Saturday, November 20, 197T THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three L- 1k. S.. events and entertainment week of Nov. 20 - 26 Happenings film reviews are written by Christopher Potter. all week COMMERCIAL CINEMA Two-Minute Warning - (Fox Village) - The Disaster F i1 m wave crashes to rock bottom morally and artistically with this sterile, leaden imposter of a movie. It was an open ques tion to begin with whether the theme of a mad sniper taking potshots at a huge football crowd constituted an entertain- ment for any save the truly blood-lusting among us; alas,; Two-Minute Warning lacks even the, courage of its depravities. Let the sadists be warned that for the first hour and fifty min- utes of this blimp of a film noth- ing - absolutely nothing - hap- pens. To be sure, we get the usual parade' of inoperative subplots androided out by minus-one di- mensional c h a r a c t e r s, but whereas most apocalypse films swiftly and mercifully put these nerds out of their (and our) m i s e r y, here their meagre mumblings just go on and on and on. About the only interest- ing items in this deflated mass are Merv Griffen attempting to vivisect The National Anthem and The President of the United States saying "shit." His de- scription is m o s t accurate. BOMB, Car Wash - (Fifth Forum - This study of a day .in the lives of a mostly-black car washing crew may not ,contain much drama or even much good comedy but it still grows on you as a kind of reassurance of the human spirit-as its down-and- out protagonists swing and jive their way toward making life and its assorted miseries just a little more tolerable, a little more fun. For all its crudities, I found Car Wash one of the most honest films I've seen all year. * * * ( The Next Man-(The' Movies, Briarwood) - A visionary Arab leader (Sean Connery) makes an astonishingly bold bid for world peace, but is simultan- eously stalked by a' paid female assassin who pretends to love him. This generally workman- like film had the potential for b e i n g an extraordinary sym- bolic depiction of the attraction/ conflict between absolute god and absolute evil, as personified in its two principal characters. But The Next Man runs frus- tratingly aground on the vacu- ous, dull-boy-meets-dull-girl dia logue supplied by the script- writer to the supposedly brainy, sharp-tongued lovers, and sinks completely under the wretched mannequin herky-jerkies of ' the pretty but supremely untalented Cornelia Sharpe. Connery is quite good as the Arab, but faces an insurmountable task in justifying bis character's sopis- ticated pasison for the wax dummy Barbie doll grinning constantly and vacantly across at him. * * 1 Shout at the Devil-(The Mov- ies, Briarwood)-African adven- ture with Lee Marvin and others. Gable and Lombard and The Family Plot - (State) - Re-re- lease of Hollywood's famous love couple and also Hitchcock's latest, both of which I missed the first time around. Carrie - (The Movies, Briar- wood) - psychic scare movie by Brian dePalma. The Front - (Campus) - Woody Allen's "serious" come- dy about entertainment black- listing of the early '50's, which does little credit either to the witchhynt victims of the time or to the unremembering audi- ences of today. Marathon Man - (Michigan) John Schlesinger's muddled thriller about an ex-Nazi den- tist (Laurence Olivier) stalking a Columbia grad student (Dus- tin Hoffman) over the possibili- ty of a stolen fortune. ** The Amazing - Dobermans - (The Movies, Briarwood.) saturday j William's most famous (al- you've heard about this scato- assert Ray is one of the'world's 'though not his best) play about logical 1970 monstrosity is all great directors, so I suggest you mendacity and its dissecting ef- too true; but what makes it take a look at these two ef- fects upon a wealthy Deep South genuinely obscene was the re forts (I intend to). family. What makes the film verse-logic hype spewed noxi- EVENTS especially interesting is that the ously forth by Myra's promo Junior Theater - See Satur-{ picture's longest and most cru- ters, to wit: "Here'we are mak- day Events - 1:30 and 3:30 per- cial sequence, involving a re-, ing a loathsome and disgusting formances. conciliation of understanding be- film, we know it's a lothsome Celebration Road Show-Bene-. tween the tyrannical Big Daddy and disgusting film, and you fit concert for Guild House,' (Burl Ives) and his embittered should see it precisely because Church of the Good Shepherd, son Brick (Paul Newman), did- it's a loathsome and disgusting 2145 Independence Bldg., 10:30l n't even exist in the original film." The moviegoing public a.m. - popular music, jazz. play (although Williams wrote did not respond to this idle-rich The Crucible - See Saturday Cat's screenplay adaptation). reasoning six years ago, and Events. It's fapcinating to compare the there is no earthly reason it I'Faculty Chamber Concert - two versions side by side and should do so' now. Myra isn't i Rackham Aud., 4 p.m. realize the change in structure camp, it is pure con. BOMB BARS and philosophy resulting from Betty Boop Matinee - (Ann Casa Nova - Tom Sabada,. the added dialogue - Williams Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 3, 1:30, Folk. ! seems considerably more for- 3, 4:30). Golden Falcon - Benson- giving toward his carnivorous EVENTS Drelles Quartet, Jazz. subjects in the film than on New Ann Arbor Dance Thea- Mr. Flood's Party - Madcat' stage. ter - 8:30 p.m. in Dance Space, Maruga Band. An offbeat cast provides Cat above the State St. Roots Store. Second Chance-Black Pearl, with some splendid performanc- Junior Theatre - Recreation Rock. es, topped by Elizabeth Taylor's Department puts on The Sleep- fiery portrayal of Maggie the ing Beauty of Loreland at 1:30: oa Cat - which finally established p.m., in the Pioneer High, 'her claim as a legitimate and School's Little Theater, for chil-' CINEMAt serious actress. *** dren. d The Maltese Falcon - (Cine- It's So (If You Think So) Nting sche . ma Guild, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05) Pirandello play, Residential Col- BARS; -Humphrey Bogart's latent an- lege Players, at East Quad Blind Pig - Boogie Woogie ti-hero mystique was establish- Aud., 8 p.m. Red, Piano Boogie. ed for all time in this, the most The Crucible - Mendelssohn Casa Nova - Tom Sabada, famous of all detective films. Theatre, 8 p.m. - musical per- Folk. Not that it's a great picture: formance. Golden Falcon - V-II-I, Jazz. For all its virtues, one can't Aeolian Chamber Players - Mr. Flood's Party - Fred1 overlook the fact that cinemati- Rackham Aud., 8:30 p.m., with Small. cally Falcon is a static, almost: University Musical Society. Second Chance - Mojo Boog- claustophobic film that could. BARS ie Band. have been done almost as well Blind Pig - Wendell Harri- on stage as on screen. Yet Fal- son, Jazz. con probably contains more Casa Nova - Tom Sabada, memorable dialogue and cer- Folk. tainly the most immortal set Golden Falcon - Melodioso, of characters of any film ever Jazz. made; and who could possibly Mr. Flood's Party - Gwen resist watching again and again and the Country and Western as Sam, Bridgit, Casper, Joel Mystery Band.s and the rest go at each other Second Chance - Black Pearl, / « once more in pursuit of The! Rock. Fabulous Bird. ***% Crime and Punishment-(Ann Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 4, 7:30 only) - A recent Russian film S nday adaptation of the Dostoevsky*'CINEMA classic. The Four Musketeers - Me- Battle of Algiers - (Cinema diatrics; Nat. Sci. Aud., 7 &IGuild, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:15)-I 9:45) - The second-and much Gillo Pontecorvo's remarkable better - half of Richard Les- documentary-style depiction of ter's two-part Dumas epic. Part Algeria's tortuous but ultimate- I seemed by and large so much ly successful struggle for in- filler and )ointless rowdyism; dependence from French rule. - Part II f ally gets down to Driven by a pulsating, rhyth- brass tacks, providing an ex- matic dri ve that never lets up citing and often tragic scope for a secbnd, Algiers is one of to the assorted hijinks involv- the more inspiring studies of ed. Faye Dunaway, visible only a peoples' will to be free that intermittently in the earlier you're ever likely to see; ironi- film, virtually steals Four Mus- cally and sadly, such euphoria / ,/+. keteers with a juicilly heart-of- l is now tempered by the fact stone portrait of the treacher- that Algeria has evolved over ous Milady. **** the years into a petty tyranny Love and Anarchy - (Ann that alots its citizens consider- Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 3, 7 ably less liberty now than ex- - & 9) - One of the most bril- isted under French rule. In ret- t liant films of recent years, and rospect, this film now seems director Lena Wertmuller's almost as Machiavellian as it first major American success. does idealistic. ***%U A solemn, -almost Christ-like The Little Shop of Horrors- peasant - anarchist (Giancarlo (Cinema II, Ang. Aud. A, 7 & Ginnini) sets out on a mission 9) - A wild, wild 1960 Roger to assassinate Mussolini; while Cormon camp farce about a a young prostitute he meets and man-eating plant and its loony, loves tries to dissuade him from sex-starved keeper. The film his suicidal quest. The film is utterly artless, but often suc- builds and builds in heroic, al- ceeds - sometimes in spite of most grand-opera style, thenitself - in being very, very fun- suddenly reverses gears com- ny. Watch especially for a pletely in one of the most ironic young, pink-cheeked Jack Nich- and remarkably unexpected fi- olson as an obsessed masochist S nales in film history. This is who begs his dentist to do his .an exquisite 'work th4t firmly jabsolute worst.** established Wertmuller in the Devi (The Goddess) and Dis- vanguard of the new young di- tant Thunder - (Ann Arbor 'rectors, a position certainly sol- Film Co-op, MLB 4, Devi at idified by her subsequent out- 7,Distant Thunder at 9) - Two' pouring of new films. **** films by Indian director Satyjit Myra Breckenridge - (Couz- Ray, a filmmaker of whom I ens Film Co-op, Couzens Cafe- must confess an almost total teria, 8 & 10) - Everything ignorance. Those in the know .1 1l :: . . . ."', U may not stick too close to the 'Second Chance- Masquerade,f to his story of two people in tuesday D. H. Lawrence original, but Rock. love but fatally mismatched by in some ways transcends it; ,culture and temperament. This CINEMA Russell exhibits an amazingly .u i is one of the few genuine ro- Shame - (Ann Arbor Film inventive and sensuous imagina- . I yG7 mantic American movies since Co-op, Ang. Aud. A, 7 & 9). tion, tempered for once by a CINEMA the rapturous days of Garbo You Can't Take it With You thorough director's control overi The Way We Were-(Medi- and Barrymore, and, against - (Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud., his material. As such, his Pic- atrics, Nat. Sci. Aud., 7 & 9:15) the currently turbulent.back- 7 & 9:05)E Sture often takes on a legiti - Today's certified critical pose drop of Taxi Driver, The Omen EVENTS macy all its own - an erotic, seems to dismiss The Way We and others, may be the last Oh, What A Lovely War. - literate work of film art apart Were as an overinflated super-- lyrical lament of a dying nre. PTP, Power Ctr., 8 p.m. $ from and occasionally beyond star soap opera; at the risk Treasure this one well. %*' BARS the novel. This was Russell's of highbrow ostracism, I must EVENTS Casa Nova - Tom Sabada, one great -feature effort before confess frankly that I'm in love: Oh, What A Lovely War! - Folk. he plunged into the abyss of with this film. Granted, it's PTP, Power Ctr., 8 p.m. Golden Falcon - Roots Jazz psychotic vulgaria, and show- imperfect: The Hollywood witch- BARS Band. ; cases Glenda Jackson's abso- hunting segment doesn't work Blind Pig-Hard Luck Brown- Mr. Flood's Party - Gemini. lutely demonic Oscar-winning at all, and the much-played ie and the Tribulations. Second Chance- Masquerade, performance. **** musical score seems much over- Casa Nova - Tom Sabada, Rock. EVENTS done in spots; but Streisand and Folk. Oh, What A Lovely War! - Redford, for all their bigger- Golden Falcon - Melodioso, PTP, Power Center, 8 p.m. than-life image, have never giv- Jazz. ( ~BARSI en performances as sure and, Mr. Flood's Party -- Red Ce- CINEMA Blind Pig - Benson-Drelles sensitive as they do here, and, dar Mud Thumpers. The 39 Steps-(Cinema Guild, Quartet, Jazz, director Sidney Pollack exerts Second Chance- Masquerade, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05) - One of Casa Nova - Tom Sabada, a memorably, sensuous control' Rock. the best of Alfred Hitchcock's Folk. British films, as accused mur- Mr. Flood's Party - Tucker THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHiGAN-DEARBORN derer Robert Donat desperately BlUes Band PRESENTS tries to track down the Nazi Second Chance- Masquerade, spies who are the real cul- Rock."W HEN YOU COM I N"BACK, prits. This was one of Hitch-.RED RYDER?" cock's first uses of his inno -4..,.. cent man theme, which he sub-' a contemporary American drama sequently worked over and over CINEMA by MARK MEDOFF again through the years with Nothing scheduled. NOV. 18, 19, 20 at 8:00 almost magical success. **** NOV. 21 at 3:00 Women in Love --(Ann Ar- BARS - BRYANT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL bor Film Co-op, Ang. Aud. A, Casa Nova - Tom Sabada, 460 N. Vernon, Dearborn 7 & 9:30 - A film which seems Folk. (1 blk. north of Cherry Hill Rd., west of Telegraph) to get better and beter as the Mr. Flood's Party - Tucker' ADMISSION: $2.50 AT THE DOOR years pass. Ken Russell's work' Blues Band. , a!!' I 1 7 EEt ( } t i f A incaar 4 pkt.~I screenplay by WILLIAM GOLDMAN from his novel produced -by ROBERT EVANS } CINEMA Cat on a Hot Tin Roof-(Cine- ma II, -Ang. Aud. A, 7 & 9) - Big-screen~ version of Tennessee and SIDNEY BECKERMAN SHOWTIMES Friday: 7:00 and 9:05 Sat.-Sun.: 1, 3:05, 5:10, 7:15, 9:25 When ymouve got only 2 tickets to the big game Kelly, Sabrina ad Trisabut they didn't's zip time to get filed up. .. n II