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November 17, 1976 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1976-11-17

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Wednesday,, November 17, 1976


Doge Sever







Inside Straight
Andy Glazer
Impartially speaking...
...Andv's hoping
SPORTSWRITERS ARE often fans of-a particular team and
the question of impartiality often comes up.
There really isn't anything you can do to change a per-
son's beliefs. Given that, the most sportswriters can hope to
do is keep their prejudices out o their analytical writing. '
If a writer wants to admit he is a fan, he's being nothing but
honest, so we don't want to stop him from doing that.
Just keep the straight stuff straight.
I raise the issue because on consecutive days Michigan area
readers will have been treated to 180 degree different columns
about the same game.
YesterdayJoe Falls, the Detroit Free Press Sports Editor,
told the world that Michigan will beat Ohio State 23-0 or
worse, that Woody Hayes will panic, that the Bucks will have
to "choke down another goose egg."
He also characterized the OSU defensive line as raw animals,
and tossed in a mistake of fact when he said Rick Leach can
throw on the run.
Meanwhile, today's DAILY reader is treated to a unique view-
point by one John Mecht'y, Jr., the Sports Editor of OSU's paper,


If you're looking for a cross country
runner that's consistent and can be count-
ed on in the clutch. look no farther than
the Michigan locker room.
One of coach Ron Warhurst's most reli-
able runners the past three seasons has
been junior Bill Donakowski.
When Donakowski first came to Michi-
gan,- Warhurst had no idea who he was.
WARHURST HAD just been hired as
the cross country coach and hadn't been
involved in recruiting the 1974 team.
But the first day of practice Donakow-
ski introduced himself, and from that ini-
tial day of running, Warhurst hasn't re-
gretted the recruitment of Donakowski
one bit.
"He's got a tremendous attitude towards
racing," said Warhurst. "The tougher the
race, the more important it is to him
(Donakowski), the better he runs."
It wasn't until the Michigan State-Minne-
sota double dual meet (the fifth week into
the season) that Donakowski overcame the

effects of a respiratory infection and fin-
ally s'arted to flash his All-American
"I LIKE TO consider myself a late
starter," Bonakowski said. "They don't
run the nationals or the Big Ten's in Sep-
tember so there's no real reason to be
read v.
"I've been building all season long so I
might be a little more ready than some
guys that have been racing every week,"
he added.
Besides the respiratory problem, Don-
akowski also was having problems com-.
bining his first year of Architecture school
and the heavy training.
His 32 hours of class a week forced him
to miss the regular team workouts and
train on his own. This worked fine until he
realized that his absence from the work-
outs was having an effect on the team's
"I GOT CAUGHT with too many hours,"
he recalled. "I used to go to class till
five and now I only go till three.

"I'm only able to make 27 of my 32
hours of class," he said, "but I make up
the missed hours eventually. It's not like
I'm cutting class."
One of Donakowski's keys to success is
running from the front of the pack. So far
this season it's paid off, with his best
finish in the Big Ten meet in three tries
(fifth), and a sixth place finish in the Cen-
tral Collegiate Conference meet.
With the NCAA championships coming
up next Monday, Warhurst feels that Mi-
chigan's number one man at the 1975
NCAA meet has a good shot at making the
top 10 or 12 runners and being named an
All-American for the second year in a row.
For Donakowski, the NCAA meet is
something special.
"I think the nationals is a race where
you throw your strategy book away and
just run it. This is the race everybody
thinks about back in July and August when
they're running in the 95 degree days."
Come race time on Monday, Bill Dona-
kowski will be ready to run-as usual.




Mechtly mentions "Bo and his lackeys," cuts the Wolverines Sports Editor
down as losers by' guessing that, they are used to losing by now, Ohio State Lantern
and finishes with "there is no question it will be five in a row for COLUMBUS - Let's pretend, just for a moment, that the
Ohio State." There's more, but that's enough. winner of the Michigan-Ohio State classic can be picked solely
I mean, come on, fellas!! If you want to root, say what on the basis of season statistics. Forget the emotion. Forget the
you have to say, objectively, and then toss in your opinion. ! crowd. Forget Woody and Bo. Just look at the cold statistics.

But don't mix your analysis with your opinion to the point
where they are indistinguishable, and, therefore, useless.
There remains the question, though, of which one is closerl
to the truth-will it be Michigan or Ohio State?
I'll say Michigan. But I'll say it hesitantly.
The Wolverines appear to have an edge in pure physical tal-I
ent. While the stats wouldn't be quite so awesome if' Michigan
had faced the likes of UCLA and Missouri, you can still break it
down and give it to Michigan, at least offensively.
Rick Leach clearly over the more inexperienced Jim Pacenta.'
Rob Lytle over Jeff Logan, slightly. Pete Johnson over Russell
Davis brings OSU back, but the clearest edge lies at wingback.
Michigan's Jim Smith is probably the best receiver in the
country and wipes out Jim Harrell. Michigan has the game-,
breaker, and that makes the offensive difference. Even if Smith
doesn't personally hurt the Bucks, his presence should force
overshifts that will open holes elsewhere.
It's harder to compare the defenses, but you'd have to
call them pretty close. Michigan sto-- the run better, OSU
the pass. Call them even.
So Michigan gets the offensive nod, the defenses are even
up, and it's played in Columbus. Sounds like another tie, but .. .
I go with ,Michigan on intangibles. You can call it pure opin-
ion if you like, but the Wolveiines should be hungrier. The su-
perb athletes and competitors on Michigan haven't ever beaten
OSU, and for stars like Lytle, Smith, Calvin O'Neal and Greg!
Morton it's their last shot.
But ydu could have said the same thing last year, and it
didn't help then. There has got to be a certain element . . .
a certain unconscious wonder ... in Michigan minds. A won-
der that asks, "can we beat these guys?"
That wonder may turn into strength and help Michigan to
victory. It could, work the other way as well.
There are a lot of seniors on this campus that hope the first!
way is right. They think, "it's be nice to go out a winner."
I'm one of them.
It's the last week for you precocious prognosticators, so ye{
double your pleasure (read: agony) with 40, count 'em, 401
games. Ted Inman and Bob Rasche of 1106 Packard lead the
season long standings with seven others tied one game behind.

At first glance, the fact sheet seems to be all Michigan.
True, Michigan has scored 40.1 points per game to Ohio
State's 27.8. Yes, the Wolverines have given up only 8.1
points per game to the Buckeye's 11.7.
The Wolverines'have gained nearly 100 more yards rushing
per game and have still managed more passing yards than the
Buckeyes. Each team has a 1000-yard rusher, but Michigan's.
Rob Lytle has 131 yards more than Ohio State's Jeff Logan in
13 fewer carries. No doubt about it, Michigan has outrushed,
outpassed, and outdefensed the Buckeyes in the statistics game.
While these statistics are certainly impressive and import-
aant, they are not telling the whole story. (Note: All Michigan
fans who do not want to face up to the truth should stop reading
Could it be that the Wolverines have run up such high
stats because their opponents have a combined winning per-
centage of only .410. This compares to a .541 winning per-
centage for Ohio State opponents. Michigan has played only
one team which has a winning record (Minnesota, 6-4). Ohio
State has played four.
For now, let's forget the Big Ten opponents of the two
schools, even though Michigan has played 1-9 Northwestern and
Ohio State did not. Ohio State's non-conference foes have a
winning percentage of .759. This compares to a miserable .419
percentage for Michigan's non-conference foes. Oh well, what
can one expect from such powerhouses as Na, , and Wake For-
est? What would Michigan have done statistic-wise had it had
to play Penn State, Missouri and UCLA?
Back to reality. We all know (don't we?) that statistics don't
win THE game. Such unpredictable things as field goal kickers
and referees are usually the deciding factors.


But if a winner could be picked strictly by the numbers
could anyone really say Michigan has a clear-cut edge? I think
This game will be just like the others-a low scoring,
rather dull affair, with somebody winning on a break. And
because both Woody and Bo know a break will decide the
game there will be very little passing, probably a few third
down punts and a lot of dull action.
The Buckeyes, however, seem to have a few more things
going for them. First, the game is in Columbus, where Bo has
never won a game as head coach. Second,, as hard as Bo tries
to lose the image, he is just a poor imitation of Woody. He
doesn't seem to be able toebring the psychologicaledge to his
team that Woody does. I guess, that is to be expected, however.
After al, Woody has far more experience at being Woody than
Bo does.0

MICHIGAN CROSS COUNTRY star Bill Donakowski is
an All-American runner from Dearborn, Harrier coach
Ron Warhurst has been pleased with Donakowski ever
since they met three years ago.
Of course, the Wolverines have motives also. Revenge
could be a factor, but it hasn't helped Michigan the last few
years. One would think the thought of the Buckeyes in anoth-
er Rose Bowl would be too much for the Wolverines'to stand.
But I guess they are used to it by now.
Bo and his lackeys just never seem able to win the big
game (look it up). Bo has yet to bring a national championship
to Michigan and this year will be no exception.
When the final gun sounds Saturday, there is no question it
will be five in a row for Ohio State.
This- article is the Ohio State terin. The reiurn article sent to
portion of a special exchange of the Lantern was submitted by
columns between the Michigan Andy Glazer, Managing Sports
Daily and the Ohio State Lan- Editor of the Daily.

Wolverine fans go ticketless

There were no problems with
student ticket lines to distribute
Michigan's 4,000 seat allotment
for this year's showdown at
Ohio State.
There were no hastles about
Munson MVP
New York Yankee catcher and
team captain Thurman Munson
who batted .302 with 17 home
runs was named the runaway
winner of the 1976 American
League Most Valuable Player)
award yesterday by the Base-
ball Writers Association.

when a line should begin or THE REMAINDER of the ening to prosecute scalpers. Stu-
who should set role call proce- 4,000 tickets were distributed to dent scalpers have also been
dures. And, as student problems' players, staff, coaches, the Vic-1 leery because OSU ticket tak-
were non-existent, so were stu- tors club, "Regents and large ers supposedly spot check for
dent tickets. contributors to the football pro- I.D.'s at the gates. Some stu-
That's right - students had gram. dents are afraid of lending their
absolutely no opportunity to pur- In response to a\ suggestion I.D.- just to make a buck. One
chase tickets for their school's of a drawing or lottery which student scalper did offer ®his
biggest game. There is no pub- would allow a number of stu- I.D. and three tickets in re-
lic sale of Ohio State tickets. dents to purchase tickets (one turn for $240.
According to Michigan ticket to a customer), Renfrew said, IF YOU'RE GAME and desire
director Al Renfrew, there is "I would be in favor of any to make the trip to Columbus.
good reason why the tickets fair system to allow students to without spending your life sav-
are not available to students. see the game." ings, there is"some hope for you.
How can you fairly distribute THIS YEAR, however, there As is the situation in Ann Ar-
only 4,000 tickets to anything r-appears to be a pinch on tick- bor for the OSU game (and any.
at Michigan? ets, nothing that $100 wouldn't other game for that matter),
IN RESPONSE to this ques- solve. At the present time, the ticket prices fall drastically as
tion, Renfrew answered, "The going rate for a single billet kick-off approaches. As for I.D.
students got to see us seven to Saturday's game is between checks, with an expected 88,000
games and we like to spread $60-$100. One gentleman scalper people jamming the gates, tick-
ourselves around. People who who "needs the money" is ask- et takers would have to be
don't get to see us during the ing $200 for his pair of beau- crazy to start hassling people.
year are given the .opportunity ties." For those of you who desire
if we're in their area." Tickets seem scarce because the comforts of home, the game
Consequently, a portion of the of the low number of ticket4ads will be televised on ABC at
tickets were given to the U of circulating in Ohio newspapers 12:30 p.m. Saturday You can
.M clubs in Detroit, Ann Arbor, compared to previous years. go out and buy a TV for the
Toledo and Columbus. These One excuse is that the OSU $100 that a ticket might cost
were in turn sold to members: Board of Trustees printed a and be guaranteed a seat for
at the $8 OSU ticket price. warning on each ticket threat- life.

Little Eight' coaches call
Blue - OSU title clash even

Get those Griddes in! This is
children about.
1) MICHIGAN at Ohio State
(Pick score)
2) Northwestern at Illinois
3) Iowa at Michigan St.
4) Minnesota at Wisconsin
5) Indiana at Purdue
6) Louisville at Boston U.
7) Stanford at California.
8) Vanderbilt at Cincinnati'
9) South Carolina at Clemson
10) Duke at North Carolina
11) Texas, El Paso at Hawaii
12) Virginia Tech at Florida
13) Western Michigan at Cen-
tral Michigan
14) Iowa St. at Oklahoma St.
15) Houston at Texas Tech
16) Kentucky at Tennessee
17) Southern Illinois at Mar-
18) Memphis St. at Southern
19) 'Mississipp~i at Mississippi
St. (Jackson)
20) Oklahoma at Nebraska
21) Oregon at Oregon St.

something to tell your grand-'
22) Pittsburgh at Penn St.
23) William and Mary at
24) UCLA at USC
25) Syracuse at W. Virginia
26) Villnova at Temple
27) Indiana St. at VMI
28) Washington at Washington
St. (Spokane){
29) Wyoming at Air Force
30) DAILY LIBELS at Ohio St.
(Still must be in by
Midnight, Nov. 19)
31) Baylor at Texas Christian
)32) Army vs. Navy (Philadel-
33) Georgia Tech at Georgia
34) Holy Cross at Boston Col-
35) Arizona St. at Arizona
36) Texas Tech at Arkansas
37) Alabama at Auburn (Birm-
38) Notre Dame at USC
39) Oregon St. at Hawaii
40) Texas A&M at Texas


Who do the experts think will
win this Saturday's annual
classic between Michigan and
Ohio State? A tossup is the usual
opinion given..
Coach Alex Agase of Purdue,
the only conquerors of the Wol-
verines, sums up the sentiments
of the others best: "Ohio State's
defense is a superior defense in
all phases of the game while
Michigan has a superior offense:
it should be a whale of a game."
On a personal note, Agase has{
convinced himself that "if we
had had (running back Scott)
Dierking, we would have given,
Ohio State a go."
Northwestern's mentor John
Pont views the contest as a
matchup of "speed (Michigan)
vs. brawn (Ohio State)." He
downplays the importance of
Ohio Stadium due to the "su-I
perior quality of both teams."
Coach Bob Commings of Iowa
said the key to victory is "the
quarterback - that completes the I

passes probably will win it." I like the Michigan fight
When pressed, Commings gave song.",
the Wolverines a "slight nod" When asked whom he wuted
over the Buckeyes.We se hmh atd
e ad an CaBuoke-fshe to play in the Rose Bowl if USC
defeats UCLA, Robinson said,
Minnesota Golden Gophers said, 'My preference is Iowa s-nce
"Ohio State's defense is as good we beat them 55-0 this year and
as any in the country, they're I know we can beat them."
so good defending against the
"But Michigan can move the
ball on anyone," he added.
Bob Blackman, the head
coach at Illinois, said "Mich- 1. Pittsburgh (44)-..... 10-0-0 1,206
igan has an outstanding offen- 3.Southernc9-0-1 I
.3.SothrnCal. (1) ....-8-1-0 866
sive line" and that "there are 4. MICHIGAN (2)-......-9-1-0 834"
three or four men in Ohio 5. Texas Tech (1).......8-0-0 786
State's defensive line that are (tie) Maryland ( - 10-0-0 663
outstanding. 8. Ohio State 8-1-1 555
Darrvl Rogers of intra-state (tie) DAILY LIBELS (1) 10-0-0 555
iival Michigan State jokingly -19.Houston'.-----.....-6-2-0 315
commented on the offense of 11. Texas A&M (1)......7-2-0 271
Michigan and the defense of 12. Nebraska-.-.-.-.-.-.-7-2-1 203
Ohio State. "I saw a lot of them 13. Notre Dame.......... 7-2-0 189
all over us., 14. Iowa State-..........8-2-0 188i
15. Colorado--.........--7-3-0 100
The most whimsical opinion 16. Oklahoma state-..... 6-3-0 99
of all belonged to USC coach 17. Penn State .......... 7,3-0 31
John Robinson who said, "I 18. Alabama--ss --------7-3-0 28
w t9.Misgri....win 'cause 19... Mo rs- 6-4-0 26
want Michigan to wn'as (tie) Rutgers------ 10-0-0 26

. w

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