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November 19, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-11-19

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Blue Roses?
See Editorial Page

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43a itJ4

Frumpi sh
High T - 4S
Low -- 310
See TODAY for Details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII No. 62 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 19, 1976 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Police believe that one man is responsible for
the series of assaults of women during this past
month. He is described as a black man, about
5'10". He has .stocky build and smooth ,r me-
dium skin texture. He is usually wearing some
king of head apparel. The Ann Arbor News re-
ported yesterday that some of these attacks have
occurred during daylight hours. The city police
say that no such attacks have occurred. If you
have any information concerning this man, call
the Ann Arbor police at 994-2880 or 994-2875. If
you are assaulted, call 911. The University se-
curity emergency number is 763-1131, but call
the police first.
Absentee Regents
Next time your profs get down on you for
cutting class, and you need a new line to hand
them, try this one - "If the Regents can do it,
why can't I" Only three of the eight members
of the Board of Regents showed up for yester-
day's meeting to discuss last year's research ex-
penditures. Vice-president for Research Charles
Overberger told the meager gathering that al-
though expenditures had increased significantly
over the past 10 years, that because of inflation
the number of "real dollars" spent on research
has dropped over 7 per cent since 1967. The Re-
gents who attended were Gerald Dunn, Paul
Brown and Thomas Roach. Regent Deane Baker
walked in with only 10 minutes remaining in the
Ed and Carl
Canvassers in Wayne, Monroe and Washtenaw
County are all done and the final score in the
Pierce-Pursell race for the Second Congressional
district remains pretty much the same - Pur-
sell, 95,397 to Pierce's 95,053, a margin of 344
votes. In light of these figures, Pursell has is-
sued a statement saying he is making all prepara-
tions to take office. Pierce, meanwhile, has not
ruled out the possibility of calling for a re-count.
Pierce aides are reportedly still checking over
data for possible errors. Sources say the prob-
ability of a complete re-count is remote but sev-
eral precinct tallies may be suspect. 'Absentee
ballots have also been a focus for concern among
Pierce analysts. Pierce will probably make some
statement early next week, concerning a re-count.
Of f with their heads
With the big OSU-Michigan game rapidly ap-
proaching, Columbus city officials are trying to
save themselves a big headache by removing the
"heads" of 355 parking meters in the OSU area.
Recalling the scene two years ago, when OSU
won 12-10, and jubilant fans caused over $25,000
worth of damage by tearing the "heads" off the
meters, the Division of Traffic Engineering fig-
ured it would be wiser to spend $200 now than
thousands later. But it seems that the wrong
city is taking the precautions. It is Ann Arbor
that should be fixing the meters, because we're
going to win it this time -- GO BLUE
Happenings ...
today's deluge of events starts at 9:30 with
the Economic and Social Outlook Conference in
the Rackham Amphitheater ... at noon there is
a luncheon with Bargara Murphy, assistant chair-
woman of the Commission for Women at Guild
House - lunch is 50 cents ... also at noon the
Tenants Union will sponsor a festival on the diag
Charles Spielberger will speak on Stress and
Anxiety in Learning at 3:30 p.m. in the 6th floor
large conference room of ISR ... competing is
a coffee hour at the International, Center, also
at 3:30 ... at 8:00 the R.C. Players present It
Is So (If You Think So) in the East Quad Ad.

for $1 ... Roosevelt Sykes, Otis Rush and Jimmy
Dawkins will sing some blues at the Union Ball-
room also at 8:00 for only $5 ... if you aren't
into that, the Gay Community Services Center is
sponsoring a social evening with free refresh-
ments at, you guessed it, 8:00 ... the penultimate
8:00 happening is a gathering of the U of M folk-
lore Society in the Couzens library ... and the final
8:00 event is the opening of the BFA show Slus-
ser Gallery, at the Art and Arch. Bldg. on North
Campus ... whoops, almost forgot, Stern Morgan,
a psychic healer, will talk about his healing at
8:00 at Canterbury House ... at 8:30, the New Ann
Arbor Dance Theater will giveĀ°a concert at Dance
Space at 314 S. State, admission $2 ... and if you
are still awake, David Bromberg will bet rthe
Michigan Theater at midnight to do whatever it
is he does.
Ott the inside...
W. L. Sheller discusses the virtues (?) of cap-
ital punishment on the Editorial Page ... Dobilas
Matulionis lambasts the new movie Car Wash

Rape vici
The rash of rapes and assaults on women which have oc-
curred during the past month has ridden/our community with
tension, fear and anger. Men and women alike are addressing
many questions not only to the city police and University
security, but also to friends and to themselves.
Who will be next and how do we protect ourselves?
WHAT IS it like to be raped and how does it affect its vic-
What can people do to help rape victims?
Most important, what can be done to stop these attacks?
Two rape victims from Oxford Housing have decided to tell
their story. Both women - who will be called Mary and Jill-
were attacked at South University and Oxford three weeks
apart. The most recent one occurred three days ago. Perhaps,
then, we can begin to answer these nagging questions.
THREE WEEKS ago Mary was walking home from work at
12:30 a.m. She was almost at the end of South University at
Oxford when a man walked passed her, walking ahead of her






for about half a block. Then as she began to cross the street, he
came back, grabbed her from behind and put a knife to her
throat, warning, "Scream and I'll kill you."
"I looked around but there were no cars or people. He
"T~hen you read about rape, it's something
that happens to other people. It's like car
accidents, or being robbed or having cancer.
I'd never applied it to my body before."
pulled me towards the driveway. I kept thinking he'd steal my
camera. The knife was always pressing against my throat . . .
He seemed inclined to kill me."
He pulled her into a garage and she began to cry. He told
her to shut up. "I had on a skirt with a leotard and tights. He

couldn't figure it out. He stepped back while holding my hair.
He told me to get undressed but it was 28 degrees outside and I
said no. Finally, I undressed - as slowly as possible hoping
someone would come by. He told me to lay down and he put
a blouse over my face. The only time I saw his face was when
he was walking on the street. When he was done he told me to
sit up and put on my coat and wait ten minutes. I waited one
minute, then went home across the street."
MARY RAN to the room of her resident director and he
called campus security and the police. When the police arrived,
a policewoman questioned her briefly. They took her clothes in
order to look for clues about the rapist - such as hair or
sperm. They then took er to the hospital where she spent the
next three hours taking a battery of tests.
They also took samples of her head and pubic hair, saliva,
and blood. She was given a pelvic examination and two penicil-
lin shots for protection against venereal disease. A counselor
from the Women's Crisis Center was also available.
See TWO, Page 10






75grievance sI iii question

Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN

o boogies.
THE MAN HIMSELF, Bo Schembechler made a special appearance at last night's pep rally at
Sigma Alpha Epsilon mudbowl at the corner of W ashtenaw and S. University. Oozing confidence
from every pore, Bo promised a, victory this Saturday in Columbus. See story, page 2.

In an exhaustive bar-
gainiug session between
GEO and University nego-
tiators yesterday, every
thorny issue down to eco-
nomics and affirmative ac-
tion was settled - except
one. One that may delay
a contract agreemont for
some time, according to
both sides.
The issue is a complicat-
ed one. GEO submitted a
grievance under the last
cohtract charging the Uni-
versity illegally removed
people from the union by
changing the definition of
RA's and SA's' in certain
departments. The two sides
are scheduled to enter ar-
bitration over the matter
in January.
390,000 WORKERS. S E E
BUT while GEO wants to
sign the contract now, retain-
ing the present language and
follow through with the griev-
ance, the University refuses to
settle until this language is
cleared up at the bargaining
"If during the term of the
new contract they have griev-
ances, and 'they lose or we
lose, you have to live with it,"
said University General Counsel
William Lemmer, "that's what
collective bargaining's a 11
"But you don't go into a new
contract pith a grievance," he
H O W E V E R, GEO bar-
gainer David Simen contended,
"They're looking for a griev-
ance - proof contract and wait-
ing for that kind of contract
means waiting till 1984 or 1986."
Union President Doug Moran
offered his interpretation,
"What they're trying to do is
See GEO, Page 2
A liende


profs say inflation

rate will rise
By RICHARD BRUDER 6.2 per cen
the total mn
Consumers and businessmen can expect 1977 dced by t
national output and employment to exceed 1976 prices.
levels but the inflation rate will also rise. These
predictions came yesterday at the University's THE LEA
25th annual Conference on the Economic and dicted to b
Social Outlook as a part of the 1977 forecast by level of 7.7
the Michigan Quarterly Econometric Model of will creep
the U. S. economy, per cent n
The Michigan Econometric Model, under the In order
direction of Professors Saul Hymans and Harold had to mak
Shapiro of the economics department, predicted economy.,I
a 4.3 per cent growth rate in real Gross National Carter Adn
Product (GNP) for calendar 1977 compared with



nt growth rate for 1976 Real GNP is
oney value of goods and services pro-
he economy, corrected for the rise in
VEL of unemployment for 1977 is pre-
e 7.1 per. cent, down from this year's
per cent. The level of prices however,
up from 5.2 per cent this year to 5.6
ext year.
to make these predictions, the model
ke several assumptions about the 1977
most notably an early tax cut by the
ministration on the order of 13 billion
See STUDY, Page 2

lDaly Photo loy ANDY FREEBERG
THESE STUDENTS at Angell Hall get the finger yesterday,
both literally and rhetorically, from a staff member giving
directions while they wait for their CRISP tickets. The lines
have become ludicrously long.
Students lanaguish in
CRISPtick.et lines
The rush for early CRISP registration dates has made
Angell Hall the most popular camp site at the university.
LSA assistant dean Eugene Nissen called the situation "the
worst in our experience," and remarked "each passing day the
lines get longer earlier." CRISP registration began Nov. 8 for
seniors and Nov. 11 for underclasspersons.
BY MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY, about 18 students kept a
cold vigil on the top steps at Angell, wrapped in blankets or
equipped with sleeping bags. Earlier, about 30 other students
stopped by to sign their names on a list, reserving a place in
See 'U', Page 2
tcriti c izhes U.S.
Chilean .junta



Isabel Allende, daughter of the late Chilean
President Salvador Allende, yesterday criticized
the American government for supplying financial
aid to" the junta which was responsible for her
father's death in 1973.
Speaking through an interpreter before a
packed Rackham Auditorium crowd as part of
the final session of the Tepch-In on Terror in

Although she is now living in exile, Allende
said she felt it was her duty "to carry on the
struggle for my companeros still in Chile."
SHE SAID Americans should pressure the gov-
ernment to stop economic aid to Pinochet and to
demand an investigation into the crimes of the
junta. She also urged members of the audienc
to boycott Chilean products so that the junta wil
not have any more money to purchase arms.

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