Arts & Entertainm ent Wednesday, December 1, 1976 Pae Five
Ken Parsigian
HAD ARRIVED AT THE CLUB LATE, so I decided to kib-
bitz for a while., Bill and Jeff were playing with Don and
Rico, and that, I thought, would be an interesting match, so
I sat down behind Bill.
Bill opened the bidding with 4 hearts, and after Don passed,
Jeff, who had been listening to the bidding at the next table,
emerged from his stupor to bid 6 hearts. An incredulous Rico,
doubled loudly, and 6 hearts double became the final contract.
While Don pondered his opening lead, the steward informed
Bill that he had a long distance phone call.
"Glad to," I replied as I picked up his hand.
For convenience, let me show you all four hands. I am
Patti Smith rocks
in second winner
Actor's death a shock
PATTI SMITH'S second album,
Radio Ethiopia (Arista
4097), is an awesome achieve-
ment. Her landmark first effort,
last year's combination of inno-
vative rock and avante-g a r d e
poetry, Horses, was the kind of
debut most artists can only
dream of: it immediately estab-
lished Smith as a force poten-
tially if not presently as impor-
tant as a Dylan or a Jagger.
Trying to avoid attempting to
outdo such a successful project,
Smith has replaced avante-garde
producer John Cale with a spe-
cialist in hard rock, Jack Doug-
now South.
10 x
K x
X x
x x
K J x x x
10 x
Q x
A K, J 10
Q J x x x x
K x
A x x x
A x
10 x x x x
x x
o, x x xy
THE BIDDING IS NOT AS ABSURD as it seems. Bill, anI
absent-minded type, had mixed his diamonds in with his hearts. las; fur hermore, she has steer-
Seeing eight hearts, headed by the KQJ, bis 4 heart opener ed Radio Ethiopia into areas
was clearly indicated. Jeff also made the correct bid, only largely unexplored on Horses.
he made it at the wrong table. He had been listening to the These new ventures include
bidding at the next table, where South had opened 1 heart, straight-ahead hard rock and
North had bid 1 spade, then South had jumped to 4 hearts. 'free-form experimekitation; buth
Had Greg been sitting at that table, 6 hearts would have beena are handled withtthe skill of a
the obvious call. master.
So, I faced the seemingly insurmountable task of making When Smith began her per-
forming career several years
6 hrarts off three Aces! ago, it was as a poet reading
Don had been struggling over a lead, and finally decided from her own work - she has
to play it safe with the spade 2. I played dummy's -8, and had several collections publish-
Rico stopped to think. The 2 of spades was probably fourth ed. Eventually, she added rock
highest, which meant that South would be void in spades. This critic Lenny Kave on guitar, and
seemed reasonable since South certainly had eight hearts, and the full rock band, recently
would be likely to be short in spades. So, not wanting to have named the Patti Smith Group,
soon followed. Her often stream-
his Ace ruffed, setting up dummys King, Rico covered with of-consciousness-like poetry is
the 9 of spades, and I won my stiff Queen. still an integral part of her
I QUICKLY FORMED A CHICANEROUS PLAN, and led work, but her talents as a rock-
a small diamond. Don had no problem ,with this play. Since er are becoming increasingly ob-
I was already marked with the spade Ace and Queen (he vious in her live performances
thought), even Bill wouldn't have opened 4 hearts an Ace- and on Radio Ethiopia.
Queen and a King outside of the heart suit. Convinced that SMITH has the voice of a
Rico must have the diamond King, he played low, and I won great rock star - powerful, ver-
dummy's Queen. The King of spades now forced Rico's Ace, satile, and unique. The Patti
which. Iruffed. I returned to dumny with the club Ace, and Smith Group is emering as a
pitched my diamond King on the Jack of spades. n baled out rock, comilex instrui-
Next, I led the heart 10, and Rico played low, as did I. mentation, and sensitive intona-
Don, still looking for a big set, was sure that I would repeat tions.
the "finesse," so he ducked too. Now I crossed him by ruffing Contrary to popular opinion,
a diamond in hand, and leading the heart Queen. Don stopped Hfrtes was very much design-
to count the hearts. He had three, dummy had two, and Rico ed for maximum consumotion.
had shown up with one - that left seven for me. Clearly Rico Radio Ethiovia is more daring,
couldn't have another one, since that would mean that Bill had I t oens the way a good album
bid 4 hearts with only six hearts - unthinkable. So, rather sho Ids with loads of loud gui-
tar. bass. piano, and drums, and
than lose his King to my Ace on the next (he thought), he nenty of screaming vocals.
dpcided to take his trump trick now, and played the King. "Ask the Angels" and the se-
Zico slammed his Ace, perforce, on the table and let out an pond side's opener. "Pumping
anguished scream as I chalked up the doubled small slam. (My Heart)" are the sort of
songs that groups like Aerosmith
'(also produced by Jack Doug-
mv'sic than any lyric sheet could. By AP and UPI
"Ask the Angels" is a wond- HOLLYWOOD - Comedian
derful rock song with a d e f t Cambridge was awaiting his cu
bridge and a catchy hook It's first scene in a new television m
Smith's manifesto for the futvre he collapsed and died without w
of rock'r'roll. a future which Paramedics worked on the 4
will include her as one of its
participants. "Rock and roll :s actor for nearly an hour Monday
what I'm going to be." unable to revive him. He wasI
"Pimoing (My Heart)" ws ed dead on arrival at St. Josep
introduced over a year ago in Center.
Smi'h's concerts, and on reord
it's every bit as dynamic «s itt
is on sage.
"INSPIRED BY" Jim %orri-
son, Edie Sedgewick, and -bh e
Queen of Sheba, "Poppies" is
an audio interpretation of an
onim tri-i. It uses with sec
tacular success the old Veivet
Underground multi-vocal-track-
in technique that Smith reviv-
ed for "Land" and "Bir iland"
on Horses.
The album's highilight is the
twelve minute "Radio lhiop ia/
Abyssinia". Somewhat akin to.
the Velvet Underground's "Sis-
ter Ray", it's a s'ructureess
jarring abstraction of rok'n'
roll - very much at the Giher.
end of the spectrum from "Ask
the Angels". It begins with some
so"nds that we might hear were
a U.F.O. to land next door, and
oroceeds with some distored
heavy metal riffing.
Radio Ethiopia meets the test -
of a great album several imues Go f rAIIIa3
over. It contains a broiid ange
of musical and lyrical s',vles,
many of which are unique to WHAT'S COMING UP . .
Smith, and none if if s eight FIRST, what's about to leave
songs are weak. While not nec- the arts scene - the Ann
essarily better than Horses, it Arbor Art Association's 54th An-
is an advance over 'pat amrn. nual Exhibition. It runs through
and it shows continued grevth Dec. 2 in the association's head-
and development on :he part; quarters at-117 W. Liberty.
of Smith and also her group. Works include jewelry, batik,
Most importantly, it hers ,ip to oil acrylic, graphics, weaving,
repeated playings. W'h Radio stained glass and ceramics.
Ethiopia, Patti Smith has her Stop by between 10 a.m. and 4
second winner. p.m.
With a mast er ful command of history, Mr
Toland has revealed Hitter within the context
of the time that made him.
f ..E
e for the
ovie when
but were
h Medical
LOS ANGELES County Coroner Dr.
Thomas Noguchi said a preliminary au-
topsy yesterday showed the cause of
death as heart disease. Microscopic tests
were scheduled to determine the specific
type of attack he suffered.
The black performer was playing Ugan-
dan dictator Idi Amin on his first day at
work in "Victory At Entebbe" when he
was stricken on the Burbank Studio set.
"It was terribly shocking," said actor
Theodore Bikel who was in the scene with
CAMBRIDGE'S wife, Audrey, who was
visiting the set, looked on as paramedics
attempted to revive the actor with oxy-
gen and electrical shocks, Bickel said.
Cambridge and his wife had arrived in
Hollywood Sunday from their home in
"White or black," Cambridge once said
in an interview, "when I look in a mirror
I still see me. "But I've made 'em one
concession to white - I add a g' to my
HE WA raised in New York's Harlem
by parents who emigrated from British
Guiana. Graduating from Hofstra College-
in 1955, he worked as an airplane wing
cleaner, judo instructor., maternity hospi-
tal ambulance driver, hot rod racer and
cab driver, while trying to break
He got his first role in 1956 as a bar-
tender in an off-Broadway revival for
which he earned $15 a week. He won
critical acclaim - and an Obie Award
for Best Performer of 1961 - for his role
in Jean Genet's savage drama about ra-
cial hatred, "The Blacks."
Once he had become established in mov-
ies by playing black roles, Cambridge hi-
sisted on acting parts that depicted him
"as a man, rather than as a Negro." He
played an Irishman in "The Troublemak-
er 1964," a CIA agent in "The President's
Analyst 1967," a gangster in "The Busy
Body 1967," a Jewish cab driver in "Bye,
Bye Braverman 1968," and a white bigot
who gets turned into a black man in
"Night the Sun Came Out 1969."
IN ADDITION to the theater and films,
Cambridge cut comedy records, appear-
ed on television andt authored a book,
"Puttings Onis and Put Downs."'
Four years ago Cambridge almost suc-
cumbed to exhaustion due to overwork
and went on a crash diet to lose some
of his 300 pounds.
Cambridge's last role was heavily dra-
matic, playing dictator Amin in the ABC-
TV movie account of the Israeli raid in
Entebbe to free Jewish histages earlier
this year.
Cuban-born author, critic, and social psychologist at Rutgers University who
has been to revolutionary Cuba three times.
® 8:30 p.m.: SONGS, MUSIC AND DISCUSSION. Also featuring Bernardo
Polombo, Argentine composer and singer. At the Ark, 1421 Hill Street.
"12 noon: "LA MUJER EN CUBA." Brown-bag discussion. At the Inter-
national ,Center.
* 7:30 p.m.: "THE AFRICAN PRESENCE IN CUBA." Feature film: "THE
Dramatically powerful account of black slavery in the 19th centuy. The plot is
set within a brooder historical framework in order to reveal the actual social and
political forces responsible for slavery as well as the anti-slavery movement.
Discussion at Trotter House.
LOURDES CASAL'S visit to the University of Michigan is sponsored by the Group on Latin
American Issues, with the support of the LSA Dean's Office and the Office of the V-P for
Student Services. Co-sponsorship of the films and music part of the program originated with
MSA and UAC. The Ark continues being very kind to Golai.
£par 1s P: T1in
ren ^h.
The billing on this album is ap-
nronriately the Patti S m i t h
By MIKE TAYLOR addition, songs like "Big Boy" Group: all the songs have been
Big Beat (Columbia PC-34359), and "Everybody's Stupid" are co-written by various b a n d
the latest album by the Britishljust a waste of time. members, and their instrumenta-
duo Sparks, is a mildly enter- Big Beat has its good mo- tion and backing vocals are al-
taining project. The pretentious meats and its bad ones. Un for- most as important to the al-
arrangements of previous al- tunately, the good spots are not bum as Smith's lead vocals are.
bums are gone, but what re- good enough nor plentiful enough A LENGTHY poem of im-
mains is ,bare bones indeed. to redeem the rest of the al-j mense power. and beauty has
There are some cleved lyrics bum. Sparks has talent, but in been included with the album.
and a few worthwhile melodies order to succeed in the future' Filled with Smith's many phil-
on this album, but not m u c h, osoohies on life, it makes fas-
else. the group will have to work a' cinating reading and it gives the
The production, by R u p e r t little harder. listener a better guide to the
Holmes, is stark and basic,
with extremely mechanical
sounding guitar riffs predomin-
ating. A few numbers have some
nice keyboard touches by Ron
Mael, who, as usual, has writ-
ten all the songs. Brother Rus-
sell's singing is less f e r v e n t
than it once was, which is a
blessing, and the lyric sheet is '--
no longer the necessity is used
to be.
IN ORDER not to be offended,0
one has to assume Mael is put-
tig us on with songs like
"They're easy to see (as
long as they're)
White women enevrywhere
There's always a replace-
ment, anytime, anywhere... MEET THE Ai
I've tried most every package
From Peking to Berdoo
Im sticking wi'h a brandM EET R
I'm sticking with you,
Because you're a white wo- Visiting Professor at the
man, so very fair and co-author of th
Both songs have pleasant, but
inconsequential melodies.
"I BOUGHT the Mississippi
River" has a good tune a nd
whimsical lyrics, and "I Like
Girls" is an a.musing comment
on today's sexual standards.
"Fill-er-up" and "Nothing .o Public and Private Rulers and H
Do" are clever sex metapltors,
and "Confusion" is a funny story VIKING F
about a very lost person in-
";saSparSksevergbets. s THURSDAY, DEC E
about the seventies -ndTI par-
ticularly a very seventies rela-
Vocalist, Songwriter, Author
303 South State Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
m . """.... ...,
e University of Michigan
e exciting new book
GARY SMITH : Author of Windsinger
ow to Make Them Accountable.
PRESS, $15
MBER 2nd-3 P.M.
F LLm T 'S.