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November 24, 1976 - Image 24

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Michigan Daily, 1976-11-24

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Page Sixteen


Wednesday,, November 24, 197E

Green ignites the Wolverine attack

(Continued from Page 11)
nent, I don't care who we play.
THE DAILY: There's M a r c h 6
against Marquette too. Do you realize
that Michigan is at Purdue one after-
noon and at home against Marquette
the next? That's less than 24 hours
between those games, and Purdue's
tough too.
GREEN: I just hope we have enough
strength to carry us through. Whew.
THE DAILY: Do you ever feel it's
up to you to run the show in a close
GREEN: When we're down I feel like
putting out all I've got. In the closing
minutes you put out extra hard, because
that's your last chance.
Wichita State-I guess that was one of
those games. That was nice.
THE DAILY: Michigan barely es-
caped, 74-73, in that first game of the
Midwest Regionals. Was it planned

that the last shot would go to you?
There was a timeout just before that.
GREEN: No, they just said "open
shot." I looked around and there was
no one there, so I thought 'that must
be me this time. I knew it was getting
down to the very last seconds, but it
seems like taking that time to look over
at the clock would throw your concen-
tration off, and you'd throw a brick or
something just thinking, "Oh no! I've
just got to make this." Yup, that was a
game to remember.
THE DAILY: How did you feel in
the finals against Indiana last year?'
GREEN: All we had to do was to keep
up the pace we had in the first half. I
hate to blame anything on the refs, but
I think they slowed us down. Phil and
Wayman got in foul trouble, and that's
when they took their commanding lead.
You've got to play hard regardless if
two of your best men have fouled out.

THE DAILY: Were you disappointed
not to make the Olympics?
GREEN:. Yeah, I really was for
awhile, because I thought I should have
made it. But then; they said they didn't
necessarily pick the best twelve guys,
but they picked the twelve guys who
could play the best together. And I
guess they didn't feel I could play with
the team they picked.
THE DAILY: Why did you decide
not to go pro?
GREEN: Well, I knew we had a good
team coming back.
THE DAILY: Did you feet you owed
it to Coach Orr and your teammates
to come back?
GREEN: I, really didn't owe it to them.
It's just something I want, to play on
a championship team-I haven't since
high school.
Now that the leagues have merged,
there are no more bids and that's hurt-

ing me money-wise. But it's better in
a way.
THE DAILY: Are you aiming for A
teaching certificate in phys ed?
GREEN: Yes. I'll be behind about
eight hours in school after next term.
'That's-pretty close to my degree. Maybe
I can stay the summer, or I can always
:ome back later.
THE DAILY: How do youi like stu-
dent teaching?
GREEN: I enjoy that. I do it three
times a week at 7:45 at Pioneer. Nobody
likes getting up at 7:45, but I manage
to make it just about all the time.
THE DAILY: You must be their
GREEN: Nope, all the heroes I know
are making money.
THE DAILY: Do you think you'll
make it as a pro?
GREEN: If I get the opportunity, I
think I'll make the best of it.

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Hubbard back in middle

(Continued from Page 8)
(Julius Erving), Nate Archi-
bald, a lot of guys," said Hub-
bard. "Tha Olympic games
were rough, but those exhibi-
lion games were the roughest.
It was dirty-holding, pushing,
a lot of dishonest tactics go-
ing on."
But Hubbard is used to being
pushed and shoved. Last season
at center, Hubbard faced a big-
ger and taller opponent in 29 of
Michigan's 32 games.
Standing 6-7, Hubbard weighs
"exactly 202," the same as last
season. He made the best of the
situation, leading the team in
rebounding (11.0 ave.) and com-
ing second in scoring (15.1 ave.).
Despite his size, most Big
Ten officials apparently felt
that Hubbard dished out at least
as much punishment as he took.
Hubbard was in foul trouble as
often as not, and that's what
worries Orr.
"Doggone, he's aggressive.
Our one big fear is fouls," sid
Orr. "Hell, Phil gets into foul
trouble even when Fife and
Frieder ref."
"That's all in the past," said
Hubbard. "I hope I don't have
as much trouble, this year. I
think the refs made some bad
calls-they just wouldn't let you

Hubbard will again start at
center, although Orr will try to
give him some time at forward.
Hubbard is the first to admit
that he'd rather 'play in the
"Yes, I'd rather play it. Why
not?". said Hubbard. "I played
forward in high school.
"There's n o t h i n g wrong
with playing center, but I'm
not the biggest guy in the
world," he explained. "I've
wanted to play forward for as
long as I've been here.
"But you like to play," he
added, "so you just go along
with what's going on. I'll do
what I can 'to help the team
There is no question he'll play.
"No one can beat Phil out,"
said Orr.
Orr feels trat Hubbard plays
the f o r w a r d "tremendously
well," but has problems with
the defense. Most of the time
Hubbard will play defensive.
pivot no matter who's in the
Most pre-season publications
ranked Hubbard a second-
team All-American. A certain
first team All-American, name-
ly Indiana's Kent Benson, gave
Hubbard more headaches than
anyone last season.
But Hubbard denies giving
him a second thought.
Grote Rob
lead team
(Continued from Page 6)
led the team in both field goal
and free throw percentage last
year (57 and 83 per cent re-
Academically ineligible his
freshman year, Robinson quick-
ly came into his own, averag-
ing 10 points and 7 rebounds as
a sophomore and 14 points 'and
8.2 rebounds last season.
But Robinson has never re-
ceived much publicity for what
he does, and maybe never will.
He looks only to improve his
own performance during his
final year at Michigan.
"I WOULD really like to win
that (NCAA) championship," he
said. "I'm going to try to play
a little harder and try to im-
prove on the statistics-like re-
bounding and scoring-to see if
I can better myself,"
Improving his own play might
lead the team's total perform-
ance to improve ... to a point,
Rohb opes to lead the team to
"I don't think we'll disappoint,
people'i the long run," says

"Nope, I haven't thought
about playing him," he said.
"You don't have to think about
that. You think about just play-
ing, period."
Hubbard says his goal for the
Michigan team is to "win
games, most likely. As long 'as
we have a good team and do all
right that's what's important.
We should have a good team
And Hubbard should be even
better this year.
"He's bigger, stronger, more
confident and active than a year
ago," said Orr. "I expect him
to double the number of shots
he takes."
Olympic coach Dean Smith
feels Phil Hubbard will make a
great pro someday.
"Who, me?" Hubbard said in
mock disbelief. "Right now I'm
j u s t thinking about getting
through school. I'm glad to be
here. I think we've got a good
team again."
Blue history
Won L tst
1t9 1 4
1920 10 13
1921 6 i4
ino as i
in22 15 4
1923 it 4
1924 10 7
1925 8 6
196 12 5
1927 14 3
192 10 7
1929 5
1930 9 5
1931 i13 4
194t 1t 6
1933 10 8
1934 6 14
1935 9 12
1956 45 5
193 6 4
1931 i a
1939 11 9
1940 13 7
1941 \9 50
192 6 14
isn a t
193 10 .'
1944 9 1d
1945 1 2 7
1946 it 7
1949 ' 15 5
1949 is a
5980 11 i1
1951 7 tO
1952 7 15
1954 9 13i
1956 9 13
1959 is 7
1961 6 is
1962 16 17
1904 13 3
a9al 24 4
1967 9 16
1114 1 51 12
i969 13 11.
197' 10 . 14
1971t 19 7
1973 13 it
1974 2I _:. 5
19'76 t19 5'
1976 25 7



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