Page Four , THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, November 21, 1976 Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, November 21, 1976 Latin American Teach-In: Unmasking the 'democracy of terror' (Continued from Page 3> tica, the prisoners - most held to difficulties in obtaining travel lentils - except when visitors without formal charges against visas. were allowed. On those days, them - were beaten and tor- "We were constantly told, the prisoners were given a lamb tured. 'Be aware that they (the DINA)' soup. "We used to encourage Three weeks) after the coup, will follow you everywhere you everyone to go and visit, so the the women were placed under go," she said. men would get fed better," she house arrest, but were released The Leteliers moved to Wash-1 said. a couple of months later. They ington, where her husband be- The men could send one letter would stand in lines at the in- ' gan working as an instructor every ,two weeks; friends and ternational relief missions and for American University, and relatives could send one to a at government offices, Letelier also with 'the Institute for Poli-I prisoner per week. "But they recalls, "begging the officials cy Studies and the Transna-, wouldn't always get them," to give the men medical care tional Institute in Washington. Letelier said sadly. "The and hospitals." he guards would line the men up "Every day you woke up and Pinochet regime never ceased. and give out fourteen or fifteen thought, 'What can I do today Three weeks prior to his assas- letters. The ones who didn't get to get his release or keep him sination at age 44, he charged+ them would ask, 'Was there no alive?' that the regime could only re- letter for me this week?' and main in power by "massive re- the guards would respond, 'Who After a year's imprisonment, pression hunger unemrpoy would write to you? By now Letelier was released to the ent and. the permanence of your family knows that you are Venezuelan government, which a brutal police state."' a thief and your wife is having had brought pressure to bear ona an affair."' Pinochet. He left the country As if responding to the accu- At the prison at Dawson Is- immediately, but she stayed sations, Pinochet revoked Lete-. ser's citizenship. Eleven days land, near the ,coast of Anarc- behind until December 1974, due later he was dead.; TUESDAY LUNCH-DISCUSSION November 23 PIRGIMj (Public Interest Research Group In Michigan)i Speaker: GREG HESTERBERG Chairperson State Board of Directors, PIRGIM AT THE Ecumenical Campus Center! 921 CHURCH lunch 75c-12 noon Lunch is prepared and served by CHURCH WOMEN} UNITED OF ANN ARBOR. I - - -' Threats were nothing new to their Chilean counterparts asr the Letelier family. "We are well as government officials.? not liked here," said Isabel What they found during their Letelier. "We are not loved investigation into the status of here." labor unions and human rights "There were days when every in Chile was devastating and phone call was a threat. You the report they compiled was are threatened so you stop doing used by several organizations, what you should be doing," she including the United Nations, to' said. She paused, then added: indite the Chilean government "When political criminals want for human rights violations.- to kill you they don't threaten Feinglass, vice - president ofi you. They just do it." the Amalgamated Meatcutters and Butcher Workmen of Northj W/HEN ABE FEINGLASS America, is one of the few; first led a group of Chi- Americans to have examined; cago labor workers into Chile the worker conditions in Chilej in 1974 to inspect the condition since the junta took power. And of labor unions in that politic- according to him, the junta has1 ally - torn country, what he been responsible for the destruc-1 found were ashes where effec- tion of Chilean unions. the railroad yard and exe- of women after they underwent1 cuted." some of the same sexual tor-i * * ' tres, like having their testesI 'T IT NOT ONLY former of- burst or smashed."Z ficials or sympathizers of '"They either torture you or< the Allende govermnent who they torture people dear ton are or have been tortured by you," added "Congers. "Children1 the Chilean military junta. "The are brought in and tortured in , list is long," said Letelier. front of their parents to make "Journalists, artists, students, them talk. They torture childrent doctors, politicians - they were who are only three years old." all killed because they worked While the audience at a semi- for a more just society in Latin nar on repression and the artsa America." listened horrified, Louise Berk- In what could be considered inow of PEN, an international a conservative estimate, the organization, which aids artists junta, in 1974, admitted before in prison, read an account of1 the United Nations assembly one woman's ongoing experi- that 30,000 Chileans had been ences in prison: killed during or after the coup. "They stripped me and threw According to a New York me on the floor, and appliedr U. S. banks blithely ignore this fact. Washington continues to prop up the junta with economic aid. According to Isabel Allen- de,. in three years of socialist rule, the socialist government Allende government received a total of 28 million dollars in aid. Three years later the mili- tary government is receiving $350 million a year. Former Chilean ambassador Orlando Letelier pointed out shortly before he was murder- ed that a "recentaWorld Bank decision to grant a $33 million loan to Chile was justified by its president Robert McNamara, as being based on purely "technical criteria", implying no particular'relationship to tive worker unions once stood. The committee, which also consisted of some ecclesiastical and educational representatives, spent two weeks talking with "The government of Chile Times article published in 1974,1 eecic snocKstLUiIX. u th h d ad tof the 100,000 Chileans - or one o t ears, nipples, mouth and other. conditions in the country." . SSate Darm t i o every 100 citizens -.had parts of my body . . : they ran But such fiancial support, . . tate Department, is try- s d thr h the in- rats and lice up and down my Letelier went on to say, sup- The tv destroyedth tade ta's concentration c a m p. body and inserted them into my ports an economic system They have destroyed the trade "Rght now I know there are at vagina . .. they put their filthy which derives its strength and unions, all mn the name of pre- ast 6.000 political prisoners in fingers into my vagina . . insures its survival directly aWedmg-mnesda,' femn Chile," said Eliana Lovelick a they gang raped me - I dor't through the uncontrolled sup- TeachI audience. "Collectvn University professor, and na- ow how many of them - un-' pression of basic human rights. bagIainng ienow. "outlaed.v nvrit rfsoan a tive born Chilean. til I passed out." As Isabel Allende: reminded Taraining is now "tamed. eanhile n ePassivity is the"worst dis-. her Teach-In audience Friday The right of workers to meet Meanwhile, the tortre tech- ease of all," concluded Berki- night, those social and nolitical and discuss has been abolished. 1 iques Y of the junta have de-, now. "The one thinrg people conditions are not likely to Leaders, who have worked 30 veloped into sophisticated tor- now. Te e s th ee coniton a n lielyby must remember is to let these' change throiwfh a,' actions, by years to establish these mea- ture mechanisms bent on de-governments know, that they the irmta. Said Allende, sures are now dead and their stroving the will of the sub- knowwhat ish t "Chile is toda a A country knowh s ee whatye i oisess.going on."C ie s to a a c unr work has been destroyed i one jects- * * * without a state of law, without blow." "Because of the state of Particularly infuriating to a constitution, without justice, Feinglass cited the Maritime seige, anyone can be arrested many of the victims and critics where the rights of the citizens Union, which he describes as without charge," asserted Love- of the military regime in Chile have been abolished for the "an army of drones," as one of luck, speaking before a Teach- is the economic assistance it sake of national security. the worst offenders of labor In seminar on women political has received from U. S. finan- "We should not forget that laws. prisoners. "The prisoners eyes cial institutions - institutions Pinochet has ordered the burn- "The Maritime Union refus- are sealed with tape during the which profess to be unaware of ing of electoral cards, and says ed to use only one crew to load waiting period for iterrogation, any connection between the there won't be any elections in shins," recalled Feinglass. which can be from a few junta's economic policies and Chile-"not in my government, "After insisting onthe rights in months to one year. its repression of dissent. nor during the one of my sue- their contract, four leaders "The uncertainty is terrible." Economic problems under cessors." were shot on the spot. Now, she added. In the first period Salvador Allende's socialist, they load ships." of imprisonment, nourishment government was one of the ma- Editors note: In an attack on supporters of is minimal, and subjects are jor factors cited by the junta as while informing you1rselif about the Chilean junta, Feinglass, verbally humiliated and forced a justification for its takeoverthe situation in Chile is helpful in the hilen jntaFeiglas,.understanding the negative effects chastized the AFL - CIG. He to listen to the torture of oth- in 1973. But the military gov- of our government's interference in pointed out the fact#'that the ers. "The physical torture ernment's heavy - handed res- the affairs of foreign countries, it union is a part of an advisory comes later," she said. toration of a capitalist "free will not by itself bring aboutra ;unin isa prt o anadviorychange in these policies. The editors committee set up to re-structure The intent of the torture, ac- market" economy threw the and staff of the Sunday Magazine trade unions in Chile, while se- cording to Loveluck, is fivefold: country into unprecedented tur- urge you to contact your elected cretly funding the junta. "The .1) to get information, by in- moil. The rate in inflation sky- represetatives and concerne ag- AFL-CIO works to subvert and flicting severe physical pain; rocketed, and by the end of feel 'and what you want done. send destroy trade union movements 2) to eliminate the risk of wit- 1975 it had reached 341 per them a letter, a postcard, or a copy in Latin America and in Chile' nesses who could denounce the' cent - the highest in the world. ' of this article. Sparticularly,"he said. regime outside the country; 3) Unemployment under Allende Write immediateiy to-- Honor partculaly,"able Mark Schreiber, Director of "Since the end of Worird War to reduce the prisoner's sense of was close to 3 per cent; today the commission on Human Rights, II, the AFL-CIO, presumably to identity; )4 to eliminate all it is between 20-25'per cent. The United Nations New York. N. Y., , cete aFatC Ic rsa fre types of protest, and 5) to force real income of workers under 10017. The United Nation votes democratic trade union move- the prisoner into becoming a the junta Was been reduced by :Chile for its continued violation of ment, in reality has been help- collaborator. 50 ner cent. - human rights. ng to subvert and destroy any Amy Congers, a University The total failure of the mili- With contributions or +quetions . of Illinois art historian was im- tarv's economic policies nat- Rights, 554S. Fifth Ave. Ann A- working in conjunction with the prisoned and tortured by the urally created outrage among bor. Mi.. 48104. Dparmenton th pre Chilean junta in 1973, apparent- the. middle and working class- pressure to discontinue aid: sutnption of preventing com- ly for the "crime" of associat- es - those hardest hit by in- -se sBlg., Capito Hinp, Wash- ing with "ad" company. Be- flation and unemployment. And gton, D.C. 20515. sdesied spursueor fore the U. S. consul inter- the government has turned. -Sn. Don rige (DeintsMi 13 State Department's cold war vened and won her release, against dissenters with vio- wThis is A Fs home address. he has policy of allowing these dicta- Congers was threatened with' lece, torture, and terror. Re- not established a Washington office torships to destroy unionism." rape and forced to watch her pression is an integral part of hJyet. seventeen-year-old male, Chile- the enforcement of economic Head of the Military unget annls ecle h pr -General Augusto Pinochet, Edi- Feinglass recalled the per-an companion, being tortured. plans. 'icio Diego Portales, Santiago, ioc immediately following the She was kept blindfolded at all Yet the U. S. goveninment and chile. cot and demacribed the treat-s ~>tir. ' screenplay by WILLIAM GOLDMAN from his novel produced by ROBERT EVANS and SIDNEY BECKERMAN SHOWTIMES Friday: 7:00 and 9:05 Sat-Sun.: 1, 3:05, 5:10, 7:15, 9:25 STUDNT PECAL B/ fChicken Befrys& Cole Slaw $~2.95 Sunday & Monday -l 11 5:30 p.m.-9 All You Can Eat Only A Buck :00 p.m. Salad Bar Extra t1 S * -,P, C. 7 M U S . VILLAGE BELL SHOWTIMES Friday: 7:00 and 9:00 Sat, and Sun.: t 3,5 'and9 1321 S. University 769-1744 A9dl IkY p®91p'4 mentofworkfa, t one point was ment of workers then as "far carried through the streets with- worse than anything from out her shirt on. George Orwell's 1984." For the native born Chilean "Leadership was arrested prisoner, or South Americans and killed. Industries were of other nationalities, imprison- turned over to the military. The ment is ofter far more intoler- railroads, which had been na- able. tionalized, were turned over to "Much of the torture that goes a colonel in the military. The on is sexual," said Congers. "As colonel assembled the workers a result, babies are often born in a Santiago railroad yard. He in prison. Many women priso- read an order that nobody could ners, given the choice between question the authority of man- electric shock treatments aqd agement. To demonstrate what rane, chose electric shock." would happen, he told the first Male prisoners are also often eleven workers to count off. He sexually abused, said Con- then had them taken to a sid of gers. "Men realized the plight STUDY IN FRANCE OR GERMANY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN JUNIOR YEAR ABROAD PROGRAMS The LS&A Office of Study Abroad announces two informational meetings for students in- terested in participating in the University of Michigan Junior Year Abroad Programs in Frahce and Germany: AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FRANCE Tuesday, December 7 FREIBURG, GERMANY Thursday, December 9 3 s E ! 1 I''= 1 t f (Continued from Page 31 QUESTION: What is the les- son that other socialist move-. ments should learn from the Chilean coup?' Is it possible for! socialists to institute the re-' forms they envision through' bourgeois-democratic systems,' ia the "peaceful road to so- real control of the armed forces, it is quite difficult to survive. Finally, I think that this ex- perience can .be useful to other movements because now, today, people aren't indifferent when a program of de-stabilization like this is undertaken. Isabel, Allende: What lies ahead'? cialism" and coalition with nod- QUESTION: Some people at radical parties? ' the Teach-In have suggested that the coup might ' have been ALLENDE: It is difficult to avoided if Allende had replac- imagine, with the amount of ed some of the rightist gener- foreign aggression and interven- als with leftists, or if he had tion there was, that we could armed the workers to serve as have lasted any longer. Why? a defense army for the govern- Because with an economy as ment. Do you think this is true? dependent as Chile's, the more ALLENDE: The problem is, they made us lose our credit, how do you arm the people if the more they cut off our loans; you don't have the weapons, 'and refused to sell our prod- I and if you don't have the legal ucts, the worse the situationi methods for doing so? This is became. And with all the dol- what we would have liked to lars sent to support strikes. and t do - eliminate the profession- what Kissin ge ' so elegantly al army; create a workers' ar- , - m y, a darm them . Botkhrs , called "destabilization,", it is ndandoarm dem. But how, hard to imagine that we could g if oir only defense was our have lasted longer. legality and constitutionality of Despite all this, as I said in the government? my sneech, we had, concretely, QUESTION: What about re- the support of the working class placing the rightist generals until the end. We had the sup- with leftists port of the working class, but ALLENDE: Our system gave not that of the wealthy class, us very limited possibilities. We nrthat of the middle class, aemdIsm fte which stopped supporting . could have made some of them Als w hathpe prsblemrthat:.leave, but under no circumstanc- .hAlso we had the problem that es could we have replaced all the constitutional president of the generals who commanded Chile is, or was by definition, troops. If. we had tried this we the nominal head of the armed would have lasted three months forces, but this 'didn't mean he wudhv atdtremnh really had control And this is not three years. another lesson we have to learn: it is quite difficult, with this QUESTION: This is a ques- much political and economic tion for Americans of today. dependency, and without the See ISABEL, Page S 231.soth state PLACE: International Center (Recreation Room) 603 E. Madison TIME: 8:00 p.m. I Handel's FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3 AND 4, AT 8:30 P.M. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 5, AT 2:30 IN HILL AUDITORIUM All students who think they might be interested in applying for 1977-78 should definitely at- tend. Students who think they might apply at some later date are also cordially invited. Bring a friend. I The University of Michigan School of Music FACULTY CHAMBER CONCERTS Third Program STA TE TODAY AT 1:00-3:00-5:10-7:15 AiEfKD HrIKCcK'S* J. S. Bach Faure Bassett In just two wecKs the University Choral Union, Interlochen 'With Donald BrYant on the poditft7l. ELIZABETH MOSHER, soprano LYNNE LYNCH, pia DONALD MORELO( Bizet Duke Ellington ano RICHARD BROWNE, CK piano