Sunday magazine inside: page four- week in review page five-books Number 12 Editor: Stephen Hersh Associate Editors: Ann Marie Lipinski, Elaine Fletcher December 5, 1976 .. Veneris: His captors are now his comrades By STEPHEN HERSH JIM VENERIS was standing with a small group of Ann Ar- borites at the rear of the Michigan Union ballroom, talking in Chinese about his adopted homeland, the People's Republic of China. He was drinking a Coke. Drinking a Coke - that isn't anything very unusual. But in Ven- eris's case, it carried a kind of sym- bolic weight. Until his current visit back to the United States, the last time he had thrown his head back ind quaffed a cold Coca-Cola was 23 years ago, as an American sold- ier waiting to serve in the Korean War. "Do thev sell Coke in China?" someone asked him in English, "Coke? No they don't sell that, but they have something similar." He held up the bright red can and tapped on it. "This," he said, "is a product of monopoly capital." Veneris had been an itinerant industrial worker in the U.S. since his youth during the Depression; he shad served in the Army during World War II. During the Korean conflict he decided that he couldn't remain stateside while his friends were fighting and dying in Asia. So he signed up for a tour in Kor- ea. He was captured by Communist forces, and held as a prisoner by the Chinese. "Really, I was lib- erated," he now recalls. His experience as a prisoner of war was not a brutalizing one; ra- ther, he was so pleased by his con- tact with the Chinese that lie de- cided to stay on in the socialist world after the war ended. He took up work in a factory in China, and has been living in that country ever since. Now Veneris is nearing the end of a five-month visit to the Unit- ed States. He has been touring the nation giving speeches, like the one he delivered Tuesday evening at the Union, describing life in the People's Republic. The months he has spent stump- ing for friendship between the American and Chinese peoples have taken a toll on his voice - even before his' speech, he sounded hoarse. "You'll have to excuse my voice," he said repeatedly through- out the evening. "I've been talking for four months straight." VENERIS' ENGLISH reflects a somewhat incongrous mix of American and Chinese cultural traits. His direct, down-to-earth urban American speech is sprink- Stephen Hersh is editor of the Sunday Magazine. -- - -Photos by CHRISTINA SCHNEIDER led heavily with Chinese Commun- ist terminology, whether he's talk- ing about war, international poli- tices, American society, or life down home at his communal factory. For those unfamiliar with Maoism, his vocabulary and his perspective take some getting used to. "Everybody in the world has their own viewpoint when they look at things," he observed during his talk. "I like to look at things from the viewpoint of classes and class struggle." While talking with Veneris, you 2an't forget that viewpoint for a minute. In his blue single-breasted suit, black shoes and horn-rim- med glasses. he probably looks just as he did 23 years ago, before he re-enlisted to fight in Korea. But when he takes out his wallet, it once aa'ain becomes clear that he's changed radically - instead of a leather billfold, Veneris uses t h e red-nlastic cover of a pocket-sized hook: "Quotations from Chairman Mao." In his speech, Veneris described his life in the states before the Korean War, his experience as a. soldier, his treatment as a prisoner of war, and his life in China since his decision to make his home there. As a worker in America, he remembers being constantly buff- feted by unemployment and job in- security. He hoped that the war would spread quickly so that in- creaing armament orders might mean a job for him in a steel plant. He fought in the world war, worked in the years following it, and when the Korean conflict reached a fever pitch, Veneris felt that he couldn't remain within the safe confines of an American fac- tory. But his combat experience in Korea, he says, made him call into question the notion that the U.S; was fighting for freedom. "North Korea was bombed flat. I saw American planes drop na- palm on people's homes - t h e people would run, burning to death. "We were supposed to go over there and liberate the Koreans. I wondered, if we wanted to liberate those people, why did they fight so well?" WHEN HE WAS CAPTURED, Ve- neris recalled, he expected to be tortured and executed by the Communists. Instead, he discov- ered among them a friendly and cooperative spirit which he h a s found to be pervasive in China. After deciding to live on in China, Veneris was given, the choice of enteringaa universityor taking up work. Several years lat- er -he opted to enter People's Uni- versity in Peking to earn a social science degree, but on first set- tling down he decided to start out as a factory worker. He says that he immediately fell in love with the cooperative nature of society, with the power people have in China to manage their local a f - fairs. "You can't conceive it," he said in a conversation after his speech. "The nature of those factories is different than it is here. Those factories are run by the people. That's one thing you must not for- get. There is no monopoly run- ning the factories. It's the workers themselves that are in charge." See HIS, Page 5 Gay con ference: Hardly a fiberating event By DAN TSANG WHILE THE STRAIGHT world settled down Thanksgiving weekend in front of the TV with a plate of leftover turkey to watch the men of Penn State battle it out with the men from Pittsburgh, a few hundred people assembled together in New York City for a different sort of convocation - the fourth annual conference of the Gay Aca- demic Union. I got to Colunibia University around 11:30 a.m. Friday, in time to hear the second speaker, Jim Owles, a founder of the Gay Libera- tion Front, one of the nation's first activist gay groups. He threw out. one statistic: there are now over 1,300 gay organizations in the U.S., implying, he said, a success in attempts to develop local organizations. He called for a decentralization of the movement. "In New York we have neglected our locals; we have to do what we can to build up a coalition from the grass roots. The grassroots is where we're finally going to define gay liberation." But as I looked around in those first moments of the conference it seemed as though decentralization must have already occurred. Attendance was half that of the year before, when a thousand or so lesbians and gav men had come to participate. This year the crowd looked pretty straight. Fewer women than last year, only a handful of blacks and other minorities. Owles had criticized gays for concentrating on one bill or one person, and pointed out that when Bella Abzug, a strong supporter of gay rights, lost her bid for the U.S. Senate, many activists had become disillusioned and dropped out of the political scene altogether. The grassroots is where "we're finally going to define gay liberation," [said Owles. And indeed during the conference weekend that seemed to be the case. Instead of setting goals for future unified national political ac- tion, the conference acted primarily as ' an informational exchange for groups of faculty members and graduate students. Despite the attempt by gay professionals -to keep the conference within a traditional academic focus, a loose group of gay socialists was able to put together a series of last-minute discussion forums. These proved to be' the most stimulating of the weekend. In these Danels the relationship between homosexuality and social- ism was explored. I attended a panel discussion on "The University, the economic crisis and the gav movement," where Bruce Steinbeck, a Michigan graduate and economics nrofesvor snoke. Steinbeck, along with the others on the onnel warned that gay rights movement that did not include onnressed grouns would play into the hands of the oppresor. Jean O'Leary turned up by the door. O'Leary, a member of the National Gay Task Force and a member of Jimmy Carter's advisory committee on women's rights, had delivered the keynote address to the conference that morning. In response to a question, the Democrat remarked: "I do not have -a-replacement for the system we're in now. I have not studied socialism. I'm here to listen." Apparently I hadn't missed anything by arriving after her speech that morning. O'Leary felt Carter would help gays. To be- sure, we might get some reformist gains, I thought, but to trust Carter? Not after his Playboy interview in which he labelled homosexuality a "sin" and conceded he had no experience with sodomy. 1776 -17 DURING THE DISCUSSION ON gay people and socialism, someone inevitably asked about the anti-gay policies in the Soviet Union, Cuba and China. (Fidel Castro has stated that homosexuality "clashes with the concept of what a militant Communist must be . . . homo- sexuals should not be allowed in positions where they are allowed -to exert influence upon young people . . . Because of the problems which our country is facing, we must inculcate our youth with the spirit of discipline, of struggle, of work." Other Communist leaders have ex- pressed similar views.) Despite official pronouncements, I was glad to discover, the reality for homosexuals under socialism is not always bleak. Even in Cuba, conditions are said to be improving. James Steakley, author. of The Homosexual Emancipation Movement in Germany, reports that several gays in East Germany who have lost their jobs because of a homphobic supervisor have successfully argued their case before workers' courts and have been reinstated. Other indications of progress being made in certain socialist parties surfaced during a discussion by gay socialists on gay male and lesbian history. David Thorstad a, former Socialist Worker Party mem- ber, pointed to a growing link between gays and labor. He cited gay participation in the General Strike in Canada this summer, as well as a recent endorsement by 20 labor leaders in the Bay Area of gay rights provisions in labor contracts. He reported that even the Stalinist British Communist Party has just set up a gay commission and adopted a position paper on gay liberation. He felt that gay liberation's most important contribution was to win the left movement to a Marxist-historical materialist analvsis of homosexuality and homosexual oppression. The proceses of winning the left, however Thorstad added, has been "uneven." Thorstad concluded: "The liberation of homosexuals cannot be separated from the liberation of all the opnressed. Our interest lies not with those gay Democrats or the gay capitalists or the keynote speaker at this conference yesterday, or other liberals who try to patch un the endemic ineauities of the canitalist system and whin off a little cream in the nrocess: but rather it lies with those who under- stand and act unon the fact that the only rond to freedonm lies in the destruction of the system itself which causes our oppression." By no means did all the precentations fons on the e roirwicon of socialism and avness. Greq Lehne, an assictant professor of de- vplonmental poveholoev at Antioch Co1lPeg in Marvind. nresldpd over a diceusion of "homonhohia among men." The nrofesnr s'ilgest- ed that the onepnt he ahnionnd. There Is no evidence that fear of ltmm ca ~ialfc is r ,- ., 1 bal'v.nla. n~v+rA A* ,r ha nr arf, - it * ... ar,,a. h IU *