Friday, November ., 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Severn Friday, November 5, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wholesale price rise continues Carter may propose WASHINGTON (AP)- Whole-t cent annual rate over the past 1 the past three months, . farm bottlenecks or demand pres- m ajor 7 taX cut ale prices jumped sharply, in three months.,For the past 121 prices have fallen at a 10.9 per sures. ctobei- for the second straight months, prices rose 3.5 per cent, cent annual rate while indus- PART OF THE October in- (Clnton--d-from Pag-w*) - l I t is FRI.-SAT. PHIL RECORDS' ROSALIE SORRELS $2.50 / * s s 0i month because of the biggest rise in industrial prices in aI year, the Labor Department re-f ported yesterday. Higher costs for 1977 model cars, fuel and lumber products led a six-tenths of 1 per cent increase in the wholesale price index, a precursor of prices con-. sumers will eventually pay. A DECLINE in farm prices kept the over-all index from rising more sharply. Although the October increase was smaller than September's nine-tenths per cent spurt, the report indicated continuing strong inflationary pressures on the economy. President-elect Jimmy Carter has agreed with President Ford that inflation will be a serious concern next year and will prob- 1 ably be in the range of six per1 cent for the year.1 DURING THE presidential campaign, Carter said the gov- ernment should play a more' active role in getting 1 rivate industry to restrain price in-, creases. Inflation at the wholesale lev- el has increased at a 5.8 per the smallest year-to-year change since November 1971. While the drop in farm prices is good news for grocery shop- pers, the industrial price trend is a more disturbing sign for the economy. ECONOMISTS follow move-, ments in industrial prices - which make 'up more than 70 per cent of the wholesale price index - more carefully than farm prices because industrial price changes are likely to have a prolonged impact on the over- all price level. Food prices, even after adjustment for sea- sonal influences, fluctuate from month to month. Industrial prices have been rising steadily for the past five, months - increasing by five- tenths per cent in June, seven- . tenths in July and August, nine- tenths in September and 1 per cent last month. The October rise was the sharpest 'monthly increase since last October when they rose 1.2 per cent. Farm prices fell 1.2 per dent in October following a 1.9 per cent rise in September and de- clines in July and August. Over trial prices climbed at an 11 per cent annual rate. JOHN HENDRICK, the Com- merce Department's chief econ- omist, said he welcomed the slowdown in the rate of increase in the over-all index from Sep- tember to October. But he add- ed that he was disturbed by the trend in industrial prices. "This suggests that unless we get some moderation in indus- trial prices, the over-all index might rise more in future months," he said. Kendrick said he cannot un- derstand why industrial prices are going up so fast because the economy has not been pro- ducing at capacity and there, d o not appear to be too many crease was due to a 3.6 per cent rise in motor vehicle pric- es, reflecting price tags on new model cars and trucks; a 2.6 per cent increase in, prices for energy products, including pe- troleum and natural gas; and' higher lumber prices because of the recent increase in home- building. Falling prices for hogs and grains led the decline at the farm level. These offset higher prices for cattle, eggs, coffee and produce. ' Especially significant for fu- ture trends was a 4 per cent jump in crude material prices in October. Price movements for these materials usually sig- nal broader trends several months in advance. -i AIU iy piedgec to cut unemploy- when he will take office. ment and inflation, said his WHEN CARTER was asked mandate had been very broad- to what he attributed his vic- based and said of his campaign tory, he replied that there were promises: "They are not only a numbertof reasons, citing a possible, but I predict they will desire on the part of the Amer-' be achieved."j ican people to see greater ar- In an opening statment, Cir- mony between the White House ter stressed the need for coop- and Congress, a desire for a eration between the President change and a desire to see more and the Congress and added: aggressive leadership demon- "I deeply need the support of strated by the President. all the pple as "I'll be very. aggressive in all the American people as we keeping my promises to the approach the time for a new American people," Carter stat- administration next January." ed. HE CONTINUED: WPa "W ' . F > t r G "Rosalie- Sorrels has about as many frxnds, lovers. cults and devotees as a singer and a worim can have without being do'wn-right famous . . . ,joyous, sad, hard-nosed, tender . . . her songs are sung in a voice that has been lived in, a cutting voice that caresses a song with familiarity busnotneces- sarily genitleness."-Rolling Stone SUN.-Adelphi Records' Paul Geremia Paul Geremia is best known for his excellent renditions of coun- try blues . ,. he is an expert on the guitar and the best "on the rack" harp player in the coun- try. He ,is also a fine singer- songwriter whose material has been heavily influenced by the flavor of traditional country blues. . He was asked if he felt he had been given enough of a mandate in Tuesday's election, to be able to fulfill all his campaign promises. CARTER, WHO had particu- %A,. sIIINU ,. 1/: we ca n I do everything, it's going to re- quire a 'great deal of coop- eration between myself as! President-elect, other members' of the administration ... and the Congress." 1421 Hill 8:30 761-1451 Students discuss. ticket sales policy (Continued from Page 1) procedures for that line. "If that (design of rules by the first group) is Michigan tradi-x tion, we could do it for anything from tuition to registration,"! said a former student member' of the Board/'in Control of Inter- collegiate Athletics who declined to be, identified. THE ATHLETIC Department has stated that regulations gov- erning ticket lines are a student matter. During November, SOB will develop several sets of ticket sales regulations to be presented to students during anI all-campus election in Decen- ber. programming ticket distribution into the computer registration (CRISP) procedure. Currently, students receive coupons which may be traded for football tickets during spring registra- tion. A MAIL order procedure, sim- ilar to that used for some con- certs at the Power Center, was also suggested. Suzanne Young, Events Director for the Univer- sity Activities Center (UAC) op- posed a mail-order policy say- ing, "It will only add to ticket sales bureaucracy." "Besides," she added, "Some people say they are willing to spend two days in line." WVIN A FREE WINDJMMERCRUISE. GARGOYLE, U. of M.'s own humor magazine, is giving away a free 6 day Windjammer Caribbean cruise. To win, put your names address and phone number on a card or paper. Write "I READ THE GARGOYLE" across the top and leave'the ccird with any participating store on State St., N. University, S. University or Liberty St., the cards will- be picked up and a winner will be chosen. Full rules and information may be found in the Fall 1976 GARG or at the Student Publications Building. THE DEADLINE IS NOV.-10, 1976. GAFRGOYLE A Foolish in discretion r r / "I would set up a lottery to distribute tickets by computer,"c said Ralph Digaetno, one of the non-board members. "It's really not fair for anybody 'in line to represent more than f o u r+ others."' Other suggestions included Israeli woman a 'p ilot b accident (Continued from Page 1) "I didn't want to do what they wanted me to do," she said, "So I went into flying." THE ONLY FEMALE in her class, she, was an in- triguing f i g u r e to the officers. Their attitude, she. said, was "to let her go along as far as she can. I got more training and more variation than most of my friends in the Air Force." Her only combat mission was in the 1956 war, when she co- piloted the lead plane dropping paratroopers over the Sinai pen- insula. Shortly after her training, the Air Force, after repeated bad luck with women flight cadets, decided against training more women in flight school. "AFTER I FINISHED my mil- itary duty in '54, there has been a big regression as far as wom- en in the army are concerned." Now in her 40's, Rom said' that "In the 50's when I joined the army, they (women) were still in active duty." Women's jobs in the army are now restricted largely to clerical work, despite the man- datory training they undertake., SPLANT SALE 4 AND CPLANT SUPPLIES Saturday, Nov.6t c 10 o.m.-4 p.m. 1724 Hermitage, Ann Arbor ( so<=o<= oe= o<=> Among other possible revisions discussed during the hearing were ticket distribution at ran- dom by student I.D. number and student choice of tickets from a designated class priority sec- tion. MAJOR EVENTS OFFICE PRESENTS GO BLUES Fri. Nov. 19 G LE Hill Aud.-8 p.m. Roosevelt -E spi:}ti::g."yJC C Sykes "the country blues Jim .he gpiena I'- - play wiltrdesyta rlli- anike.thesimplyouleans ck an lathe bes."ar TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY PROGRAM AT MIT The Massachusets Institute of Technology is now offering a Master of science Program tn Technology and Policy. This program is d signe for persons wanting to participate in leading the development, use and control 0f technology and its products. Students apply systems approaches to such problems as the I