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November 07, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-11-07

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Vol. LXXXVII, No. 52 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 7, 1976 Ten Cents E
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ight Pages

Blue dethroned



top spot

kick-off today with a Nuclear Energy Work-
shop sponsored by the School of Natural Resources
for those interested in working on a safe energy
initiative. It's from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Rm. 1040
SNR ... from noon to 6 the Holiday Festival of
Art will be held at the Saline Farm Council
Grounds ... at 3 p.m. a discussion of "Gayness
as a Cultural Phenomenon" takes place at Can-
terbury House, Catherine and Division ... at 7 p.m.
the Ozone House will hold an orientation meet-
ing for new volunteers in Michigan League con-
ference rooms D and E ... and at 7:30 Sister
Nadine Foley will speak in St. Mary's Chapel,
331 Thompson St., on Women in Ministry in the
Catholic Church" ... On Monday, happenings start
late with a 4 p.m. lecture by George Menden-
hall of the Department of Near Eastern Studies on
"Toward a Field Theory of Religion" ... at 7:30
the Center for Coordination of Ancient and Modern
Studies holds its last session of the colloquium
"Has Democracy Survived?" featuring Prof. Ram
Jethmalani, a voluntary Indian political exile in
the Kuenzel Room of the Union ... also at 7:30
is an educational seminar sponsored by the Wom-
en's Health Collective on "Menstruation" in the
-Ann Arbor Public Library ... at 8, Achola Pala,
Kenyan anthropologist, will speak on "African
Rural Development and the Role of Women" at
St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 306 N. Division
... also at 8, Paul Goodman's tape "Beyond
Schools: Rediscovery of the Wild'' will be played
and discussed in Canterbury House ... and finally,
also at 8, the Michigan Association of Gerontology
Students will meet in Rim. 3207 of the Union.
Man over machine
Automatic bank tellers - the 24-hour variety
- may not be getting stuck-up by bank robbers,
but getting beaten up by patrons in a real possi-
bility, as sorrowful bank officials in Doraville,
Ga. will attest. Tillie, the automated bank teller
police reported, "was assaulted and suffered in-
ternal damage" when an angry customer beat
upon the machine when it refused to return his
bank card. A bank official told police that John
Hulme first complained about losing the card and
then started beating on the machine with a heavy
instrument. "Sir, beating on the machine is not
going to get your card back," the official admon-
ished Hulme. "It's not going to hurt," replied
Hulme, who returned to the scene later' and start-
ed pounding on the machine again. But police
estimated Tillie suffered more than $1,000 dam-
age and Hulme was charged with felonious crim-
inal damage to property.. It was not known if
he ever got his card back.
Melts in your mouth...
Chocolate-lovers had a feast in Rheims, France
Friday night when a truck carrying 13 tons of
Swiss chocolate overturned outside a parking lot.
When the'driver returned to his cab at dawn
after reporting the accident to the police, not a
bar of chocolate was left on the road.
Crime does pay
A resident of Livingstone, Zambia walked into
a local police station this week to report the
theft of his new bicycle. The duty sergeant told
him to -go out and steal another one for him-
self -just don't get caught. Obediently, the man
left the police station and stole the first bicycle
he saw - the sergeant's, parked outside.
Crime doesn't pay
A man trying to steal gasoline. from a Lille,
France service station in the dead of night de-
cided there wasn't enough light. So he struck a
match to get a better look. The resulting fire
destroyed the station while the man, his 'hair
badly burned, was arrested and imprisoned on
an unspecified charge.
On the inside...
..Sports page offers its explanation for yes-

terday's loss to Purdue ... and in the Sunday Maga-
zine, former Daily City Editor Steven Selbst writes
on the controversial Martha Keys race .for the

Special to The Daily
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind.-All the little things fell
apart for the Michigan Wolverines yesterday and Pur-
due was there to pick up the pieces.
And when the last little thing, Bob Wood's 37-yard
field goal try, sailed wide with 14 seconds remaining,
the Boilermakers had a 16-14 win over mighty but not
invincible Michigan.
team has lost on a missed field goal (where are you now Mike
Lantry?). This one missed by less than a foot.
"I've looked at field goal misses like that for five years
'now," said Schemlechler, "and they always look good. That
one could have missed, I couldn't tell."
Michigan had missed an earlier chance at victory when
wingback Jim Smith dropped an easy touchdown pass with
2:20 remaining.
"I DON'T EVER LIKE TO DEPEND on winning a game
on a forward pass' or a field goal," said Schembechler. "If
you have to do that your chances of winning are slim."
The Wolverines just never sustained anything after an im-
'pressive opening drive that -put them up 7-0. The rest of the
afternoon belonged to Purdue.
The Boilermakers outgained Michigan 360 yards to 335. This
was no fluke.
"THAT REALLY HELPED US after Michigan punted the
ball the first time," said Boiler placekicker Rock Supan, who
won it for Purdue with a 23-yard kick with 4:20 remaining.
"They don't punt too often.
"Everyone tightened up after they scored right away," add-
ed Supan, "But that punt gave us confidence."
Indeed, emotion seemed to play a mighty role in Purdue's

PURDUE TAILBACK Scott Dietking (25) tries to climb a mountain of Blue defensemen for a first down in yesterday, ga
Michigan's Calvin O'Neal and Dom Tedesco (99) were unable to stop him.

Prize-winning Ladd

rings. carillon 's


"I will spend the rest of my
professional life in the carillon
art," says the man who makes
music in Burton Tower. "That's
one thing I can be certain of."
University Carilloneur Hudson
Ladd, a prize - winning musi-
cian,_ has been ringing tunes
such as "Baby Face" and the
Michigan fight song from the
Charles Baird Carillon across
campus since 1971. He calls the
system of bronze bells, clap-
pers 'ind wires "a sophisticated
musical instrument that is to
some degree a part of Univer-
sity life."
IT WAS IN Amsterdam, not
Ann Arbor, that notes from the
instrument first struck Ladd's
ears. "I never even heard of
a carillon while growing up,"
he says. "And then, just-from
hearing it, I decided to learn
how to play the carillon."
Just two years later, in 1970,
Ladd received his diploma with
honors4 from the Netherlands
Carillon School in Amsterdam,
Holland. With an all-A record
upon graduation, he became
eligible to try for the Prix d'
Excellance - the highest musi-
cal award offered in the Nether-
lands. In 1972, Ladd became
,only the fourth musician in the
world to win that prize. for ca-
rillon - "and the other three
were Dutch."
Ladd and three University
students play the carillon music
heard daily on campus. There
are three basic repetoires per-

formed on the instrument in
Burton Tower: carillon com-
,position (music written espe-
cially for the instrument) trans-
criptions (primarily early harp-
sichord, guitar, lute and organ.
music) and popular mediun'
(from Broadway to jazz).
T H E B A I R D carillon
was donated with a blodk to the
University in 1935, dedicated to

the memory of a University
president. It pow shares Bur-
ton Tower with the offices of
the University Music Society
and Javanese Gamelon, and
has a ninth - story studio for
"The touch of the instrument
is closely related to piano,"
says Ladd. "There is a wide
range of dynamic control. You

Quad drug, search
notice called hoax


South Quad's Kelsey House
residents reacted withyconcern
and indignation to a notice post-
ed in the dorm announcing a
"contraband search" to be held
But the whole thing turned out
to be a hoax.
THE MEMO was typed on
University stationery with Hous-
ing Director John Feldkamp's
name apparently forged at the
bottom. Posted on Friday, it
stated that a "systematic resi-
dence hall search for illegal
drugs, narcotics, and related
paraphernalia" would be under-
taken and asked for student
The document's author has
not yet been discovered, but
most of those who saw the no-
tice were fooled by its very
genuine appearance.
Kelsey's resident Director Ken
Rahn, upon discovering several
copies on bulletin boards Friday
evening, soon after determined
the memo was a hoax by check-
ing the signature. Rahn 'also
noted that such a search would
not be in accordance with cur-
rent housing regulations.
THE INITIAL reaction of res-
idents to the memo varied wide-
ly. "I just decided the hell with
it," one shrugged. "I'd just

AP Photo
PRESIDENT-ELECT Jimmy Carter waves from the entrancewfy of the Air Force jet
which flew him to St. Simons Island for a five- to six-day working vacation.
Carter begIns vacation

Israeli navy sinks
Arab commando ship
By The Associated Press and Reuter News Service
TEL AVIV, Israel - Israeli navy vessels sank a boat carry-
ing Palestinian guarrillasand captured two otherycraft in a
battle off the Lebanese coast yesterday, the military command
It reported that one Palestinian was killed and 12 were cap-
tured, including two who were wounded. The, prisoners were
taken to an Israeli navy base, a communique said. It added
there were no Israeli casualties.

By AP and Reuter
ST. SIMONS ISLAND, Ga. - Jimmy Carter
stepped aboard a shiny blue and silver presi-
dential aircraft for the first time yesterday
and acted like a kid with a new toy.
"This is what I've been waiting for," the
president-elect said as he walked up the steps
of the Air Force Jet with a presidential seal
on itsdoor at the Albany, Georgia airport near
his home in Plains.
THEN THE plane took him to a vacation
at secluded Musgrove Plantation among the
pines and palms and Spanish moss of this
southern Georgia coastal island.
"I though iPeanut One had been fixed up

"That's what I've been looking for," the suc-
cessful Democratic candidate for president
"Do you feel presidential?" he was asked.
",I WILL when I get off," he replied and then
After the plant landed, Carter told reporters
he will n4eet later this month ,with President
Ford and that his wife Rosalynn will meet with
Betty Ford.
First, he said, he plans to receive a na-
tional security and intelligence briefing from
CIA Director George Bush.
AS IF TO emphasize the working side of the
vacation, Carter personally loaded a large

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