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November 09, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-11-09

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Nuclear disaster means



American society in its perception
of the modern world we live in. It ap-
plies to all aspects of our daily lives
stemming, probably, from the traumatic
loss of innocence that occurred in the
late sixty - early eventies time period
which each generation experiences.
Each solution to a, major problem is
greeted with suspicion, contempt and
Nowhere has this attitude been more
prevelant than in the opposition to the
use of nuclear power to solve our na-
tion's energy crisis.
It is time that we begin to form a
more optimistic outlook on the nuclear
power issue. We must view it with ob-
jective eyes and see what it has to
offer constructively instead of destruc-
The economic situation in this country
is deplorable. Approximately eight mil-
lion people are unemployed. Most lost
their jobs, directly or indirectly, be-
cause of the crippling oil embargo im-
posed by the oil producting countries.
Another oil embargo could occur at any
There exists in the use of nuclear
power plants a tremendous potential for
inexpensive, readily available electrical
* New businesses will leap at the
chance to utilize this abundance of cheap
power. New factories will be construc-
ted. Present plant output will increase
and consumer costs will stabilize.
" The increase in plant construction
will stimulate the building industry. This
means jobs.
* Secondary industries such as shop-
ping centers, grocery stores and restau-
rants will spring up overnight. This
again means more jobs. With the in-
creased tax revenues, local governments
will provide improved and increased so-
cial services. Shrinking welfare roles
could result in lower taxes.

* The increased circulating revenue
creates a buying impetus that reduces
the inventory of existing businesses. This,
causes a demand for more products
which means more jobs. A glorious eco-
nomic cycle.
Another encouraging aspect of nu-
clear power usage is the distinct possi-
bility of an expanding medical profes-
sion. Martha Drake, a self-learned ex-
pert on nuclear power, said the nuclear
industry is allowed a 10 per cent in-
crease above the recommended level of
radiation established for the normal hu-
man. This means, she said, there will

If nuclear power is outlawed, we will
have a large number of sick people on
our hands.
Let's examine the effects if their fears
are realized and an accident occurs:
The Atomic Energy Commission says
only 45,000 deaths, 100,000 injured, $17
billion in property damage and perma-
nent radioactive contamination of hun-
dreds of square miles could, at best,
be realized in Southeastern Michigan.
But again I say, look at the bright
Lets say the Enrico Fermi nuclear
power plant near Detroit goes up. Right

Thousands of research, investigative and social scien-
tists who are now driving cabs in New York or washing
dishes in Ann Arbor, will be hired to study the effects of
radiation. Their efforts will focus on ecological, genetical
and psychological damage suffered, for up to a quarter
million years.

be a 10 per cent increase in birth de-
fects, leukemia and lung cancer. ,
Pharmaceutical companies are sure
to expand. New research centers will
be constructed to cope with increasing
cancer loads. More doctors, nurses and
orderlies will be in demand. Other re-
lated profession can be expected to grow.
The delay in construction and opera-
tion of- these "job makers" would be
just this side of criminal neglect.
The nuclear power controversy ful-
fills valuable social services as well. It
provides an outlet for the pent.up frus-
trations of the so-called "do gooders."
Many a housewife and young per-
son will be unable to find a meaning-
ful role in society if nuclear plants
are discontinued as a power source.
Even now, hundreds of people are in-
volved in a battle to outlaw nuclear
power. These lonely people are filling
an empty void in their lives. Their ac-
tions are an inexpensive process of psy-
chotherapy. The time spent in this harm-
less manner keeps them occupied, off the
streets and visible!

away we have an elimination of the
street gang problem.
Detroit has about 1.5 million people.
If the AEC is correct, only about three
per cent of the population will be blown
up, burned up or radiated away.
Of those who survive another seven
per cent will suffer some type of physi-
cal harm such as limb loss, loss of eye
'sight and internal injuries.
Because of this abundance of injur-
ies, new hiospitals will have to be built.
Rehabilitation centers will be construc-
ted. The demand for all types of health
care people will soar. Colleges would
have to expand their capacity to pro-
duce these people. The demand for teach-
ers will increase. People with radiation
sickness will require separate research
centers. All this means jobs!
The relocation of the other 90 per
cent of the population will undoubtedly
leave deep emotional scars. A business
boom for psychiatrists is inevitable. In
the ensuing panic and confusion caused
by relocation, I predict another three to
five per cent will die. Thus, thp poten-

tial number of insurance recipients will
be reduced.
The relocation of approximately one
million people can do nothing but create
a surge in: the construction business and
secondary businesses. Jobs!
All automobile plants with their work-
ers would be gone. Alternate plants
would have to be built.. This again
would open up the construction business
in other parts of the country. New cit-
ies will spring up around these new
plants. Goods and services will be need-
ed by new workers.
With all the people -terminated' in
Detroit, the unemployment and welfare
roles will drop drastically.
With any luck, Lake St. Clair, Huron
Lake and Lake Erie will become con-
Thousands of research, investigative
and social scientists who are now driv-
ing cabs in New Yorke or washing dish-
es in Ann Arbor, will be hired to study
the effects of radiation. Their efforts
will focus on ecological, genetical and
psychological damage suffered, for up
to a quarter million years.
Perhaps the most encouraging devel-
onment will be the response of the peo-
ple. Many millions of Americans will
open their hearts and homes to the
needjy. Clothing and fodd drives for the
afflicted will spark a christian spirit
that will encompass our great and
troubled land. We will see the harmoni-
ous interaction between young and old,
people of all races and creeds brought
together by a nuclear act.
It is easy to say "the hell with it"
when a problem arises in which we have
no spiffy clean answer. But we must
avoid the immature cop-out of pessi-
mism. We must face up to our daily
realities with our heads held high and
Remember, behind every dark cloud,
there is suppose to be a silver lining.
Ron DeKett is an LSNA Junior who
has written before for the Editorial

T TS 95350 FOR PIERCEq 53 49 FOR
PIJRELI- ... QPk WAS IT 95,345,.. 04 NO.
Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Tuesday, November 9, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Republiean party snhold
take a look at Itself

Women guar

tional Facility -recently
hired six women guards to par-
tially satisfy a Federal Bureau
of Prison's equal hiring man-
date, and many inmates are
unhappy - so unhappy that
abusive retaliation against the

women may result, according to
an anonymous inmate.
The women will perform all
standard guard duties, includ-
ing ordering the men to strip
for contraband frisks, confirm-
ed Warden Jack Hanberry, who
plans to hire 12 women guards
by January 1978 to fill a 10 per
cent quota.

THE AFTERMATH of the 1976 elec-
tion is the time for the Repub-
lican party to take a good look at
itself. The Party of Lincolnwill go to
the new Congress with only 143 Rep-
resentatives to the Democrats' 292.
The Senate looks just as lopsided,
with a 62 per cent Democratic ma-
jority clearly in command. And in
state governments, the Republican
party is faring no better - with the
GOP claiming only 12 of the na-
tion's 50 governorships.
The shadow of Richard Nixon and
Watergate still hang like an alba-
tross around the necks of Republican
loyalists. And the recent victory of
Democrat Carter, who owes his own
win to the rebuilding of the tradi-
tional Democratic coalition, has at
Editorial Staff

Rob Meachum

Bill Turque

least temporarily swept away the last
bastion of Republican Conservatism,
the deep South.
Any party that cannot muster a
majority in the electorate, in the
House, Senate, Governorships * or
Presidency is clearly out of step
with the mainstream of American
voters. The fact that only 12 per cent
of the voting-age citizens identify
themselves as Republican is a clear
testament to the fact that there is
no trend to conservaism in his coun-
no trend to conservatism in his coun-
lieve. And the fact that the new Con-
gress convening in January will be
the most liberal ever should further
abolish the "conservative trend"
The only "conservative" member
of the U. S. Senate, James Buckley,
was ousted by New Yorkers by a sub-
stantial margin.
If the Republican party in this
country hopes to be a viable second-
party option it must clearly make a
move to more moderate policies. The
Rqnald' Reagans and Barry Goldwat-
ers who carried the party creed must
give way to the more moderate Re-
nublicanism of William Milliken,
Tennessee Senator Howard Baker,I
and Illinois Governor-elect James
("Big Jim") Thompson.
The Republican party currently
enjoys a broad base in the electorate"
-the affluent and the suburbanite
- which is constantly expandinq. But
in order to take advantate of that
natural base, the more reactionary
conservative stances will have to be
Barry Goldwater once said "Ex-
tremism in the defense of liberty is no
vice, moderation in the -ursuit of
justice is no virture." Judainp: from
the noor Republican showing in this
election ,that credo should say "Ex-
tremism in the face of extinction is
no virture, moderation in the pursuit
of victory Is no vice."

geo edi
To The Daily:
I FEEL I must expr
dismay at your edit
Tuesday, November 3r
demning the GEO -men
for not voting to strike. I
in your position is the
that the GEO members
ists to support the act
the union leadership. T
fundamental reversal
truth' The membership
"betray" its leaders; i
leadership's function tc
out the wishes of the n
ship, not vice versa. If t
ership has mistaken tI
tion of the membership
pears to have been th
then that is the lead
fault, not the membersi
Michael P. McDI
School of Music
November 3
To The Daily:
sembly strongly urgest
University Administrati
the Senate Advisory Co
on University Affairs (

{}hCi: - .nv. . .
Letters to-
the- Daly

torial move toward student parity on
SACUA's Student Relations
ess my Because this committee is de-
)rial of signed to improve communica-
d, con- tion between students and the
nbership University, one would tsuppose
nherent that students would be granted
attitude a fair share of its input. How-
ship ex- ever, SACUA provides for only
tions is four students on the 14 member
isis ah body! This in itself would in-
of the dicate that the Administration
cannot is not overly concerned with
t is the the opinions and desires of the
o carry students.
nember- Last year, a student on this
he lead- committee met outspoken hos-
he posi- tility when he proposed equal
as ap- student representation. A facul-
e case, tv representative actually ac-
[ership's cused him of "trying to destroy
ip our committee". After unsuc-
onald cessfully petitioning for student
government support on his be-
half. he resigned in disgust.
MSA calls for SACUA to re-
sacuia assess the purposes of the Stu-
dent Relations Committee, and
to restructure it in such a way
dent As- as to guarantee sufficient stu-
that the dent representation to justify
on and the committee's existence.
mmittee Michigan Student
SACUA) Assembly

ds fire
Inmates, however, view this
as a ''demeaning intrusions" of
their privacy and are refusing
the frisks despite punitive ac-
tion, the Inmate state. r
"We're pretty mad about be-.
ing told to undress by these wo-'
men just walking into our cell
areas," he said. "It's the one
place where there's any priv-,
acy and they're disturbing that.
A lot of stuff goes on up there-
maybe it's wrong maybe not-
but we're human and need out-
"A lot of guys have been in
here for three or four years and
haven't seen women in a long
time. Now they're being put in
this unnatural setting. What's to
keen some of them from throw-
il a blanket over one of their
heads and going nuts on her, es-
pecially in the dorms at night?"
A N B E R R Y exnects no
problems, however, and stress-
ed that the women will receive
eonal nav and perform the
same duties as male guards
with no extra protections. It
would defeat the purpose to as-
sign male guards to protect the
women, the inmate contends,
adding that checks to determine
the guards' whereabouts and
safety are conducted every half-
"Anything could happen in
that time; some of the guys
are mad enough to do some-
thing," he said, emphasizing
that the male guards do not
confront the same potential phy-
sical dangers as women.
Although none of the women
have been hurt since beginning
their permanent dorm assign-
ments three weeks ago, many
prisoners have refused to dis-
robe, an act which sent three
men to "the hole", or solitary
confinement, during the wom-
en's rotating training sessions
in late August, the source claim-
ed. All were released follow-
ing a brief "cooling-off period,"
he added.
Hanberry denies any con-
frontations, saying, "If an in-
mate refuses to undress foa a
women, we require that a male
officer perform the check. We
don't violate any person's
assumed the women's duties Zan-
der these circumstances, the in-
mate contends. He also main-
tains that he witnessed officers
escorting the men to "the hole".
"Thev weren't given any ontion
of having a male guard - they
were just hauled away," he
In addition to using solitary


not really right, but it's under-
standable. Besides, by just be-
ing in the sensitive areas
(dorms), the women are teas-
ing. They're first seen as wom-
en on the compound."
Hanberry rejects this con-
tention and insists that the wo-
men would not intentionally
provoke the inmates. He does
not regard their mere presence
as "teasing" and "firmly sup-
ports the new hiring policy."
He did not, however, anticipate
that the women could conduct
nude frisks when implementing
the policy as part of a "federal
normalizing process."
to see anything "normal" in the
situation. "If they want to cre-
ate equality in this place, they'd
put a woman in the cell next to
mine. This isn't normalizing,"
the source declared. "I don't ob-
ject to women working here,
just not in the sensitive places.
And I don't mind taking orders
from a woman. I do mind hav-
ing one tell me to undress,
though," he continued. "If they
really wanted to make this joint
more normal, they'd let our
wives and girlfriends stay over-
night with us. What kind of a
woman wants to work that kind
of a Job in a man's prison, any-
All six 'women hired thus far
are young, educated and differ
greatly in their approach to the
men, he says. When asked why
she took the job, one woman
guard said, "Correctional work
runs in the family; my aunt's
a warden and my father's a
judge. It just came naturally."
She has no desire to work in
a women's prison. "They don't
put women in as often as men,
so you know that when they do
those women are pretty raun-
chy and devious.t I can't handle
them and won't try."
Conversely, women's prisons
across the country are hiring
male guards to comply with
the normalization process, a
practice which also angers the
"THIS ISN'T A matter of not
wanting the opposite sex in the
prisons; it's a matter of trying
to keep a little privacy in them
for the residents, whether
they're 'men or women." he
Many inmates have joined
forces to stop the hiring policy
by submitting formal com-
plaints to the warden, the re-
gional and the Federal Bureaus
of Prisons. A response must be
received from each of these of-
fices before addressing the next
level in the coi'rectional sys-
tem. At least sir men have re-

the hiring mandate. In the pre-
liminary stages,- the suit repre-
sents males prisoners and con-
tests the hiring policy on four
counts, according to Dr. Marvin
Ziporyn, the Illinois Department
of Corrections psychiatric ad-
visor who started the suit.
constitutes cruel and unusual
punishment because inmates
cannot express "natural, biolog-
ical feelings," Ziporyn con-
Their privacy is also invaded
by contraband checks since
most illegal substances are
carried in intimate areas, ac-
cording to the psychiatrist.
"The public wouldn't tolerate a
direct invasion of a woman's
person by a male guard," he
A suit brought by women pro-
testing Illinois' refusal to hire
women guards in its state pri-
sons failed earlier this year
when Ziporyn presented this re-
versal in court. He also finds,
the hiring of male guards in
women's prisons "ethically,
morally and legally wrong."
Ziporyn also cited possible
harm as reason for banning the
hiring policy. He - emphasized
the prisoners' safety, however,
rather than that of the women.
"Those of us opposing the act
agree that every individual has
a right to take risks upon them-
selves, as these women probab-
ly are. If they.want to take a
chance, we can't object, but
they are assigned to protect
prisoners against attacks, most
of which occur in the showers.
On the basis of size and num-
bers, the women are handicap-
ped and their access to the
showers is limited. To protect
the weaker prisoners there
would have to be male guards
in the showers and that's dou-
ble payment," he assessed.
ZTPORYN ALSO fears the sit-
uation will "create potential
ranisNs" by causing some men
to seek re-enge when released
since assault on a federal offic-
er brings three to five years im-
Lawyers are carefully re-
searching the case before go-
ing to court to avoid dismissal
on a technicality, according to
Ziporyn. He expects it will go
to trial early nextcyear.
"This is not a matter of de-
privin women of a career op-
portunity," he remarked. "If
they want a guard job, there are
positions in women's prisons," a
suggestion the Milan inmate
strongly upholds.
"We're going to have our say
so," the inmate stated. "I hate
to have it at the expense of the



Jeff Ristine.Managing Editor
Tim Schick ..,......... ........ Executive Editor
Stephen Hersh.Magazine Editor
Rob Meachum................Editorial Director
Lois Josimuvich.Arts Editor
STAFF WRITERS: Susan Ades, Susan Barry,
Dana Baurnann, Michael Beckman, Philip Bo-
kovoy, Jodi Dimick, Chris Dyhdale, Elaine
Fletcher, Larry Friske, Debra Gale, Tom Go-
deli, Eric Gressman aKurt Harju, Char Heeg,
James Hynes, Michaeel Jones, Lant Jordan,
Lois Josimovich, Joanne Kaufman, David
Keeps, Steve Kursman, Jay Levin, Ann Marie
Lipinaki, George Lobsenv. Pauline Lubens, Stu
CcCon nell, Jennifer Miller, Michael Norton.
Jon Pansius, Ken Parsigian, Karen Paul,
Stephen Pickover, Christopher Potter, Don
Rose, Lucy Saunders, Annemarie Schiavi, Kar-
rn Schulkins, Jeffrey Selbst, Jim Shahin, Rick
Soble, Tom Stevens, Jim Stimson, David
Strauss, Mike Taylor, Jim Tobin, Loran Walker,
Laurie Young, Barbara Zahs.

Photography Staff
Pauline Lubens. . . Chief
Brad Benjamin.. Staff"
Alan Bilinshy..............Staff7
Scott Ecckr .........Staff
Andy Freeberg.Staff
Christina Schneider .........Staff7


Contact your reps
Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem.), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol hil1,
Washington, D.C. 20515.
Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep.), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol lill,
Washington, D.C. 20515.
Rep. Marvin Esch (Rep.), 2353 Rayburn Bldg., Capitol Hill,
V[TnL~in 4 n TN V ' fl1 C

Business Staff
Beth Friedman.Business Manager
Deborah Dreyfuss Operations Manager
Kathleen Muinern Assistant Adv. Coordinator
David Hailan.................Finance Manager
Don Simpson...........Sales Manager
Pete Peterson.Advertising Coordinator
Cassie St .Clair.Circulation Manager
Beth Stratiord ..... Circulation Director

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