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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII. No. 54 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 10, 1976 Ten Cents.
Eight Pages
s' r
>The gales ofrNovember
caine early
"Does anyone know where the love of God
goes whenthe waves turn the minutes to
The searchers all say they'd have made White-
fish Bay, if they'd put fifteen more miles be-
hind her."
The words are Gordon Lightfoot's; his tale of
the Great Lakes freighter Edmund Fitzgerald has
become legend. It seems hard to believe that Light-
foot's haunting lyrics describe a wreck that hap-
pened only one year ago this evening. November
is savage on Lake Superior; winds of 50 to 60 knots
had griped the 729-foot ore carrier for most of the
day as it made a dash for the relative security of
Whitefish Bay in the lake's southwestern corner.
Captain Ernest McSorley had radioed that the ship
was in trouble, but he said all was under control.
Moments later, the ship's radar blip vanished. The
twenty-nine crewmen were never found.
Happenings ...
. begin twelve hours after the day itself, (at
noon, you fool.) You can br6wn-bag it at 12 at
Guild House, 802 Monroe St. when Lydna Huey, ath-
lete and author, speaks on- "The Ethos of Ath-
letics, or, Winning at What Cost?" . . . If you're
more than on person, you can also attend at noon
the meeting of the Commission for Women in the
President's Conference Rm. of the Administration
Bldg. .. . For the truly ubiquitous, there's anothe'
noon happening - Dr. Bahadur Tejani of the Uni-
versity of Nairobi will speak on "Society and Liter-
ature in Africa and India" at 1100 S. University
, . Noon happenings wind up in the Pendleton Rm.
of the Union with a program of poetry and song of
World War I - "The Seared Conscience," featur-
ing Nicholas Pennell of Stratford, Eng. . . Hillel's
"Israel Week" continues today with a teach-in,
which features a 4 p.m. lecture by Prof. Baruch
Bracha of the University of Tel Aviv on "Protec-
tion of Human Rights in Israel," Rm. 138, Hutch-
ins Hall, and a 9 p.m. lecture on "Zionism as a
Movement of National Liberation" by Professor Ar-
thur Mendel in the Red Carpet Rm. of Alice Lloyd
... Of special interest to U. S. Senators from Kan-
sas is Ken Feit's talk at 4:15 p.m. on "A Fool's
History and Role Today" in Aud. A, Angell Hall
... At 4 p.m., the University Studio Theatre pre-
sents Ionesco's "The Bald Soprano" in the Frieze
Bldg's Arena Theatre. It's free . . . At 6 p.m.,
WCBN-FM's "The Women's Hour" unleashes an-
other "Nice Ladies'-Comedy Hour." That's 89.5 on
your FM dial, as they say . . . The Gay Academic
Union meets at 7 p.m. at the Gay Community Cen-
ter, 612 S. Forest, Suite B . . . A panel discussion
"Dual Career Marriages" will take place at 7:30
in the Michigan Rm. of the Business School . . .
Also at 7:30 is a meeting of the Association for
Self-Management in Rm. 3209 of the Union. Theyll
discuss workers' control of Ann Arbor . . . From
8-10 p.m. the student chapter of the American Nu-
clear Society will discuss "Nuclear Power and
Public Concern" in the Crisler Aud. on North
Campus . . . The Marching Band wants rooters for
its third annual football game against the EMU
marching band at Ferry Field at 8:40. The Band
is undefeated.
But I'm the president!
Maybe the whole thing wasn't worth it after all.
According to a former chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, the federal bureaucracy occasion-
ally raises its corporate middle fingr even to
direct presidential commands, which isn't likely to
sit well with President Jimmy Carter. Admiral
Thomas Moorer, who was chairman of the Joint
Chiefs from 1970-74, said yesterday he hadheard
several presidents give direct orders, only to be
ignored. "Mr. Carter is going to find that when
he gets to the White -louse h is going to give a
lot of orders, and nothing is going to happen,"
Moorer said. Fqr example, he cited an occasion
during the 1971 India-Pakistan war when Richard
Nixon ordered assistance to one side. Nope, said
the people involved;they thought aid should go to
the other side. Moorer didn't say which side was
which. Well, maybe Miss -Lillion can kick a few
butts into shape.
Billy unloads
Speaking of upset Carters, there's another one
around - Brother Billy. Known in seven counties
for his homespun charm and friendly ways, Billy's
been granting a lot of interviews lately.Seems he
was sipping a fair peck of beer the other day; he
gave one interview, chugging away, then another
one, still drinking. By the time he got around to a
debonaire reporter from the BBC, Billy was loaded.
His stomach rebelled, tossed the Beer in the op-
posite direction from whence it came,- and the
interview was over. Too late for the BBC man's
suit, it seemed, and too late for any chances Billy
might have had for an appointment to some chic
overseas embassy. He'll stick to Plains.
On the inside ...
c ampus
A Daily News Analysis
The generally 'liberal political sentiment that
characterized campus activism in the late six-
ties and early seventies was all but in eclipse
during last week's presidential election, results
from student precincts show.
A comparison of this year's returns with
those from the 1972 presidential contest indi-
cates an increased willingness on the part \of
' students to vote for the more conservative can-
didates. While PresidIent Ford received more stu-
dent support than Richard Nixon did in 1972,
Jimmy Carter drew significantly fewer votes
than George McGovern.
duction of the 18-year-old vote in 1971 followed
by a strong showing for McGovern in 1972. But
consistent with a developing trend in city elec-
tions student turnout this year was short of
the mark set four years ago.
In Ward Two, Precinct Six, which includes all
the Hill area dorms, except Markley, the Demo-
cratic vote dropped from 1190 t6 389. At the
same time, the Republican total rose from 272
to 396. While precinct boundaries have been
sightly altV'ed during the past four years, this
change does not account for the 700-vote gap.
Most surprisingly, support for Eugene McCar-
thy and other alternative party candidates does
not sufficiently explain the drop in Democratic
votes or the decline in total ballots cast.
IN RETURNS MIRRORING the rest of the
Students more conservative
city, McCarthy received 26 votes and only two
votes went to Socialist Workers Party candidate-
Peter Camejo.
One plausible explanation is that fewer stu-
dents voted or many voted in their hometowjis.
Political analysts in the past have said that
McGovern's liberalism alienated many Democrat-
ic voters in 1972, accounting for the increase
in Republican support.
IF THIS WERE TQE CASE, however, city-
wide results for this year's Presidential race
should have been marked by a resurgence of
Democratic votes since Carter was certainly a
more conservative candidate than McGovern.
Last Tuesday's returns, however, indcated
city voters joined students in their diminishing
support for a Democratic presidential nominee.
City Councilman Ronald Trowbridge (R-Third
Ward) said he was "surprised" by Republican
gains and offered the "hometown boy" theory
as an explanation.
"FORD G6T MORE VOTES than Nixon be-
cause he is frpm Michigan and went to school
at the University," he said.
Councilwoman Carol Joles (D-Second Ward),
See VOTE, Page 2
ered Democratic strongholds
long been consid-
due to the intro-
GM -talks
DETROIT (UPI) - Negotia-
tions between General Motors
(GM) and the United Auto
Workers (UAW) on a new labor
agreement for 390,000 workers
continued at a slow pace yes-
terday despite a strike deadline
less than 10 days away.
The union's top bargainer,
UAW Vice President Irving
Bluestone, said the auto firm
still hasn't made any responses
to economic demands despite the
nearness of the strike deadlin'e
at 12:01 a.m. (EST) Nov. 19.
THE UNION established the
deadline Monday at GM, the
largest and last of the "Big
Three" companies without a.
labor agreement. The only bar-
gaining sessions since then have
been on non-economic issues at
the subcommittee level.
D e s p i t e Bluestone's com-
ments, the lack of an economic
proposal from GM was not seen
as significant. The automaker
is expected to match the basic
agreement worked out in a 28-
day strike by 170.000 workers
against the. Ford Motor Co. and
matched for Chrysler's 118,000
U.S. and Canadian workers over
the weekend.
Of greater concern are non-
economic issues involving seni-
ority, the use of overtime while
See UAW, Page 2
Carter may
i ull
By The Associated Press and Reuter News Service
WASHINGTON The names of several big city
mayors are being tossed around the Jimmy Carter camp,
prompting speculation that for thei first.time in. 14 years
one of them may be named to a Cabinet post.
One of them could be picked for Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development; Health, Education and Welfare; Transporta-
tion, or perhaps a Cabinet-level j:b at the White House.
TH')SE MAYORS WHO APPEAR to be high on the list of
prospects include Moon Landrieu of New Orleans, Kenneth Gib-
son of Newark, Henry Maier of Milwaukee and Neil Goldschmidt
of Portland, Oregon.
Others mentioned but thought to have sli-rimer chances in-
clude Detroit's Mayor Coleman Young, Atlanta's Maynard Jack-
son, Los Angeles' Tom Bradley and Harvey Sloane of Louisville.
The mayoral names are being discussed by urban specialists
on the Carter policy planning and transition staff here and in
Atlanta. On St. Simons Island, Ga., where Carter is vacation-
ing, press secretary Jody Powell was asked about these re-
ports, said he had no information about them, and warned
"you shouldn't read anything into the fact that I can't say
anything about that."
IT IS UNCLEAR WHETHER the President-elect has been
given any mayors' names to consider or whether they are sim-
ply being floated by supporters inside the Carter camp.
The mayors as a group are actively- seeking Carter's at-
tention, as evidenced by their emergency meeting of the U.S.
Conference of Mayors in Chicago this week.
Carter's rural Georgia background may work to the advan-
tage of those seeking aid for economically troubled cities and
See MAYORS, Page 2
AP P'oto
To that great honey tree in the sky
Smokey the Bear, whose name became synonymous with forest fire. prevention, died yes-
terday at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. He was 26. His death was attributed to old age.
Pierce to inspect
Wayne County vote.
Democrat Ed Pierce, present-
ly trailing Republican Carl Pur-
sell by 347 votes in an unofficial
count, yesterday obtained a
court order allowing him to in-
spect the official tally sheets
of, Wayne County canvassers.
The order came in response
to a suit filed in Wayne County
Circuit Court Monday demand-
ing access to the data. The suit
was filed because of confusion
surrounding procedures that
would be used in the- event of
a re-count in the Second Dis-
trict Congressional elections.
Furthermore, Pierce said he
needed to examine the tally
sheets in order to keep open
the possibility of a re-count by
thesU.S. House of Representa-
Constitutional law calls for
the House and Senate to make
findl decisions on the legitimacy
of all congressional elections..
According to the suit, the House
will intervene to conduct a re-
count only if some evidence of
fraud is discovered in the tabu-
lation process. If 'access was
not granted, contended the suit,
possible errors that could ren-
der the election fraudulent
might go undetected.
Pierce filed suit against
Wayne county canvassers after
officials there refused toalet
him examine the official tally
likely play a major part in de-
termining whether or not Pierce
will ask for a recount.
Late last night, Pierce cam-
paign officials declined com-
ment on the possibility of 'a
re-count. Pierce himself was un-
available for comment. Inform-
ed sources said that a decision
on a re-count could be announc-
ed next week.
IF PIERCE is to appeal for
a 're-count, he will probably
have to petition the House Ad-
ministration Committee. In this
case, a re-count would not be-
gin until the state Board of
Canvassers has certified the
election. Pierce may have to
resort to new legal measures
if he tries to obtain a re-count
under state auspices.
involved in a post-election brou-
haha, when inaccurate vote-
counting and a neck-and-neck
race conspired to through the
election into doubt. After sev-
eral fluctuations in the final tal-
ly that alternately had either
Pierce or Pursell in the win-
ner's circle, Pursell was declar-
ed the unofficial winer last
Pursell will not be officially
called the winner until Novem-
ber 22 when the state Board of
Canvassers meet.
Student insurance,
company bankrupt
The chairman of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) In-
surance Committee announcedlast night that the personal prop-
erty insurance program, sponsored by MSA, had. been cancelled
by its underwriter, Woodland Mutual Insurance, because of the
firm's bankruptcy.
Policy holders will however continue to be covered. G-M Un-
derwriters, which administers the policy, will honor all claims
made by current policy holders although it is not legally respon-
"BECAUSE OF actions by the Michigan State Departmenlt of
Tncinnr a -nii rit t rnimnn ot Chiknfkv. "We are
AP Photo
Got a match?
King Kong, enticingly attired in his bikini, tries to seduce a light from Tokyo passersby: The 33-
foot skyscraper climber, painted in front of a 'store, was one of several entries in a wall painting
contest in the Japanese capital.
Towbridge eyes State Senate
t''e dust from the 1976 election barely
Councilman \Ronald Trowbridge (R-
Ward) is already looking ahead to 1978.
a former Republican governor of Minnesota in
the 1940s, has repeatedly and unsuccessfully
sought the Republican presidential norriination.
But Trowbridge added that "they are passing
God-awful legislation" in Lansing, and .said he
would like to be there "to raise hell about it."
Trowbridge told journalism students at - the