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Ann Arbor, Michigan-Soturdav. November 13 1976
Ten Cents
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Eight Pages
Election Picks
Carl Pursell having been declared the unofficial
winner in the 52nd congressional district race,
a The Daily is at last ready to declare an unofficial
winger in our Election Picks. Contest. David Craig
Ramsay, of Maiden Lane Court in Ann Arbor,
will receive two unofficial tickets for unofficial
meals at The Blue Frogge. Ramsay missed only
three races, and came very close to picking Car-
ter's margin of victory (he thought it would be
50-47; it was really 51-48). Congratulations, Dave.
Fabulous Frisbee Fling
This is hardly Frisbee weather, but neverthe-
less, those plucky engineers of Pi Tau Sigma have
dreamed up a test of mechanical skill and inno-
vation involving the flying discs of plastic. The
objective: to design a device to take the place
of human hands for the purposes of propelling
a Frisbee. The contest, which will be judged in
terms of accuracy and skill, takes place next Fri-
day at noon on the Diag and anyone can enter
for a buck. Complete details are available at 217
W. Engineering, and the prizes are food-oriented.
Could this finally conquer the dreaded disease of
Frisbee Finger? Time will tell.
A 19-year-old Michigan State University stu-
dent is emptying her stomach for President Ford.
Elizabeth Sims of Southgate was so upset at the
incumbent's defeat to Jimmy Carter that she's
going on a ten-day hunger strike in protest. "I
think that Ford/ has done a very good job and
I don't agree with many of Carter's ideas," said
Sims, who has consumed nothing but water since
Monday. ."It's an unusual form of protest," she
admits, but adds that she could stand to lose
a few pounds anyway. We're not s re how fast-
ing fits in with a presidential race, but if the
dorm food at MSU is anything like ours, she may
be doing the right thing after all.
Clean parks
Overwhelming voter support last week for Pro-
posal A, the proposition to ban throwaway bev-
erage containers in Michigan, has prompted state
officials to halt the sale of throwaways in state
parks effective immediately. The overall state ban
doesn't take effect until 1978, but the Natural Re-
sources Commission has adopted the policy to
clean up parks, recreation areas, harbors of re-
fuge on the Great Lakes and all other facilities
operated by the Department of Natural Resources
including office buildings as soon as possible. The
resolution imposing the ban asks Gov. William
Milliken to consider similar action to cover all
state facilities.
Happenings :..
... begin, of course, with feats of derring-do
at Michigan Stadium, courtesy of Bo and The
Team. Kickoff is at 1 p.m. this time ... The Go
Club meets at 2 p.m. in 2050 Frieze ... Soprano
Janet Smarr has a recital at the School of Music
recital Hall ... The Iranian Students Assn. offers
a lecture at 7 p.m. in the International Cen-
ter ... The University Men's Glee Club sings in
a joint ,concert with their counterparts from Illi-
nois at 8 p.m. in Hill Aud. ... Gay Community
Services has a gathering at 8 p.m., 612 S. Forest,
B ... and Bursley Hall presents the Ann Arbor
Theater Company with selections from "Bitch
You Crazy" and "Mad Madonnas" at 9 p.m. in
the ,Bursley W. Cafeteria.
What's good for Rocky *.* *
Karen Irving, a 25-year-old mother, was talk-
ing to a man on a downtown street one day when
a group of four undercover policemen walked by,
one of whom waved at her.. Irving, for one rea-
son or another, thought the men had mistaken
her for a prostitute and responded with the uni-
versally-understood uplifted finger. They arrested
her on the spot. Now she's basing her defense
on the famous pictures this fall of Vice Presi-
dent Nelson Rockefeller giving the bird to dem-
onstrating students, and says her arrest was an
abuse of police discretion. "This isn't illegal,"
says her attorney.. "We're going to get this case
to trial and get a decision so that we can have
some sort of policy and police will know they
can't arrest people for this."
On the inside...
Level - minded Michael Beckman offers his
thoughts on ticket queues for the Editorial Page
... Arts once again unloads next week's movies,
music and events on the weekly Happenings cal-
endar ... and Bill Stieg previews this afternoon's
grid scene for Snorts
Ten Cents
GEO near contract agreement
"-. C
Following a week of productive bargaining in the
first set of talks since members of the Graduate
Employe Organization (GEO) decided not to strike,
both union and University negotiations expressed con-
fidence yesterday that a contract settlement may be
reached any time before Thanksgiving.
The two sides have agreed on such hotly disputed
issues as class size, departmental TA training pro-
grams and graduate student assistant (GSA) input
into curriculum decisions. According to Chief Uni-
versity Bargainer John Forsyth, the union and the
University made more progress in two days of bar-
gaining last week than they've made in the seven
months since haggling began.
NEXT MONDAY, talks are scheduled to probe
three areas in which the University has made little
if any Imovement at all -- affirnmative action, non-
discrimination in hiring, and economics (which in-
cludes salary, tuition and fraction matters.)
a But neither adversary is afraid those issues will
snag progress next week as they have in the past.
Forsyth said settlement on the economic pack-
age "might not take too long," and GEO Bargainer
Barbara Weinstein said optimistically, "We should
be able to settle t'ms l (the remaining issues) Mon-
day and Tuesday.
WEINSTETN ? F) (IC'TED it would take an ad-
ditional day to f *1, the pact after Monday and
Tuesday's sessions. The ontract, she said, would then
be "brought to th: , 'ion membership for a ratifi-
cation vote - hopefully before Thanksgiving.
Forsyth was hesitant in speculating, but said: "I
don't think it'll be over next week. I think realisti-
cally we'll be finished bfore Thanksgiving."
Althougih major issues are being dealt with swift-
ly, Forsyth indicated GEO bargainers have not ceased
to push for their proposals.
"THEY'E NOT COMTNG in and aski'g 'Where
do we sig-?," he sai. "They're not rushing into
And Wei stein confirried Forsyth's statement.
"There's still bargaining going on, that's for sure."
But she went on to admit: '"It'sto all of our best
,,interests at this point to gut a contract soon.''
The class size agree:lent was a sigaificant move
See 'U', Page 2
Ithin refji !414"(l yi
tv-I' 'If he fit by
By AP and Reuter
Gilmore was turned down again
yesterday on his request that
he be executed on schedule, but
he went ahead with plans for
his death before a firing squad,
asking for a six-pack of beer
as his last meal.
Lt. E. S. Fagan, supervisor
of the state prison's maximum
security unit, said Gilmore ask-
ed for the beer casually. He
saiid no decision has been made
but that the request probably
would be granted if the execu-
tion is held.
said yesterday he would not re-
s ind his stay of execution to
allow the convicted murderer
to die on Monday as originally
Gilmore, 35, who has said he
would rather die than spend the
rest of his life in prison, ap-
pealed to the governor Thurs-
day night through a statement
to let him die as originally sen-
Gilmore's statement said de-
laying the execution puts him
through "the stress of cruel,
unusual and inhuman punish-
governor said Rampton had
made it clear that he plans no
f irther action, meaning the
Utah Board of Pardons will con-
sider the case in its regular
meeting, which starts on Wed-
The three-member board could
commute the sentence to life
in prison, reduce it to a pri-
son term of less than life or
leave the sentence as is and
ask the trial judge to reschedule
the execution.
The board chairman, George
Latimer, told reporters today:
"If a person says he doesn't
want clemency and no one
makes a good case for it, we
do not have a basis for work-
ing in that person's favor.
"I DOUBT if Gilmore will
change his mind."
Gilmore was convicted for the
[ans for death
m'irner of a motel clerk dur-
ing a robbery.
In another development, Ex-
ecutive Director Dean Sheffield
of, the Utah State Bar executive
committee said the group plan-
ned to consider at a meeting
late yesterday the conduct of
Gilmore's new counsel, Dennis
Boaz. An attorney whom Gil-
more fired earlier, Michael Es-
plin, said he asked that the mat-
ter be considered after a re-
quest by Gilmore's brother in
- Oregon, Michael Gilmore.
BOAZ ALSO IS a freelance
writer who has said he might
market his writings about the
case. Esplin said the brother
wanted to make certain Gil-
more's attorney acts in the con-
demned man's interests.
The committee will decide
what, if anything, should be
dole, Sheffield said.
Asked why he felt Gilmore
wanted to die, Boaz told re-
porters he felt the decision was
based partly on the Mormon
doctrine of blood atonement-
the belief that one who sheds
innocent blood should ,likewise
have his blood shed.
UTAH IS THE worldbcenter
of the Mormon religion but Gil-
more has said he has no relig-
ion. His father, a printer, was
a Mormon and his mother is
a Catholic.
Gilmore believes in reincar-
nation and feels his execution
would serve to cleanse his soul
in a, Boaz said. The
condemned man has spent 18
of his last 21 years in jail for
a variety of crimes.
See GILMORE, Page 2
Open meetings law
received cautiously*
by top U'
Doily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
The generation gap wasn't quite big enough for this little person to squeeze through yesterday
on Fletcher Street, but he certainly seemed to enjoy the tight fit.
Rent strike intensifie
A State Senate. "sunshine" bill designed to open meetings of
government groups to the public has been welcomed cautiously by
some top University policymakers, who remain concerned about
the measure's effect on Regent sessions.
The Open Meetings Bill, which will become law in April, could
affect the small fraction of Regental gatherings held behind closed
doors in the bowels of the Administration Building.
PROVISIONS OF THE bill, however, exclude certain social
or chance meetings from the scepter of public scrutiny. As a re-
sult, the privacy of the Board's monthly dinners at Inglis House
-where members engage in informal discussion - may remain
Amongother exceptions, a public body can vote to close its
sessions by a two-thirds margin in order to discuss the dismissal,
suspension or discipline of an employe or student should that per-
son request such a closed meeting.
Not everyone i6 entirely happy with the bill, either.
"Inevitably, one of the effects of the Sunshine law will be that
people will speak with less candor, and I'm sure the proponents
of the law knew that," said University President Ropben Fleming.
See SUNSHINE, Page 2
Angry tenants living in units
owned by the Reliable Realty
Management Co. are gearing
up for another round of nego-
tiations in their 10-month-old
rent strike against the c'om-
The Ann Arbor Tenants Un-
ion (TU) called a strike against
Reliable last February, charg-
ing the company and its own-
er, Edith Epstein, with failing
to maintain buildings and as-
sessing excessive rents. Since
then, all striking Reliable Ten-
ants have left Reliable hous-
ing - and TU has had to re-
organize the new fall crop of
ELEVEN OF THE 18 houses
owned by Reliable are partici-
pating in the current strike,
which has seen over $6,000 paid
into an escrow fund managed
by TU since November 1.
"I think our strength is about
the same as in the spring,"
said TU's Kim Keller, "In one
way, it's even stronger because
the tenants are more commit-
ted. She (Epstein) didn't think
the strike would go on past
Negotiations broke down in
March over the issue of rent
control. If negotiations are re-
sumed this month, rent control
is likely to be the major, stumb-
ling block again.
"THAT WOULD BE the key
- whether rent control is an
issue," asserted William Ray-
mer, attorney for Reliable.
Raymer contended that his
client has remedied the main-
tenance problems and that
"when those conditions no long-
er exist and they (tenants)
prolong the strike for political
See TU, Page 8
-- --
Political strategists
analyze '76 election
Two top Michigan campaign
strategists - one Republican
and one Democrat - gave
their analysis yesterday of the
political machinery that put
Jimmy Carter into the White
House and knocked Jerry Ford
Addressing students in the
Contemporary Political Issues:
Elections 1976 class, Peter
Fletcher, state chairman of
the President Ford Committee,
and Carter field coordinator
with "a good track record and
Michigan Republicans "did as
we damn well pleased" in or-
ganizing the Ford vote, said
The national Carter campaign
staff was coordinated different-
ly. Carter's people in Atlanta
named an outsider to head the
Michigan campaign organiza-
tion, noted Buffa. Similar stra-
tegy had been employed by the
Democrats in the 1960 Kennedy
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