94c MLid itunDat Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 U.S. ignores Puerto Rican Wednesday, November 17, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the AJniversity of Michigan P oplr will should shape Federal Reserve policies WE ARE COMFORTED to know that Arthur Burns will cooper- ate with Jimmy Carter; but we are disturbed to know that he has the option to not cooperate. Successful economic policies tend to require the cbordinatin of mone- tary policy with fiscal policy. Fail- ures can be expected when the Pres- ident and the Congress move in one direction while the Federal Reserve Board pulls in the other. Yet under our system now, such a catastrophe is a definite possibility. And as con- servatives and liberals increase their ideological distance that possibility becomes more likely. What would happen if a liberal- radical president began serving a term in office at the same time that, an ultra - conservative chairperson reigned over the Reserve Board?, Each might think it was his or her duty to "save' 'the \country and the value of bur money and our jobs might well go down the tubes as each person steadfastly refused to coop- erate with the other. WE BELIEVE THAT the mainten- ance of a semi-independent Reserve Board reflects a lack of faith in the American people. Economics often plays a key role in the election or unseating of presidents. When we go to the polls we are often voting for or against a certain economic policy. And the will of the electorate need not be tempered by another agency. innoculatioli I right By ALBERTO ROLDAN TN 1960, at the United Nations, the United States govern- ment supported and sponsored resolution 1514, calling for the right of self-determination in all nations of the world. At the same time this event was hap- pening, a nation's right of self- determination had been re- moved by the United States. Puerto Rico's right to freely determine her own political, eco- nomic, and social direction was violated by the United States government. What is the right of self-de- termination? It is the right to choose the direction one wants to take without influence. Unit- ed States policy in Puerto Rico has been characterized by open disregard for this unalienable right that every nation have. In 1898 the United States in- vaded Puerto Rico. Although the "blessings and the progress of the United States" was prom- ised to the Puerto Ricans, a military government which be- came a colonial government over a period of seventy-eight years, was the only blessings Puerto Ricans got. From 1898 to the present day Puerto Rico has been a colony of the United States. For most North Americans the termimperialism is fore- ign to their vocabulary. They have been taught since their earliest days that in the past England and France were im- perial powers. For most North ofIS Americans today, imperialism either does not exist or it is limited to non-western nations and rising Third World nations. IMPERIALISM exists, and 'is practiced by the United States government in Puerto Rico. The United States government has tried to cover its imperial poli- cies by making, of Puerto Rico a "Free-Associate State" (in the United States it is known as a Commonwealth). Most peo- ple today tend to forget that 'direct' dependency (ie. colon- ialism) has been replaced in most cases by 'indirect' depen- dency (ie. neo-colonialism). The neo-colonialism of today repre- sents imperialism in its most dangerous stage. For those who practice it, it means power with- out responsibility, and for those who suffer it, it means exploita- tion without redress. In the, days of old-fashioned colonialism, the imperial power had at least to explain and justify at home the actions it was taking abroad. With neo-colonialism this is not the case. In the last two years the Puer- to Rico Independence Party has gone to the United Nations to get international support for Puerto Rico's right of self-de- termination. The United States government has opposed these attempts claiming that any in- terference by the United Nations or any other international forum will be considered an interfer- ence with the "internal affairs" of Puerto Rico and the United States. The imperialist policies of the United States govern- ment in Puerto Rico are an in- ternal affair of the United Stat- e. as the "apartheid" policies of the South Africa government are its internal affairs. THE PUERTO RICAN people have been oppressed through- out their whole history. First by Spain, then by the United States. Under the former, the right of self-determination was recognized; under the latter this has not happened. Throughout all of the seventy-eight years of North American occupation of Puerto Rico there has not been a single North American political leader, of either party, who has identified himself with the Puerto Rican nationalist-in- dependence movement. Even the most liberal presidents have shown themselves incapable of recognizing in any way the mor- al contradiction between demo- cracy at home and colonialism abroad. On June 27, 1917, Presi- dent Wilson imposed then;Jones Act on Puerto Rico. The Jones Act provided for a bill of rights and a popularly elected legisla- ture. Nevertheless, the most fundamental piece- of coloniza- tion remained practically unal- tered; the plenary authority of the United States Congress to legislate for Puerto Rico on those matters "not locally in- applicable" remained inforce. The absolute veto of the gov- ernor (appointed by the Presi- dent) was retained, but if the legislature overrode the veto, the President of the United Stat- es had the final veto. In addi- tion, Congress reserved the right to annul any legislation passed by the Legislative As- sembly of Puerto Rico. President Franklin Roosevelt staunchly supported the absurd policy of attempting the impo- sition of English on the local school system. A whole argu- ment developed against the. United States' arbitrary and colonist approach. Reflecting the general sentiment of Puerto Ricans in 1946, both Houses of the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico approved a project which would have made Span- ish the. official language; the then acting governor vetoed the bill. In April 1946 the two hous- es approved the project over the veto, and this in turn was vetoed by President -Truman in October. The United States has pursued policies conducive to eliminate the right of self-determination of Puerto Rico. It is not un- common to hear about how the "people" of Puerto Rico have "determined" their own way by voting against independence. The problem is that any type of elections in a colony reflect the oppressor's influence and, not the people's choice. For the oppressed, there seems to be no choice, since they are under the rule of the United States and not self-rule. Puerto Rico has been forced to "develop" within the politi- cal frame inherently in it co- lonial relation vis-a-vis the Unit- ed States. The United States government has fostered the rise and development of a small bourgeiosie, a class that has a colonial mentality. This class is oriented toward the life style of its counterparts in the colonial power, a fierce consumer of the mass media, a tenacious defender of law and order and fearful of popu- lar elements, and is finally, an anti - indenendestista group. The Puerto Rican middle class is in general as pharisaical and anti-intellectual as could be ex- pected of a class which grotes- qitely imitates the most vulgar asnects of North American mass culture. THE THEORY of Common- wealth status amounts to a claim for privileged status with- in the North American federal system. It is the fatal ambigui- ty of the colonial person who, on the one hand, is willing, indeed eager, to play a collaborateur role with the colonizing power; yet on the other hand, is com- pelled to adopt a posture of political and cultural national- ism in order ,to appease his re- pressed susnicion that he has betraved his people and his country. What is then the solution? The answer is sirhple; the liqui- dation of United States imperial- ism. For this to occur there must be support by the Ameri- can public opinion, and from the international community. The liquidation of imperialism is nothing but a prelude to com- plete liberation and to self re- covery. Liberation will not come about in a year, nor in two, but it will come about some day for it is a natural evolu- tion that can be retarded or en- couraged but never destroyed. Having reconquered all his free- dom, the former colonial sub- ject will have become a man like any other. He will be a self - determined person, whose free life can direct a free Puer- to Rico, "if so allowed. If- determination Arthur F. Burns If a majority of people oppose the policies after four years, they are free to put an end to them through a simple trip to the polls. It is high time to give the control- ling reigns of the economy , to the President and the Congress. As long as we can vote them in and out of office we are safe. And we will have more say about our economic policies than we do when much of the deci- sion-making power is delegated to a Federal Reserve Board chairperson that is appointed for fourteen years at a time. s a sfe I)et. Mr. Roldan, a University graduate student in inter- national relations, is the International Advisor for the Puerto Rican Independence Party. He will speak at the Latin American Teach-In tomorrow afternoon. rationalization s a bad risk TODAY IS THE last day for getting your swine flu innocuiation. If you have yet to get yours, we strongly advise you take the few extra steps and some spare minutes to get it while you have the chance. After all, it is free and essentially painless, and there is little sense in taking a chance of contracting the new flu strain for some momentary conven- ience. We are encouraged by the high turnout that has been reported on yesterday; apparently people are Business Staff Beth Friedman..............Business Manager Deborah Dreyfus; . Operations Manager Kathleen Mulhern ... Assistant Adv. Coordinator David Harlan ..... . Finance Manager Don Simpson............... Sales Manager Pete Peterson.......... Advertising Coordinator Cassie St. Clair. ......Circulation Manager Beth Stratford . .... . Circulation Director TODAY'S STAFF: News: Eileen Daley, Nancy Englund, Anne Marie Lipinski, Jay Levin, Mike Nolan, Bill Turque. Editorial Page: Steve Kursman, Rob Meachum, Jon Ponsius. Arts Page: Mike Jones, Lois Josimo- vich. Photo Technician: Christina Schneider. taking the safe route and getting their shots in the arm. In fact, the response has been enough so that the Washtenaw County Health De- partment has had to call in the re- serves, rushing in extra nurses and aides to keep the freebie shot lines flowing smoothly. The wait has va- ried between five minutes in the Central Campus Recreation Building to considerably longer in the Mich- igan Union, where the Health De- partment has concentrated its extra aorsonnel. All in all, the program does seem to be going well. The sticeegs of the innoculation propgram and the prevention of a widesnread epidemic depend on ex- tfvzve particination by the people. Apain, we urge our readers to take a little time to take part: do not put it off, for there is no time for that. Do not rationalize an excuse, for that i, 1o defense against the flu. The innoculations are available at the Michigan Union, the Central Oamnus Recreation Building, and the IM Building between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. To The Daily:. AT THE LAST mass meeting of GEO, a minority report from the Executive committee called for a new, "better," re-organi- zation for a strike in January 1977. We were told by a spokes- person for this group that a union worth its salt is a union which can get out and strike. We were urged to mobilize again, this time with better organization and communica- tion, for anew nstrike vote. Your very painstaking and accurate "news analysis" of the events of GEO's campaign for a new, and better contract, was marred only by its seem- ing endorsement of this same notion. "Has GEO lost the will to. fight?" it is titled, and "GEO has lost the fight and the mem- bers just don't care." Your titles certainly are provocative and journalistically enticing, but they smack of the same mis- guided "elitism" that pervades the above mentioned GEO mi- nority report. A good union is not only a union that is prepared to strike, and by God, we've got mem- ories etched in ice and frozen toes to substantiate that we can do that. A good union also knows when not to strike. A strike is our ultimate weapon, and should not be used lightly, nor when it may not be effec- tive. It is the near-tragedy of this last strike referendum, that for six months and more the GEO leadership was sufficient- ly out of touch with their mass membership not to understand something that was agonizingly clear across the campus, if only you listened carefully enough. The membership was not will- ing to strike. They were not Letters willing to strike for the issues on the table today, though they had shown their mettle by stirk- ing for four long weeks to give birth to the union. In their col- lective wisdom there existed an understanding that now was not an auspicious time to strike. Nor were they ill-informed. GEO's literature to its GSA's was good, and all of us (un- usual for some unions) can read critically. But you, along with the minority group would call us cowards for reading the sit- uation the way we did, and de- ciding what we did. The impli- cation of course is that the peo- ple don't know, that we don't understand. We need to be mo- bilized, "educated," communi- cated with. No! Clearly the op- posite is true. The leadership was found lacking, blind and' deaf until the last weeks, to the messages of its rank and file. Letthe resounding and embar- rassing "No" of the member- ship be a lesson to all of us in GEO to keep our ears more closely to the ground and to its grass roots, something we've always claimed we want to do in our open and democratic un- ion. Let that be our learning from the present debacle. And should the University mis-read our strike vote, and believe that like the Clericals they can wipe us out, let them beware. For if they try to break our union, we will be out there again in our hundreds for an issue well worth striking for. And a bad settlement now by the university, will only lead to a more bitter confrontation next time around. I BELIEVE THAT we have lost a battle through short-sight- ed, badly grounded strategies. We will be back again though to fight another day for the major issues we believe in, af- firmative action for all, class size and a fair wage. We have not lost the will to fight for these things that would enhance the quality of life on this cam- pus for all of us. The real question is: Will the undergrads, our students and our comradesas fellow stu- dents; - will the faculty, our teachers, and at the same time our colleagues as fellow-teach- ers; and will the ether campus unions, our fellow employees, be there to fight with us? Or will you stand by as passive bystanders watching disinterest- edly to see the final score-card - who won, who lost? I see all of us as being in the same boat with similar if not identi- cal concerns for this university. GEO is in the vanguard. Where are you undergrads, faculty, and other unions? Leonard Snransky Steward - Education November 15 to session with the football play- ers held in the dorm. The intent of the program was to provide an opportunity for students to meet some of the football players and discuss the game as well as the team; not to display the athletes be- fore "swooning" females. We think the program was success- ful and followed the intended structure, but The Daily made it sound like a Wolverine group- ie meeting. Many of the students who attended are irate that re- porter Jennifer Miller did such sloppy work. by generalizing from the remarks of a few starstruck women. We antici- pated and received an audience of enthusiastic, but not "ador- ing" fans; there was sincere interest, as opposedto "faint- ing" or "drooling." This is not to undermine the appeal of the six athletes, but to emphasize that the session was NOT meant to display football players like choice sides of beef. The Markley staff plans to continue having sports programs with male and female U of M the Daly coaches and athletes. We hope that future participants and au- diences will not be turned off by The Daily's inaccurate ren- dering of our first session. Debbie Whiting, Assistant Building Director Cathi Suyak, Head Librarian November 7 in arkley To The -Daily: WE ARE SHOCKED by The Daily s insensitivity in its de- scription of the Women's Com- mission's Sex-Biased Language Committee in the issue of Tues- day, November 9. We do not know where the idea of our be- ing "a place to bitch" evolved but this is a total misconcep- tion. The problem of sex-biased language is a real one both in the University community and in society-at-large and should not be treated s a joke. The structure and usage of language perpetuates stereotypes which may have offensive, insulting, degrading, or excluding effects on many individuals. The re- port neglected to include our ul- timate goal - that is, after gathering data (anecdotes and related experiences) from the University community, we hope to culminate our efforts by de- veloping an informative and use- ful pamphlet familiarizing peo- ple with the problem and with the often unintended consequen- ces. We encourage everyone-stu- dent, staff, and faculty - to relay their experiences to us (that doesn't imply "a place to bitch," does it?) We regret the image conveyed and hope that future articles will be both more accurate and serious. Gail Reizenstein, Chairperson Sex-Biased Language Committee Letters should be typed and limited to 400 words. The- Daily reserves the right to edit letters for length and grammar. Plains Baptist desegregates By Marnie He'n_ ~1 Editorial positions represent a consensus of The Daily Editorial st ,. aff. US bVRZCFioNS TT hlA1N, f t III A CONGREGATIONAL decision to desegregate the Plains Baptist Church may not be Jimmy Carter's largest diplomatic coup, but it is cheer- ing. Although I keep feeling that I'm getting sucked into something, I am continually pleased that Carter is putting out none of those hair-on- the-soft-palate annoyances that have been the hallmark of liberal federal officials: he's not a picky eater, he doesn't mainline golf, he reads, he carriesluggage instead of Patton, his daugh- ter is goinlg to public school in crime-riddled Washington, D.C. It may not seem like a big deal in the midst of international terror and intrigue, but 113 good Georgian citizens have switched to the desegre- gation column since the last time the white Baptist church members voted on the subject. (Incidentally, the earlier decision to exclude blacks included a-excuse the expression-rider which excluded civil rights agitators as well. I wonder what sort of reception they'll get now.) Since everyone is tired of hearing that the Civil War is over, let me phrase 'it another tray: Carter may not be a pearl but he and his family sure do act like sand in an oyster's craw. I am gradually persuaded that charisma isn't merely a detachable commodity which helps market some candidates: rather it's a whiff of the person behind the public image. It is, of course, fatal to rely on that faint aroma in assessing a. public official, but it would be charm- ing if pleasant politicians could drive away the stench of vengeful beasts like Agnew and Butz. * * ' * n AN ART CONSUMER'S eva~uation: On Satur- The manager seated all thirty night-owl patrons at about five tables, ignoring the empty balcony and the half-empty main floor. When we asked if we could move (my knees kept whacking some strange gentleman in the, ribs, and I had to slouch because a speaker wire ran low over the table), the head honcho sighed and said, "I guess so." The sign out in front says Fine Food: ignore it. Half the menu is dvoted to mixed soft drinks like the Swamp Water (Coke and Vernors) and a triple-threat concoction-the name escape me -actually I let it go-of lemon-lime soda, wild cherry soda and Vernors. No booze. We debated between the cheese plate and the chips and dip; we should have gotten the chips. For one dollar and seventy-five cents, we were served five broken Triscuits, eleven stale Ritz crackers, and two teaspoon-sized dabs of cheese (one bad and the other inedible) on a clinging bed of deep beige lettuce. No telling what th~eir steaks are like: I refused to sample them. Recommenda- tion: Try to see performers elsewhere, or at least take along your own munchies. * * ** THIS WEEK'S CIVIC suggestion: My small home town in southwestern Michigan had a prob- lem with businesses and patrons fleeing to out- lying shopping plazas rather than hassle with parking and traffic. The downtown merchants got together a petition to remove all parking meters; in addition, the merchants proposed a minite increase in the taxation of the central retail zone. Everyone was pleased: new " busi- nesses moved in. shooners came downtown to