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December 02, 1976 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1976-12-02

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rts & Enterta inm ent Thursday, December 2, 1976 Page Five

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Shaven S pr nisteenis
Zepsta gna
smitten b le al troubles
By JIM SHAHIN apple-bobbing. (It proved fatal
A F CC () W t r -there had been fraud or unconscionable be-.; ED ZEPPELIN'S latest is a to Cream, among others), be-
SAN FRANCISCO ) - Whatever hap havior by AppeL It restrained CBS from re- two-record set called "The cause rock is,' by its nature,'
pened to Bruce Springsteen?.cording pringA Song Remains the Same." susceptible to the old over-kill.
Last fall, his bearded face smiled out from the producer. You can't say you weren't When the art goes, how lona
the covers of Time and Newsweek, marking warned. The song has remained can the craft sustain itself?
the triumph of his breakthrough third al- SPECIFICALLY banned was Jon Lan- the same,^ as has this group's Led Zeppelin, hopefully, isn't
bum, Born to Run. But there wasn't a fo- da, the fo k ct h h growth. seeking the answer to that ques
low-up, and conjecture spread that perhaps finished podui Jackson Brownes for Recorded live at Madison tion. Since the album is corn-
-up, andconjectue sprea that pehaSquareshGardenucitheJckPoisBothe'pristh- ofieolderod materialalthhs
Springsteen had been a flash-in-the-pan me- cn ing sLn h boseSquareGarden, the LP is the may just be a pause. A time
dia creation m g album. Landau had boosted Spring soundtrack for Zep's new mov-
steen's career two years ago by labeling e tiled th for the group to catch its
Playing at'the Oakland Paramount, one him "The future of rock and roll." And now bum. For movie filler it ma breath and assess themselves'
of a dozen stops on a national tour this fall, he's garnered a good share of the credit be fine - I don't know, haven't (much the same way the Roil-~
sh Sprngsteen laid that for the success of the densely textured Born seen it yet - but as turntable ingSts t'i with "Get Yer
conjecture to rest. to Run, which Landau produced with Appel's material it is disappointing. t
Sometimes the complex lyrics didn't make approval.
it trouh te spakes uscatedbuttheMOSTLY AN ALL-BARK, no- direction and drive, the group
it through the speakers unscathed, but the One observer in the record industry ex- bite drone, it exposes the in- usually falters when he does.'
27-year-old singer and guitarist, his six-piece plained the Springsteen - Landau relation- herent limitations of three-in- His giitar work throughout is
E Street Band and the four-man Memphis ship during the album's production: strument power rock in general mostly frantic and undeveloped.
Horns put on a tremendous show. "Bruce made the final artistic decisions, and of this band in particular. Flashy, but not exhilarating. In
Unless the group is extraordi- "Stairway to Heaven" he is
REPEATEDLY at Oakland, and elsewhere but Jon was the catalyst. Jon came n after a narily gifted or unusually crafty showy and flamboyant where
on the tour as well, Springsteen has proven number of months of effort, after only one (both of which Zep has proved before he was subtle. Rather_
his mastery of styles rangingfrom Bo Did- song has been finished and they were floun- itself at times to be) a heavy than carefully constructing his
dley's urban blues to Jackson Browne's sub- dering for a sense of direction. He helped reliance on individual virtuosity lead, he charges blindly into
urban poetry. Songs like "Back Streets,,,Bruce discover for himself where he want- develops. Which is some risky the fury he is impatient to con-
"Jungleland,". and "Tenth Avenue Freeze- ed to go with his music-
out" carried the excitement of Springsteen's APPEL AGREED with this evaluation as?
urban-pink rock style. His bump routine with late as July. In an interview with Record$
sax player Clarence Clemmons during "Ros- World magazine published just before Spring-
alita" was a highpoint of the genuine com- steen filed suit, Appel, who had participated
munion that Springsteen has with his mu- in the production of all three Springsteen
sicians, his audience and his music. albums, credited Landau's knowledge of n
His new material is as impressive as his rock music and his ability to relate to
old. "Rendezvous" is an up-tempo candidate Springsteen "on a level where Bruce was at."
for radio disc jockeys. "Something In The That was before the storm.According to
Night" is powerfully introspective. He has his attorney, Leonard Marks, Appel now« Bring a Friend
come up with a chilling version of Eric takes a different view. or Free
. Burdon and the Animals. "It's My Life," "We felt that Appel had helped Bruce to Just bring this
"The Promise," a piano solo, was equally build his career, and got him on the covers coupon and your
eerie. of both Time and Newsweek - the first time o opon panyor.
But if Springsteen's beard is gone, so is that that has ever happened.
his innocence. Speaking from the lip of
the stage in the middle of his set, he told the APPEL, Marks said, has suggested to Co- Open tennis:
audience that his long-awaited fourth album liimbia that Springsteen either record with 2rh hou:
will "be out as soon as I learn my lesson Brooks Arthur, Janis Ian's producer, or do
in show se'a live album using tapes of last year's Lon-
ishwbusiness. x , ...
don and Bay Area shows.
HE REFERRED to a legal battle in which Springsteen, though, has held out for Lan-
he has sued his manager for breach of con- dau. And Landau had this to say: "The 3150 Carpenter L 971-9510
tract and in turn has been enjoined from charges of interference are false. Anyone_
recording with CBS, the Columbia Broadcast- who knows Bruce knows that he's his own
ing System's record company And the pro- man, and whatever decisions he made ehe
ducer of Springsteen's choice. made on his own initiative." TABLEWARE Striking and practical. Large
The million - dollar breach of contract So the situation remains unsettled. Ap- mugs in 6 rainbow hues plus
suit was filed against the rock star's m ia- peals are pending and the courts will decide matching plates.
ger, Mike Appel, on July 27 in U. S. District whether Springsteen and Landau can record 12 pieces, $24.96.
C1gerMikeANelYonkJul geinU. S.DstrAipct together, or whether Appel will control man-
Court in New York. It alleges that Appel agement and production.
"conducted'bqsiness in a shockingly slipshod,
wastful nd tgletfulmannr "Or Sprinigsteen could take things to his
own court of last resort and produce him-
Appel quickly counter-sued, and on Aug. 19 self, which might or might not be legal. If
sl New York State Supreme Court denied that it is, there might be a new album by March.


tes in

past glory


jure. 53 seconds, commanding one mood, are still quite strong, but
ZEP'S MOST dangerous pit- full side. somewhat more inconsistent
fall is lost freshness. They burst "NO QUARTER" and "The than I've come to expect. John
onto the scene in 1968 with a Song Remains the Same" are Paul Jones is emerging as per-
challenging uniqueness. But both done with taste and con- haps the best part of the band.
they have too often re-worked sideration. The result is redeem- His bass lines are sensitive and
those ideas so that they have ing. "Whole Lotta Love" finds function admirably as a creative
become old, inhibiting. Tending Page busy with one of his fa- as well as a stabilizing force.
toward repetition (especially in vorite pastimes: copping riffs. It's an anxious, project talk-
execution), Zeppelin fall back He takes from Carl Perkins ing more to the past than to
on too many cliches. Their one-" (ala "Everybody's Tryin' To the future, The glimpses we
time prideful boast has become BeMy Baby" - while Robert may get are not the healthiest.
a swagger. Plant sings "Shake It One Time Lots of flexing, relatively few
On "Moby Dick" drummer For Elvis"), Alvin Lee, "coin' muscles, "The Song Remains
John Bonham flails relentlessly Home"), Eric Clapton ("Cat's the Same" should have kept
away at the facile. His ideas Squirrel"), even himself. "Whole the soundtrack to the screen.
were provocative in the context Lotta Love" has a lot of vigor,
of earlier compositions, but his though, making it one of the
solo during this tune showcases more interesting tracks.
only a competent, if practiced, Robert Plant is straining to ORIGINAL
technique in command of a mea- hit notes 'and sometimes fakes FRINTS-SCULPTURE
ger imagination, it with a forced, one-the-john
"Dazed and Confused" clocks scream. His vocals, which are by
in at a wasteful 26 minutes and vital to legitimizing a song's

Raipn A Worfe
U-M Art faculty
VOTE TODAY . Friday-Sunday
11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
350 W. N. Territorial Rd.
(313) 663-8909
Cuban-born author, critic, and social psychologist at Rutgers University who
has been to revolutionary Cuba three times.
T 8:30 p.m.: SONGS, MUSIC AND DISCUSSION.'Also featuring Bernardo
Palombo, Argentine composer and singer. At the Ark, 1421 Hill Street.
t0 12 noon: "LA MUJER EN CUBA." Brown-bag discussion. At the Inter-
national Center.
O 7:30 p.m.: "THE AFRICAN PRESENCE IN CUBA." Feature film: "THE
Dramatically powerful account of block slavery in the 19th century. The plot is
set within a broader historical framework in order to reveal the actual social and
political forces responsible for slavery as well as the anti-slavery movement.
Discussion at Trotter House.
LOURDES CASAL'S visit to the University of Michigan is sponsored by the Group on Latin
AmericanIssues, with the support of the LSA Dean's Office and the, Office of the V-P for
Student Services. Co-sponsorship of the fiims and music part of the program originated with
MSA and UAC. The Ark continues being very kind to Golai.


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A ND NOW for an advancen
tice. There will be a wor
shop in Moroccan Berber dan
and music this Saturday a
Sunday at Schwaben Halle,2
S. Ashley, from, 9 a.m. 'to 4:1
p.m. Hassan Wakrim, arms
director of the dance grou
Inossis, will lead the worksh
sponsored by Art Worlds a
Suheyla. So mark it off on yo
calendars, all you belly - dan
ing fans. There's even a dan
party for the group on Satu
day at 8 p.m. in the same pla

no- ON SUNDAY, the Out of Town-
rk- ers, a new Ann Arbor poetry KODAK
ice reading / performance series, GREETING CARDS
nd will present its second program at
at 2 p.m. in the audio-visual SUN PHOTO
tic room of the Art Museum. The ONE DAY SERVICE.
op, program will feature Canadian 3180 PACKARD
op, poet Tom Wayman and Ken 2 Blks. E. of Platt
nd Mikolowski of Grindstone City. -E

340 Maynard A Aror 662 2000 '3b S Woodward Birmngham 642 1460


RY 5


r The new series is sponsored by
Ce the Art Museum and two Ann'
ur- Arbor poets, D. Clinton and
ce. Kerry Thomas.

Fly DETROIT to L.A., round trip
P329 plus tax
PRICE INCLUDES: Departure Dec. 30, return
Jan. 4, 5 days, 5 nights (dble. occup.) at beau-
tiful Ramada Inn.
At additional cost Rose Bowl Parade, tickets,
game, transportation, Universal Studio and
star's home tour, Disneyland, city tour.
(213) 384-6871

Cocktails 10 P.M.-1 A.M. HURSD
Schiltz Cottage INN
Mess of Smelts 512 E. Williams - Ann Arbor

Vocalist, Songwriter, Author

Specie! Preview Opening Friday8-2pm.
Dec.4-5 Sat-Sun.10-6
continue hrough Dec.24

Door Prizes, Free Plant Lecture
& the Floral. Beauty of Christmas
SAT., DEC. 4: 8:30-5:00
SUN., DEC. 5:10:00-5:00


Steven Kngh~t
Jul.. Show
Joe Cyberski
Tim Wade '

John Glick
1,8. Remsen
Elizabeth Brown
Todd Warner
X t' Ktit~ih\

GARY SMITH : Author of Windsingor
tu.LLETT 5


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