Tuesdoy, November 30, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three LOSES LEA V E' Ane.i By DENNIS SABO Have you ever walked by1 Michigan Union and found f; shaped leaves littering the si, walk, when hours before ground was barren? An Asiatic Ginkgo tree (p nounced GING-CO), a specie a grup of prehistoric pla that a fisted more than 300 n lion years ago, stands in fr of the Union and is'distinguist from other trees in seve ways, according to Bot Prof. Warren Wagner. I"IT'S NOT unusual for Gi. go trees to drop their leaves one day and the wood shatt you see news happen. call 76-DAILY ~IN A DAY: (^Tv. r'yM:'eea v w+em ' '1'+1'+' '""M+' .'"('' w} ''. ', nt tree near Union o quite easily," Wagner said "THUE SEEDS themselves (of the tree," Turner said. the I The tree still has its primitive stink" Wagner said, 'But the Jane LaRue, collection bota- 3fk I fan- biology. While most trees are Chinese used to eat the edibleI nist at the University's Botani- ide- bisexual, the Ginkgo tree is of kernel inside of it." cal Gardens, explained that the .t teseparate sexes, he added, point-: N8 one is quite sure where process of defoliation is asso- teing out that the Union ginkgo the tree in front of the Union ciated with the abscission layer s is male. came from. between the leaf's stem and AI.~l% ,ro l "The Ginkgo tree is atal Dick Turner;' architect in the, tree branch. of extinct in nature. It's a living University's Landscaping Office. "This layer kind of deterior- 1; nL nits fossil and survives only because said the tree might have been aes with the reduction of chior- ni-mn has planted its seeds since a gift to the Union but isn't ophyll, the green pigment in c the tree refuses to reproduice in certain, the plants. Trees produce lessQ °ont nature. Ginkgo trees are slowly chlorophyll with colder temper- hedi disappearing," Wagner ex-' "IT WAS probably part of the atires and the change from l,(4 ral planed. Union's original landscapingI longer to shorter days unmask which was about 1920. The Land- the leaf's colors which the any, In particular, Wagner addedI/ scaping Office's records go' chlorophyll has been coveringI Chinse onk saed he reeback to 1924 and have no listing ;during the summer," she said. from extinction by planting er ne-ylo ndaothalf by two inches nie.'.. ***...*........*..... . . . . .**.**.**....*.*..I' ~ ien are yelw n aot e ad DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN GOL in j ~~~Tuesday. N ovem ber 30 "An Oberview of Tech o logcal As- !, LT1~ / ~ , { ,/" f "" able beas fti od DAY CALENDAR . sessment." Rackham Amph", 8 p.m., 4 saehesi.WUOM: Morton Mintz. reporter( Music School: Piano duo, Recia ---- I for Washington Post; author,.-Pow- (Hall, 8 p.m. 61 C H R H J n. n"eiigadMntr ,The Schick test of susceptibil-erIn.. f Dfnngad Iitr 61 C UR H S mng the News," 1:10 a.m. ity to diphtheria was developed Geography: R. Murphey, "The Out-~ GENERAL NOTICES + ' I in 1913 by Bela Sci7ck. ciders:" The Western Experience in CE W: Information Ciznic brown- A N A BO India and China," 4050 LSA, noon. bag lunch for women who want to X Arh.UbnPann:N lc-return to scoo, Tues.. Dec. 7. NT O U E A c . U r a P l n i g N . B a ks c o l \fTH E M IC H IG A N D A IL Y t , " E v iro e ts a n d A g in , " 1 0 4:o: o :30t h r i n o , 3 8IcN T R O D U C ES76 3 Volume LXXXVII, No. 67 Behavioral Science Seminars: 153 or 764-6555. . Robt. Lindsay."Computer iua SUMMER PLACEMENT1 THE Tuesday, November 30 1976 tion," 231' Angell, 1-3 p.m. 300SAS - 763-4117 isteithe anUniversitystdentoft.MichiganHiher Newstio:JOrylad, PeopleeTn.prels.tthJacksonty oStatega. holdJhnliopes, pes. Jaauditionshol lat shwnioninsW EEKLYn, ESPECIALIA phone 764-0562. Second class postage UI., "Equality of Opportunity in Thurs., De. 2. 12-5 p.m. If youAlye paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Higher Education What Is ItP" sing, dance,. play an Instrument k Mon Nov 29 thru St Dec 4 Published d a 1y Tuesday through Schorling Aud., SEB 7:30 p.m. etc.. now is your chance; everything suny mrigdrn h nvr Engineering; Humanities: Ken- from rock to Dixieland, Country to j~ siyyear at 420 Maynard Street, Ann neth E. Boulding, U. of Clorado, Cohen.v0 Arbor. Michigan 4809, Subscription -E S-.--S-- -\- 5 / . .._______ rates: $12'96f t. thru April (2 semn- Ir ters); $13 by mail outside Ann 4i^i Arbor. 11J( ''ay1 Summer session published Tues-IT ESL NHr er 0 40N day through Saturday morning. 1 35. NVEST Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann HOME COOKING IS OUR SPECIALTYb Ck BekstAlDy EVERYDAY SPECIALSY (O Breakfas All Day Beef Stroqonff 1 a difference!!! 3 Egqs, Hash Browns, Chinese Pepper Steak } Toast &t Jely-$1.35 Eaq Rolls Home-made Soups. Beef, " LSAT " DAT Ham or Bacon or S4busae Brlev, Clam Chowder, etc. }a VAT " GRE " OCAT " SAT with 3 Egqs, Hash Browns, Home-made Chili 1ki ~D E T O R SToast &i Jelly-$ 1.95 Veetable Tempuro } "iG FLEX 3 Eaqs. Ribe Eye Steak, Homburqer Steak Dinner- I .- MG Po am an Hur HshBrowns. Toast & Spaghetti in Wine Sauce. Pgam anHor Jeiv-$2.25 Beef Curry Ricer.4j and success. Small Glasses. Voluminous Baked Flounder Dinner 1p I'LOT'tt o GOLDII C1 Chu~rch 5t*2 s that are constantly updated. 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