Newfoundland Faces Problems Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Saturday, December 4, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by-students at the University of Michigan results disappointing RESULTS OF THE RECENT three- day Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) elections have snot been com- pleted, but the figures as of yester- day afternoon are quite disappoint- ipg. For the first time since 1972, dormnitory residents chose to reject their boycott of non-United Farm Workers lettuce, and the students elected Irving Freeman to the gov- erning body. The UFW in California has been subjected to legislative blackmail, bullying and even violence over the past decade, not to mention the sub- standard working conditions and sick pay rates. The boycott was used as an organizing tool, as are most tac- ties of the sort, and it has been es- pecially crucial to the work of the Union, as they are, dedicated to reaching their goals non-violently. Perhaps the vote is a signal, a proverbial "sign of the times." The city elections last April, when a Re- publican was elected to Council in the First Ward for the first time in recent memory, was another such sign - a sign that the Great Uni- versity Liberals have returned to a callous and predominant concern with getting the grade, making the buck and forgetting those who don't have the same amount of economic, political and social resources. THE MARGIN WAS 2-1 against the boycott, not even close. It re- mains to be seen what the Univer- sity Housing Council will do about the situation, but it seems certain that they will follow the mandate of the dorm residents. Whether or not, in the words of one official, the *g*i Photography'Staff Pauline Lubenra............ Chief Photographer Brad Benjamin..............Staff Photographer Alan Bilinsky................Staff Photographer Scott Eceker ,................Staff Photographer AndyP'reeberg............Staff Photographer Christina Schneider......... Staff Photographer vote was more an anti-dorm food vote than an anti-lettuce vote is unim- portant here. What is important is that the outcome and consequences will be the same regardless of the intent of the majority. Those that could afford to suffer a bit decided they couldn't, and that's sad. The election of Mr. Freeman is another matter. The old Student Government Council (SGC) had a reputation of being a kangaroo court; there was corruption and other she- nanigans, much more than those de- scribed in the column to the right. They changed their name and tried to change their image. They were succeeding, to an extent. Enter Irving Freeman, who cam- paigned to "give MSA a pain in the ass." He makes)no bones about what he intends to do, so we'll make no bones about how we feel. Freeman is a political opportunist in the most derrogatory meaning of the term, and it's apparent that the only intent he has is making a mockery of the gov- ernment body and in turn the 'en- tire University community. Yes, he WILL be a pain in the ass, from those who constitutionally have to deal with him in the Assembly of- fices and those that have to depend on him to represent their interests, to those, like us, who have to waste print on him editorially. And the pain doubles once one considers that MSA is not the only governing body he has a vote in.. Hopefully, though, students will realize his sham and remember that one childish legislator doesn't neces- sarily spoil the entire group. TODAY'S STAFF: News: Linda Willcox, Shelly Woolson, Laurie Carruthers, Jay Levin, Pau- line Lubens, Tim Schick By The Associated Press An estimated $100 million has been spent near the coastof Newfoundland in an effort to learn the true extent of offshore oil and gas deposits believed to exist in significant amounts. Informed sources said there have been at least three gas "finds" recently and one that suggestsdeposits of oil. This has prompted speculation that Newfoundland may be on the verge of a rich strike. Such a find could prove an embarrassment of riches for Newfoundland, long known as a treasure trove of iron ore, uranium deposits, hydroelectric power and timber resources. These very riches pose a problem-whether economic development of Canada's eastermost province will remain under local control or pass into alien hands as in- ternational oil companies and other interests are attracted to the area. Actually these same interests are being encouraged to move to Newfoundland. Economic development is vital to the province where half a million inhabitants are plagued by unemployment running above 15 per cent, partly because of seasonal joblessness and the province's lagging fishing in- dustry. The provincial government is courting investment from the United States and such Western European nations as Norway, Sweden, Finland, West Ger- many, France , Britain and Italy. It is citing special financial incentives to com- panies who make the move. Other problems face the provincial regime. One is the desire of inhabitants of Labrador on the mainland to set up a province of their own, separate from the island of Newfoundland. This could remove the lucrative hydroelectric and mining operations of Labrador from PROVINCE SEEKS TO EXPLOIT ITS RICHES Already a treasure trove of iron ore, y uranium and timber resources, - Newfoundland may have im portant offshore oil a s d i 66°63'60° 51 z ~~~Lra ior Sep AREA i h:, , ;-SHOWN } Foreign investment is f 'Rp ; being courted, but the ti province wants to LA BR ADOR . -- keep control of its own economic Loodr~ Church ilGoFalls 21- development. 4 Batobtos 0 } 7- I iteCs.byCh 4"f 4(j 4t ( G iI. Anticost Gaspe NEWFUDAL 4s 1 s. ., NEW ~ BRUNSW ICK 0 20 )00 200 -________ _Mils AP Newsfeatures MICHAEL BECKMAN control of the Newfoundland government. There is also the specter of a struggle between federal and provincial governments should the quest for oil and gas pan out. Observers point out that federal . T-The e wer authorities. might be anxious to use the oil and gas to light and fuel homes in Toronto and Montreal whereas Newfound- land would prefer to use the energy sources for its own in- dustrial development. THE MOST RECENT wave of smear-literature to pummel the campus during the just completed MSA elections, serves to show that the philosophy embedded in the people of this country that allowed Watergate, to happen is still very much with us. And, more directly to the point, the perpetrators of this style of politics is not indigenous only to the so-called "older generation," but has infiltrated into the ranks of the so-called "young radicals." The time was once when we could look on the scandals and corruption that racked the highest levels of our federal govern- ment with genuine outrage and disappointment. But armed with the knowledge that when it would be our turn in a few years, we would clean 'up the political swamps and virtue and trust in government would be reborn. But the shoddy campaign tactics employed on the "radical" Michigan campus doesn't say much for the future political leadership of this country. This University is supposedly one of the finest and most esteemed intellectual and educational centers in this country. It is also reputed to be one of the most vociferous hotbeds of protest against corruption and other deficiencies of government. Based on the corruption and deficiencies in our student government, that reputation deserves to be severely tarnished. ECHOING THE TACTICS of men of high reputation such as Donald Segretti and Gordon Liddy, some of our upstanding and forthright political parties seeking election to the MSA have deemed it worthy of themselves to smear rival candidates by circulating defamatory campaign literature claiming "pay-off junkets" and secret motives, and political power-plays. Perhaps the most widely distributed and influential piece of campaign literature was the two-colored piece that proclaimed in bold capitals "MSA rips off Rose Bowl." It then went into a tirade on how the President of MSA behaved like Boss Tweed in dispensing tour guide assignments in California, implying that he dished these jobs out to his political cronies. Nowhere in the entire piece does the Campus Coalition back up their charges with even one iota of fact. Further on in the same piece, they ,charge MSA with funding this junket "courtesy of the students of the University." The charge has been flatly denied and it has been proven that the travel agency sponsoring the tour is paying the cost. But the damage had already been done. How many students, who not being overly well-informed about student government, read this pamphlet as their only source of information, have been turned off to MSA because of blatant lies? An more important, what caused pur- portedly intelligent and politically active students to stoop to the level of CRISP? ANOTHER PRODUCT of the political process was provided by the Vountary Funding Party (VFP). The headline on their slander sheet read "Beware of CAMF." CAMF is a rival political party and the gist of VFP's invective was that the name for which CAMF stands for, the Committee Against Voluntary Funding, was using that name under false pretenses; that in VFP's estimation, they were secretly in favor of mandatory funding. That nothing said in the piece substantiated their allegations, such trivial de- tails as evidence, facts and proof, didn't phase them one bit. And the harm done in the piece was probably too great to overcome by a piece put out by CAMF that claimed slander. Where did VFP get their information? Did one of the. members of CAMF admit to such ideology? It's no doubt a case that Redford and Hoffman should be investigating, gathering witnesses and information from the third level of the Forest Street parking structure. When pressed on his motivations for generating such base tactics, one of the young generation's future leaders summed up the sadly prevalent attitude that epitomizes the decay of our political system with the all-too typical rationalization, "everyone else is doing it." This statement is a virtual admisison of collaboration in the perpetuation of a corrupt and unresponsive form of government. Where in that limp justification of scullduggery is the slightest indication of a desire to change and purify the system? TACTICS OF THIS sort may by some be dismissed as merely the overeagerness and obnoxiousness of youth. But the implica- tions of these dirty actions stretch far beyond that. For Segretti and Liddy and Haldeman and that whole crew of distinguished and patriotic citizens got their start in politics' on the student government level. Joseph McCarthy once rigged his election as president of his college student body. And as everyone knows, those men realized the mistakes of their youth and went on to perform great deeds in government. Letters to The Daily Editorial Page: T o m Stevens, Meachum Arts Page:Lois Josimovich Photo Technician: Scott Eccker Rob barbour-waferinan To The Daily: I WANT TO CORRECT two errors in your story about the Barbour - Waterman buildings (Friday, December 3, 1976). 1. I have not said, nor do ,I believe, that the University's officers are trying to "sneak" the decision by the University community. A number of faculty and others are hoping that the issues will be aired in more depth than they have been so far. The alternatives can and s h o u ld be considered more thoroughly. But President Flem- ing and Mr. Sturgis have been cooperative and not hasty. For instance, the Regents' discussion was postponed from November to December at our request. 2. I could not say that state- level officials have definitely classified the Barbour-Waterman buildings at historic. Some staff members have indicated earlier in the fall to Mr. Sturgis and others that they regard the buildings as having considerable historic value'. But no formal action has been taken, as far as I know. Our group has put in a criti- cal evalaution of Mr. Sturgis' report, in some detail. Your story could have stressed those issues more fully so that Uni- versity members could evaluate them in good time before the Regents' meeting on December 16. The disposition of older build- ings seem inevitably to gener- ate debate, on campuses all across the country. This is nat- ural and healthy. We hope and trust that the Barbour-Water- man issue will be resolved with great care. The quotations given in your article greatly exagger- ated the sharpness of tone with which I wish to approach the issues. I regret that very much and look forward to a measured discusison of the basic issues. William G. Shepherd Professor of Economics December 3 WHU E A*R WqER7 X1i SE Fat Fighters' Forum j by FLASH and THE TOASTED MARSHMALLOW -iwall, -IEAR FFF: You sure can't lose weight by talking about it. I know, because I'm an ex- elephant type person myself. It's no fun being fat, but all I did was complain about it. I didn't have any revelation about my fat, and no water diet mira- culously worked for me. I just decided that I was going to col- lege where no one knew me. It was time to start a new image. One important fact that I re- alized was that no one could lose weight for me and no one could help if I didn't help myself. All the miracle diet products in the world won't make you lose weight unless you work with them. That's the only way. Make the decision and stick to it. After the first 30 pounds, it's easy!! The hardest time not to eat is when you are alone. With others around, you can be a martyr and refuse that chocolate cream pie, but when everyone's gone, you've got to refuse for your- self. Start now while you're think- ing about it. Good willpower helps and luck has nothing to do with it. -Formerly Fat QUESTION: I hear that weight gain can sometimes be attribut- ed to eating to satisfy not so much of a physical hunder as an emotional hunger. Can you suggest ways to satisfy that hun- ger without resorting to eating? ANSWER: Numerous studies, have shown that overweight peo- ple, in comparison with persons of normal weight, are less like- ly to eat in response to the con- tractions of an empty stomach, and more likely to eat inres- ponse to other stimuli, both ex- ternal (food commercials, others around them eating, time of day) and internal (thoughts of food, emotions.) Many people respond to emo- tional states, especially anxi- ety, depression, anger, and bore- dom, by eating. This pattern has often developed because we afind eating such a rewarding and pleasurable activity in itself. IN ADDITION, eating has of- ten been asosciated with past good times and may symbolize the warmth, affection, and se- curity enjoyed during those times. So, eating may tempor- arily relieve present streses and unhappiness. Of course, this strategy has some long-range negative consequences: obesity and non-resolution of unhappy situations. If your problem emo- tional states are not too frequent or overwhelming (as to require profesional help) we recommend the following aprpoach, which might cut down your eating, too. First, you must gather some accurate information about your eating habits. Get a notebook you can have available when and wherever you eat. Record what you eat, when, where, why and wit4 whom. Include any ac- tions, situations, thoughts, or feelings that precede, accom- pany or follow your eating and that seem to influence your eat- ing. This includes that between- class mouthful, that ravished stuffing between lunch and din- ner, that "stuff the mind, stuff the mouth" while studying, and that late night snack. The tactics employed by the college student learning the political ropes, as it were, today, may someday become the groundwork for a life of public service. It is sad to think that our political system is such a vicious cycle that corruption and slander have to be the major inroads to success in the game. Somewhere it all has to stop. The only good tiding to come out of Watergate was that the public revelations that came out of it caused rage and indignation on the part of the people, and emitted a glimmer of hope that the morass would be cleaned up. And the most logical source for the clean-up operation is the college- educated political activists who will someday become the leaders of this nation. But if the political leaders on this campus and the methodology for achieving their ends are indicative of the .future state of politics that is in store for America then a sad future awaits us. pORTUNATELY, a large proportion of the student body, including those running for office have not been tainted by the sess that is slowly enveloping them. Many of the candidates are seriously dedicated to reforming the system and have not felt the oned to ascend to power by smearing their opponents. But if these people are consistently frustrated by being the only straight players in a game where everyone else uses shaved dice, they they will either' assimilate themselves into the decrepit system or totally alienate themselves from all involvement with politics. Neither of these alternatives is acceptable if we ever hope to clean up government. Ta is ine, we'a 11 hpen loking at it from the wrong After 2-4 weeks of this note-r +. I - , nvhineaiisuu o fv yIJ Ralph's Universe by Tom S l li riAEA OF HEROIN VYIZ AAY VfFEC-i rp, I t Ov - I I qF WITN -W- CEk i 1D *ILU VOW~- tak~ing, an examination of your records should show some re- tevens curring patterns. If you find that you do eat in response to certain emotions, you can take --steps to change this. The re- cording process should make you more aware of the emo- tion-food, connection. If you rec- ognize this earlier in the chain of events that lead to eating, you are more likely to have success in changing the pattern. ST A 'tD t ru We do recommend working di- rectly with your eating behavior because a) in some cases that