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November 21, 1976 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1976-11-21

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Local fans
You didn't need a radio or television yesterday' to know who
won the biggest football game of the year between the Wolverines
and the Buckeyes from Ohio State.
All you had to do was venture forth into this usually calm
city, and you could see and hear the answer.
AFTER FOUR years of frustration and depression the third
Saturday of every November, Michigan fans finally got a chance
to celebrate a successful football season and Rose Bowl invitation
-and celebrate they did.
They celebrated in the bars, in the dorms, in their houses
and in the streets.
"This is the most excitement we've had all year," said Jim
Spencer, manager of Dooley's, a local watering spot.
A FILM CREW from WXYZ-TV at the bar filmed the reac-
tion of the boisterous crowd.
"I'm thrilled to death. I'm going to go and get drunk some-
where," said Lynn Moll.
"Eight points was all I needed to make my money," said an-
other fan..
ELSEWHERE, hundreds of persons poured out in the streets,
shputing, cheering, singing, and drinking. They blocked traffic
and pounded on the hoods of honking cars.
"This easily compares to D-Day," said one fan.
Pete Kohken risked his Rolls Royce Silver Shadow in the
horn-honking, bumper-to-bumper traffic on South University.
"I DON'T give a shit," he exclaimed, "we just fucked Woody."
See JUBILANT, Page 2




Special To The Daily
COLUMBUS, Ohio - At long last, sweet victory.
There were no missed field goals to agonize over, no
goal line stands to painfully recall, and no intercepted
passes to moan about. Not this year.
MICHIGAN IS going to the Rose Bowl.
The talented and confident Wolverines, winless
against Ohio State since 1971, made up for the years of
frustration yesterday with a masterfully executed and
thoroughly convincing 22-0 clubbing of the Buckeyes.
With their satisfying win, the 10-- Wolverines gain
a share of the Big Ten championship and, at last, a berth
in the Rose Bowl opposite Pacific Eight champion South-
ern California Jan. 1 in Pasadena, Calif.
THE 8-2-1 Buckeyes will play the Big Eight cham-
pion in Miami's Orange Bowl.
A record Ohio Stadium crowd of 87,250 and a na-
tional television audience watched Michigan score three
second-half touchdowns to avenge three losses and an
infamous tie over the last four years. And the players
loved it.
"This victory takes care of all four of those games,"
said senior co-captain Rob Lytle. The Wolverines' star
running back once again led all rushers, this time with
165 yards in 29 carries.
See BLUE, Page 7

EUPHORIC MICHIGAN PLAYERS carry their coach Bo Scheribechler off the field on their shoulders, while
raising their index fingers high to accompany their ch 3rnts of "We're n1;mber one." The Wloverines destroyed
Ohio State yesterday, 22-0.


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Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVII, No.64

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 21, 1976

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


- l '
Moments after yesterday's Wolverine victory over
the Buckeyes, Michigan Governor William Milliken
sent off a telegram to Bo, Schembechler. It read:
"Dear Bo, Congratulations on your spectacular
victory over the Buckeyes. Ohio may be 'high in
the middle' but it sure was flat in the end. Next
Stop: Pasadena. Go Blue." The "high in the
middle" statement refers to a portion of an Ohio,
State song which includes the refrain: "Round on
the ends and high in the middle. O-high-O."
All the news that fits
Some people read 'em, some people wrap fish
with them and some Markley Hall residents have
found yet another use for newspapers . . . stuff
your RA's room with them. With Thanksgiving
just around the corner those Markley pranksters
apparently have stuffing on the brain and while
their RA was out of town this weekend, they
seized the opportunity to cram his vacant room
with newspapers from ceiling to floor, wall to
wall. Something to do with freedom of the press,
we guess.
Ha ppenin g -...
Wake up with music in your ears this morn-
ing. Try either the History of University Music at
the First Unitarian Church on Washtenaw or a
benefit jazz concert for Guild House at the Church
of the Good Shepard, 2145 Independence Blvd.,
both at 10:30 a.m. . . . at 3 p.m. the Canterbury
House gay group will discuss "Spiritual Qualities
of Friendship," corner of Catherine and Division
on Mondaynothing is happening until dinner-
time when the two nurses accused of the VA Hos-
pital murders will be around to discuss their cases
and answer questions at a pot luck dinner from
6-8 p.m. at Canterbury House. Bring some food if
you can and a $1 or $2 .dollar donation. . . the
Rackham Student Government will meet at 7 p.m.
in the East Alcove Rm. of Rackham . . . and at
7:30 in the Kuenzel Rm. of the Union, a presenta-
tion entitled "CIA-Shah's Reign of Terror and
People's Resistance" will be sponsored by a coali-
tion of the Iranian Student Association, Organiza-
tion of Arab students and the South African Libera-
tion Committee.
Ot the inside...
. . the Sports staff showers you with all the
rit L fcarr .-a 'c lnrnzwin nvar(Vin gn

By AP and Reuter Plains.
PLAINS, Ga. - Secretary of peanut v
State Henry Kissinger briefed road de
President-elect Jimmy Carter the secri
on foreign affairs for five-and- saying,
a-half hours yesterday and Bothr
promised to do all he can to san and
smooth Carter's transition to Fig thee
the presidency. all smil
Kissinger talked with Carter photogra
and Vice President-elect Walter break e
Mondale in the book-lined study Carter
of Carter's ranch-style home on ized Kis
the edge of this tiny southwest ger" c
Georgia town. policy in
good frie
THEN CARTER and Kissinger ly with
mingled with hundreds of tour-
ists as they went on a tour of "I HA



Death penalty delay
could free Gilmore
SALT LAKE CITY UP) - Convicted murderer Gary Mark
Gilmore could be set free if the Utah Board of Pardons fails
to take action on his request for immediate execution
by firing sauad, according to the prosecutor in the case.

They visited Carter's
warehouse and the rail-
pot before Carter saw
etary of state to his car
"Have a nice trip."
men, who traded parti-
critical charges dur-
election campaign, were
es as they posed fors
phers during their
arlier for lunch.
, who once character-
singer as a "lone ran-
onducting U.S. foreign
secret, called him "my
nd" as they spoke brief-
NE ALWAYS believed

that foreign policy is a non-
partisan affair and all Ameri-
cans should support the foreign
policy of the United States,"
Kissinger said during a break
in the meeting.
"For this reason we will dt
our utmost to 'share all infor-
mation we possess, and to coop-
erate in a smooth transition so
that the new administration can
be successful for the peace and
progress of all Americans,"
Kissinger said.
Saying that he was honored
to have the Secretary of State
visit him at his home here,
Carter added: "I've asked Sec-
retary Kissinger to give me ad-

vice of the most
way to prepare

for the next

" I T 'S B E E N h is u n d e r s t a n d - G i-m re, w hu " h A s4 s1 i d h e -a n s t V di e a h e as n
ing and mine that I would co- Gilmore, who has said he wants to die rather than spen
operate in every way and so the rest of his life in prison, could be released if he is n
would he," he said. executed or sentenced to a jail term before Dec. 7. Uta
"There is no incompatibility County Attorney Noall Wootton said in a letter to the pardor
among us," on transition mat- board.
ters, Carter said at one point. UNDER STATE LAW, Wootton said, an execution mus
t He did not refer to the sug- be carried out no sooner than 30 days and no later than6
einot refeDtothe s days from sentencing.
gestions of some Democrats "The requirements of this statute are, of course, waive
that Kissinger be retained as
a special envoy to continue ef- if the defendant initiates some action requiring a dela
foots to negotiate peace in the beyond the maximum time," Wootton wrote to board chai
Middle East. man George Latimer. "This, however, Mr. Gilmore has n
BUT HE DID SAY he looks "It may well be argued, therefore, that the time lim
forward to "a long relationship" established by the statute cited . . . continues to run and tha
with the secretari. upon its expiration, the State of Utah and its various agencie
"I'm very grateful for a of government, including its courts, the governor and ti
chance to renew our friendship Board of Pardons, lose jurisdiction to do anything."
and look forward to a long re- DEPUTY ATTY. GEN. Robert Hansen, Utah's attorne
lationship with him as.good and general-elect, said yesterday that Wootton's interpretatic
as fruitful as this meeting has of the law, which would free Gilmore if the executiona
been today." resentencing does not take place by Dec. 7, is "well-founded
Kissinger thanked Carter for but that he would argue against it. He did not say wha
"a very good reception" and interpretation he placed on the law.
said they had had "a very No condemned prisoner has been released on the bas
good talk." of the law since it was passed in 1973. And even if Wootton
interpretation is accepted, Gilmore would be unlikely to wal
CARTER PUBLICLY thanked away from prison a free man because he faces anoth
President Ford for the coopera- murder charge.
tion he has shown as symboliz- See UTAH, Page 2
ed by the Kissinger visit.
Can a computer save



island's Grand Hotel?
MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich. (P) - The 89-year- the beauty of the front porch," Bos said.
old Grand Hotel, a fixture on an island that
forbids all but horse-drawn vehicles, has turned to BOS SAID HE rejected the idea of using bracef
a computer to solve a problem of age -'it's in the front to support the leaning section because
leaning. they would mar the beauty of the hotel. So he
The Grand, host to presidents, governors and at turned to a computer for help.
least one movie crew, is famous for having the The Grand must cope with winter winds that
longest porch in the world, 880 feet long and reach nearly 100 miles an hour, so weather
three stories high. information was fed into the computer along with
facts on the hotel's present construction and new

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