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December 01, 1976 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 68 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, December 1, 1976 Ten Cents Eig

ght Pages

t I -
lil tank runneth over -
Had Jeanie Meza of Mountlake Terrace, Wash-
ington not been a do-it-yourselfer she might not
be a bride today. As she tells it, last January
she paid in advance for gasoline at a conveni-
ence store's self-service pump but that when, she
went to get it Tom Carson, 32, was helping him-
self to her fuel. She complained. He responded,
"I love you." They were 'narried last weekend
at the place they found each~other - right un-
der the sign that says "Premium 59.9."
Whistle while you work
For the past two weeks, female students at
the University of Florida in Gainesville have been
complaining about wolf whistles and obscene re-
marks by workers at construction sites on the
campus. In letters to the editor of the Inde-
pendent Florida Alligator, the university news-
paper, the women said they objected mostly to
the arbitrary "scale" of one to ten used by the
workers to sexually rate female passersby. Gus
Klonis of the state. General Services Department
promised to come to the assistance of the women.
"I have already cautioned the contractors not to
let their men make snide remarks and they have
promised to quiet them down," Klonis said. "When
an incident comes to my attention, I'll tell the
general contractor and he will take fast action
to fire the man involved or get him off he site."
So much for whistling while you work.
Happenings .. .
get off to a political start when MSA elec-
tion polls open for the second day of voting at
9:30 a.m. in the Union and the Fishbowl where
they will stay open until 5:30 p.m. You can also
cast your ballot between 11 and 3 at the Business
Schoo and between 4:30 and 6:30 in South, East
and West Quads and in Stockwell and Mosher
Jordan ... at noon Dr. Warren Palmer speaks on
"Preserving Black Colleges" at the Center, for
Afro-American and African Studies, 1100 S. Uni-
versity ... the Firesign Theater film ",'hariah"
will be shown free at 3 p.m. in Aud. A of Angell
Hall ... between 3 and 5 the International Cen-
ter at 603 E. Madison will hold a program en-
titled "Travel Tips in the United States" ... at
6 p.m. tune into WCBN, 89.5 FM, for the Nice
Ladies' Comedy Hour ... at 7:30 p.m. local mem-
bers of Eckankar will present an introductory
talk in Rm. C on the third floor of the League
:. at the same time the Society for Automotive
Engineers will sponsor a free auto tune-up class
in Rm. 170 of the Physics and Astronomy Bldg.
... there's another in the continuing series of GEO-
membership meetings at 8 p.m. in the Rackham
Ampitheatre ... also at 8 the Jung Study Group
will discuss "The Process of Individuation" at
the Canterbury House, corner of Catherine and
Division ... Student Night at the Gay Community
Services Center, 612 S. Forest, starts at 8:30 p.m.
.. and at 9 p.m. Jim Grondin will give a poetry
reading in the Red Carpet Lounge of Alice Lloyd
and a partridge in a pear tree.
Just like in the fOUles
Remember those summer afternoons at the
beach cracking funnies about the film "Jaws?"
Jeff Spence, of Cape Town, South Africa sure does,
and he's not likely to ever forget. Spence was
swimming at a local beach last Saturday, and
entertaining a friend with his imitation of the wo-
man who was the shark's first victim in the har-
rowing film. "As we rested," said Spence, "I felt
a bump against my side and I was being pushed
at a fast rate. About 10 meters on, the shark let
go. I staed down at my own blood coloring the
sea. The next momert I saw the shark clearly
about a foot from my nose just under the sur-
face, and I thought 'This is it,' but tin some
chaps in a dinghy hauled me aboard." Spence
cane away with a deep gash the length of his
Confucius says

keep mouth shut
New York television weatherman Tex Antoine,
suspended last week after a supremely witless on-
the-air remark about rape, will not be fired, ac-
cording to officials at WABC. "We don't think we
can use this as a thrust to end his career," said
station general manager Kenneth MacQueen. Ar;-
toine began his weather segment last Wednesday
evening after a news story about the attempted
rave of an8-year-old girl. He said, "With rape so
predominant in the news lately, Confucius once
say: 'If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it."'
Station switchboards were immediately swamped
by an estimated 650 phone calls within half an
hour after the crack. Antoine apologized on the air
but was suspended indefiviitely.
Ont the iiiside..
... A perspective on Ann Arbor as seen through
the eyes of an African student is broght to you
by Isaac Kwesi Prah on the Editorial Page ...
Mike Taylor reviews the shake, rattle 'n roll of
Patti Smith on her new album, Radio Ethiopia,
for the Arts Page .. and the Sports Page's Bob
Miller gives us the goods on Wolverine hockey



Second of two parts
In March of 1973, the 014 Braves Council
of Michigamua sent out a newsletter to the
Tribe's alumni. It included a message that em-
bodied all the bewilderment and frustrated pride
that mark the modern Michigamua:
"In a rapidly changing world where the dif-
ferences between generations often seem irrecon-
cilable," the letter read, "the continued strength
of Michigamua is noteworthy. Responding to many
new pressures, including the pressures of the
American Indian groups, the Fighting Braves
have displayed an understanding and dedication
to Michigamua that would make any Old Brave
THE PRESSURES have doubled, at least, in
the three and a half years since; pride or no,

Michiga'mua now faces a battle of which its
founders could never have dreamt.
Seventy-five years ago, a group of men be-
gan a society that worul honor the- male lead-
ers of the senior class with membership in a
tribe of "Indians" whose purpose would be "to
foster a loyalty for " our Alma Mater and pro-
mote good class fellowship."
That group's spiritual descendents are now
being charged with racism, sexism, and viola-
tions of federal law. The charges are assault-
ing Michigamua's philosophical underpinnings-
secrecy, association with the University, and
what the founders believed to be an idealized
perception of American Indian traditions.
a head this week. The University's investiga-
tion of the Tribe, prompted by a Department
of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) re-
quest, was completed last week and presented

de or prejudice?
to' University President Robben Fleming. Vice- by sex, part of the 1972 Education Amendments,
President for Student Services Henry Johnson is the biggest challenge. Michigan Student As-
said he will meet this morning with Michigamua sembly; (MSA) Vice-President Amy Blumenthal
representatives, lawyers, and John Feldkamp, and former MSA member Anita Tanay filed a
University housing director and the Tribe's un- complaint in September with HEW, charging
official advisor, "to talk about different op- that the all-male Michigamua's free use of space
tions." in the Michigan Union and of University-owned
jF 1p1iinis t y CArt~.Ld fnI m ~ak nIli1 nr Radrick Farms is a violation of, Title IX.

v emsng is expectea to maze a ruling or
statement on all single-sex organizations by the
end of this week.
"I can't believe there's such a big stink
about it," said a current member last week.
"It's nothing but a bunch of guys getting to-
gether to have a good time."
THE "BIG STINK" is just beginning, and
it's advancing on several fronts:
* Title IX. The federal regulation which pre-
vents the University from providing "signifi-
cant assistance" to groups which discriminate

0 Natives American complaints. Grace Pego,
an American Indian student, filed an HEW
complaint in October which charged that the
Tribe violates Title VI, The law forbids race
discrimination by any University-assisted group.
Pego and others charge that Michigamua vio-
lates civil rights by holding initiation rites which
they say humiliate and degrade native Ameri-
cans. They say the rites are a parody of their
cultures and present Indians as savage and


BoardOK's Gilmore execution

Rvuling aid'U
clerical cause
A recent ruling by the Michigan Employe Relations Commis-
sion (MERC) regarding the right of public employes to distribute
union materials could bolster the efforts .of University clerical
workers, without a union since last summer, to reorganize their
rank and file.I
MERC's decision, handed down earlier this month, allows pub-
lic employes to distribute union materials in non-work areas (cafe-
terias, foyers, lounges, and parking structures, for example). during
non-work hours.

asks U.S.
Korean embassy officer who re-
portedly is a ranking Korean
intelligence agent has asked for
asylum in the United States and
has agreed to cooperate in a
probe of a bribery scandal in-
volving a number of U. S. con-
gressmen, sources said last
The sources identified the of-
ficer as Kim Sang Keun, listed
as a counselor at the South Ko-
rean embassy.
KIM WAS said to be under
protective custody. A telephone
call to his home in suburban
McLean, Va., was answered by
an American who refused to
identify himself or to disclose
Kim's whereabouts.
"This appears to be some-
thing akin to plea bargaining,"
one source said, of Kim's deci-
sion to . seek asylum in this
See KOREAN, Page 8

Patricia Schwartzmann and
Marianne Jensen, both mem-
bers of Clericals for a Demo-
cratic Union (CDU), one of two
factions comprising the old
clericals union, United Auto
Workers (UAW) Local 2001,
hope the decision will help cre-
ate interest in a new, union.
Schwartzmann called MERC's
ruling "heartening." The wom-
en hope to begin organizing a
new union next spring.
Clerical§ voted in August to
disband their old union, Local
2001, after elections last Janu-
ary for union officers were con-
tested and subsequently over-
On more than one occasion,
Schwartzmannand Jensen were
prohibited from passing out pe-
titions and slates of CDU can-
didates in the foyers and cafe-
teria at University Hospital. It
promoted 2001 to file an unfair
labor practices complaint
acainst the University. MERC's
ruling is the result of that com-
Schwartzmann said that union
members have been "demoral-
ized" since the decertification
of 2001. "People are beginning
to realize just what a union
means." she said.
Jensen and Schwartzmann
said That CDU is proposing an
independent clericals committee
to get the reorganization pro-
cess started. They said that
CDU would not dominate the
committee, but act as a caucus
within it.
See MERC, Page 3

By AP and Reuter
way was finally cleared
yesterday for condemned
Utah killer Gary Gilmore
to get his wish, execution
before a firin squad.
The three - riember Utah
Pardons Board, after hear-
ing an appeal . from the
pale, emaciated Gilmore 'to
be put to death, ruled two-
to-one that his death sen-
tence should not be com-
UTAH COUNTY Attorney No-
all Wootton whose office pro-
secuted Gimore, immediately
submitted papers to the trial
judge, Robert Bullock, to set a
new execution date. Authori-
ties have said the new date,
though up to the judge, could
be as early as next Monday.
However, attorneys for the
Utah branch of the American
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
and lawyers for other Death
Row inmates indicated they
would goo court to continue
their efforts to stay the execu-
"We won't let the matter go
enacted on," said Shirley Ped-.
ler of the ACLU Utah affiliate
after the decision.
would make Gilmore, convicted
in the July murder of a motel
clerk, the first person to be put
to death in the United States in
nearly 10 years.
The Board ruling came after
a two-hour-long hearing at
which anti - capital punishment
groups argued that the state,
by executing Gilmore, would be
helning him commit suicide.
One speaker argued that Utah
might touch off a bloodbath of
killing among the more than 400
condemned prisoners now await-
ing execution in death rows
across the country.
GILMORE, dressed in white
prison clothes, with chains on
his wrists and ankles and thin
from a 12-day hunger strike,
made derisory remarks abo t
the people trying to save his
"Have you got all your mar-
bl s" he said to one.
"Good grief!" he said on hear-
i'ig another anti - capital pun-
ishment argument. ,
"ALL I hae to say to all of
See UTAH. Page 3

SENIOR DWIGHT Campbell (left) and freshman Bill Reuter (right) cast their ballots at the
Union in yesterday's MSA elections. Most of the voting took place indoors as freezing tempera-
tures forced many polling places inside.
Voters rave cold in




Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) election
officials said yesterday that voter turn-out for
the first day of student government elections
was not affected by frigid temperatures which
caused several polling places to close ol be re-
Two separate incidents of suspected "smear"
campaign -literature also marked the opening
of the three-day election.
MSA was forced to relocate some of its out-
door polls.
"We tried to rearrange things so as not to
be cruel to election workers whp had to sit at
the polls for hours at a time," said Assistant

Election Director Monte Fowler. He added that
many poll workers were "suffering" in the cold,
while students would not stop to vote.
The relocations presented several problems,
Fowler explained.
THE SITE LOCATED outside the Undergradu-
ate Library could not be moved inside because
of library policy.$
"We would have loved to set up inside the
UGLI," Fowler said, "But they wouldn't let
As a result, the site at the UGLI was trans-
ferred to the lobby of the Modern Languages
doned completely by 11:30 a.m. because of low
See SMEARS, Page 3



Two local Teamsters Union officials charged yesterday that
the Police Officers Association of Michigan's (POAM) expulsion
of Teamster's Local 214 Monday for non-payment of dues was a
case of 4sour grapes" by an organization on the verge of ex-
Teamsters Local 214 is bargaining agent for command officers
in the Ann Arbor Police Department, officers and deputies in the
Washteiaw County Sheriff's Department, and over 2,000 other
law enforcement officers statewide.
THE EXECUTIVE Board of the 8,000 member Police Associa-
tion voted Monday to expel Local 214 after receiving a letter from

to make available "full union services" to its member departments
that wish to use them. The proposal, which will involve increasing
POAM dues from $1 to $2 a month per officer, goes before the
special delegates' convention in January for ratification. It would
put POAM in direct competition with the Teamsters Union.
'In a period of time, the POAM (Police Ofi-

cers Association of Michigan)
almost non-functional. If/it fails
tor) Carl Parsell is out of a job.'

is going to be
(POAM Direc-

c, ;A-.,en 4. " f S.x.. :a h 9iA'i .. S ... . t:: ,e.. _ . .. ... .. ..

--.JJnc gt,?j ur d n jvvvit fl Iia rr

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