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November 12, 1976 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1976-11-12

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Page Ten


Fridanv. November 12.I W6

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Before you go out and buy a'
music system, Tech Hifi would
like you to know what you can
realistically expect to get in re-.
turn for your hard-earned money.
What you can
expect between
$200 and $400.
If you want good sound, you
should plan to spend at least $200
for a complete component system
consisting of a stereo receiver, two
loudspeakers, a turntable, and a
magnetic cartridge. Below $200,
complete systems (and especially
all-in-one compacts and consoles)
often present too many compro-
mises to be considered true high
fidelity systems. In addition, the
kind of components you find at
Tech Hifi are made with more in-
tegrity - and this is reflected in
the manufacturers warranties, as
well as our own.

What you can
expect between.
$400 and $600.
Between $400 and $500 you
can really begin to custom design
your own music system. By,
matching efficient loudspeakers
with a moderately powered re-
ceiver you'll end up with a sys-
tem that will play loudly, but
might not deliver the deepest

What you can
Above $600, the most audible
improvements are an increased sense
of spaciousness in the music and even

Typical of this price range, this system
with a Technics SA-5060 stereo receiv-
er, Studio Design 26 loudspeakers and a
fully-equipped BSR 2260BX automatic
turntable will smoothly reproduce all
audible frequencies except the really
deep bass ones (where little music is
actually present anyway). The un-
usually high efficiency of the two-way
Studio Design 26 loudspeakers and a
powerful direct-coupled OCL amplifierj
section in the Technics receiver mean
that this system will play louder than
many other s in this price range... with
less distortion.
.. Studio
5 Design9

Designed for people who go for really
deep, accurate, bass response,this $499
system with renowned Large Ad-
vent Loudspeakers, a Cambridge Audio
2500 stereo receiver, and a Philips GA
427 turntable with an Audiotechnica
90E cartridge will also please volume
fanatics. That's because the Camb-
ridge Audio 2500 offers more power
than any other receiver in its price
category. Another nice feature is belt
drive in the Philips turntable, so rum-
ble doesn't get mixed in with the good
deep bass response of the Advent
Speakers (rumble is created when vi-
brations from a turntable's motor aren't
properly isolated from the tonearm).
Cambridge Audio
audible notes. Or, you can com-
bine less efficient loudspeakers
with a more powerful receiver and
come up with a system that will
reproduce all the notes you can hear
but with some sacrifice in ultimate .
volume capability
Above $500, it's possible to get
a system with really deep bass response
and the ability to play loudly with-
out distortion. You can also expect
a turntable/cartridge combination
that will flawlessly reproduce the
music on your records with minimal
wear. (In comparison, less expensive
systems are likely -to be a little harder
on your records and may introduce
some distortion).

Above $600, you can expect an in-
creased sense of spaciousness and even
greater volume capability. This $859
system with optimally-vented Ohm C2
loudspeakers, a Nikko 7075 stereo re-
ceiver and a Philips GA212 with an
Audiotechnica 100E cartridge delivers
that, and more! The unique scientific
design of the Ohm C2's means that they,
provide dead-flat response all the way
down to 27Hz with considerably less
distortion than conventionally-design-
ed speakers. The Nikko receiver fea-
tures a superb tuner section and unusu-
ally sophisticated protection circuitry.
The elegant Philips GA212 employs an
electronically-regulated DC servo mo-
tor and an ultra-precise belt drive sys-
tem for flawless reproduction of your
t @N IK1
greater volume capabilities. Often,
systems in this price category offer-
considerably more control facilities

and such niceties as power output
and multipath meters that appeal
to people who like to see what the
equipment is doing as well as hear it.
At somewhere around $1500, you
can enter the realm of separate amp-
lifiers and tuners. The story here is
even greater output levels, reduced
distortion, and more control flexi-
Why Tech if I Can
Give YuTeBest
Value In Every
Of all the places you can buy hifi,
only Tech Hifi has the combined buy-
ing power of fifty-four stereo stores.
We get a better deal on just about
everything we buy, which means you
get a better deal when\ you buy from
us (we actually guarantee you the low-
est price in writing).
When you come into Tech Hifi it's=
like walking into a hifi show. You'll
find components from one hundred
of the best names in stereo. And
whether you plan to spend $200 or
$2 000, our selection improves your
chances of getting the system that's
right for you. (We also guarantee your
complete satisfaction in writing).
Maximum compatibility is the key
to getting the best value in components.
Our salespeople are specially trained to
help you put together the components
that perform best together...and they'll
be glad to explain why in plain English.
Because of the massive buying power
of our fifty-four stores, our comprehen-
sive selection, and our considerable ex-
pertise, we like to think that Tech Hifi
can offer you more for your money than
any other place you can buy hifi.

Generally speaking, component
systems in the $200 to $400 price
range will do a good job of repro-
ducing all musical material except
the lowest octave of audible
sounds. Volume capability in
these systems will be more than
adequate for small-to-medium
sized room and perfectly accept-
able in larger rooms if you don't

1 ! : t

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