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December 04, 1976 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1976-12-04

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Saturday, December 4, 1976


Page Three

Saturday, December 4, 1976 THE MCH~GAN DAILY i'age Three





events and entertainment
week of Dec. 4-10


Happenings film reviews are ie-making gets an overdue but ing, and not just to sociol gy damages the film's integrity.'
written by Christopher Potter. generally astute treatment by students. *
director John Schlesinger and a Scenes From A Marriage - Key Largo - (Cinema Guild,i
mostly splendid cast, but is be- (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 3, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05). Bogart1
all w eek trayed by a hybrid performance 7 & 8:45). A three-hour zonden- and Bacall form the nucleus ofi
by an average Karen Black and sation of Ingmar Bergman's six a small group held hostage byt
COMMERCIAL CINEMA an apocalyptic climax bombasti- one-hour films detailing vaiions exiled gangster Edward G. Rob-I
Shout at the Devil-(The Mov- cally unfaithful to the spirit of stages of an upper-middle class inson at a Florida Keys hotel.
ies, Briarwood). West's low-profile book. Still, it's marriage. Originally male for John Huston directed this film!
The Next Man-(The Movies, a nice try, and certainly worth Swedish television, Marriage from a Maxwell Anderson play,
Briarwood). a look by a bigger audience chronicles the relationship of a and he has done far better work.
The Amazing Dobermans - than saw it the first time around semmingly model couple (Liv than this. The picture rarely
(The Movies, Briarwood). last year. * * * Ullman and Erland Josephson) shakes off its stagebound trap-1
The Front-(Campus). Le Sex Shoppe-(Ann Arbor gradually exacerbating into bit- pings, leaving its talented prin-;
Carrie-(The Movies, Briar- Film Co-op, MLB 4, 7 & 10:30). terness and divorce, concludingcipals little room to maneuver#
wood). Brian de Palma's cine- An utterly straight, meek-man- in a vague, very temporary re- within the talk-talk-talk struc-1
matic wish-fulfillment of every nered Frenchman converts his conciliation. Marriage is in some ture that continually shacklesi
born-victim teenager who crav- decrepit bookstore into a multi- way the most mature study of them. A hair-raising ocean fin-1
ed revenge upon his or her tor- faceted porny center with pre- human interactions I' v e ever ale only augments frustration{
menting classmates. Typically dictable culture-clashes re-nlt-' seen on film, but it also suffers over the film's previously hotel-I
for de Palma a very uneven ing. This farce about an average from a curiously remote quality encased totality. * * *1
work, but often exquisitely ter- man totally out of his element that makes it hard to get overly 'Alice Doesn't Live Here Any-
rifying. Approach this one with could have been funnier, but, involved in its characters' di- more - (Mediatrics, Nat. Sci.
extreme caution. * * * % oddly, some of the individual lemmas. Aid., 7 & 9:15). Martin Scor-
Marathon Man-(Michigan). sequences are genuinely erotic I And a purely personal obser- cese's now-famous film of a New
Two-Minute Warning - (F o x above and beyond their satiri- vation: The film needs more vis- M exico housewife who packs up
Village). cal intent. The film is rated X, ual sex. I mean that seriously- her baggage and her 12-year-
The Gnome Mobile-(State). and probably deserves it. * * * it is glaringly absent from a old son and strikes out for Cali-
Disney Christmas fare, for bet- Mondo Cane - (Ann Arbor film which purports to treat all fornia following her husband's1
ter or (probably) worse. Film Co-op, MLB 4. 8:45 only). sides, of a relationship even-, death. Alice has in some ways
Car Wash-(Fifth Forum). Fifteen years ago this documan- handedlv. Obviously there were "efome a sorot of metaphor fnrI
tarv cataloguing of bizarre rites, unavoidable TV restrictions cur- Women's Lib although it wauld
sate r 3and perversions around the tailing anything overt, but still hardly seem in step with that#
Y world was considered the -nost the sight of a supposedly world- narticular banner given this
CINEMA ontrageous and shocking film ly, sophisticated couple bundled whole endeavor seems on *he
The Day of the Locust-(Cine- of its time-will it pack the up to the chin even in bed is bland side, and hardly what one
mall, Ang. Aud. A, 7 & 9). Na- same punch in our jaded clock-; comically out of kilter with the would expect from the man who
thaniel West's 1940 dark-com- work orange present? The re- v e r b a 1 maturity displayed made Mean Streets and Taxii
edy novel about Hollywood mov- sult should prove very interest- I throughout. I think it seriously Driver: contrasting tit electric
---Ibreathlessness of those two ep-
is. Alice just gently pokes along
African warfare to escalate fron scene to scene. It'sa
Aff' ric n w r ar to scaaptlv entertaining, but basically
ahybrid prodiict that doesn't,

mer in the English countryside.
The resultingly severe effect the
interlude has on the boy's adult
life should have made a fascinat-
ing retrospective film, but of-
ten-brilliant Losey seems to miss
the mark here almost constantly.
His finished product is overripe
in almost every respect - in
the satuiatingly florid photo-
graphy, the overdone perform-
ances and Pinter's far-from-nor-
mally-biting dialogue. Nowhere
is this better exemplified than in
the musical score; Losey used
to blend music into his dramas
in the most masterly amalgama-
tion I've ever heard - in T h e
Go-Between he turns lazy, 1 e t s
Michel Legrand smother us with
his oozey muzak-ed banalities
which help encase this film in

never seen this one.
Music at Midday - R a n d y
Lambert, tenor: Union, Pendle-
ton Rm., noon.
Poetry reading - Dan Gerb-
er: Pendleton Rm., 4:10 p.m.
Music School - Percussion
Ensemble: SM Recital Hall, 8.'
Arts Chorale Christmas Con-
cert - Hill Aud., 8.

a made-for-TV package it didn't Man of Mode - PTP: Arena'
deserve to be trapped in.** Theatre, Frieze Bldg., 8.
EVENTS Meg Christian - Feminist
Yeats Ensemble - see Satur- singer, songwriter: EQ, 8:30.
day Events. ,1
Gilbert & Sullivan - See Sa- th ursd a
turdav Events.
Eclipse Jazz - Rahsaan Ro- CINEMA
lank Kirk. saxophone: U n i o n The Long Voyage Home -
Ballroom, 7:30 & 10 p.m. (Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud., 7
Museum of Art - "Out of & 9:05) - John Ford adaptation
Towners" poetry reading: A-V of the O'Neill play, with John
rm., 1st flr., Museum of Art, Wayne.
2 p.m. Day For Night - (Ann Aibor
Artists & Craftsmen Guild - Film Co-op, Ang. Aud. A, 7 &
Christmas Art Fair: Coliseum, 9) - Francois Truffaut's tri-
5th and Hill. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. bute to movie-making itself -
Musical Society - Handel's a loving, documentary-s t y I e
Messiah: Hill Aud., 2:30 p.m. drama about the trials and tri.
bulations involved in creating a
a film enitled "Mteet Pamela"
m onda (a real potboiler, judging from

much easier to take as a child Poetry reading -Guild House,
than as an adult. **** 7:30.
My Darling Clementine-(Cin- Soph Show - "How to Suf-
ema Guild, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05)ceed in Business Without Real-
- 1946 John Ford version of ly Trying": Mendelssohn Thea-
Wyatt Earp & Co., with Henry tre 8.
Fonda and Walter Brennen. I'veI

Music School -- Opera Work-
shop, opera excerpts: SM Re-
cital Hall, 8.I
f riday
Nada and La Rupture - (Ann
Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 4, 9
only) - Two recent films, the
first about drugs, the second
about kidnapping, by probably
the most critically-praised but
publically unknown director in
the world, Claude Chabrol. No,
I've never seen them either,
but they're quite possibly worth
a looksee.-
Blazing Saddles - (Ann Ar-
bor Film Co-op, MLB 3, 7, 8:45,
10:30) - Mel Brooks' textbook
lesson on how to make low-lev-
el comedy funny. Abominable
but delightful. ***%
It's a Wonderful Life - (Cin-
ema Guild, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:20)1
-- Wonderful indeed. A small
town businessman (James Ste-
wart) contemplates suicide n
Christmas Eve, is diverted byI
an angel who shows him just
how valuable his life is. The plot
sounds thoroughly goopy, but
it's not - it's one of the most
remarkably enjoyable pictures
ever put together, and F r a Tn k
Capra's last great film. It's cer-
tainly the best Christmas movie
ever made, so bring the

viewing: Is it really that pro-
found, or more often a case of
Roeg simply showing off cine-
matically? I'll look at this more
extensively next week, but for
heaven's sake don't miss this
flick is you haven't seen tt al-
realy (or even if you have).***%
Happily Ever After - origin-
Sl musical revue. At the Univer-
sity Club, limited seats avail-
Soph Show - See Thurs,
Man of Mode - See Thurs.
Music School -- Wind Ensem-
ble, symphony band, Hill Aud.,
Danco Co. - "The Play cts:
La Creation du Monde": Power
Ctr., 8.
Ark - Paul Siebel, country,
blues, 8:30.



rica (M) - South African offic-
ials say they expect an escala-
tion of guerrilla warfare in
South-West Africa after the first
of the year. They warn thatE
South African troops may pur-
sue guerrillas across the An-
golan border.}
Jannie de Wet, commissioner-
general for the territory's in-
digenous peoples, said yester-
day in the territorial capital of
Windboek that guerrillas operat-'
ing from Angolan bases were
"preparing to attack South-
West Africa on a scale unequal-
led before. They plan to strike
deep into the territory and even
penetrate white areas"
SOUTH AFRICA rules the ter-k
ritory, kndwn as Namibia by ,
black Africans, under a League
of Nations mandate since with-
drawn by the United Nations.
It was a German colony before
World War I.
The U. N. Security Council
has passed numerous resolu-
tions critical of South Africa's
continued control of the terri-

gola into South-West Africa a protect the South-West African really fit Into the Scorcesean
week ago, wounding one of frontier and a high South Af- renertoireat all W thout
them. rican hydroelectric project on Start The Revolution Without
Roos said the same guerrillas the river that forms 'part of Me-(Couzens Film Co-op Con- i
tried again to cross the border the border/ :ens Cafeteria, 8 & 10). A c
and six were shot dead. A sev- wacky but predictable Gene W;-l -
enth was killed later by a se- DeWET SAID he doubted SW- der-Donald Sutherland vehicles
curity patrol, he said. The bor- , APO would unleash a conven- about two mismatched sets ofc
der is 700 miles of thinly popu- tional war against South Africa. identical twins who becomet
lated semidesert. Instead, SWAPO commanders adults at the time of the Frenchc
seemed to "be planning a full- Revolution. Wilder's portrayalt
ROOS WOULD not confirm, scale intensification of the ter- of a dashing, frenziedly psycho- c
South African newspaper re- ror campaign comparable to tic aristocrat is memorable, but
ports that Vietnamese soldiers that in Rhodesia." on the whole this is s'rictly mn-
had joined Cuban troops in sup- F ew. or league farce. * *
porting Angola's Marxist gov- 'aFour years of warfare with EVENTS1
ernment. "Refugees who fled natal guerrilashtryinto Musical Society-Handel's t
7"nsat Rhodesia's white minor-
across the border spoke about iMessiah, Hill Aud., 8:30.C
little yellow men,' ' he said. ity government has cost the i et nebeMsu f
lives f mor ththe 000Yeats Ensemble/Museum oft
"But we have not yet seen" i ls othan ur Art-4 plavlets by Yeats: Mu-x
Any. .180security force seim of Art, 8 p.m.t
In Wind- eke De Wet said Cu-! men, Rhodesian officials say. The Sorcerer-Gilbert -nd Sul-t
The Rhodesian army is fight-
ban troops were expected to ing a many as 2,000 guerrillas livan Society, Mendelssohn, 2
help SWAPO guerrillas in the inside the nation2,nd0abou 6,- & 8 p.m.
thrust expected early next year 0 waiting in bases in Mozam- Roots Trio-University Club,
and added that the -guerrillas biie and Angola, but few in- Union, 9 p.m.1
probably would be armed with ' sliments are beliebdopferating
soohisticated Soviet weapons. in South-West Africa.
Thousands of Cuban troops JSu-WsAra
stayed in Angola after helping De WET estimated that at CINEMA
the Popular Movement (MPLA) east 5 T000T Ovambo tribesmen
defeat two pro-Western nation- 1-as 5,,04 4v,0 bo tribs4" n, The Trojan'Vomen - (Ci-
h el jaen Wrmenvv-iiiin-

The Pumpkin Eater - (Wo-
men's Studies. Nat. Sci. Aud., 7
only. FREE admission) - Har-
old Pinter comes across in con-
siderably better form in this
ornate study of a woman's of-
ten psyche-destroying efforts to
cope with an increasingly erra-
tic marriage. The picture oc-
casionally teeters on soap opera,'
but proves a generally mature
study of a love-hate relationship,
with Ann Bancroft and Peter
Finch brilliantly believable as
the unhappy couple. An early se-{
quence involving an emotional
breakdown by Bancroft in a de-!
partment store remains one of
the most memorable and dis-
turbing scenes I've ever seen in
a film. ***
Music School - Composers
Forum: SM Recital Hall, 8.
Music School - Concert Band,
Hill Auq., 8.

what we see here). Truffaut
himself plays the director, with
the ever present 'Jean-Pierre
Leaud and Jacqueline Bissett
also featured prominently. Day
For Night is, of course, impec-
cably crafted and very enjoy-
able. But that's all. Will The
Master ever take rsks
Man of Mode - Arena Thea-
tre, Frieze Bldg., 8.


The Man Who Fell to Earth -
(Cinema II, Ang. Aud. A, 7 &
9) - Nicholas Roeg's dazzling
maelstrom of a film w h i c h
nestles marginally under t h e
science fiction heading, t in e n
takes off from there. The pic-
ture requires more than one

- - .




r !"


tory, including a call last Janu- alist groups and win control of:;nav e a rsitorain s e
ary for U. N.-supervised elec- the country after it became in- lst 10 years to train as auer-
tions there by August. dependent of Portugal. rillas."The real figure will be
The lectons ere ot hldfar higher than the official fig-
The elections were not held, ,,re he sad
and Third World nations urged "SOUTH AFRICAN troops tre, he said.
a mandatory arms embargo on may be forced to apply hot- Roos told vesterdav's news
South Africa to force it out of pursuit tactics to wipe out conference that guerrillas had
South-West Africa. Britain, SWAPO bases in Angola," De stenned up operations in the
France and the United States Wet said. last two weeks. Official reports
vetoed that Security Council re- South Africa has always said seven Ovambo persons in-
solution in October, as they had claimed the right to pursue elding five girls and one wo-
a similar move a year ago. guerrillas into neighboring ter- man have been kidnapned and
ritories, but has not officially an Ovambo chief has been kill-
SOUTH AFRICA has also admitted carrying out such ed.
faced raids by Angola-based raids against guerrilla bases in "We must expect an inten-
rican Peoples Organization (S Thousands of South African sfi.ation now that the rainy
gfor troops in armored columnsseason has started, but there is
WAPO) which is fighting rrm nonestion whatsoever of con-
the territory's independence, crossed into Angola in August ventional warfare," Roos told
Army operations director Ben 1975 and continued to fight MP- correspondents. The heavy
Roos told a news conference in LA and Cuban forces there un-i
Pretoria that government til March of this year. rains thicken undergrowth to
troops intercepted 30 guerrillas South African officials said offer guerrillas better cover
who tried to cross from An- I that operation was designed to and obliterate their tracks.

ema Guild, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05) CINEMA
- This 1971 film based on the King of Hearts -- Ann Arbor
Euripides play featured t h e Film Co-op, MLB 3, 7 & 9) -
high-powered talents of Kather- Someday I'll write a nice schol-
ine Hepburn, Vanessa Redgrave arly rebuttal concerning t h i s
and others, but somehow man- most hallowed of Ann Arbor in-
aged nonetheless to slip i n t o stitutions, but I don't feel like
total obscurity swiftly after its it this week (There'll be lots
release. Is it really that bad? more opportunities).
Or did its producers premature- The 400 Blows - (Ann Arbor
ly yank it, perhaps on the then-' Film Co-Op, Ang. Aud. A, ' &
popular notion that "women's 9) -- Francois Truffaut's first
pictures" wouldn't sell to the (and most famous) film of a
general public? Here's y o u r young, unloved boy drifting
chance - perhaps your o n 1 y' poignantly, inexorably toward
chance - to find out. disaster. This autobiographical
The Go-Between (Cinema II, effort is perhaps not quite as
Ang. Aud. A. 7 & 9) - Joseph immortal as its champions con-
Losey-Harold Pinter film about tend, but is certainly a beauti-
a young boy who innocently ser- ful and heartbreaking film --
ves as a messenger in an illicit and a gutsy one, in contrast to
romance between his aunt (Julie Truffaut's subsequent feather-
Christie) and a nearby farmer weight sequels. I also find peren-
(Alan Bates) during one sum- nial alter-ego Jean-Pierre Leaud

c 11IM


December 9-11; Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m.
Saturday Matinee 2 p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Tickets on sale at UAC Ticket Centrol $2.75-3.50
Information 763-1107

A bird in hand is better
than two in the bush

& $ur illvdIr 5(% Kja
=tnnlpt'xA. «j# of
D c8')i14 71 ,Ci, st sO~tte

As sex objects, Robert Young
and Lester Boyd are for the
They bob, they weave, they
coo sensuous mating calls and
perform food exchange rituals
-- all to put uptight falcons in
the mood for romance.
WHEN THE two men are
successful, male falcons deposit
semen in a special hat with a
rubber ring, and female fal-
cons submit to artificial in-
"The birds can be very fin-
icky when it comes time to
mate," said Young, a physician
in this Spokane, suburb.
"There's a number of courtship:
rituals you go through, such as
food exchange. Eventually, the

bird looks uopn the human as The technique has produced
a sexual object." about 20 falcons and hawks,:
Young and Boyd, a Washing- many of them rare hybrids, the
ton State University zoologyj men said.
technician at Pullman, both are In Pullman, Boyd begins the
experienced falconers, huhters process with his stock of most-
who use birds of prey in catch- ly male birds. Following the
ing 'animals. example of wild birds, he offers
THEY BEGAN using their food to his falcon "mate" while
complex breeding method - bowing, posturing and warbling
called "cooperative artificial seductively. If the courtship rit-
insemination" - three years ual succeeds, the male bird
ago as a way to increase their hops onto the special hat and
supply of birds. deposits semen.
A - - -- --

Box office opens 10-6 doily

5-8 evenings of performance

CALL: 763-1085




El zobeth Wed Bergmann s
by Gustav Holst

Gay Delanghe s
by Damus

TONIGHT IN MLB--Saturday, Dec. 4
(l ngmar Bergman, 1974) MLB 3-7 & 9:45
A marathon close-up of a marital -relationship in which self-
deception, lack of communication, insensitivity and struggle for
personal satisfaction are probed relentlessly. A courageous and
honest film with virtuoso performances. National Society of Film
Crites Award for Best Film, Best Screenplay (Bergman), Best
Actress (Ullman), Best Supporting Actress (Andersson). Erland
Josephine. "One of the greatest films I've seen in my lifetime. A
masterpiece of intimacy, sensitivity, wisdom and intelligence."-
Rex Reed. Swedish with subtitles.
(Claude Berri, 1974) MLB 4--7 & 10:30
Claude, a mild-mannered bookstofe owner is going broke. Busi-
ness booms when he converts the store to Le Sex Shoppe and
sells all manner of sexual paraphernalia: books, whips, leather
and other hardware catering to every festishist. Naturally, he
meets all kinds of strange people who try to lead him into group
sex, voyeurism, and other gardens of delight. Claude's attempts
to come to terms with these experiences make for a funny, erotic,
sophisticated film. "Claude Berri, a French Woody Alien! Hilar-
ious!"-New York. "I recomemnnd this picture highly to anyone
who is not limited to the belief that sex is a religious rite."
-Archer Winsten. N.Y. Post.

p y'
Bogart, an alienated war hero, visits the father and widow
of a dead comrade at their hotel in the Florida Keys. A hur-
ricane and o deported gangster hit him at once and revive
his shattered sense of morality. Lauren Bacall, Lionel Barry-
more and Edward G. Robinson give performances that almost
overshadow Bogart's. John Huston directs the kind of film
he does best.
CINEMA GUILD 7:00 & 9:05 Admission: $1.25
Nathaniel West's short novella on a sinister Hollywood becomes a
feature film on the same. Dresenting us with the entourage of char-

C , LC
N 0


December 10 11 at 8-00 December 12 at 3 00
r. -- +- .- --- --er -- . -- r -- N 1A-." """

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