Tuesday, November 30, 1976
Page Five
-e y.o.e--1--M-G.-.- gev
P e,
Here in brief form, the Daily presents profiles of the 35
candidates running in this term's Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) election. Due to severe time linitatioas we were able to
conduct telephone interviews only. Several attempts were made to
contact each candidate.
This page was compiled by Daily reporters Lani Jordan,
Eileen Dale, and Bob Rosenbaum.
Campus Coalition
The Make Our Votes Effective
(MOVE) party has been active,
in campus politics for several
years and currently holds MSA
Spokesrhan Pete Vogel stress-
ed the party' s past MSA
achievemenlts and saidv
"MOVE's objective is to nrovide
students with services, funding
for student organizations .
students sho-ld have a part in
maki-g policy which effects
ANDRE A BEGGS - "I'd like
to get involved in student gov-
ernment," Beggs says, "I'd like
to be able to help others."
Beggs, a jumior and a political
science maior, says she has
limited exnerience in large stu-
dent organizations, but feels she
gan "give the students a good
voice" by working with MSA:
Her main reason for seeking
election is to nrovide good rep-
resentation, Beggs says. She
has no individual platform, but
stands on the platform of her
party (MOVE).
"My tendency would not be
to go up in arms about Univer-
sity policy," Browne says. "II
would sit down with them ratherf
than go picket them."
ing has been a member of MSA
for the past semester. "I ran for
the seat last year with MOVE,
and I only had a half year, so
I thought I'd run again," he
"I'd like to see more co-oper-
ation between the administra-
tion and MSA," he says, "es-
necially on topics like voluntary
As Academic Program Co-
ordinator for MSA, Browning
would like "to take a look into,
grading and academic policies"
if he is re-elected.
omore in the School of Nursing,
Schlump says she is ready for,
a seat in MSA. "Here at the
University I haven't had much
experience political-wise, but I
know people in the- government_
and I've sate in on some of the _
Campus Coalition has been .C
active in student government forr
four years and has won MSA
seats in several elections. Brianc
Laskey, heid of the party and
an MSA incumbent seeking re-i
election, says, "We're basicallyf
a group of moderates, we are
pro-student rights."
"We feel very strongly inP
many respects that student gov-c
ernment is giving up control tot
the administration," he added.f
Members of Campus Coalition
say they are concerned with thec
current renovation of the Mich-
igan Union. "The Office of Stu-t
dent Services is taking awayI
student office areas. First theyi
took away the Student Activi-
ties Building and now they're
taking away the Union," Laskeyc
been active in student govern-t
ment for several years. A sen-
ior, he is cprrently a represent-
ative to MSA as well as presi-,
dent of the Literary College
(LSA) student government.
He says, "I'm concerned byc
the recent actions of student
government. I don't like theC
MSA plan."
"I dislike the tone of attitude
that the administration has toi
be our friends because they tellI
us they're our friends," Laskeyc
added. -
If re-elected, he plans "al
restoration of student govern-
ment." He says he wants MSAe
to take realistic stands on
JON LAUER-A transfer stu-r
dent, Lauer currently holds a
position on MSA's Student Or-
ganizations Board. He says he
decided to run for MSA because
"it would be interesting to get
into the other side of student
Lauer's goal, if elected, is to
increase student involvement in
MSA. He says he feels just in-
creasing turnout at MSA elec-
tions would be attaining this
He favors mandatory funding
as "necessary to keep student
government going." Lauer plans
to push for a referendum to
place mandatory funding on an
upcoming ballot.
comer to campus politics, Tre-
rice is running because "this
year I have, more time and
wanted to get involved." Al-
though she has no specific plans
or goals for MSA, if elected she
says she hopes to bring MSA
to its full potential.
"I've seen how a lot of things
can't get done because of stu-
dent apathy-I want to generate
support, and I think I can," she
One of her major goals for
MSA is to keep students more
informed about campus issues.
Trerice says, "Students just
don't know. They don't know
w h e r e GEO (Graduate Em-
ployes Organization) stands. I'm
for informing them."
She adds, "Any student gov-
ernment should have realistic
goals. Being- radical doesn't al-
ways work."
Phillip Merdinger was un-
Students gather outside the UGLI to vote in a recent student government election. Voters in this year's MSA election will be
faced with 35 candidates for 11 seats as well as two ballot proposals. The election will be held today, tomorrow and Thursday.
SANDRA BOSSE - "My re- MSA meetings," she says.-
snonsibility is to vote in place "I've. seen enough things I SIX TlY FOR SFATS:
of the people who might not didn't like during the meetings;
have been exposed to the is- to keep me from running," Sch-
sues," Bosse says. "So few on lump says.
the campus are informed about She savs she is tired of watch-
MSA-I want to be able to vote ing MSA argue over "little{
fog them." teeny things.",
Bosse, a junior in the School Schlump says she would work
BofsEduajnio ntsecaryoffor more student involvement
of Education, and secretary ofin the workings of the assembly, CHRISTOPHER BACHELDER-Bachelder is seeking an MSA
MSA's S t u d e n t Organization and "more representation." office because student politics have become "too petty."
ar jb "to skebelieves isus He favors a reorganization of MSA committees, particularly
other people's 'business." The PETE VOGL - Vogl has a the affirmative action and resource committees, which he says
issues MSA deals with are very nuihber of priorities he says he should be either eliminated or restaffed. /
important to people, she says. would want to see established Bachelder has served on the Central Student Judiciary inter-
if he were elected to MSA. The veigbad
Bosse says, "I guess I'm sort literary college junior says viewing board.
of a stickler about knowing all would "try to get people better
the facts. I'd be a good repre- representee" in the assembly. DOUG STEINBERG-A first term freshman, Steinberg says,
sentative from that standpoint. "Students definitely need to "The government isn't doing anything for the students, MSA is
I won't be ready to vote on an take a larger voice in the mak- too tied up with petty bickering-."
issue until I know the ins and ing of University policy," he: If elected he wants to make MSA more accountable to stu-
outs of it." says. dents although he has no specific plan to accomplish this.
I-candida tes*.
says he feels his, position as an incumbent is an adviantage. "I
think I know how MSA works," he says, "and I think I would
be much more effective."
Timmis, also a member of SALT, plans to encourage more
student participation in that. organization in order to establish
a more cohesive base here. Sue tt
The "considerable amount of fear" felt by University women
walking on campus at night concerns Timmis. He says he wants
to see an investigation to determine what must be done to
combat the assaults and vandalism which occours on campus.
Timmis has developed ideas for a "mini-station" program forI
campus security which he thinks would help alleviate the "We would like to see 'MSA priority should not be funding
problem. representing students to the ad- groups," he says, "but uniting
Timmis also contends that because candidates running for ministration, a government stu- MSA to acknowledge (the exist-
MSA do not get enough exposure prior to the election, those who dents would fund voluntarily. ence of) students."
work in MSA would have more knowledge as to who the most We need a unified MSA, not all Girshman says the assembly
qualified persons are for particular offices. kinds of party squabbling," says should end'"non-beneficial fund-
party spokesman Irving Grish- ing of campus groups."
CYNTHIA WAYNE-Wayne, a former member of the Uni- man. If elected, Gitshman would
versity's Dearborn campus student government, says she would Students for Reform oppose a work to establish "a student run
like to see communications between MSA and the student bo return to mandatoryfunding.f
B"I, think we should try to in-
JAMES BROWNE-Browne, a itiate a better way of handling MIKE TAYLOR-Currently the Literary school (LSA) repre-
junior in the School of Business meetings," Vogl says. "I sat i sentative to MSA, Taylor has also worked as a coordinator of
Adiisrtin setaiv win ding uplo aa ons aoke asp stern committeero
Adminstration; is widing up a on a couple steering committee Students Associated for Lower Tuition (SALT).
term as president of his fra- meetings in MSA, and it struck
ternity hoping to get involved me as funny, because every- If re-elected, he hopes to encourage student participation in
with MSA. thing was too rigid. People MSA. "I feel students at this University should have a role in all
"I'm really kind of new," he should really be able to loosen decision making," he said. "That's not the case now."
says, "I haven't had a whole lot up in meetings," he says. Taylor says he would like to see student participation in-
of exposure to campus politics." In their dealings with Univer- crease on various Uiversity committees. Ie plans to petition
"I think that the way you can sity administration, Vogl says cree UnUversity mmes he pard o pets.
get the most done for students "MSA should at all times repre- Ihe Unversity to put student members on the Board of Regents.
is to make administration con- sent the students. They shou'ldn't Taylor also advocates the return of mandatory funding to
tacts," Browne says. "The peo- get the students wishes mixed I MSA.
ple who always get things done" up with administration pres-
in MSA are those who have a sure. GERALD TIMMIS--Timmis, presently a miember of MSA ,
"working relationship with the Jim Speer could not be
University administration." reached.
improved. She wants University publications to make more of
an attempt to cover MSA-related events.
If elected, Wayne plans to work toward MSA's assuming a
more active role in SALT. She says she would also like to see a
student representative on the Board of Regents. In addition,
Wayne wants MSA to attempt to have class size reduced.
Geoffrey Larcom was unavailable for comment.
prep ad..aget ,vfli. Iu n XI U1fVI
Members of Students for Re- the same sort of basis as the
form consider the recently pass- University Cellar." Girshman
ed sunshine law (which allows also wants to see a representa-
the public to sit in on meetings tive from MSA sitting in on all
of public officials including the University- administration meet-
University administration) im- ings, especially those dealing
portant to student access to the with school finances.
University administrative meet- "We should make sure that
}ings. the administration'doesn't spend
They have also proposed the our money irrelevantly,", he
construction of a new dormitory says.
close to central campus. "
l"~NfUn.iov wn t r
Bullshit Party
The Bullshit Party began the
campaign basing its platform on
the p r o p o s e d constitutional
amendment calling for a reor-
ganization of student govern-
ment. Although the amendment
will not appear on the ballot,
party spokesman Irving Free-
man says they will continue to
campaign on the reforms listed
in the proposed constitution.
"We are for proper apportion-
ment," Freeman said. "And
against representatives appoint-
ed by school and college govern-
The Bullshit Party is also in
favor of reviving mandatory
funding of student government.
man is making his fifth attempt
for a student government seat.
the University Housing Council,
the literary college student gov-
ernment, and the Board for Stu-
dent Publications.
"MSA has been much too
friendly with the administra-
tion," Freeman says.,
He says he wants student gov-
ernment members to stop thisI
"but they just don't do it."
Freeman advocates removing
officers who are 'too friendly'
to the administration.
"I'm also concerned about
funding," Freeman says. "I
hope students see fit to pass
mandatory funding."
He adds that while many stu-
dents consider their MSA fee
wasted, they forget about stu-
dent government instituted pro-
grams such as the University
Cellar and property and health
"Our aim is to return MSA to
a government students will be'
glad to support voluntarily,"
said party member David Witte.
The Voluntary Funding Party
plans to encourage more respon-
.ihkl nJniina f "fUiUc d LU
t/ - _ . L '. W t..L.1. . .3, L L "We have a plan to take extra
1 money (received for student
funding) and set up a pre-pack-
aged food co-op."
in representation. "I disagree "I want to. do what students he "wondered what happened toagdfMSdo ij,"o
with any reduction in the size want," he says. "I can see a this charge on my tuition bill. If MSA does its job, obvious-
of the body," he says. need for more programs like I wf h h ly credibility will increase,"
S llr schools of the Uni- the University Cellar." want to see i anyting wort Girshman said.
versfy houl hae teir ighs iwhile is accomplished.'"
r eity solHola ndsi rights JEFF SCOTT-"People don't Although he doesn't think he IRVING GIRSHMAN-"It was
even know th'ere is a ptudenteto oln as-, .,_ about time I stopped complain-
-I- Iv1
17Y1 1Y1or PfTT
KEN HOGE- I want to try
to restore faith in student gov-
ernment, to put it back in the
hands of students rather than
a group of elitists," Hoge says.
Hoge plans to end support to
"individual s p e, c i a l interest
groups" if elected. He advo-
cates channeling MSA energies
to areas more students are in-
terested in.
"Eventually I would like to
see the budgej trimmed," he
says. "S t u d e n t government
doesn't need $35,000 a year."
Hoge also favors an MSA
drive to get student representa-
tives on the Board of Regents.
Candidate Rick Rosenthal was
sine spenaing oI "una sr c'x tv tt o stu- ~ttCan make anymjrhagsn
dents have given to MSA."He says one of his major government," Scott says. 'MSA A melan Wmto say e m ig and started doing something
tasks as an MSA member would needs to be more responsible himself, Witte says he (about the condition of student
JAMES A. HOLLAND - Hol- be to "make sure that any to students and they aren't do- would like to make student gov- government at the University),"
land says he is running n grsur, rematter what size that ing it now." ernment more responsible to Girshman says. "I want to see.
platform of protecting student gets represented fairl, and that students. the government here do some-
rights. "I'm very much inter-n every student hasnfinput"itoe Scott advocates a revision ofe thing that I feel is.effective."
ested in making sure that '-h the assembly. the current negative check-off "If I can," he says, I want As it stands, Girshman says,
representation gets back to the TIOTHY LaROY - LaRoy voluntary funding system. He to make it hard for a lot of MSA doesn't represent the stu-
ent ets bsas his major goal is to dake bullshit to go on." Idents as it should. "Their first
sSA directly responsible to stu- sayshstuents
As a member of the Volun- dats. Currently, he says, "I "choose to fund MSA rather
tary Funding Party, the junior really don't think MSA is doing than choosing to withdraw sup-
student of Natural Resources that much for students - - . port."
says he advocates the voluntary there are people in there play- - 011
method of funding, "especially ing ga tmes and I don't like it." He also plans to give finan-
in student government." _ Iaoy says he wants to in- cial support to campus groups:
Holland wants to physically stitute MSA programs which more students are aware of.
enlarge the assembly "as much students would support volun-
as possible" to insure fairness tarily. - DAVID WITTE - Witte says' M
ff~~~~h ~ l Ad . ' "h 1
Four others have been unsuc- insurance.
cessful. Candidate Bob Matthews was
He currently holds seats on unavailable for comment.
. u&1vuJ(JUtu -
Committee AgainstadO Funding
As their name implies, the ness of MSA activities.
Committee Against Mandatory "When you get only nine per,
Funding, considers MSA funding cent of students turning out to
their central issue. vote at MSA elections, you're in
"It took a long time to pretty sad shape," Mandell said.I
change to voluntary funding. It GARY BRISKEN - Brisken
took two tries (on past ballots) has chosen to run because of1
to get the change," party what he calls MSA's "unfairness
spokesman S t e w a r t Mandell to students" and its inappro-
said. "Some of those running priate spending.
are trying to get the same kind Although Brisken has no pre-
of student government we had vious experience with studentl
before (with the Student Gov- government, he is confident that
ernment Council)." he "will reflect more the aver-,
The Committee Against Man- age student's viewpoints."
datory Funding would also like
.. .. ,.- -.. ffllff l' ~' .11A"Af l 7A~ T T i
sentiment toward MSA.
says he wants MSA made "less
secretive." He plans to elimi-
nate the "club attitude" which
he says prevails in MSA now.
Goldberg says he believes
some members of MSA have too
much power,. and wants to dis-
continue the practice of allowing
students to run for seats on
both MSA and Literary College
student government.
College s t u d e n t government.
Mandell says anyone holding'
two offices "has too much,
Mandell w a n t s the MSA
budget subjected to independent
auditing by an accountant in!
order to prevent scandal. He
also wants to linit the treasurer,
to one term.
LOU MOORE-Moore says he
is running because "I'm dissat-
isfied with the way it's (MSA):
run and I'd like to change it."
Ile says he hOp.s to change;
MSA and students Was poor.
"They've made it inaccessible'
to s t u d e n t s," he says. "I,
thought I could bring new lead-
ership to MSA which apparently
they're in need of."
If elected, Selburr' says he
wants to see voluntary funding
continued, and wants to make'
the Central Student Judiciary
an elected office.
AMY TOBIN-Sophomore To-
bin says she would "try to get
more people involved" in MSA.
For example, Tobin says "if we
Voters in this term's MSA elections are
faced with the semi-annual decision whether
to continue the boycott of non-union lettuce
in University-owned housing. Five possible
solutions to the current athletic events ticket
controversy are also on the ballot.
The lettuce question, part of the University
Housing Council (UHC) election which runs
concurrently with the MSA election, concerns
the continuation of the four-year-old boycott
-in support of the United Farm Workers
IN PAST elections, the referendum to con-
tinue the boycott has passed by a substantial
nmargin. Last week the UFW announced that
3200 dormitory residents signed petitions to
MSA HAS developed five systems to re-
place the current system. They include:
0 Computer system-students will indicate
on computer cards whether they want ath-
letic tickets and their preference for sitting
in a small group or block. Each individual,
group or block will be assigned randomly
within a class level (ie. Senior, Junior, etc.)
priority section.
0 Limited Block System - two lines for
each priority section. In the individual line
each person may represent four others. In
the block line each per'son may represent 15
others. Twenty-four hour presence in the
line is required.
® Limited Block System Modification -
cnen limited block svstem with the eax-