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Da3 iti
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See Today for Details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI I, No. 56
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November'1 2, 1976
Teri Cents
Ten Pages
1 I
4 .C.
MSA elections
if you wish to run for a seat on the Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA), the filing deadline is
5 today, in the MSA offices on the third floor
of the Michigan Union. There will be a meeting
for all candidates at 7, also in the MSA offices.
The elections will be held from Nov. 30 through
Dec. 2.
Happenings .. .
don't get untracked until 3 this afternoon
with a coffee hour at the International Center,
603 E. Madison ... Tyagi Ji, that cagey Cosmic
Transmitter, holds a session tonight in the Friends
Meeting House, 1420 Hill, at 7. Admission is free
Marty Janowitz speaks about "Spiritual Path
Without Credentials, in the Kuenzel rm. of the
Union at 8. He's sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Dharma Study Group ... Gregory Kruszewski talks
about "Homeopathy and Healing" in the Canter-
bury House, the corner of Catherine and Division,
at 8 ... Maxine Feldman, a feminist lesbian sing-
er, performs at the Unitarian Church, 1917 Washte-
naw, at 8. Ticket donations are $3.00 ... Economist
Paul McCracken speaks on Economics for an Inter-
dependent World" at the Ecumenical Campus Cen-
ter, 921 Church, at 8 ... There is a gay disco for
the Lesbian Mother's Defense Fund at St. An-
drew's Church, the corner of Catherine and Divi-
sion, at 9, with a $2'donation at the door.
Pie in the sky
Want 6 pizza? Want to see a helicopter land in
your yard? If you're calling the Santora Family
Drive-In Restaurant in Buffalo, New York, you'd
better answer the second question first or else
have plenty of change ready. The restaurant is
now offering fly-in service, and local pizza lovers
can get themselves a piping hot 12-in-h pepperoni
and cheese for only $152.89 (plus tip.) Anchovies
cost an extra buck. But don't call it fast food-
Santora's wants at least two day's notice so police
can be warned.'
erry Christmas
Mary Sweeney of Dubuque, Iowa knew it would
pay off to join the Christmas club at the Key City
Bank and Trust Co., but when she received a
check in the mail this week for $1,000,256.25, she
suspected that something was amiss. "I still have
my check - but I haven't tried to cash it," said
Sweeney, whose husband is a cement mason. "I'm
having a lot of fun showing it around," she add-
ed. Key City vice president Jack Roach said that
a computer error caused million-dollar-plus checks
to be sent out to 25 Christmas club members, but
he wasn't worried.. "Any bank would call us be-
fore cashing a check for more than a million dol-
lars," said Roach.
Eggs squared
This is no yolk. A Los Angeles deprtment store
chain is carrying a new device-which makes hard-
boiled eggs square so they don't slide across your
plate at breakfast. Martin Tilem of the May Co.
said yesterday that the gadgets are selling like
hotcakes. "It's unbelievable," he said. ."We've
stocked another 1,000 and 5,000 more will arrive
Friday." To square an egg, you insert it into
one of the plastic cubes, screw down the top, and
keep the'package in the refrigerator for six min-
utes, and presto, a squared egg.. Now, about a
cubed egg.
Wheeler may challenge; Carol
Jones won't seek re-election
The candidates haven't
made their announcements
yet, but all indications point
to an April showdown be-
tween incumbent Demo-
cratic Mayor Albert Wheel-
er and Republican City
Council leader Louis Bel-
cher for Ann Arbor's high-
est elective office.
Wheeler, elected two
years ago in a hotly-con-
tested race against former
Mayor James Stephenson,
is hesitating before throw-
ing his ha.t into he ring.
"I'M GIVING IT serious con-
sideration," Wheeler told the
Daily. Before making an an-
nouncement of candidacy, how-
ever, he is sounding out the
party membership to gauge the
amount of support he can ex-
Belcher, who holds the office
of Mayor Pro Tem and repre-
sents the city's Fifto Ward, is
in much the same situation.
"The blessing has to come
from the party workers," he
said. "The people who go from
door to door; they're the ones
who matter. And the voters,
of course."~
AT LEAST ONE Democratic
Council member has decided
not to run for re-election. Carol
Jones (D-Second Ward), the
young, red-haired former Uni-
versity student first elected in
1973, announced yesterday that
she would not seek a third term
on' Council.
"I have to do something
about my own personal future,"
Jones said. Working on Council
without financial assistance, she
explained, had interfered with
her academic progress and put
a great deal of pressure on her
private life. She also admitted
to "a certain amount of frus-
tration" with the way she feels
Council has handled city prob-
lems since she took office.
Earlier this year, speculation
had surfaced that Jones intend-
ed to seek the Democratic nom-
ination for mayor if Wheeler
were to decide against running.
Jones now admits the rumors
were true.
"I REALLY wanted to run
for ; mayor," she said. "But it
now appears almost certain
that Al (Wheeler) is going to
Jones has "left some doors
open" in her political ambitions,
however. She is now consider-
ing seeking State Rep. Perry
Billard's 53rdtDistrict seat if
Bullard opts to vie for State
Sen. Gilbert Bursley's (R-Ann
Arbor) seat in 1978, a move
which now seems extremely
A substitute for <Jones in the
student-dominated Second Ward
has not yet firmed up, but a
prime contender seems to be
Leslie Morris - a frequent
speaker at public Council meet-
ings and a mother of four.
Robert Henry (R-Third Ward)
also seems unlikely to seek an-
other term. It has been the
policy of the GTOP caucus in
Council to limit its -members to
two terms in office, and Henry
has served twice.
See WHEELER, Page 7
Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Stretching for that liast inch
As if basketball players are not already tall enough,' these five on the University of Michi-
gan squad stretched to the last inch while th.- team photos were taken last week. From left
to right on tiptoes are: No. 23, Tom Staton, re iortedly 6'3"; No. 34, Dave Stavale, purported-
ly 6'1"; No. 24, Rickey Green, allegedly 6'2"; No. 25, Dave Baxter, allegedly 6'2"; and No.
32, Mark Lozier, somewhere around 6'3".
Wheeler Jelcher
ov. reprieves
Utah murderer
By AP and Reuter
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah-The execution.of convicted murderer
Gary Gilmore, who has asked to be allowed to "die like a man"
before a firing squad near here next Monday was blocked yesterday
by a reprieve issued by Gov. CalvinRampton to enable Utah's
Board of Pardons to consider the case.
Gilmore's attorney, Dennis Boaz, said the action by the retiring
governor was the "meddling of a lame duck governor, and I'm
completely outraged."
THE BOARD'S NEXT scheduled meeting opens Wednesday, but
chairman George Latimer said the board's calendar might not
have room for the Gilmore matter before Thursday.
Gilmore, speaking through Boaz, said he was disgusted by the
governor's "cruelly insensitive" order and asked Rampton to
resciid it.
The statement, released after Gilmore and Boaz met for more
than an hour at the prison, said Rampton apparently was under
pressure from groups, "motivated by pub'icity and their own
egotistical concerns, rather than their concerns for my own
HE SAID HE does not want clemency from the board and "I
do not wish to have other people's purpose to be forced on me.
See GILMORE,- Page 2
PLAINS, Ga. P) - Jimmy
Carter came home from his
post - election vacation yester-
day "ready to go to work" on
his ansition to the presidency.
A d Patrick Caddell, his
chief pollster, said Carter's vic-
tory margin last week would
have been greater had he
agreed to staff urgings that he
exploit public anger over Presi-
dent Ford's pardon of former
President Richard Nixon. Oth-
er polls also have found that the
pardon of Nixon. cost Ford
made virtually no mention of
the pardon during the cam-
paign, it was criticized several
times by, his running mate,
Sen. Walter Mondale.
Caddell said Ford's mistake
during the second debate when
he said Eastern Europe was not
dominated by the Soviet Union
did not hurt the President much
in terms of lost votes. But Cad-
dell said it was "crucial" in
slowing Ford's increasing mo-
ment"m and threw off the tim-
in of his campaign.
Thronw, ofaschool children
waled 'flags at Carter as he
left his vacation retreat on St.
Sinons Island off the south
Georgia coast. Boarding his
chartered jet airliner, Carter
told reporters, "I'm tired of
vacation, I'm ready to go to
WHEN HIS airplane landed
at Albany, Ga., Carter loaded '
his own bags into the trunk of
his car and then shook hands
with a welcoming crowd of 500
or more.
During his five-day vacation,
Carter got through two-thirds
of the 18-inch-high stack of
papers that the staff had pre-
pared to brief him on the tran-
sition to power. Carter now is
ready to begin picking a White
House staff, a Cabinet and oth-
er high federal officials and
setting policy directions.
At a news briefing later,
press secretary Jody Powell
said the President-elect "does
not believe it would be produc-
tive or proper" to comment at
this time on a proposal from
several senators that Secretary
of State Henry Kissinger be re-
tained in a Carter administra-
tion as a special diplomatic en-
voy to deal with the problems
of the Mideast.
D U R I N G THE campaign,
Carter criticized what he said
w a s Kissinger's secretive
"Lone Ranger" diplomatic
methods, and has said publicly
that Kissinger would be gone by
Powell said Carter is not yet
president and cannot appoint an
envoy of any sort and does not
desire any such authority.
Hungarian hot dog
Gustav Korn, who studied painting in his na-
tive Budapest, Hungary, and dreamed or perhaps
becoming a great artist, now has hundreds of his
paintings displayed in phicago,- all of hot dogs.
Korn, 62, came to this country 20 years ago and
went to work for (you guessed it) a sausage com-
pany, curing corned beef. In his spare time, he'
painted landscapes. Two years ago, one of his
bosses noticed Korn's paintings at an art show,
and the next day he had a new job .with the
company, as a sign painter. "I paint hot dogs with
and without mustard; or with relish and mustard,
or with onions, relish and mustard. Most often
in a bun," says Korn. He also says "No two hat-
dogs are alike. Each one is a new challenge,"
Korn observes. Nor does he ever get tired of
looking at a hot dog. "My wife and I both like
to eat them, out Hungarian goulash is still our
favorite," he says.
On the inside ...
...You can catch W. L Scheller's Perspec-
tive on the Editorial Page ... Arts Page features
Joanne Kaufman's review of PTP's "Don't Bother
Me, I Can't Cope . . ." And Bob Miller sizes up
For Vet's Day, t's
~love a parade'
Yesterday was Veteran's Day, the 58th anniversary of the
end of World War I, a day sometimes marked only by closed
banks and appliance sales.
But for the first time since 1967, a parade commemorating
the holiday passed through the streets of Ann Arbor.
SPECTATORS LINED UP three and four deep along Main
Street to watch colorful high school bands, carloads of middle-
aged veterans and innumerable Girl Scout troops wind their way
through the city's business district.
"It's wonderful to get back to the armistice parade,." Grand
Marshall Jack Garris, a local attorney, told the shivering crowd.
Expansion of DNA
uidelnes requested
WASHINGTON A' - Two environmental groups yesterday
pe'itioned the government to ti(h'en up federal safety controls on
genetiC exnerirnentation, warning that the research could acci-
riotnly aWP a irreersihl harm to humans and the
Parade viewers -didn't seem
to mind the freezing tempera-
tures as they cheered and ap-
plauded each marching unit.
Most were pleased with the re-
turn of Veteran's Day festivi-
ties to the city.
said one woman. "I only wish
I'd brought more film."
Colonel Gerald Miller, who
organized the parade, smiled
aid said proudly, "We're going
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