Sunday, December 5, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'Page .Five - - -- - - - - - - - - - - SUNDAY MAGAZINE BI Autumn for aging dic OSEND THAT CAKE, anywhere in OO~S the U.S.A.; --the Ultimate in Gifts tator TELE-CAKES t''SUGAR BIN BKR corner of Liberty and Main montage of elements gathered 300 S. MAIN 761-7532 from any number of South:' ," a 11 C I AN ALL TIME FIRST! UAC Soph Show IN I presents i~ THE AUTU PATRIARCH by cia Marquez; tr the Spanish by bassa. By TOM O' WJITH THE nut Autumn of Gabrial Garcia suddenly gained tice in the liter, many critics are ready as a majo Latirr American usually tends to t with a grain of heaped on at lea authors yearly. Marquez, bowev lades are well-d The Autumn o is a sprawling, tured tale thatt forth through t despotic dictato country on South ribean coast. It1 discovery of the Ton O'Conne the Sunday M a spent seven y e America. MN OF THE y Gabriel Gar- ranslated from j Gregory Ra- CONNELL blication of The the Patriarch Marquez has: widespread no- ary world, and hailing him al-j r figure among authors. One, ake such praise salt, as it is; st half a dozen' In the case of ver, the acco- eserved. f the Patriarch loosely struc- drifts back and: he life of the r of a small America's Car- begins with the' decaying corpse 41, a member of gazine staff, a r s in South of the ruler (referred to only a's' incorporation of fantasy into the hours passed with clandestine "the general") in the crumbling work. Mystical distortions of investigations, s e c r e t agree- in f th nPid ptia l rP time dn the lau- w f nature ner-mtt omn heirs, of the re-' Aft* a IV Siuceed fjt BIIsiIWS Widwu d Ameia desr~r ~nots since colnial ruins o i te pres zUeni palace. iIme anin eta a i ws 1i z. p m1c henLs amji'', 5g .' z I crizrIu"-' 'u"'* cL -'m1 Gradually the narrative begins meate the general's world. He!l gime who were trying to gain times. Whether the author wants to backtrack, randomly drifting ages through the lifetimes of' time by denying the rumors of us to remain so aloof from the in and out of the general's life. several men-by the time heIhis death with all manner of general is hard to decide, but We see him as a peasant revo- dies he is anywhere from 107 1 contrary versions, they brought is impossible to relate to such lutionary catapulted suddenly to 232 years old (we are led to! his mother Bendicion Alvarado an unreal character on anything into the presidency, controlled believe the latter figure is the out into the commercial district but an analytical level. by foreign powers yet loved with clpser), and the general himself to show that she was not wear- Even the descriptions of the almost religious devotion by the believes his life to be controlled ing a mourning face, they dress- general's final, senile days leave masses. Palace intrigues soon by the cyclical passing of a ed me in a flowered dress like eus untouched. His time is spent force him to learn the politics comet. He fathers hundreds of a chippy, sir, they made me wandering endlessly about the of survival, and he deals ruth- children by dozens of concu- buy every piece of junk in the palace, writing notes to himself lessly with those who plot bines, and all are born prema- stores in spite of me telling about things he may forget by against him. This realization of ture after seven months of them no, sir, it wasn't a time the next day, waiting for the his own strength gradually ef- pregnancy; at the same time for buying but for crying . . ." sea to return. He has become fects a strong change in his his cattle give birth to calves Somehow this style of writing pathetic but we feel no relief or simple attitudes and beliefs; he that come into the world al- consistently communicates Mar- sadness in his decline. Its as if begins to work singlemindedly ready carrying a hereditary'quez' images and ideas more we are waiting for a rebirth in on consolidating his rule against presidential brand. strongly than conventional forms the general's endless lifespan; enemies both real and imag- would; the author's main fault, his death is difficult to accept ied, until finally his power be- THE AUTHOR'S writing is if any, lies in being too over- for both us and his subjects comes so all-encompassing that unconstrained-sentences run 3 powering. There is no subtlety even as we watch the sea take it outdistances even his own on for pages at a time and he here; the manifestations of the its revenge on his decaying control. I absfains from paragraph inden- general's strength are inevitab- body-- It should not be thought, how- tation, as well as quotation: ly awesome and brutal. ever, that Marquez is simply marks for dialogue. Although "He had acquired the huge' trotting out yet another rework-'events are for the most part CURIOUSLY, Marquez makes size of a drowned man in whose ing of the tired old "absolute one feel neither hatred nor cracks and crannies parasitesy p perceived through the general's .ty fo h h from the reefs at the bottom of well-founded in an electic Writ- eyes, there are at times several ter. The general is a figure in the sea were proliferating . . . ing style and fertile imagina- narrators in the course of a limbo, isolated from his people, but he was convinced that those! tion, as evidenced by his adroit single sentence: "Many prudent seldom revealing his thoughts sproutings from reefs were only - - - and never his feelings even to the first symptoms of the spoil- those closest to him. It is diffi- taneous return of the sea that cult to connect him to his ac- you people carried off, my dear 's a re no w CO m rad es tions, as we rarely see him or- Johnson, because seas are like der them directly.. He seems to cats, he said, they always come be for the most part a distorted home." University Showcase Production Sir George Etherege's comedy THE MAN OF MODE Dec. 8-11,8:00 p.m. Arena Theatre ('Frieze Bldg.) $2.00 Adm. PTP Box Office 764-0450 It December 9-11; Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m. Saturday Matinee 2 p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Tickets on sale. at UAC Ticket Central $2.75-3.50 Infoimation 763-1107 II I....-j I His captor ROSE BOWL & LAS VEGAS DEPART DEC. 30 & RETURN JAN. 5 3 Nights in Los Angeles-Mariott & Bonaventure Hotels, 3 Nights in Las Vegas-Landmark Hotel Includes Charter Airfare Detroit-Los Angeles returning from Las Vegas. Cocktails & meals aboard. 6 nights hotel/ reserved seats at the Tournament of Roses Parade/ Tickets to the Rose Bowl. Transfers from airports to hotels, tips, & taxes. Disneyland Tour includirg transfers, admission & 6 rides. Special chartered buses from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. Prices.per person double occupancy. AIR ONLY DETROIT-LOS ANGELES & RETURN o UNITED AIRLINES A MERICAN AIRLINESrj -WE CAN CONFIRM YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW!! Dec. 25-Ja n5 Dec. 30-Jan. 4 Dec. 30-Jon. Dec. 31-Jan. 4 ''- elCALL 769-1776 (continued from Page 3) fry some steamed bread, smoke cratic capitalism established, - Veneris puffed on a Pall Mall, a cigarette, and then go to and have monopoly enterprises and pointed with a finger for work. from oth'er countries come into:* emphasis. "You have democrat- "After work, I take a sivwer, China. They want the mononol- i ic centralism in China. 'Every- and then the workers get to- ies to make money and also give thing is centralized. But the gether and talk about what hap- Liu Shiab Chi a little bit. They H cadres (the elected local lead- pened all day. may have started out workingH ers) must not lead the masses. "I do a couple of hours of for the revolution, but * h e y rhyr once ihtheaIdngandouple oliicl stu ofiU N IS EX SALON They're connected with t h e ading and political study. I ended.up working for their own people real closely. You see, ifspersdnal gains. They tried to spend some time with my fain- per ASlon gains.nciTheyd turiedtoSrvic I work together with you everyturn-thesocietyback. A Salon of Distinction and Full Family Service day, I'll know you. I'll know i ly. We get together with ote i rrh oieybc. dayll out your ou a'l ndw people and have dinner." Ven- From the perspective of Wes- Specializing in the 1976-77 liberated look for both the all about your thoughts and eris is married: he and his wife tern political scientists, fig'res i Ladies and Gents on the go! Featuring the use of the general trends, get comput- have had two children, and thesuch as Lin and Liu fal out of Redken Prpducts. Consult us for your HAIR CARE needs. family also includes four child-i favor as a result of-power strug- ed and sent to the party commit- Ihis wife had in pr s r as artof srgsrugt tee. That way you see, the reniswhain a previous ales and factional struggles, not Tenws ao nCmu on n ro te pThtu.a 'semct- marriage. because they have trio.d to tarn The newest salon in Campus Town, Ann Arbor whole picture. Thats democrat- "We all talk about politics, or China backto the Way it was Located at 323 E. Williom, ic centralism. abuIrCiabc ote i between Fifth and S. Division "The plin for production gets anything under the sun," Ven- before the revolution. PIhe stru- . wPhn 65-0395 e down tor re yt e eris remarked. "Everyone is in- j gles, of course, have ideological Phone 665-0395 party committees, and t h e terested in what's happening in aspects, but the ideological dif- HAIRCUT f ible Whe the country. The whole country ferences aren't of the sort Ven- R OUR REGULAR HOURS: ther they agree or disagree . is electrified." eris described. sOMon. and Fri. 9 A.M.-9 P.M. brought back up to the central VENERIS' perspective on But when Veneris .lescribes *0Tues-Thurs. and committee, it's discussed again, China's national politics Lin and Liu as capitalists, he . includes: shampoo, Sat. 9 A.M.-5 P.M. and it's brought back down. It was quite different from h i s does so with the same certainty conditioner, cut and goes back and forth. And then viewpoint on local affairs. He that he exhibits when talking stylina OPEN EVENINGS BY you have a plan.. soke in black and white terms! about the affairs of his factory. ', WITH THIS COUPON APPOINTMENT The factory cadres, Veneris about the national party leader- This is disconcerting to Western Offer expires: 12-23-76 noted, are chosen by their fellow ship, and of former party lead- ears, accustomed to Western i workers, and are always sub- ers who have fallen from pow- ways of talking abotu politics..... ect to recall. "When you work er. He described former politi- Does Veneris' conformity to with a guy one or two or three cal leaders Lin Piao and Liu party statements on natrioal years - thirty of us work to- Shiao Chi as arch-villians, as nolitics reflect ar tnforced ideo- gether in my paper factory -!{they are portrayed in the Chin- logical discipline in China? sooner or later you're going to ese press.;Clearly. Does this kind of en- know the guy that works t h e "What they advocate," he said Cerly. Dsis nd of ten best, whose attitude towards the after his speech, "is to go backf iasses is good, whose attitude to the old way and have the;ue of China's revolutionary pro- ' toward the country is good. You landlords return, have bureau- gress? Not by a longshot. 0. elect him, and he becomes your grou.p leader. But the masses 1-TO , have the right to supervise him, to criticize him. He's suppos- - FREE FEATURE FILM-° ed to serve the people." :1 e inner workings of factory 4:5 WEDNESDAY ANGELL AUD. "A" management, Veneris said, are comoleteiy out in the onen "ANTONIO DAS MORTES" among the workers. "EverythingA, , is brought out: how much mon- .g-." -hc I 4 ev the factory makes every3Rehgrous-Polit cal-MythC year, how much is spent for medicine, how much is snent for Set in Northeast Brazil it places a tradi- day care, how much is spent tional Millenarianist story in a post- - fo building apartment houses. 7 Everything is in the onen. ' 1964 context of landowners and peas- What is Veneris' daily sthed- ants and a "hired gun." ule like in China? "I get up ear-T lv in the morning," he said in A1 his speech. "I take a run around the creek, and when I get back Office of Ethics & Religion s- 4T home I take out three eggs. beat 3204 UNION 764-7442 6 them up, and put them in boil- ing water for a few minutes. I - COUPON- - 2 for 1 Special -COUPON- I Buy 1 Super Salad-GET 1 FREE U ..I I' i i 1 I_ I. I I 1 1 t AI r r E; r i IC Iw i TRAVEL CONSULTANTS 216 S. FOURTH AVE SPECIAL SUNDAY HOURS 11-6 - 4th Ave. near LIBERTY' r1 DOES AN Advertisinig Career interest you? I 4e £fr~igan Da~bi OFFERS YOU THE CHANCE TO: * Work with customers and assisting them in their advertisements. * Experience in ad layout and proof reading. * Work with full classified ad department: con- tracts and short term insertions. Deal w i t h national advertisers, advertising agencies and national representatives. 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