THE MICHIGAN DAILY Arts & Entertainm ent Tuesday, November 23, 976 Page Five n -Aeolian Chiamb Players: Enjoya By JIM SIIAHIN did perform solo for a few numbers (which, in- cidentally, formed probably the best part of By OWEN GLEIBERMAN inside of the piano.' AVID the night.) HIS PAST Saturday night, appreciated the h He's been hanging out m studio's and bars, His more recent compositions meet the cri- Ann Arborites were treated tece responding t b -- teria for listenability, but not for endurance. to an entertaining evening of;paigfryrswtsoebw-iinadtowoixoe playing for years w4ith some brow-raismng teya fore lteigt but-ae not tfor enuace chamber music by the Aeohian aind to two six-note names - Bob Dylan, Vassar Clements, Jerry Chey are tight ellplayed pieces that are chamber m s , the oT ksy Jeff Walker, Doug Sahm, Norman Blake to trying to escape from years in the studio. Chme Players, a group of the TEhaikAvsk drop just a few. They know who he is. But That's how the concert came off. the violin, cello, flute, clarinet followed the Bolcoi # it's us he's concerned with. He wants us to The six-man band (complete with trom- and piano. This ensemble was piece, for violin, know. bone, sax, and fiddle) played enthusiastically, formed in 1961 for the purpose piano, i compo So he showed up Friday night at the Michi- but without lasting impression. There 'was of performing the extensive, but dancesoe slow nte gan Theatre with a bunch of accomplished a veneer to the performance. Plenty of good too inf eu h repertoire th Tlo i of chamber music for mixed en- teen them. The fi musicians called (appropriately enough) The playing and technical agility but not much in sd was well-played, b David Bromberg Band. It's his gamble out the way of depth. Inter-play between musi- sembles of strings and wins.s ep h of obscurity, and into the spotlight. cians was often too designed, though some of The players performed four it appear rushed. of, oasthe improvisational work by the trombonist works: a trio by Haydn, Whisper ance was technic HIS MOST recent release, a double album and saxaphonist seemed spontaneous and vig- Mroessoby Uniersity comos on -nd the clarinet a set titled How Late Will You Play Til clues 90U5, trasts by Bela Bartok, and a trio welldone.Throug us in. His stage act confirms it: David Brom- of Brahms. dane he ply berg is tired of playing second fiddle. Even to BROMBERG is learning how nto a el- The Haydn Trio No. 31 for genu ely einspired, himself. y flute, cello and piano was im- fierly movement In the past, his albums were generally been mostly devoted to country and acoustic peccably performed. Excellent that brought the pi received favorably by the critics but garnered folk riffs: He has indeed proved himself to be balance, beautiful lightness of liant close. him little public acclaim. Now he's out for skilled in the areas of quick picking and intri- tone and delicate phrasing all Brahms' trio, Op all the marbles. He's changed record com- cate patterns. Electric guitar, however, is com- contributed to what was a truly lin, cello and piano panies and he's changed styles marvelous sound. The final al- fairly .late in his c paes a h cn spletely different. At least for the contempor- legro, a lively rondo, was char- marked by contras Most notably, the instrumentation is more ary star aspirant. Bromberg is adjusting well, acterized by a vivacity that of stark intensity, electric and rock influenced. And that's what using the electric vehicle sparingly to achieve brought out the joyful quality of pure, lyrical sweet the~th movement. eil prnl oahee(o e torca asest he pushed at the concert. Not much in the the instrument's unique intensity. pthe movement. come to associate way of fancy acoustic pickin', anymore. -_ posers name. The But he's got a way to go. As does his band WHISPER Moon, by William formed the first m MOST OF the show was tasty, energetic, and his music if he is really intent upon mak- Bolcom, is a humoreous compd a vigor that cap even forceful. A lot of the material came ing the precarious leap from respected un-on fore itmes, atd tngh the Terc from How Late Will You Play Til, although he known to Rolling Stone profile. bf iber supposedly. a musical auto- though, the perf ................ .... ..,. .: ,. . ..«.. . . . . . . . . . ....,. ,.......:. ....:.:.:>>:;:.:f::,sh;rt;divers.sections,::e:work.violi.w:s"pronest :................ ............ .,............,+......:...:...... ......... ........................................................................ agsi tl rmcne-sap porary to popular. It opened Judging by the P P with the solo piano playing audience found r something akin to blues, only quite satisfying. B Zapa's lnew band11 UA CS pre ad/ s Blue fever to switch immediately to a con- tent and quality temporary section employing formance contribu storm s Cobo H all every modern music cliche from was a thoroughl By KEITH TOSOLT Iwas one of the bands featured ;Lain supplied by his 100-watt with the technique was quite flutter tongue to playing the evening. at the first Ann Arbor Blues Marshall amplifier. impressive. .........wr ___ ,._ .... .. t... .v..,.._'' All night long I had the e d T F cia in 16 A d )er Ible The audience umor of the most notably" it of the '20s, quotes from Olin concerto. S "Contrasts" M work. This clarinet and sed of two nd one fast- rlude in be- rst movement ut taken at a t times made The perform- ally , precise, nd violin ca- exceptionally hout the last seemed to be attacking the with a gusto ece to a bril- 101, for vio- , was written areer, and is ting sections as well as the ness we have with the corn- players per- ovement with Lured its in- hnically rmance fell aces, as the o going quite response, the the concert oth the con- of the per- ted to what y enjoyable By JIM STIMSON zany selvsi h amu, ; ° - aajz svii YY n ves in te W Up, blues" is a perfect description j DO'T HOPE to sway many lampooning everything from b Dawkins is certainly a compe- THE LAST SET with the Otis Pete Townshend and Mick Jag- of last Friday night's eaOSU tent musician, but I saw noth- Rush Group was the best of Frank Zappa has, in the last ger to commercialism in gen- evetblues Jon my ai ing in his guitar playing which the night. Rush has influenced ten ears, conducted on the h eral. They fiished up with their iRsevelti Sks Tim ea- arned him the nickname of the styles of rock guitarists like e r c one and only hithe F kins and Otis Rush. The near- "Fastfingers." Sure, he could Johnny Winter and Steve Miller. most itensive media-ex osureEddie were leading the Trn lv four hour concert was held play triplets fast, probably as Rush's leads were smooth and campaigns in moer hisory werega leadin theroo Tur- els Ihlg nn uck ahlc a His profile has graced the pages ), "Happy Together." in the Michigan Union Ballroom, fast as anyone else. But his lightening quick. Each lick was ofsBatman cms and t Ne For some strange reason, the euhancing the blues by provid speed is not exceptional. improvised to sound different. Yorker Magazine. Most listen- Detroit audience applauded at ing a closene tand sound sim- His leads sounded a bit repe- He plays left handed but does ers have already formed their the start of my least favorite irtgcus at times but they were not reverse the string order, so opinions-either he's a genius or Zappa songs, "Camarillo Brillo" 70-year-old Roosevelt Sykes still enjoyable. Dawkins' tech- he is, in fact, playing the guitar a pervert, and "D""amo Humm." Sure, took the stage first to play his nique included lots of string upside down. Zappa offered proof to both these s-'s are fun, but I get New Orleans style barroom bending to produce searing Ii uses only his thumb to persuasions in a concert Friday tired of Frank's cruddy voice I blues piano. His selections rang- notes and a great deal of sus- pick the strings, and his speed night at Cobo Hal. 'The very after a while. ed from his own original com ---_ nih tCb al h ey-positions -such as "Driving, -- . first song, Stinkfoot, set the pacepoiin suh a "Dvig'-- USAYLNH ICSIO forst so f the Ae ON THE other hand, the over-. Wheel" to more well-known old- TUESDAY LUNCH-DISCUSSION forte the -shte vening. After all vocal mix wasn't bad at all. 'ies like "Blueberry Hill." : November 23 telling the T-shirt vendors th Ray White's well-timed scream- SYKES BARROOM days were PIRGIM stage, Zappa enticed a young ing balances Zappa's monotone evident as he played two amus gil kissi a patic fdoot, sy surprisingly well, especially on ing bawdy songs. The highlight (Public Interest Research Group In Michigan' bolic of that malodorous d -'"Wind Up Working In A Gas of his set was a honky-tonk Speaker: GREG HESTERBERG brolc .rod Station," from the n e w e s t number which really showed his sease, bromodrosis. -Mothers album, Zoot Allures. expertise at the piano. Chairperson State Board of Directors, PIRGIM r THEN pule oan im- luAnother song from Zoot Al- Sykes' performance, however, Ecumenicl Cmpus Center provisTE pled of thtetblished g lue, "h'otr ee was marred by microphone in-,Eu eiaC mps en r his mastery of the guitar and Stops," didn't go over so well. terference which produced an 921 CHURCH sheer stage authority. I have Does the average concert-goer annoying static hum throughout lunch 75c-12 noon never seen a-guitarist improvise want to hear agonized screams his set. Lunch is prepared and served by CHURCH WOME with such vitality and originality and wails? Is the Zappa fan an The rest of the concert was UNITED OF ANN ARBOR. as Frank Zappa. average concert-goer? devoted to the urban blues of If you've ever heard Zappa's All things considered, the Chicago as played by Jimmy live albums, you're probably show was a'success. Zappa has Dawkins and Otis Rush. saying, "This guy's crazy!" His once again pulled together a BOTH MEN were born in live recordings are about two- band of unknown and produced Mississippi and began to playi thirds clowning, one-third music, an excellent concert. Each song the blues in Chicago bars, but which amounts to about 25 m.. seemed new, since even the real each has a distinct style. gu utes of clowning per disc. In oldies were highli'hted by a The Jimmy Dawkins group PENNELL concert, they also have 25 m- completely originalZappa guitar Residence utes of zaniness, but with ninety solo. So even if you hate hi L 'sw eside minutes of solid music instead albums, it may be worth your Let Sun's Own ITISH MUSICAL SATIRE of ten. while to check out a Mothers Photographers * Naturally, Zappa s not concert next time they come T.H , V HFI alone. He was joined by an all- around GR YGur new band, with Ray White on I rhythm guitar, Pat O'Hearn on GI Bass, Terry Bozzio on drums,: + PICTURES M N 23,24,26,27-8pm;Nov.28-2&8pm and Edwin Jobson (from Roxy ,I Nov2 Music) on keyboards and violin a Qt s not too late Power Center DON'T KNOW where anaQ) SUN PHOTO P T O Ticet Of ice I O' NWweeZpaMndlsh Theatre Lobby Mon,-ri 10.1 2 5 gets his band members, but for . 3180 PACKARD IFr information CaIl. 764-0450 virtual unknowns (Jobson ex 2 Blks. E. of Platt also Avalable at al Hudsons cluded), they sound as tight as WI- - any bunch of so-called pros in 0. th e b u s in e ss. A lso jo in in g Z a p p a _ _ _a i naRl A ft"ma i m ag o o r a e n oue e rf o m a n c w e r I for an encore performance were _______ Flo and Eddie, who have workj *d with Zappa in years past and 0 also served as the warm-up group. Ralph Armstrong, a - Michigan native who has backed ... and tihe vibration society 0IM E Mahavishnu John McLaughlin. :30 & 1000 p.m. ! nlnvay dhaz in th nd ea admission tikets - Rish's speciality is the "Lost at Love Bl'es,"'which he sings with a passion. But when it comes time to boogie, the Otis Rush Group really cooks while Otis lays down his great guitar solos. man--man ART : Love Under 16" AND "Liquid Lips" ART I1: "Freworks Wommn" AND Newoiers"r AtThe 7ters 31 N. WASH INGTON Ypsilanti 482-3300 FRANK CAPRA'S 1939 YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU This outrageous comedy pits the rich and stuffy versus the poor and wacky. A case in point is Lionel Barrymore who is an aging free soul who has never paid any income taxes. Banker's son James Stewart falls for strugging secretary Jean Arthur but their families are worlds apart. With Edward Arnold, 'Spring Byington and Donald Meek. OWED.: Hitchcock's THE 39 STEPS CINEMA GUILD TONIGHT AT OLD t RCH. AUD. 7:00 & 9:05 Admission $1.25 O° o TODAY AT: 7:00 & 9:05 / a paramount picture R in Color aiayea ass in ie encore; an Don 'Brewer of Grand Funk Iropped in but did virtually' iothing. Flo and Eddie were their usual V )f $1.5Q 1 n saleNov 18 it ? .ii , h. 'ni nion x Offive, 111forrnai"I176-I121)7. VAC. '.- UNIVERSITY OF M Ehzobeth Wel Brgmann's THE PLANETS by Gustav Hoist POWER CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS ICHIGAN DANCE COMPANY Gay Delanghe s LA CREATION DU MCNDE by D mus Mihaud I 310 MAYNARD WEEKLY SPECIALS TUESDAY: 1/2 price on beer 7 P.M.- 11 P.M. WEDNESDAY: V2 price on beer & liquor 7 P.M.-10 P.M.O FRIDAY: 15c Hot Dogs 2-5 P.M. NEW GIANT 7 FT. T.V. for viewing your favorite g">:; ' fir:; b ? $ NEWS FROM THE MAJOR EVENTS OFFICE On Friday evening, November 12, Glen Frey's family and close friends clustered quietly around the dead still of the Crisler Arena locker room. After the completion of a twelve-hour production set-up involving fifty peo- ple, the backstage area took on an aura of nervous anticipation. Occasionally, a crew member darted out to check a last minute detail, then escaped back be- hind the big blue door of the locker room. The few solitary security men were drinking coffee. At approximately 8:15, the Eagles' sleek black limo- sine slithered into the Crisler tunnel. As the band's joyous greetings to Glen's family' pierced the air, Frey advised J.D. Souther to make this "the best damn gig he's ever played." Even as Souther went into his own brand of love songs, you could feel the tension of 15,000 fans brew- ing in the arena. Its contrast to the backstage solitude was short of amazing. At about 9:00 o'clock, the con- cert staff swept a special guest into the locker room. The hat, pulled down over his eyes, made him hardly reqognizeable. It was Bob Seger. He -and Glen Frey played together years ago when Frey attended Royal Oak Dondero High School. But the crowd was growing restless. After a very efficient set change, the lights dimmed and the crowd let fly with the biggest roar ever heard in Crisler Arena. The tour manager and road manager made one final check with the concert staff to make certain every detail had been covered. The next words heard were "Hello, Ann Arbor. We're the Eagles from Los Angeles." Precisely two hours, fifteen minutes and two encores later, the group was rushed into a waiting limousine -J _ 1 .,. ZZ-r _r ..x,_ ., x . ,.t _ _ 4. - A *i DECEMBER 10 ,11, 2 December. 13 1 at 800 December 72 at 3 00 -A-- - -----------I'--77 f - - - --- - o-p -.f- .I p~~op. ~.