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November 04, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-11-04

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Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Thursday, November 4, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
President-elect Carter: You
hardly have a mandate


TIMMY CARTER has finally made
it into the White House after
22 long and grueling months on the
campaign trail, and Gerald Ford
becomes the first incumbent Presi-
dent since Hoover to retire early. It
was a good struggle, in retrospect,
but Mr. Carter can hardly say he
has a clear mandate from the Ameri-
can electorate to conduct this coun-
try's affairs for the next four years.
The vote was closer than it has
been for some years: Carter got about
51 per cent of the vote while the
former Grand Rapids Republican
managed 48 per cent. That's a vote
spread of less than two million and
Eugene McCarthy got almost 700,-
000 votes that, if it had been larger,
could have made more of a differ-
And it could have been closer, to
be sure. Many persons, in a moment
of truth, voted for the Georgian -
and not for a third party candidate
- because a vote for Carter was a
vote for jobs and a desire for a bet-
ter overall economic picture.
Still other skeptics voted for Car-,
ter because of his running mate Sen.
Walter Mondale. They believed that
putting him in office would be an
investment In. the future, a solid
path towards some honest progres-
sivism in this country.
REGARDLESS, each and every
voter had his or her reason for vot-
ing the way they did. The results,
however, show that the States are
far from being United. It will be a
Editorial Staff


The President-elect

Rob Meachum

Bill Turque

Jeff Ristine...................Managing Editor
Tim Schick...................Rxecutive 1ditor
Stephen Hersh............. ...Magazine Editor
Rob Meachum................Editorial Director
Lois Josimovich . ... Arts Editor
STAFF WRITERS: Susan Ades, Susan Barry.
DanaBaumann, Michael Beckman, Philip Bo-
knvoy, Jodi Dimtek, Chris Dybdale, Blainec
Fletcher, Larry Friske, Debra Gale, Tom Go-
dell, Eric Gressman, Kurt Harju, Char Heeg,
James Hynes, Michael Jones, ani Jordan,
Lois JoslmoviCh, Joanne Kaufman, David
Keeps, Steve Kursman, Jay Levin, Ann Marie
Lipinski, George Lobsenz, Pauline Lubens, Stu
OcConnell, Jennifer Miller, Michael Norton,
Jon, Pansius; Ken Parsigian, Karen Paul,.
Stephen Pirkover, Christopher Potter, non
Rose, Lucy Saunders, Annemarie Sohisvi, Kar-
en Schulkins, Jeffrey Selbst, Jim Shahin, Rick
Soble, Tone Stevens, Jim Stiron. David
Strauss,'Mike Taylor, Jim Tobin, Lnorn Walker,
Laurie Young, Barbara Zahs.
Photography Staff
Pauline Lubens...... . Chief Photographer
Brad Benjamin............Staff Photographer
Alan Bilinsky................Staff Photographer
Scott Eccker .........Staff Photographer
Andy Freeberg...... Staff Photographer
Christina Schneider.........Staff Photographer
Business Staff
Beth Friedman ............. . .Business Manager
Deborah Dreyfussa..........Operations Manager
Kathleen Mulhern ... Assistant Adv. Coordinator
David Harlan...............Finance Manager
Don Simpson....................Sales Manager
Pete Peterson .......... Advertising Coordinator
Cassie St. Clair,.. .......... Circulation Manager
Beth Stratford............Circulation Director
Sports Staff
Bill Stieg.............Sports Editor
Rich Lerner ............Executive Sports Editor
Andy Glazer ..........,.Managing Sports Editor
Rick Bonino.,.......... Associate Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Tom Cameron, Enid Goldman,
Kathy Henneghan, Scott Lewis. Rick Maddock,
Bob Miller, John Niemeyer, Mark Whitney.
STAFF WRITERS: Leslie Brown, Paul Campbell.
Marybeth Dillon, Ernie Dunbar, Henry Engel-
hardt, Jeff Frank, Cindy Gatziolis, Don Mac-
Lachlan. Rich Ovshinsky, Jim Powers, Pat Rode,
Johns Schwartz.

Hfealth Sc
Question: What is dental plaque? What does it do to your
teeth and what can you do about it?
Answer: According to American Dental Association publi-
cations, plaque is a sticky, colorless, nearly transparent film
which continuously forms on your teeth. It is primarily made
up of bacteria, along with saliva and debris. When ordinary
sugars in the foods you eat come into contact with certain
bacteria found in plaque they form acids and other irritants.
The sticky bacterial plaque then serves to hold the acid to the
tooth surface, allowing it to attack the tooth enamel. If the
enamel breaks down, the bacteria can gain access to the body
of the tooth and cavities may result. Thus, a cavity is not
just a hole in the tooth; it is also a bacterial infection. In ad-
dition, if you do not remove plaque by daily cleaning, it can
begin to thicken and, by mixing with the salts in your saliva,
change into a hard deposit on your teeth below the gumline
and when it accumulates may begin to force the gums away
from the, teeth. This may leave deep pockets which may become
filled with bacteria and pus, and which if left unchecked, may
attack the tissues and bones that support your teeth, leading
to tooth loss.
So what can you do? Make sure you eat a well balanced to
keep your supporting bone and gum tissues healthy. Cut
down on in-between-meal intakes of sugar, especially the types
of sweets that may stick to your teeth (the greatest damage is
done within the first twenty minutes after eating sweet foods).
Make sure to thoroughly clean your teeth daily to remove all
plaque. A good cleaning includes-flossing in addition to brush-
ing. As we noted in one of our early columns, even the most
efficient toothbrushing technique fails to remove all plaque
from the surfaces of the teeth adjacent to each other since it
is physically impossible for the bristles to reach deep into the
inbetween spaces. Dental floss, gently passed between the
teeth and underneath the edge of the gum tissue, aids in
removing dental plaque from the approximating sides of the
teeth beneath the contacting area. It is important to note,
however, that neither toothbrushing nor flossing can remove
calculus once it has formed. This requires a dentist or dental
hygienist. So make sure you have regular dental check-ups.
Finally, check, your mouth for the following warning signs
which may mean you have gum disease. If you have any of
these symptoms, you should consult a dentist as soon as pos-
sible: bleeding gums when you clean your teeth; persistent
bad breath: soft, swollen or tender gums: pus between the
gUms and the teeth: loose teeth: gums shrinking away from
the teeth: any chances in the snaces between your teeth or
in the way your teeth come together.
Question: Is it true that sterility can be caused by some
kind of an immune reaction in the woman to her partner's
Answer: We know it may sound strange but yes, some
partners can be "alegric" to each other physically as well as
emotionally. The vaginal secretions of many sterile women
contain a substance (not found in most normal women) which
inactivates sperm, and the evidence is fairly strong that this
substance is an antibody. It has been found that if some
sterile women are removed from contact with sperm for a
prolonged period of time through abstinence or by use of a
condom, conception may subsequently be accomplished. It has
also been observed that prostitutes are relatively infertile, and
that this infertility does decrease over a period of months
following discontinuation of frequent intercourse with a variety
of males. These observations suggest that there is antisperm
activity which is antibody-like in nature since the removal of
the antigen (any substance which stimulates antibody produc-
tion) seems to lead to a loss of the activity.


Health Educators
\.UM Health Service
207 Fletcher
Ann Arbor, Mich.
SpringLe bElham Elahi

(erald R. Ford

hard task for the President-elect to
bring together the pieces.
The message is perfectly clear,
Mr. Carter. It is now up to you to give
us the jobs, the security, the health
care, the tax and criminal justice re-
form, the environment and, yes, the
honesty that . we have been without
under the Nixon/Ford Administra-
tions, but that we so desperately


Very recently a University of Nebraska researcher induced
infertility in female test animals by giving them a chemical
substance containing sperm antibodies. In order to restore the
fertility the female animals had to abstain from intercourse
for a period of time. Other researchers are exploring the
possibility of using locally applied substances to suppress the
sperm antibodies, so contact with sperm need not be.avoided.
Although still in its infancy, the future of immunocontraception
and conception looks interesting.
Please send all health related questions to:

Letters should be typed
and limited to 400 words.
The Daily reserves the
right to edit letters for
length and grammar.

The Price of Gold
T GRADUATED the other day and saw a copy
of the diploma I would get in the base-
ment of the LSA Building. The diploma wasn't
gilded and that bothered me because the Clas-
sics Department had taught me all important
declarations and documents had to have a bare
minimum of gold edges, preferably in a lace
design. However, I managed to reconcile my-
self to an ungilded diploma. But then I was
told it would take four months to get it be-
cause my credits had to be checked for LSA
So I looked in the paper for a job. The
only one my 147 credits of coursework fitted
into was enveloping 500 letters a day for $10.
I thought I'd give it another try and check
some places myself in the vicimt y. Thenext
day I waited forty minutes for a dial-a-ride
until I called again and found out no one had
been sent for me. I walked to State Street and
tried to hitch a ride. A bus enveloped me with
carbon monoxide, two grade-school children in
a station wagon stuck out their tongues, and
one young woman was polite enough to tell me
she really would like to help me but had seen
FBI statistics about rape and assault in Ann
'FINALLY, A FELLOW in a VW, looking more
like a platypus than a bug, gave me a ride.
I found out he had just gotten a Ph.D. in Nat-
ural Resources and had found a job with the
State Forest Service. I asked him if he would
be preserving our flora for future generations.
He told me that the Forest Commissioner re-
cently decided Mother Nature knew the ins and
outs of keeping forests better than humans who
didn't have even one viable molecule of chloro-
phyl or cellulose in them, even though in his
case his Ph.D. diploma was printed on cellulose

then, more enlightened about Mother Nature and
wondering why natural resource majors don't
learn more about the art of gate-keeping. I
got to a prestigious research institute studying
fusion in Ann Arbor. I spoke with the person-
nel manager and told him I majored in physics
and math and that I was willing to do any
kind of work. The gentleman told me he thought
I was quite qualified but since I only had a
bachelor's degree that wouldn't do. I thanked
him for his help and said that I may come
back if I ever get a Ph.D.
14E THEN SAID that was the thing to do
but that I should apply for the job just
before I get my Ph.D. because without the de-
gree I wouldn't be too qualified for a job. He
told me the suicide rate for Ph.D.'s was too
high and the only position I could hold with
one would be the gate-keeper. He was kind
eough to explain that the gate-keeper suicide
rate was extremely low since the guard-booth
was too short to hang oneself with one's belt
and that's the only position they'd feel safe giv-
ing them. I got up and shook hands, thanking
him for explaining the situation in such de-
tail. Just as I was leaving the room, he called
me and said, "Your application form says you're
a University graduate. I didn't see that. The
National Science Foundation funds us and in
their fine print there is a clause to the ef-
fect that graduates from institutions of higher
education without gilded diplomas are not eligi-
ble to be on NSF-funded projects. That's the
/way the atom boinces you know." At that point
I cursed myself for not ever having been able
to get into an art class at the Art School be-
cause they were always filled and painting
courses didn't fall within the category of "lib-
eral arts" education espoused by the college of
LSA. If I had had such a course, I could have
gilded my diploma myself.
That afternoon I went to The Daily and man-
aged to get a job as a columnist in exchange
for 5-cent cokes. I thought O.D.ing on sucrose
might help me to forget the auriferous limita-
tions' of man and cellulose.

Editorial positions represent a
consensus of The Daily Editorial staff.
News: Bill Turque, Jeff Ristine, Jim
Tobin, Pauline Toole, Bill Yaroch
Editorial Page: Rob Meachum, Jon
Arts Page: Lois Josimovich
Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens


the governor had happened to have just
the Forest Services' budget the week
I found out he was to be a gate at-
at a state park. I promptly got off by

Non-e lec tion


title IX
Te The Daily:
AT TODAY'S meeting of the univer-
sity's Women's Commission, I presented
the following resolution:
"The Women's commission of the Uni-
ver~ity of Michigan wishes to reaffirm
their commitment to equal educational
opportunity for women.
"In this regard, we support the cur-
rent Title IX complaint filed against the
University for its continued support of
Michiguama, an all male senior recog-
nition society."

ABOUT A MONTH ago, I signed up
for a LS&A Student Government Com-
mittee appointment.. Each time I con-
tacted them, I was told they would
call me back to arrange an interview
appointment. I never once received a
I am disgusted with the operation of
the LS&A Student Government. It dem-
onstrates a lack of enthusiasm and ef-
ficiency, and portends overall ineffec-
tiveness. How can such an organiza-
tion, which aims at improving relations
between the University and its students,
accomnlish anything if it is not hia

of Issues." Indeed it took me back to
my first term on campus back in fall
1969. Was this because the article viv-
idly recreated the radical movement
which animated life in those days?
Not exactly. Actually, it reminded me
of an essentially similar article which
you published in September 1969 - and,
I believe, every year since. The theme
is always the same: "Students are apa-
thetic" and "The Sixties are over."
The evidence is always the same, too.
Students are indifferent to electoral poli-.
tics. They subordinate their own desires
and ideals if anv. to the demands of

ply because they have to transform
themselves into the human capital which
we must all exchange for the right to
This reality used to be obscured by
"issues," but not any more. We're all
going to spend the rest of our lives
in the world of work - a system of
forced labor without even the pretense
of democracy, equality, privacy, dignity
or personal freedom. Students have re-
sponded as we have been schooled to
respond, as isolated, interchangeable
competitors - individuals without indi-
viduality - but it turns out you 'may

The Da
decide not to decide is to decide. Don't
waste your vote - don't cast it!
Bob Black, '73
October 24
To The Daily:
ON FRIDAY, October 29 and Satur-
day, October 30, The Daily published
certain statements about GEO. On Fri-
day, it was said that we had put a
drastically revised and reduced econom-
ic proposal on the bargaining table. This
is not true. Bob Milbraith expressed
only his personal sentiment on this is-
sue. The nronosnl "nnted" hv Mr. Mil-

ly committed 4o educational quality, af-
firmative action/non-discrimination, and
economic equity. Whether these objec-
tives are achieved in the long-run and
by degree in the short run is also im-
portant to our membership.
Lastly, GEO's structural backbone is
its representative steward's council. Ste-
ward's deal directly with membership,
and communicate positions and opinions.
Steward's provide the essential commu-
nication link - they deliver informa-
tion, and they inform the Union of mem-
bership sentiment. Steward's this fall
have been very active and in touch with

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