00: Olym-y and Women. $158/month room and E r - leases in 2-br. 4-man apt. Great pointment. Apollo Music Center, pia Portable Typewriter, recently board.- Mike Kopp, 663-9274. 3301209 ONE ROOM in 3 bedroom apt. Jan. location. Lease thru April. Call eve- 761-9430. cX1212 reconditioned, $40. Call 434-3699. dM Aug. $115/mnonth, share utilties, 5pings, Steve, 668-7092; George, 995- SKI CABIN FOR RENT minute walk to campus. 995-4857 at.8U259863. 12Y1205 LOST AND' fOUND USED CARS winter fun by the week. South- INTER'SUBLne ROOMMATE NEEDED. Winter term FOUND-Male cat-tiger striped-gray FOR SALE - 1967 Pont. Catalina. western Mass. Richard Kempter, 66ERSULE-Oe.anned in a 4 man apt .on Hill St. Close and black with white markings. 662- aiu hueap. a a- Runs great. Must sell before 12/18. 4826. 2901212 ted.mpsSpaciousime house-apt.,darond esnear. Ccam-4- i pus. $70mo. Larry, 763-6311 971205 aps Cal anyte, 63-6882 F nd around West Quad.a s175 or best offer. Call 971-6539 after SNGLE ROOM available for Winter __87Y1205 6701 dA1207 6. 78N1211 SING 2 MALES NEEDED for modern, bi- } Term (thru summer) in well-kept 4-man apartment. Parking, STUDIOUS NON-SMOKER wanted LOST -Hewlett-Packard calculator. '72 PINTO w/AC, deluxe trim. $775. rooming house. 10 min. from cam- diishwasher, close to campus. Marc to share INEXPENSIVE modern BI- Reward-$25.00. Call 761-5032 or 769- 764-3855 between 6-8. 02N1207 pus, located across from Sgt, Pep- \U LEVEL KOSHER apt. with 2 male 5555 43A1209 per's on E. U. $85/mon. Al, 995-4620. grads. Very close to campus. FREE '69 VW.-Exc. condition; new brakes,I Move in date flexible. dC1205 1-BEDROOM apartment to sublet PARKING, A C. CALL 761-3296. LOST - Black male cat. Neutered, muffler, tires. AM/FM radio. 764--' ATrIC ROOM for rent on North beginning January-end March. 90Y1207 has nicked ear. Reward. Call 665- 5044/34. 74N1205' C $85mo. Call 67 ar Busstop nearby. Call 761-3147 after 9480. Lost near campus. 53A1205 Campus. $85/mo. Cal 662-7270after 5 .m 52U1207 ROOMMATE NEEDED for 4-man - ---- 1972 FIAT 128, 38,000 mi. New ra- 6:0 p.m. Avail. im ed. 1701209 5pm.52U1 apt. Call 668-8672 between 5-7 p.m. FOUND-Medium sized tan mixed dials. $600. 665-2556. 85N1207 ELARGENICEROOM available Win- i67Y1205 breed dog. Near central campus. Call ___7__IAT_-24 _pr_______B_____u_ THIRD FEMALE neded to fill ap- 761-7875. dA1205 '73 FIAT 124 SpotCue euiu TIDFML neddtfilateLrGTem.NiEroOM.,aa uillesn ____l______por___ n u t Evenings atweek in house on Huron. Price negotiable, tder m Ac nd, al amutiliti FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to - shape, no rust. Evenings Call 668-7875. 40C1209745 or 6y2-78l2 o 42U25 share large apartment 1 block from MONEY FOUND on State Street by ends, 994-6597. 98N1208 9745 or 65-7812. 42U1 campus. 662-0227. 55Y1205 Liberty Thursday morning. Call 662- FURNISHED STUDIO - S2unny 2 LARGE EFFICIENCIES; good loca- 10824 after 6 p.m. dA1205 '75 CHEVY Monza, vinyl roof, Zie- roomy, on top floor older house, n ta. FEMALE TO SHARE 2-br. apt. Own 1 parted, 4 years left engine guaran- campus area, parking. Jan, 668-8442 tion, petsok. Available Jan. 994-room, near campus, med center. C tee, 4 speed, 30 mpg combined. 0?89,room,1 CAR SERVICE, ACCES. ;te4spd,3 mgcobn , 3701205 46U211Avail. Jan. 761-9327. 64Y1207 _- extras. Negotiable. 663-3477. 60N1207 FEMALE to share room, large, fur- TWO SNOW TIRES, F78-G. 14" rims. - SINGLE LEASE-Available in East Mi A L E ROOMMATE wanted as Bs fe.7134.5S27HEPW N E Quad for Winter term. Quiet co-ed nished 2-bdrm. apt. 663-3623 U I fourth person in comfortable bilev Best offer. 7613541. _55_1207 HELP WANTED hall. Meal contract. Call Rick at 32U120apt. Furnished, parking. etc. with: TICKETS OFFICE MANAGER , tim fo v- 764-1620 or 764-5611. 8401207 -;- A ARGreat location. 662-9271 after 4.12im ur. s yeforVol- _____________ O M PI1RJ~~'59Y1207'NTCACE-tcktsw nted, Org. Must type 60 WPM. 2 SINGLE ROOMS In house. Jan.- NUTCRACKER tickets wanted, 3 Flexible hours. $5.00/hr. to start. Aug. $106. 995-9196.0601205 MALE SINGLE in Alice Lloyd for ROOMMATE(S) WANTED, 1 a r g e pairs. Sat..eve., Dec. 18. Call 973- Call 995-0221 MWF 8:30-noon, T-Th sale. Free loft included. Call Dan, modern house north of North Cam- 9081 after 6 p.m. 32Q1209 1-5:00. Ask for Joni. 71H1209 bedroom bi-level furnished apart- 4 4lusutilities.J769-J085.$3/Y1206U'M. BASKETBALL tickets wanted. UAC PRINT SHOP needs work-study ment. With garbage disposal, dish- SINGLE ROOM - 15 meals weekly, Any priority. Phone 665-5503,Leon- student, 5-10 hrs. p/w. Learn to washer, fully carpeted, 1% bath- $190. 761-9167. 49E111 FEMALE NEEDS female roommate ard. 10Q1208 Print and Business skills-763-1103, ro6ms. On campus, excellent loca-e fo to share 1-bdrm. apt. Cindy. 665- SEASON Basketball Tickets. Will pay ke appt. 72H1210 tion. Call daily Beth, 764-0560, FEMALE SINGLE lease available fo 535 71Y1205SE ONBseblTikt.Wlpa nights 95-3880. dC208 Winter term at Couzens Hall. Call 7$._After 6:00, 761-8640. 07Q1203 SENIOR CITIZENS need you to do __________- ____, _______ 764-5816. 20E1208 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for 2- chores. Own hours and fees. Kathy, SINGLE ROOM in a Co-operative G bdrm., 4-person apt. Very close to BUSINESS SERVICES 668-8353. 70H1211 style house, 1103 Church. (Jan. thru SINGLE in South Quad, Female,, campus, 8 month lease (thru April). May, or longer). $95/mo. Negotiable. Winter term. 764-9694. 23E1212 1Phone 662-1656. 24Y1205 2 WOMEN avail. for holiday bar- MARRIED COUPLE to live-in. Com- RR5_5Q4R ~nr 61-1515_ C - --arsen.- -tending. References.-665-8936. lanion for disabledl person. Neat HELP WANTED TYPING and Business Services. Experienced- Quality- Reasonable. Barbara Burda, 995-4223. cJ1212 EXPERIENCED PIANO teacher, for- mer U-M music student, now accept- ing students, especially beginners. Reasonable. Debbie, 668-8769, eves., persistently. 151209 STUDENT TYPING on campus, rea- sonable, day or night. 665-4286. 13J1212 PERSONAL SEND HOLIDAY greetings and help a cause. Buy cards from the Assoc. for Emotionally Disturbed Children, Rm. 2339 Schoolof Ed. $1.50 per package of 10. 71212 WHERE MARGINAL PRICES buy quality diamonds-Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. cFtc OLD BOBBIN and spool candle holders. Little Dipper Candles, 415 North Fifth Ave. in Kerrytown (adjacent to Farmer's Market). cF205 I S R A E L I FOLIDANCIN This Sunday and every Sunday 1:06-3:00 p.m. at Hillel, 1429 Hill St. with in- struction for Beginners and Ad- vanced. 25c. 25F1205 SOPHOMORES! JUNIORS! SENIORS! GRADS! Undecided about which elective to take Winter term? Be in a paid experiment on course selection. In- terested? Call 764-9442 Anytime Day or Night 62F1208 DHARMA STUDY GROUP, a Bud- B dhst meditation group under the direction of Ven. Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpocha, meets weekly for medita- tion and study. For information phone 761-3352 or 994-6657. cFtc CAMPUS P IN BALL 2 free game;; with this ad, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. One ad per person, cFtc PRE-MED - Give yourself a real present-Improve your chances of getting into med school. Enroll in the Pre-Med Society's MCAT Indi- vidual Study/Prep program. Special assignments over break. $150. 764- 5034. 99F1208 May Santa Stuff Your Stocking with goodies from Little Dipper Candles, 415 North Fifth Ave. in Kerrytown (adjacent to 'Farmer's Market). cF1205 STEVE'S LUNCH-Come for home cooking.dBreakfast all, day, great soups and egg rolls. 3 egg omelets with fresh vegetables and fresh bean sprouts served all day. Sun- days 10-8. 1313 South University. cFtc DISSERTATION SPECIAL LOWEST PRICE IN TOWN FOR COLLATED COPIES RACKHAM QUALITY GUARANTEED COPYQU ICK 1217 S. University, 769-0560 cFtc PERSONAL ASTRO - ANALYSIS by Luci Ti- tunik, British trained astrologer. Private or group sesisons for non- threatening, creative problem solv- ing Master Charge-Bank Americard. 994-1311. cF 1212 TYPOGRAPHICAL error on part of printer. All CENTICORE 15% off coupons officially expire on Nov. 30,' 1976. dF' SWEET, FURRY, bundle of joyl needs a home Dec. 23 thru Jan. 6. Please take care of my cat over the holidays. Call 761-0738. dF1207 BUMPER STICKERS. Custom irint- ed while-U-wait! MBL PRESS, 1217 Prospect, Ann Arbor, 761-0942. cFtc MAY WE HELP you with your non- prescription drug needs? Village Apothecary, 1112 S. Univ. Ave. 0Pte I MEDICAL SCHOOL in Mexico ac- cepting American students. Practice in the US, WHO listed, HEW ap- proved, 4 year course, loans avail- able. For December appointment in your area,call, 219-996-4200. 73F1269 XEROX AND OFFSET fast, ,low cost duplicating . COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 cFtc CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 p.m. Fri. for Sun.) including correctiops and cancellations. The Daily is not responsible for more than ne incorrect insertion of an ad. Acvertlsements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to original num- ber of days ordered. This policy is also applicable to ads requir- ing pre-payment. i.e., no refunds. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot be dis- closed prior ,to publication. Ad- vertisers navies may never be revealed. Number of lines in advertise- ment is determined by total number of words-5 words/line. "Help Wanted" ads cannot dis- criminate on the basis of sex, color, creed or national origin to any extent (i.e. "preferably" is still discriminatory). "Found" ads are run free-ot- charge to admaximum of 3 lines for 3 days. n WEDDING INVITATIONS - Mod or traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. cFtc THEOPHILUS LOVES CAROL AND PHYLLIS AND MISSES THEN BOTH VERY MUCH. MARRY ME 72F1212 Welcome to the BLUE FROGGE GAME ROOM PERSONAL CONCERNED for Human Rights in Latin America-Write letters imme- diately to stop Dec. 15 World Bank loan to Chilean junta. Details in 1637 Haven or call 761-8940. 39F1205 ALREADY 3,168 days (and nights) achingly alone in Darkest Michigan (But how, where; would we ever meet, in tt°s forlorn society?). I'm British, single, 40s, 5'6", average looks-gentle, tender, sensuous; his- torian, Mozart buff. You: small, 30s, brainy, warm, pleasangtly 'liber- ated.' perhaps hurt in former rela- tionship but feady to try and trust, again. So, try! Michigan Daily Box 31. 04F1208 y - 'W T TYPOGRAPHICAL error on part of 1 IH orinter. All CENTICORE15 off 61 CHURCH coupons officially expireon Nov. 30, cFtc 7. W WE ARE MOVING: PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS $15-300 off bicycles in stock and Through B e h a v i or Modification. Close-out on sporting goods 30-50% Weight Control National, 994-0019. off on balls, rackets, gloves, shoes, cktc socks, Jackets, bags and more. ALLSPORT BICYCLES ST-UDENTS2715 Plymouth Rd. Mall 663-2233 Welcome to the, Famous cF6232 CAM PUS Offset Printing, Xerox copies, PINBALL ARCADE 1217 South University Open everyday and evening, Good Music. cFtc FEMALE, attractive, good natured, warm, wants close relationship with straight forward, stable, male, 30-45. Write Michigan Daily Box 333. 15FI205 e. s.t. Interested graduates call 971-9326. 01F1207 ROOMMATE WANTED. Own bed- room in spacious three bedroom apartment. Near campus. Call per- sistently after 5 p.m., 668-6749. dF1205 ACADEMY BOOK BINDERY- -ual- ity and specialty bindip;. 209 S. State, 11-6 M-F, 995-4000. cF0219 photostats, screened prints, typesetting and much more. ARBOR I N#TANT PRINTING STUDENT ACCOUNTS WELCOME 214 S. Fourth Ave. 994-4664 cFto - orCOMMUTING to or living at nome 92C1205 while going to the U-M bothers you? FOR SALE 78J212 ROOM IN HOUSE, 4-mo. lease, avail..Check into Theta Xi Fraternity on ------,---- - FRENCH TUTOR -EXPERIENCED. Jan. 1 Vegetarians and non-vegetar- 1345 Washtenaw. 19 meals per week, KRAKAVER upright piano with All levels. $5/hr. 763-6896, after- ans welcome. $120/mo. 662-4026. close to campus, and an active so- bench; good cond., excellent tone. noons, evenings. 84J1212 01012054 cial calendar. Call Rick or Jim for $250, must sell. 994-8496, Scott. __ ___ _ _2 details at 665-3841 or 761-6133 be- } 74B1209 S.T.S. TYPING - All papers, from AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, one., tween 5-7 p.m. or after 11 p.m. ---- cassettes to spelling and punctua- bedroom in large 3-man, 3-bedroom 03E1212 USED Furniture $ALE-Desk, dress- tion corr., 1T editing. Ypsi rates. apartment, 1080 Island Drive Ct., No . T K-- er, bed, bookshelves, dinner table, 'Call after 1:00 p.m. Candy, 485-3170. 106, $96/month plus electricity plu j.STOCKWELL DOUBLE lease for sale. etc. Everything must go. Call 994- 97J1205 phone, lease obligation ends Aprils Winter term. 763-3686. 93E1209 0363, dB1208 - houhase optionostayond geAr.-- TYPING-Fast, neat, accurate, sec- 30, have to stay longer. ROOM, BOARD AND MEAL con- FEMALE MARKLEY lease for sale. retarial exp.; and/or EDITING; M.S. ter.lCllMikeorRiht61514.lyB,10663-0752c.. r69tyCollqualims Call persistently, 663-0752. 6901207 tracts available for males for winter Good roommate! Call 764-9724. in Journalism, will rewrite for con- BAITS SINGLE. Female. No meal term. Call Mike or Rich, 761-5145_! 80B1210 cisaness, c l a r i t y , colloquialisms. Boat SINGLE2. Fmle 8oCmeal 83E1212 - Rates negotiable. Call Allison at rontract. 764-4025. 8001207 _ _E_12- FOR SALE-Female lease at Bursley, 662-5301..11J1205 FURNISHED APTS. One block from CO-OP LEASE available, female CHEAP. 763-1938 persistently. campus. 4 mo. winter lease. Uni- space in Michigan House, $140/ 45B1205 TYPING-Guaranteed accuracy, base vors.ty Towers, 761-2680. cCtc I month room and board starting in I-rate is 60c per page. Call Dave Sagi- __rsity T__ers, 7__-2_8_. ____ Jan. Call persistently, 761-7511, ask FIRST EDITIONS - Henry Miller. naw, 6:00-7:30 p.m. (Emergencies for Cindy or Sue. 35E1205 NIGHTMARE NOTEBOOK. Limited any time), 764-0824. 65J1207 (No. 82). Signed. 1975. $250. -Tris- SOUTH QUAD LEASE. male for tan Tzara. MORCEAUX CHOISIS. EXPERIENCED profesisonal typist. ADVERTISINGwinter, co-ed hall. 764-6666. 07E1212 Paris, 1947. $20. 763-6896. 49B1207 IBM self-correcting electric. Campus -ocation. Low rates. Cgll 665-6906. DORM LEASE for sale. Own room lBACKGAMMON SET-CHESS SET- 40J1212 and bath. Female. East Quad. Call ONLY $5.98 EACH. Both have mag- Ellen, 763-2917. 53E1205 nctic playing surface and 7%2 in. by TYPING AND PRINTING. IBM 8 in. wooden folding board -that Selectric. 20 yrs. experience. 116 S. ROOMMATESstores all accessories when not in Michigan, Ypsilanti, 485-4800. cJte use. SAVE $2.00: Buy both and pay -~~ WANTED - Female to sublet one only $9.96. Send cpeck or M.O. to: i AM a full-time, free lance typist bedroom in two-bedroom furnished Regep Gift Club, 420D Hilbury Rd., with considerable experience typing apt. Nice neighbors, friendly .room- Birmingham, Michigan 48009. books, dissertations, papers. I type mate. Rent negot. (Spring/summer 28B1209 ovet 100 wpm, perfect accuracy opt.). Call 663-4909-persistently. guaranteed. Base rate 70c per page. 75Y1212 DORM LEASE FOR SALE -- Alice IBM Correcting Selectric. Cali Bill, DOESN'Ty FEMALE ROOMMATE needed in 4- 6947d double for Winter term. 764- 665-0166. cJ1212 Reasonable rent. Call 995-4864. A M/FM STEREO receiver / 8-track A N U SOR I S69Y1209tape player. New, unused, $130. Call C Linda, 602-2074. 05B1208 TYPEWRITING I'NONSMOKING :FEMALE to share TY-E R T NG beautiful 2 bedroom townhouse. MOVING ABROAD-Must sell color AvaIl. Jan Call 971-9536 after6 pm. TV, ofa san ch ,stereo c lhe SPE C IA LISTS persist y er, toboggan, kid's bike, skis and ONE OR TWO WANTED. Old west boots (81) and more. 663-2530 eve- EXCELLENCE IN TYPE side house. 663-5088. 24Y1212 nings, weekends. 57B1212, ! living quarters, plus salary. Medical experience helpful. Call Homemak- ers Upjohn, 761-2285. 17H1212 Nurse Aides Needed Private duty health care positions for experienced aides. Choose your own work schedule. Flexible, part- time hours available. Many assign- ments close to campus. Call Home- makers Upjohn, 761-2285. 16H1212 JOB OPENINGS FOR GRADUATE STUDENT IN HE PILOT PROGRAM, ALICE LLOYD HALL The Pilot Program, an innovative living-learning center for freshper- sons and sophomores sponsored jointly by LS&A and Housing, has an opening for a Resident Fellow or Resident Advisor. RESIDENT FEL- LOWS teach a 3-credit course of their own design and have corridor and dorm-wide duties. Courses are preferably topical, and £hould have contemporary social, political or ethical implications. RESIDENT AD- VISORS perform corridor and dorm- wide duties only. Both Resident Fellows and Resident Advisors re- ceive a single room and board for 15 hours of corridor and dorm-wide functions. In addition, Resident Fel- lows receive a .25 Graduate Student Teaching Assistant stipend which at current rates pays $1,042 per term. APPLICATION PROCEDUES: Application is a dual process: 1) Fill in a Housing Application, available f r o m Ms. Charlene Coady, 1500 SAB, (763-3161). 2) Fill -in a Pilot/LSA Application, available from Ms. Margot Mor- row, Director of the Pilot Pro-I gram, Alice Lloyd Hall, 100 S. Observatory Street, (764-7521) ***APPLICATION DEADLINE- DECEMBER 10th We welcome applications from women and minorities. 54H1207 TELEPHONE HELP Tuesday, 9 p.m.-2 a.m.; Thursday, 5 p.m.-2 a.m.; Friday, 5 p.m.-2 a.m. CROSSWORD PUZZLE HEY! There's just ONE Avon shop- ping day left before Christmas. Have you forgotten anyone? For last minute ideas and gifts, call 662-4401. 12F1207 KING TUTANKHAMUN engagement celahdars, dinosaur bones, and other treasures. The Exhibit Museum Gift Shop - Natural Science Museum, North Univ. & Geddes. Open daily, Mon.-Fri. 9-4:30, Sat. 1-5, Sun. 1:30- 5:30. 61F1205 SHOP THE APOTHECARY Drug Store and Save. Village Apothecary, 1112 S. Univ. Ave, cFtc COPIES-2%c each Lowest Prices Anywhere IMPRESS, $24 E. William, 665-4321 cFtc WANTED - D.J.'s and production freaks. No pay. Good treatment. Broad musical knowledge necessary. Creativity a must. Do it on the radio. Inquire: 530 S.A.B., 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. dFtc BARGAIN CORNER ©1S LOS ANGELES TIMES ACROSS 1 Greet the da 5 Small boy's 9 Begone! 13 Lover of Gal 14 Philippine is 15 Prepare lum 17 Certain bags closet, attic 19 Look 20 Famous Gian 21 What "msi means 23 --lives 24 Court 26 Mayan realm 28 Policeman: S 31 Loose end 32 Smell --- 33 Got away fas Slang 35 O'Hara 38 One-time V.P 40 Lion, astro- logically 41 Concert selec 43 Wapiti 44 Soldiers-to-be 47 Mulligan 48 Gender: Abbr 49 Daisies 51 City at Etna's foot 54 Partofa basil 3 20 55 But: Ger. wn 56 Line of planking deal on a ship 59 Prefix with plus atea or profit land 62 Express ber 64 Role in "Peter s, Pan" s, etc 66 City in Peru 67 German river t 68 Conversational cliche 69 French feline 70 Garnet-and others 71 "Caton-Tin lng Roof" DOWN ;t: City on the Brazos' 2 "Room to swing' 3 Historic site, 1903 tion 4 Money in Lisbon: Abbr. 5 Backbiting 6 Fit ., 7 Capable 8 Hedges: Slang 9 Draft org. 10 Forty winks ica 11 Expect 5 j6 7 18 14 21Z2 12 Not --hair 16 Part of a claw hammer 18 Forceful throw 22 Philippine sea 25 Feed the kitty 27 --cradle 28 Greenish color 29 Kind of vaccine 30 Oil man of sorts 34 Links item 35 Playful 36 Willow genus 37 Royal stables 39 Look over 42 American vessel: Abbr. 45 Unchanged 46 Devices for mixing 48 Boat basin 50 Copycat 51 Suffragist leader 52 Bric--- 53 Famous bucca- neer 57 Tease: Colloq. 58 Grown gray 60 Butterine 61 Familiar vote, in the UN 63 Man's nickname 65 --Fail, Irish crowning stone 9 110 1 [12 15 1 b' 19 23 27 YOU'RE READING THIS, AREN'T YOU IBM Selectrics. Academic/Professional. "U. of Chi. Style Manual Format" Error-Free. Satisfaction Guaranteed. EDITING, PRINTING, BINDiNG. TELEPHONE DICTATION. Pick-up and Delivery. DEAR STUDENT, Need a skill for a summer job? Neel a practical skill for future employment? Well, Washtenaw -Community College in cooperation with The University of Michigan sponsors an enrichment program during the Winter Thrm which is designed to let you take courses in the various practical and career-oriented areas.Although none of the courses earn degree credit at U-M, each can provide a valuable supplement to your total edu- dtontia Cost for the ourses isA$1 400 nor credit hour. Work any or all hours needed. Apply' in person after 4 p.m Omega Pizza, 101 Washteniaw Place. dHl2lO P.O. Bo Ms. Ste . STEPHENS FREE MEALS! One needed for sor- PROFESSIONAL ority's kitchen crew. 662-0960. TYPEWRITING 1-24H1205 SERVICE WEEKEND LAB. WORK. 8 hrs. per x 181 Ypsilanti. Mich. day. Position available immediately. phens 434-1984 Good pay. Some study time avail- cJ1212 able during work. Contact Wendy, - - 764-9195. 14H1205 SAM'S STORE LEVI'S DEN IMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Pre-Woshed LEVI'S COLDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs SWEATERS $8.00-$15.00 BEST SELECTION of Western Shirts in towry Hooded Sweotshiits $5.98 Longsleeve Sweatshirts i !I [24. 25 j2&i PARTIESI come alive with live music. Con- tract "STRUTTIN'," Detroit's hot- test disco-rock band. 973-9293 or E94-6357. 281210 THE SECRETARIAT, EARN EXTRA MONEY Part-time as a Shakleerdistributor, selling top- quality products. Unlimited earn- ings, qualify for car. Call Jeff Melt- zer at 764-3680. cH0212 EARN UP to $3000 a school year or more posting educational material 28 29 32 j 38 I 43 t i ( { i 3Q 3i i j i 33 34 35 ! i 39 40 41 42 44 1 45 46 47 i , f"""