v. ... Ohio Stat excreteloi By MARK WHITNEY PASADENA, Calif. - Viking III, the third in a series of scientific probes for life landed safely yesterday on its earget-site and was reported by engineers here at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to be in good working con- dition. Unlike its heralded predecessors, which made history by exploring Mars, Viking III landed in the area of Co- lumbus, Ohio to begin a series of ex- periments to determine if there is in- telligent life at Ohio State. The head of the project, Dr. Itchin Butts, declined to tell reporters if any clues had been found, but immediately refuted rumors that the creature known as the "Woody-Chuck" qualified as intelligent life. According to Dr. Butts, "The Woody- Chuck - or as we refer to it, "Ha- yesius Stupidus' - is a large animal with a loud bark and a tiny, tiny brain. We have observed that its minute cen- ter of reasoning simply cannot pro- vide rational thinking. This accounts for its impulsive babbling, that few pay any attention to, and its instinct to lash out at creatures with a single, large eye that seek to watch it." DR. BUTTS CONTINUED, "The Woody - others have classified it 'Mouthus Eupremus" incidentally - has been observed to cultivate herds Mark Whitney is a Daily Sports staffer. life forms discovered to eat, comote, playfootbal of armored animals, armadillos possi- On the Woody's natural enemies, bly, to lead battles against other herds. Butts responded, "We have observed It seems to be part of an annual mi- that creatures from the area of East gration to escape the cold winters of Lansing, Michigan have a bitter feud its northen habitat (everyone knows with the Woody. It seems to stem from the Woody' is used to hot water) and its some recent upheaval, possibly last herd fights everything from gophers summer, in which the Woody-coused and badgers, to fierce, marauding wol- these animals - known as 'Maddas verines. The Woody is bent in making Hellus' - the downfall of their lead- the trip to a warmer climate and will er. stop at nothing to get there. "The Woodv and these creatures -that' s all "Victory apparently leads to an in- crease in the Woody's stature among its fellow creatures who, upon its re- turn, do homage to it. This seems to satisfy its ego, but usually leads to the Wody being even more intent and fearsome the following year." However, Dr. Butts noted, the Woody is not indestructable. "Last year, for instance, the Woody's herd was for- tunately beaten off by a itotally out- gunned, but spirited band of bruins just near here (Pasadena)," Butts mentioned. WHEN ASKED ABOUT the intelli- gence of the Woody's herd, Dr. Butts cried, "Are you kidding?! How could a bunch of animals that blindly follow something like the Woody be intelli- cent?!! The Woody doesn't even fight! He sits off to the side barking and howling and tearings things up! It's the herd that has to go in there and beat their heads against other heads. As far as we're concerned, the idea of any intelligent life being connected as all with the Woody is absurd." traded barking and rude noises for a time, but most observers'simpl ignored these exchanges. After all, we know from earlier probes that there is no intelligent life in East Lansing, either." DR. BUTTS SUMMED up the find- ings so far. "We are not too terribly discouraged by what we have found so far. In other studies of this kind, we have found that it is almost always the unintelligent life forms that are first apparent because of their loudness and attention - getting actions.- The intelli- gent species at first remain hidden, leery of observers, but eventually be- come fed up with creatures like the Woody and put them in their place. "If this happens, as we hope, we would then be able to seriously con- tinue our studies on the possibility of intelligent life in college football." Butts finally concluded, "We must be patient and continue our search. After all, we certainly can't allow all of Ohio to be judged by one speci- men. I haven't had this much fun since my hernia operation!' Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 Dr,. Straiigeha ye~s Thursday, November 18, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Health Service Handbook Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MEANWHILE, SACK ORf4'ONALP REAGAN' RANN.,, , ! By SYLVIA HACKER and NANCY PALCHIK Question: I'm worried about the side effects of the pill and IUD and am thinking of getting a diaphragm. Can you give me some information on it includ- ing -its effectiveness? Answer: One should not nec- essarily write off the pill and IUD based on reports in the news media alone. These meth- ods arenot recommended for certain people, it's true, but are excellent for others. This deci- sion should be based on an ex- amination by a physician and a consultation with himi'her on your body's tolerance and po- tential reaction. However, we do think the diaphragm is an excellent method and have al- ways felt that more should be taught about it. As of May, 1976, Planned Parenthood World Population was reported as say- ing: "After one year, only 2 per cent ofthe more than 2000 diaphragm users studied had suffered an accidental preg- nancy." This conclusion came from a large clinical study of the diaphragm by New York's Margaret.Sanger Research Bu- reau involving 2168 users. Ac- cidental pregnancy rates were lowest among women younger than 18-1.9 per 100 users, and among women aged 35 and old- er -- no pregnancies. The low pregnancy rate ob- served indicates that the dia- phragm should no longer be gonsidered the old fashioned birtn control method it - was once thought to be. The main reasons considered responsible for the low, pregnancy rates re- ported in this study are: de- j. + * k !1. tailed teaching' by skilled in- structors of how the method should be used and supervision of the client to insure her using it right. Someday we would also like to see male partners includ- ed in the observation and nearn- i~ng of the use of the diaphragm. T H E I M P O R T A N T POINT to be remembered about the diaphragm is that its pri- mary function is to hold sper- micidal jelly in place against the cervix. While it does pro- vide some mechanical protec- tion by itself, without the sper- micide, it is not effective. During intercourse, the move-, ment of the body causes the diaphragm to move and many spunky sperm can swim over the rim. With the spermicidal jelly under, however, any sperm which go beyond the barrier will be killed. If you are anticipat- ing sexual intercourse, you can put the diaphragm in place about 2 hours before and then you must leave it in for 6 to 8 hours after. A new applicator full of spermicide should be inserted into the vagina with each succeeding act of inter- course without removing the diaphragm (unless, of course, the 6-8 hours have elapsed). If you carry it with you and hap- pen to get into a spontaneous sexual encounter, you can take a moment off to put it in (don't look at it as an interruption but rather as a prolongation of pas- sion), or better still, have your, sex partner put it in for you. This can be very sexy once the male realizes that the dia- phragm can't get lost in some mysterious bodily region and that he can't make horrible mistakes in the insertion. If the diaphragm fits right, it will generally pop into place. You can teach him how to check its position, and as a matter of fact, if males learned about this method as well as other fe- male contraceptive methods, they could become both helpful and sensual participants in birth control use. Question: My boy friend, age 24, has one undescended tes- ticle. Since this condition was never correctednwhen he was a child, he is now considering surgery. If the undescended testicle is not removed, is there any chance that it would be- come cancerous? Also, is it possible to get some kind 9f ar- tificial testicle implanted in the scrotum for appearance sake? Answer: This *question has been handled delightfully in a column by Dr. Arnold Werner of Michigan State University. His answer follows: The testes develop, in the ab- dominal cavity and then de- scend into the scrotal sac be- fore birth. A surprising num- ber of adult men have unde- scended testicles. At times this is because they have not re- ceived regular medical atten- tion in childhood and at other times because the undescended testicle was just never noticed. if the testicle is not brought down before adolescence it is permanently damaged and loses its capacity to produce sperm. In addition, there is a higher incidence of cancer in such un- descended testicles. The pre- ferred time of operation is in childhood when a testicle can be brought into place rather easily and normal function restored. In ad-lthood, it is often sim- ner to remove the testicle since it serves no useful purpose. One testicle is enough for hor- rople production as well as for snerm production. Sometimes for cosmetic reasons, the adult testicle will be .brought down into the scrotal- sac. At other times, an artificial testicle will he planted in the scrotum. A JOKE MAKING the rounds invohies a man who had a small onion imlanted in his scrotal - to replace a missing tes- ti(-e. The appearance was fine, hbt he had a burning sensation when he urinated, his eyes tear- ed when he ejaculated and he got an erection every time he passed a McDonald's. Letters should be typed and limited to .400 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit letters for length and grammar. rODAY'S STAFF: Jews: Tim Schick, Margaret Yao, Jeff Ristine, Anne Marie Lipinski, Pau- line Toole, Bill Yaroch, Lisa Fisher, Janet.Klein Editorial Page: Stevens Rob Meac ium, Tom Arts Page: Lois Josimovich Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens I"66 ALL IN HEREI ' Letters to geo editorial To The Daily: YOU ARE ENTITLED to agree or disagree as you see fit with any issue, and you are entitled to express your opinion in fair and democratic terms, just as members of GEO ex- pressed their opinion by vote. I stress the terms fair and democratic; thus I must object to the following phrase in your commentary: "The cowardly profile cast on GEO by the faith- less members who submitted the dissenting votes will force bargainers to grit their teeth and bow to the university." In your choice of adjectives cow- ardly and faithless I see noth- ing short of mudslinging. By allowing the above-quoted sen- tence to be printed in such form, you have deviated from true professional journalism. I realize that this concerns an editorial opinion rather than a news story; even so, I ob- ject to such massive name-call- ing that was seen by the major- ity of the university community.. A rejection of the strike need not imply that GEO members are cowardly and faithless. Gen- eral concensus among my stu- dents and fellow union mem- bers with "whom I talked was anti-strike. Reasons for reject- ing the strike ran the gamut from opposition on the part of undergraduate students in our sections to personal reasons for not supporting all of the de- mands put forth in the proposed contract. You are not obligated to agree with the rejection of the strike; you are however ob- ligated to consider the defense of your adversaries before hav- ing them face the firing squad of your unfavorable comments. I suggest that in the future you choose words with more care, if you wish to avoid of-" fending a large number of peo- ple and alienating sensitive and intelligent readers whom you might otherwise persuade. Such the Daily sponse of GSA's to the strike referendum. They seem to posit most of the responsibility for the defeated referendum on the rank and file GSA, but I'm not sure I agree. It may indeed be true that GSA's are no longer willing to fight for the rights of women and minorities, or for the quali- ty of undergraduate education. H-owever, I'm not sure the re- sounding defeat of the strike' referendum was an' affirmation of apathy on the part of GSA's, or a vote of no confidence in the GEO leadership. As a new graduate student on the U-M campus I have no sense of the GEO traditions. Yet as a new GSA I can atest to the poor organizationlatef- forts of GEO. When was there a single conserted effort on the part of GEO to rally GSA's? Issues were simply not made clear, nor were they ever ef- fectively disseminated to the rank and file. There is no doubt that GSA's could have, if they were so inclined, sought out GEO leadership and askedi. But expecting the rank and file to throng to. the GEO office (is there a GEO office?) and plunk down their money, sign the ros- ter and join forces is totally unrealistic. It is incumbant on the GEO leadership to provide some momentum. This did not occur. The, leadership might have questioned what kind of "heat" lay behind a meeting where only 300 GSA's bothered to forgo an evening of study, TV and/or beer, Ades and Parsigian are ab- solutely correct in referring to GEO activists as deluded. A successful strike requires a high level of organization. In this case there was no organiza- tion. GEO castrated itself by assuming support that wasn't there. If there is any hope that the union can or will survive the slick university administration it rests with effective, commit- ted, energetic, savy and thor- THE PURPOSE OF THIS column is to give out information concerning obesity and weight control. We will offer practical ways, means, methods, and schemes for losing weight until you reach your desired goal, and for maintaining your weight. While offering information from cur- rent clinical practice and scientific research on the most effective methods of weight, control, we invite readers' questions on the subject which will be answered in this column. The column's two authors are a psychology grad student - one of whose specialties is weight control - and an overgrad student whose weight problems developed here at the University. To- gether we hope to offer a helpful reference-type handbook for good nutrition and weight control with, a little humor on the side.- The humor will include "Tales from the Fat Farm," actual experiences from running a weight reduction camp this past summer. Yes, losing weight can be fun. You, too, can laugh your way to a size nine! More seriously, no more than 10 per cent of obese American are abese due to some medical problem (eg. glandular malfunction). If you are among the other 90 per cent, we may be able to help you. Our sugges- tions can best be appreciated if you know about the value system from which they emerge. These values include a belief in a balanced diet before, during and after a weight loss ffort, a belief in burning up more calories as well as eating fewer calories and an emphasis on the develooment of greater self-control to facilitate weight less. Another value that comes into play when the can I lose the pounds where they need to be taken off? Answer: Distribution of fat cells is hereditary. If a particular area of your body does not re- spond to dieting, then this whole hereditary thing may be the reason you cannot control just where on your body weight will be lost. Certain exercises can help firm up muscles in different areas, but this is about the only control over your contours that you have. Question: Is it true that the' metabolism rules your weight gain/loss? Answer: No. 'All else being equal, a person with a higher metabolic rate may, lose weight more quickly than one with a lower m tabolic rate. Afactor that is as important, if not more- so, is a person's level of activity. The more ac- tive one is, the more one can eat and not gain weight, or, if one is dieting, the more rapidly one will lose weight. Question: t am a crunchy munchie junkie. What are some low caleorie/high protein (or whatever) munchies I can eat when my crun- chy jones hits? Answer: Texture is an important quality of foods as, of course, is taste. Think what it would be like if different foods had the same tastes that they now have, but all had the texture of jello. Some of our favorite crunchy foods, like nuts, potato chips, granola, etc. are rather high in salories. There are some less calorie-laden alternatives which are crisp and crunchy. These include celery, raw carrots, crisp lettuce, un- buttered popcorn (yes, popcorn UNBUTTERED) gte' Forum by FLASH and THE TOASTED MARSHMALLOW