See Editorial Page
High: 30T
Lowv: 150
See Today for details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 7V Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, December 4, 1976 Ten Cents Eic
ght Pages
f :
All challenges to yesterday's MSA election must
be filed by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 7 and
may be dropped off in the Central Student Judi-
ciary's mailbox in the MSA offices, 3909 Michigan
Union. The MSA election certification hearing will
be held Thursday, December 9 at 9:00 p.m. in the
MSA offices, and is open to the public.
New Fun and Games
Those of you always looking to try your luck
will have one more opportunity to indulge when
the new state-wide numbers game run by the
Michigan Lottery 'starts next spring. The new
lottery, announced yesterday by lottery officials,
will allow customers to pick theirawn numbers
each day and wagers will be accepted all day
until a specified hours, after which a random
drawing will be held to determine the winning
number. Bets of 50 cents to $1 will draw a 500-1 or
better payoff if the customer's number matches the
winner exactly. For a smaller pot, other options
may be offered such as matching the right digits
in any order.
.. are like a haystack needle today but there
will certainly be plentyl of action w'hen the No. 1
ranked college basketball team in the country
faces Fordham at 2:05 p.m. at Crisler Arena . . .
meanwhile the Go Club meets at 2 p.m. in 2050
Frieze Bldg. . . . and the day's activities are
rounded off when the Friends of Library h o I d
their Annual Dutch Auction winter sale from 5:30
p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in the Ann Arbor Public Library's
Meeting Rm. at 343 S. Fifth Ave. . .. that's all we
have folks. Try throwing snow at a friend or,
better yet, writing a paper.
Swine fly
"After a few hours, they stop squealing and
snorting and lay down and enjoy the ride." Is
this Robben Fleming commenting on the way Re-
gents behave at monthly meetings? Bo Schembech-
ler telling how Wolverines act on the way back
from Columbus? No, no, it's just Leslie Schearer
describing the Yorkshire hogs he flies from Chi-
cago to Japan to provide more pork for East
Asian diets. Schearer, an export agent in charge
of the shipments, says the Japanese "are trying
to improve their herds. It's a westernized food
revolution. The latest bunch of swine left early
yesterday in an air-conditioned cargo plane in
which, 'according to Schearer, "the boars are
separated from the sows; otherwise it would be
a rough ordeal." Says Schearer, shipping pigs by
air "sure beats a 21-day trip in a boat loaded
with them." Who is this guy?
Beauty's only fur deep
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and no
one knows this more than poor Norman. The
Cincinnati Chapter of the Society for the Preven-
tion of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) had declared
Norman "the ugliest dog in the world" and pub-
lished his picture in a local newspaper. The
SPCA office was flooded with letters from read-
ers wanting to adopt the homeless hound and
admonishing the organization for insulting Norm-
an's good looks. According to Norbert Mahlman,
SPCA general manager in Cincinnati; one writer
from Indianapolis said that no dog is ugly and
if that is how people in Cincinnati talk about dogs,
he is never going to Cincinnati again.
Sing-sing a song
Gary Gilmore may become a legend yet. Walla
Walla, a Salt Lake City recording group, has re-
leased a song called "the Ballad of Gary Gilmore".
The convicted killer, whose execution has now
been stayed by the U.S. Supreme Court, will have
his story immortalized in a song which opens with:
"What's to become of Gilmore, the killer who want-
ed to die? Will they just do away with Gilmore oh
will they give him another try?" The ballad's au-
thors, Barbara Danielson and Walt Gregory, say
they released the song to prevent any glorification
of crime and to remind listeners that people are
responsible for their own actions. They added that
they plan to share royalties from the record with
the widow of Gilmore's victim. Bob Dylan, eat
your heart out.
On the inside
. . . Spor's writer Rick Bonino has a story on
local reaction to assistant football coach G a r y
Moeller leaving for has new job as head football
coach at the University of Illinois . . . and on the
Editorial Page Michael -Beckman writes about
smear campaigns in the recent MSA election in his
"On the Level" column.
On the outside
SALT 'LAKE CITY (W') - Convicted
murderer Gary Gilmore, who was sched-
uled to die Monday before a firing
squad, got an unwanted stay of execu-
tion yesterday by a 6-3 decision of the
U. S. Supreme Court.
Acting on a petition brought on be-
half of Gilmore's mother, the court de-
layed the execution until the State of
Utah can respond to the petition and the
court can take further action on her re-
quest that her son's life be spared.
THE LENGTH of the delay while the
court considers the matter is uncertain.
The Supreme Court gave the State of
Utah until S p.m. (EST) Tuesday to file
a response to the request by Gilmore's
Utah Deputy Atty. Gen. Robert Han-
sen, who is Utah's attorney general-elect,
said the court might take up to 30 days.
to decide whether there should be a full
review. A full review could tie the
case +jp "perhaps as long as a year or
two," said Hansen.
IF GILMORE'S execution is delayed
past next Friday, Robert Excell White
of Texas could become the first person
executed in the United States since 1967.
White is scheduled to die then, although
an anneal of his case also is wending be-
fore the U. S. Supreme Court.
stays Gil
Gilmore, who insists he wants to die
rather than spend the rest of his life
behind bars, heard of the court's action
on the radio in his Death Row cell.
Utah state prison warden Samuel
Smith said that Gilmore reacted to the
court's decision by saying - "every one
was getting into the act" and that only
the three justices who wanted to let him
die had any' "guts."
GILMORE, convicted Oct. 7 of miurder-
i :g a motel clerk during a July robbery,
had received two earlier stays despite
his insistence that his execution be car-
ried out on schedule. At his request the.
Utah Sureme Court reversed the stay
it issued last month, and a stay ordered
by Gov. Calvin Rampton expired when
the Utah Board of Pardons decided Tues-
day not to lessen the penalty.
Bessie Gilmore of Milwaukie, Ore.,
reported to be bedridden with arthritis,
filed papers with the U. S. Supreme
Court and the Utah state courts on
Thursday asking that her son's life be
snared. Her action came only two days
after Gilmore said he hoped persons try-
ing to save him would "butt out."
The petition specifically asks that the
execution be delayed long enough for the
justices to receive a full-dress appeal
challenging the manner in which Gilmore
was convicted and attacking the consti-
See HIGH, Page 8
Vance named State
hits 8.1%,
By AP and UPI
The nation's unemployment
rate jumped to 8.1 per cent in
November - a new high for
the year, prompting President-
elect Jimmy Carter to indicate
he will take action to boost the
"The likelihood is the econo-
my will need help," Carter said.
But he added that he will wait
until after the first of the year
before deciding what specific
action to take.
AMONG THE measures he
has said he is considering are
tax cuts and programs to cre-
ate jobs.
Carter made his comments at
a news conference at his home
in Plains, Ga., yesterday, after
the Labor Department reported
that the jobless rate rose from
7.9 per cent to 8.1 per cent last
month. Two hundred thousand
more Americans were without
Another unfavorable report
showed wholesale pric'es rose
six-tenths of 1 per cent last
month, the third sharp monthly
increase in a row..
es and increases for other fuels
offset a decline in farm prices,
the department said.
Carter ruled out the possi-
bility that he will seek author-
itv to imposedwage-price con-
trols z but said voluntary re-
straints "could be an option."
A key economic adviser to
Carter. Jerry Jasinowski, said
Dept. head
Former Jolmnson aie
to succeed Kissinger
PLAINS, Ga. (N) - President-elect Jimmy Carter an-
nounced yesterday his nomination of Cyrus Vance; a
seasoned diplomatic troubleshooters, to become secretary
of state, a choice that was acclaimed in Congress and the
diplomatic community.
As expected, Carter also appointed Atlanta banker
Thomas Lance as director of the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB), a key cabinet-level post controlling
government spending and organization.
CARTER'S announcement were made in the auditorium of a
University of Georgia Agricultural station, outside Plains.
He said he had chosen Vance, who was sitting to his left on
the platform, on the basis of almost unanimous recommendations
from around the country:
"He is a superb adviser and negotiator, a competent, good
Daily Photo by SCOTT ECC,KER
UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Robben Fleming talks with students at Trotter House last night
about issues facing minority students. Seated in he back are, from left to right, Diedie Segue,
Charles Holman, executive secretary of the University NAACP chapter, and H. Russ Smith,
president of the University NAACP chapter.
Blacks talkto Fleming
manager," Carter said, setting1
retary of the Army; Demuty
Secretary of Defense and Chief
negotiator at the Vietnam
Pace talks in Paris.
Vance, 59, said he was look-
ing forward with great antici-
pation to working under Carter.
"I'M SURE that this is going
to be an Administration char-
acterized by both soundness and
innovation," he said.
Vance added: "And I shall do
e,,ervthing in my power to jus-
tif- his (Carter's) trust."
Vance's nomination is subject
to confirmatidn by the Senate,
where anproval is a foregone
co"' l"sion.
SENATORS of both parties
praised the choice. And Secre-
tarv of State Henry Kissinger
cal{Pd it outstanding.
"Hp is exceptionally well
".lified for his new responsi-
bilities." Kissinger said. "I
wish him well. His sccess will
be the success of all Ameri-
Kissinger called Vance to
congratilate him and arranged
a Monday afternoon meeting
with him in Washington.
VANCE also was Praised in
the capitals of Europe, and
sources in Moscow said the
Kremlin regards him highly.
Although Vance is credited
with a sharp mind, he is not re-
garded as an in'novator - a
nossible indication that Mr.
Carter intends to take a strong
nersonal role in shaping Amer-
ica's foreign policy.
Carter's appointee for the
OMB directorship, Thomas
See CARTER, Page 2-
out Vance's past service as Sec-
Members of five of the six
campus political parties and
two independent candidates
were yesterday declared win-
ners of the three-day Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA) elec-
tion, marked by the lowest vot-
er turnout in an all campus
election since fall 1974.
Only about 2,200 students, 6.7
per cent of the student body,
voted for the candidates vy-
ing for 11 seats on the Assem-
bly. The previous low occurred
in November 1974 when only
3.5 per cent of the students
IN ADDITION to the two in-
dependents; the unofficial final
tally shows MOVE (Make Our
Votes Effective) picking up
three seats and Campus Coal-
ition (CC) gaining two seats.
Among the new parties, the
Committee Against Mandatory
Funding (CAMF), won two
seats. Students for Reform and
the Bullshit Party each won a
See MSA, Page 2
Asking'for a study geared to
reducing the high attrition rate
among black undergraduates,
approximately 35 black students
aimed questions at University
President Robben Fleming at
Trotter House last night.
Sponsored by the University
chapter of the NAACP, the gath-
ering also requested more fund-
ing for black activities and dis-
cussed problems facing minori-
ties on campus.
NOTING THE "University's.
failure in graduating blacks,"
Perrin Emanuel, a Bursley Res-
ident Advisor, cited the low
Dollars, warm
number of bachelor degrees,
359, awarded to blacks last
year and the high black drop-
out .rate.
While the dropout rate for
blacks is higher than the cam-
pus average, it is lower than
the national, average of black
attrition at public universities,
Fleming noted.
In 1970, the 'U' reached an
agreement with the Black Ac-
tion Movement (BAM) to strive
for a 10 per cent black enroll-
ment "that wouldn't fail for fi-
nancial reasons," Fleming said.
"WE DIDN'T SAY we'd take,
in any breathing, black student
who wanted to come here," said
Fleming. He cited high school
grades and test scores as indi-
See FLEMING, Page 2
Braving blustery winds and
icy temperatures, 53 University
medical students clad in bright
red ponchos are out pounding
the pavement in search of warm
hearts and cold cash.
Though Mother Nature has
thrown a pale pall on the pro-
ceedings, members of the Ga-
lens Society are out in force
entreating students and Ann
Arborites to contribute to the
49th annual Galen's Tag Day.
EVERY CENT raised will be
donated to projects aiding young
people hospitalized at the Uni-
versity 'Medical, the pediatrics
unit of the new St. Joseph Mer-
cy Hospital, and the Mott Chil-
dren's Hospital.
Out of approximately 1000
medical and Inteflex students,
53 volunteer their time and ser-
vices to make- thetGalen Socie-
ty a vital community - oriented
organization. Founded in 1914,
the Galen Medical Society has
simnorted various charitable ac-
tivities designed to help sick
and needy children.
With this cause in mind, Ga-
len solicitors yesterday work-
ed a 6:30 to midnight shift and
Ten man pr(
The attempts of a group of black high
school students to smooth over rough spots
in the desegregation of Wilmington, North
Carolina schools resulted in a riot five years
ago. A year later, nine blacks and one white
woman were indicted on charges of arson
and conspiracy.
Amid controversy and repudiated testimony,
the Willmington Ten were convicted
and sentenced to a total of 282 years in' pri-
son; included was the Rev. Ben Chavis. Yes-
terday his mother, Elizabeth Chavis, spoke
at Trotter House.
CHAVIS CLAIMS that her son, as well as
the other nine are innocent of the burning of
otests verdict
goal was equality in the recent desegregation
of Wilmington schools.
"THEY FELT THAT desegregation was
unfairly implemented," said Linda Jackson,
a coordinator of Chavis' visit.
. The meetings were harassed by white vig-
ilantes, and after several shooting incidents
and the deaths of a black youth and a vigi-
lante, a riot erupted. Several community
businesses burned. A year later, Ben Chavis,
Shepard, and eight students were indicted
for the arson of the grocery.
"The officials don't have any way of know-
ing that the Ten were at the stpre that night,"
claimed Jackson.
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