See Editorial Page
4f R tr
See Today for Details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No, 51
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 6, 1976
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
p U
The long and winding line
In the spirit of the basketball ticket lines
formed nearly a month before the tickets actu-
ally went on sale, a University senior has an-
nounced the genesis of a, queue at Crisler Arena
for the inevitable Beatles reunion concert there.
"There is a list posted somewhere at Crisler,"
Jim Sachs wrote The Daily, and it will be the
only one accepted should tickets ever go on sle."
Further details: "Roll calls will be every second
Saturday, for the first two years," and at least
once aweek thereafter."At each rol call ten
people must show up for each ticket desired,"
and you must have at least 12 pieces of identifica-
tion plus an old Beatles album cover. Sachs says
you should send all inquiries to "BEATES CON-
CERT, c/o University of Michigan," and notes
that none of them will be answered.
Michigan Bell customers will be paying an
extra 14 to 39 cents a month on their telephone
bills, following, approval yesterday by the state
Public Service Commission of a $22 million in-
terim rate hike for the company. The interim
increase, which Bell argued it needed to cover
wage increases, is designed to give them enough
revenue to cover operating costs until a full rate
hike case is decided-probably early next year.
Happenings .,..
begin today at 10 a.m. with an all-day play-
shop on the craft of the fool by Ken Feit at
Canterbury House, 'Catherne and DivisionF... an
eight-hour Holiday Festival of Art takes place at
the Saline Farm Council Grounds ... there's a
children's fair and open house at Pound House
Children's Center, 1024 Hill, from 1 to 4 p.m.
Featured are movies, songs, games, refreshments
and balloons ... A Women's Legal Recruitment
Conference begins at 1 p.m. in Rm. 100 of the
Law Quad, Hutchins Hall. Subject at hand: Why
go to law school? ... Bo and the team will be
waiting to stimulate your semicircular canals at
1:30 p.m. on local radio stations ... and the Ann
Arbor Go Club meets from 2 to 8 p.m. in 2050
Too much -money
Eat your hearts out, New York and Michi-
gan. North Dakota has a surplus of about $176
million left over from a $442 million, two-year
budget approved in 1975, and there isn't anything
to spend it on. Booming prices for farm goods
have sent revenues from income and sales taxes
soaring in the almost entirely rural state, and
tax commissioner Byron Dorgan says there's "a
mountain of pillows" for the legislature to fall
back upon. Mindful of their good fiscal fortunes,
North Dakotans passed a measure in Tuesday's
election reducing the state sales tax a penny on
most items. But with the agricultural picture so
susceptible to bad luck, however, a state legis-
lator has warned that income "can also go down
very fast."
Sore loser
Independent presidential candidate Eugene Mc-
Carthy is taking his third-place finish in Tues-
day's election with all the grace of the father
of a molested three-year-old. Asked if he was
happy with the overall results of his effort, he
snapped back at reporters: "It's not a question
of being happy. Why does one have to be happy?
What line of business are you fellows in, here?"
At his first post-eledtion news confeience, he also
said he may again wage an independent bid for
the White House, but seemed rather indifferent
toward that prospect. "Oh, I don't know," he said.
"I might. What's "the offer?" And on the news
media: "The total positive contribution of the writ-
ing press was the Playboy article ... The writing
press covered the campaign like the National Foot-
ball League playoffs." That makes you the Mon-
day morning quarterback, Gene.
Complaint department
If you think restaurant food, appliance service-
ing and mail delivery are getting worse all the
time - well, you're not'alone. A nationwide sur-
vey of 2,500 adults shows that many Americans
believe most products and services are not as
good as they were five or ten years ago. New
cars and movies drew the worst ratings - with
64 and 62 per cent believing, respectively, that
autos and flicks are worse today than those of
the past. In fact, only three items came out win-
.hers in the survey: airline service,'telephone ser-
vice, and newspapers. We're blushing.
O4 the inside .. .
Michael Beckman tells what went right with
the '76 presidential election for Editorial Page
Arts Page offers its regular day-by-day ac-
count of upcoming movies, music and events ...
and Ernie Dunbar makes today's Big Ten cross-
siED HARDISKY, manager of the Computer Store, 310 E. Washington, sports one of his
microcomputers. He sees these little items as part of an exponentially growing fad
that he hopes will soon become a part of every home.
ALvor everyhme?
By LINDA BRENNERS letters, or even teach just about any sub-
It may be a tad premature to start wor- ject.as ftervrtal iils o
rying about Christmas shopping, but if you eauso thrdirskuly liin nhme o-
happen to be concerned about what to get tenters adskyh bankingth ontre hoe co-
that friend who has everything, why not utsis the ae ofhe fuue. He enl 0
try a microcomputer? have a microcomputer."
And what, you ask, does one do with a ty
microcomputer? ture. Sinc tih introductitonofr mcrocomu
"A MICROCOMPUTER can do anything puters onto the commercial market about
you tell it to," says Ed Hardisky, who man- lwo years ago, more than 100 hobby shops
-ages the Computer Store, located at 310 E. and 80 computer clubs have blossomed to
Washington. "That is," he adds, "if you meet the growing demand of computer i
have t)he necessary hardware or peripheral freaks. Computer texts, magazines, and i
equipment and you program the computer game books are also part of the Computer
in the right manner." But for the price of Store's line, to help cash in on this expo-
a good stereo system, Hardisky's outfit will nentially growing fad.
fix you up with an electronic brain that ' TO THlE NOVICE, operating a computer
can be used to balance a budget, write See THE FUTURE,~ Page 8
vgm nseaa smnm asmm x C }.vsaoamoaimamms aM
Pact OK'd at last minute
By AP and UPI
DETROIT-United AutoWork-
ers and Chrysler Corp. reached
tentative agreement yesterday
on a three-year contract, just
minutes before the deadline for
an unprecedented second na-
tional auto strike this year.
The UAW and company of-
ficials said the agreement cov-
ers some 109,000 U.S. and Ca-
nadian hourly workers.
rate accord covering 9,000
white collar employes will con-
tinue, they said.
The two sides announced the
settlement in a statement less
than 10 minutes before the 6
p.m. EST strike deadline set
Nation's jobless rate
increases in Oct.
By The Associated Press and United Press International
WASHINGTON-The nation's unemployment rate increased
to 7.9 per cent in October, providing fresh evidence the economy
is stagnating, the government reported yesterday.
The Labor Department's. announcement that the rate of job-
lessness increased from 7.8 per cent in September followed Presi-
dent-elect Jimmy Carter's statement that he might attempt to
counter economic sluggishness by asking Congress for a tax,
cut in January.
"THE PAUSE SEEMS TO BE lasting longer than we expect-
ed," White House Press Secretary Ron Nessen said after the
statistics were released.
The gloomy report, left almost no hope that joblessness
could be reduced below 7 per cent in 1976 as President Ford'
had predicted.-
for Chrysler workers in 22 stat-
es and Canada.
UAW Vice President Douglas
A. Fraser and Chrysler Indus-
trial Relations Vice President
William M. O'Brien said the
new three - year agreement
closely followed the pattern-
setting contract worked out in
a four-week strike against the
Ford Motor Co.
BOTH SAID it was a fair
"It's, a good agreement and
makes tremendous_ progress
toward greater security for
Chrysler workers and their
families," Fraser said.
Job-saving protection was the
key UAW goal for Chrysler
workers who* saw I'yoffs climb
above the 50,000 mark- 44 per
cent of the firm's labor force
- during the company's two-
year slump. Fraser said the
new pact corrects many of the
"frailties" in the old contract:
lieve we can live with," 0'-
Brien told new'smen. "I'm glad
it's in the barn."
UAW President Leonard
Woodcock said he hopes- to yet
avoid a second strike when the
union seeks a similar contract
for 390,000 General Motors work-
Despite the nearness of the
settlement, some'22,000 workers
jumped the gun earlier in the
See LAST, Page 8
Meanwhile-Michigan's unemployment rate in October stood
8.9 per cent, virtually unchanged from September but down
per cent from a year ago, according to figures released
the Michigan Employment Security Commission (MESC).
See U.S., Page 8
M~ideast peace seems unlikely'
Carter, Ford
WASHINGTON - President- an Air Force Boi
elect Jimmy Carter is expected to a vacation retre
to meet President Ford in the mons Island offi
White House later this month coast. The cost of t
to discuss the transfer of, pqwer plane will be paid
January 20, it was announced lion that Congress
yesterday, to facilitate the tra:
Jack Watson, head of the er from Presidentl
President-elect's transition staff,ter.
said he went over plans for the CARTER'S pres
meeting with two of Ford's sen- Jody Powell, anq
ior aides at the White House the Secret Service
this afternoon. ing protection for
WATSON SAID his talks with family in Plains
White House Chief of Staff Rich- cided to assign a p(
ard Cheney and counsellor Jack tail to Carter's
Marsh were marked by close daughter, Amy.
cooperation, suggesting the Carter's day be
transfer of power would be physical examinati
smooth. tor from Atlanta. P
Meanwhile, in Plains, , Ga., -was the completion
Carter telephoned his thanks to up begun several
supporters around the nation, and that the docto
arranged increased "security ed Gov..Carter ing
with, the Secret Service and be- During the mor
gan ' eviewing thick transition reviewed operation
books prepared by his staff. nut warehouse and
Winding down for the pres- tourists.
sures of his successful cam- "WHEN ARE y,
paign for the White House, Car- get Kissinger out
ter plans to travel Saturday on someone in the cro
eing 707 jet
at on St. Si-
the Georgia
he Air Force
from $2 mil-
nsfer of pow-
Ford to Car-
s secretary,
ounced that
was increas-
the Carter
and had de-
ermanent de-
egan with a
on by a doc-
Powell said it
of a check-
weeks ago
r "pronounc-
good health."
ning, Carter
s at his-pea-
chatted with
you going to
of there?"
wd asked.
"January," the smiling pres-
ident-to-be replied.
During his working vacation
on St. Simons, Carter will be
accompanied by his wife, their
three adult sons and their
wives. They will stay at Mus-
grove Plantation, a cluster of
cabins owned by the Smith
Bagleys of Washington; D. C.
Bagley is an heir to the R. J.
Reynolds tobacco fortune.
POWELL has said Carter will
pay Bagley between $1,000 and
$2,000 tp avoid any appearance
of conflict of interest.
He plans to continue on St.
Simons the task of reading
through the 18 inch thick tran-
sition books that outline policy
options Carter will face in mapy
fields, plans for selecting per-
sons to fill the government's
highest 'positions and proposals
for government reorganization.
The briefing papers were pre-
pared by a staff tha~t has been
working on the transition since
Carter was nominated for pres-
ident in July.
A peaceful solution to the
Mideast conflict is unlikely ac-
cording to Jerusalem's Deputy
Mayor Meron Benvenisti. At
least during his lifetime.
Benvenisti was in Ann Arbor
yesterday, taking a break from
a week long lecture tour of the
state. Interviewed at the Hillel
foundation, he indicated that
a peaceful solution to problems
in the mideast would be a long
time in coming.
"THE problems, the realities
are too deep to be solved.
There needs to be many years
of political relations before a
peaceful situation will evolve.
Perhaps in my grandson's life-
"There are different kinds of
peace. In the Hebrew language,
we have two words for peace.
One is a real peace. The other
is a false peace, a peace with
ceasefires which can end at any
time. This is the peace we
have now'"
He continued, "The mideast
is a very fliid situation. Right
now, there is no military war.
Negotiating is a different war,"
CONCERNTNG the Palestinian
situation, Benyenisti said "The
oiiestion is whether or not the
Palestinians are ready to come
to terms with Israel. I cannot
nPaotiate with the Palestinians.
They refuse to anknowledee my
Pyistence as an Israeli national.
It is impossible to negotiate if
vnit are a nonentity. The nepo-
tiatinns dissolve into shouting
See OF IFICIAL, Page 8
Meron lBenvenisti/
Mliami men's society
toldto admit women
MIAMI (AP) If women are not allowed into Iron Arrow'
- the University of Miami's honor society - then Iron Arrow
must pack its wigwams and leave the campus.
That's the sentiment of Dr. Henry King Sanford, the uni-
versity's president, who has vowed to force the society off
campus if it doesn't admit women.
"THE UNIVERSITY can no longer be a part of any activity
that excludes -members of its academic family only on the basis
that they are women," said Stanford, himself a meiber of the
all-male society.
Besides equality, there is also an issue of money involved.
The U.S. Department of Health, Educatipn and Welfare has
threatened to halt $40 million in federal grants to the univer-
sity if Iron Arrow remains on campus and continues its mem-
bership ban on women.
THE 1,318-MEMBER SOCIETY has until Dec. 30 to agree
to accept women members or disassociate itself from the uni-
versity. This year, for the first time since 1926, Iron Arrow
did not select any new members.
"It's a shame," said John Benedict, a 1971 alumnus and
chief of the society. "A lot of traditions have bitten the dust
around here in the last few years.
A move reportedly is underway to change the group's char-
ter, but similar proposals were rejected in 1972 and 1975.
heard on' campus are now silent. The university refused on
Thursday to give permission for the society to bring its drums
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