Sunday, November 21, 1976 THE MICHIGAN! DAILY Page Five Sunday, November 21, 1976 THE MICHiGAN DAILY _ . . _. momm"ammm" SUNDAY MAGAZINE PERSPECTIVES Isabel Allende: What lies ahead? mth mm/ i ite (Continued from Page 4) propaganda from abroad, and By ROBERT MILLER Many of the victims of Latin from various perspectives than You have talked about the com- efforts to manipulate the upper ALTHOUGH THE TEACII-IN American terror are workers with providing a social and his-f plicity of Presidents Nixon and and middle classes by propa- on Terror in Latin Amer- and leftists. It is they who pre- torical context in which break-t Ford, and we have seen Ken- ganda, popular support of the ica succeeded in dramatizing sent the greatest challenge to ing the morale of large sectionss nedy's invasion of Cuba short- government increased signifi- the problems of repression in the regimes. It is therefore un- of the population 'would makeI ly after the revolution there. Do cantly between 1970 and 1973. that part of the world, it failed fortunate that few of the Teach- sense.t you think that anything will "In March 1973, only five to provide more than a super- In's speakers took it upon them- To put this Teach-In in per-t change when the Carter admin- months before the military coup, ficial examination of the sources selves to present a Marxist spective, it should be compared istration comes in, or will it there was another election in of these problems. The orienta v o Latin America and its to those which occurred in AnnI be more of the same? Chile. The political parties of tion of the Teach-In toward relation to U. S. imperialism. Arbor in the past. In March, ALLENDE: Let us restrict the Popul r Unity (the coalition "terrorism" and "totalitarian- That type of analysis is a nec- ourselves to ard facts. At least of parties 'which rallied behind ism", and its concern with hu- essary part of developing a 155,t rst Teac-In inthe ses know ofCarter's. Atatmeatst Salvador Allende making his man rights, enabled it to attract strategy to help defeat right- cou:ntry -- one on -Viet Nam- - At leas wCarter s sta emenso election possible) increased a broad audience. Nevertheless, wing regimes. was held in Angell Hall. It .t'lathe ktwhehstenwheecipeople n psssbekicbyaehe It is crucial to examine the quickly inspired similar efforts demned the (American) inter- their share of the popular vote rshils ee felt shaken brouht ways in which the U. S. can from Columbia to Madison to vention (in Chile), calling it iby imore than seven perCcenureprssionwhichsasnbrught to their attention, they tended influence events abroad. It is Berkely. The first Teach-In wasi illegitimate, saying it is wron over the total vote in the presi- to be unsure of its social and also imperative to consider the not only more controversial butt to help the military dictatorship. dential election of 1970. political roots. ways in which foreign countries helned spur the nascent anli- He has expressed an intention "It was the first time in Chil- can resist that influence. Kis- to stop military and economic ean history," Allende noted, The Tach-In created a feel- singer, Nixon and the CIA man- help for as long as the cur- "that the political parties sup- ng of solidarity with the Latin aged to sabotage the situation News that University profes- rent level of repression exists. porting the administration in American people. It presented in Chile, but the U. S. is by no sors were planning a morator- There are all kinds of pres- power gained votes during their an important task: to work to- means omnipotent. ium on classes to discuss thef sures, but at least we have his midterm elections. This trend ward the release of political pri UCH OF THE inspiration Vietnam War created a n'ation- words. We're waiting to see his convinced the national hour- soners. But thetmore import- -for the teach-in grew out al scandal. Articles and editor- actions. geoisie and itas foreign supporf- Ate a humane and just wo re of a film class on the holocaust ials of outrage appeared onl ers that they would be unable one which would provide the' offered last year. Accordingly, CBS T.V. and in the pages of QUESTION: Since dependent to recoup their privileges economic and social basis for the organizers of the Teach-In, the Detroit News. Moves were countries such as Chile are very through the democratic process. freedom-was left pretty much seemed more concerned with made in the state legislature to vulnerable to the pressures of That is why those forces chose untouched. depicting torture and terrorism stop the action at all costs imperialism, do you think that to overthrow that- democratic fiture socialist progress in La- process and the institution of tin America will occur. with a the state to arise with the mili- few countries at the same time tary to seize power by force." uniting to take a socialist road? The results of the coup d'etat: A LENLDE: Unfortunately, have been adequately describ- we are undoubtedly witnessing ed elsewhere in this magazine. ~. a total regression of the- liber- ation forces in Latin America. PUT ONE THING about the' Fascism is a reality there. The coup which is not wellO struggle can no longer take known is what the feelings were place in one isolated country. like inside the Chilean presi- r You (Americans) have to put dential palance on the day thatI pressure on imperialism from it took place. Allende described: the inside to denounce how it that day in her speech, in an aids fascist -regimes, how it extemporaneous addendum to needs economic dependency. In; her prepared text.19 this matter your can help us "I found my father with a GILLO PONTECORVO'S 1966, with our struggle. group of people who workedA with Bim,""sLeEr0cF Aed. "HER QUESTION: In this country didn't doubt for a minute; he and in other countries, how suc- immediately took steps to de- cessful has been the reaction fend the palace. We immediate- This famous film documents the Arab uprising in Algiers against French and support you've been get- ly knew the unrising had al- colonial rule in 1950. Pontecorvo's "newsreel" style provides a feeling tng? most a majority of the arm-; of realism seldom achieved in cinema and the film is an important ALLENDE: I have been all ed forcesmSalvado Aene milestone in the use of art for revolutionary purposes. It abandons over the world-in Africa, Asia, from the military. They offered following an individual protagonist to tell the story of an entire people Europe. I have found solidarity him a plane to abandon the struggling to be free. In French with subtitles. for the' Chilean cause all over. cutvwt i aiyadi- We have support not only in the country with his family and im- socialist countries, but also "He immediately answered, TUES: YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU in democratic countries, and , also in small countries which No, they don't know what an like Chile, are struggling for' honorable man is. This is my liberation. The solidarity in- place; I won't abandon it.'" GTONIGHT AT OLD ARCH. AUD. cludes not only students, intel.f Isabel Allende and her fami-I E 7:00 & 9:05 Adrission $25 lectuals and professionals but ly didn't want to leave the pres- also, very importantly, other I ident, but he forced them to go. workers' movements In the Isabel remembered, "He said world. The slogan "Nothing for the struggle will be long, and the junta and nothing from the it will need leaders." ROGER CORMAN'S 1960 junta" has been raised up in - LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORs H * * Crab lice infest 'N HER SPEECH, Allende eEver wanted to get even with your dentist, g.-r friend, or other sundry the historical context ot her n etpe Eacquaintances? Try feeding them to a plant. This film features a huge father's accession to the presi I carnivorous plant which laments, "Feed me, feed me!" as its bumbling dency, his accomplishments in .'keeper inadvertently kills people to supply the plant with its human office, and the aftermath of the staple. Jack Nicholson in a cameo role. P I u s James Broughton's coup. She read a prepared text, ;mu m . Iog o and spokerina tensebut con- IlU NLOONEY TOM THE HAPPY LOVER. trolled tone. Her voice seemed to convey a simmering store of energy just under the surface. CIN EMA 1 TONIGHT AT ANGELL HALL-AUD. "A" "We cannot understand the 7 &IlAdmssiA $I2 present political problems with- out taking into account' the I workers movement inthis een- ,UI tury," Allende told the Teach- In audience through interpreter *SpecialI comb dlearningI At the last minute the pro- difference between the two, and fessors sponsoring the mora- the most important, is that the torium changed their plans. In- Teach-In on Vietnam was main- stead there would be a "Teach- ly a discussion concerned with In". From 8 in the evening answering the question: "What till 8 the next morning over a shall we do?" thousand people crammed Audi- The Teach-In on Latin Ameri- tcoriums A through I7 of Angell ca, therefore, is very different tHim Afrom the 1965 event - it more Hall. closely resembles last year's Copies of the Pentagon's Teach-In on Assassinations. White Paper on the war were Both this year's and last year's distributed by the organizers forums presented huge amounts along with I. F. Stone's reply. of shocking information, but Raging debates covered the edi- neither suggested much more torial page of the Daily. In one than writing your Congress- issue, two editorials were writ- person. ten on the Teach-Inon tr.. But for all its limitations, the t'n o the e, one crit Teach-In can hardly be called a cuzmg it from the left, 'the other alr.I a a fromtherigh. rfailure. It has made many peo- from the right. ple interested in apart, of the IT MAY BE UNFAIR to com- world they previously knew pare the two Teach-Ins, nothing about - a part of the for there was a war going on in world where the United States 1965 and Americaq bombing of is acting as an insidious influ- the North was reaching new ence. And that, in itself, repre- levels. But the most apparent sents a huge success. I - ~ Salvador A llende .vv may VOTE in The L& SUdent Government Elctions November 22 & 23, 1976 Monday & Tuesday IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN THE LS&A COLLEGE, AT THE FOLLOWING POLLING PLACES: MONDAY, NOV. 22 FISHBOWL: 8:30-4:00 UGLI: 1:30-7:30 ALICE LLOYD HALL: 10:30-6:30 BURSLEY HALL: 4:30-7:00 MOSHER JORDAN: 4:00-6:30 MARKLEY: 4:00-6:30 TUESDAY, NOV. 23 FISHBOWL: 8:30-4:00 UGLI: 1:00-7:00 EAST QUAD: 10:30-6:30 WEST QUAD: 4:00-6:30 SOUTH QUAD: 11:00-6:00 your VOuCE Can Make Your College Government EFFECTIVE - r The Teachings of Jose Cuervo A& toge uices. m liberal democratic process un- til 1973. The bourgeoisie built up an efficient system which de- termined by popular vote the authorities, of whom the presi- dent of the republic was the main figure. "The system erving the in- terests of the burgeoisie was uted by the workers movement and its political parties to achieve their political and eco- nomic rights. "For the first time in history a society attempted to build so- cialism by peaceful means." Allende continued; "Despite, strong financial and political included * Without a prescription at Drug Stores ing: r fvf (A;ctMK) af For information call: 994-0221 SHOULD G.E.O. START RATIFICATION NOW? G;F A Ml-mharchin MIptinn h.. f iM" The best way to get the juices flowing is to get plugged into the best tequila. Jose Cuervo White. Because Jose Cuervo is the premium white tequila. And it has been since the first day it was made in 1795. Then the rest is simple. Just get plugged into the best juices. Take orange juice, for example. Or grape- fruit, or pineapple. Or whatever. ~1~4.1 -" f 43L I , .f :' ;;. ;: ;:i r:: r. : ?; s < . . Orders received by Dec 15 1976 wili be delivered before Christmas Mail check or money order to: TELJTRONICS, 2400 E. 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