Wednesday, November 3, 19' It'- S (Continued from Page 1) 1,182,7/o votes (51 per cent), Carter ha 1,115,611 votes (48 per cent) and McCarthy had 31,481 votes, aoout one per cent. NEW YORK shaped up as Carter country, giving the for-I mer Georgia governor 41 im- portant electoral votes, but the White House asked state offic- ials to impound the ballots and voting. machines in the . state. Presidential Press Secretary Ron Nessen said a Republi- can campaign worker in this' state informed a senior presi- dential aide that he had reason to believe it was important to take "steps to ensure the se- curity of the ballots." The impounding of machines is not unusual in close elec- tions. With 86 per centiof the state's precincts reporting, Carter had won in New York 51-49, with a popular vote margin of near- ly 100,000 votes. THE OTHER states in Car- ter's victory column were a roster of the South, save for Virginia. Only there did Ford crack his rival's solid Southern support. To that base, Carter -added New York, Pennsylvania, border states and Democratic' bastions of the northeast. He was also leading in California, 50-49. Carter win five of the ten biggest states. Ford woni one, New Jersey, with the other four undecided.l Ford, elsewhere, was strong-! est in the farm belt and thej west. HERE ARE how some of the state-by-state vote totals were shaping up: In Illinois, with 73 per- cent of the precincts tallied, Carter had a bare 50-49 lead, with 1,- 649,340 votes to Ford's 1,638,1 820. Ford was leading in Ohio, 50- 49, with 1,718,299 'votes. Carter had slightly less than 1.7 mil- lion. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three _ _ . __ _ e ent arter ! i Bullard re-elected; other state races undecided Delaware, Alabama, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Mary- land, Minnesota, North Caro- lina, Louisiana, Texas, Missouri and Hawaii. There was no immediate re- sponse to the request from New York, but if the early pro- jections hold, Carter could win even without the state's votes. South, save only Virginia, Ford's' one victory in this region of his rival. Carter's biggest single prize was New York, where Ford had held a -shaky lead in the early counting. There, the Democrat' captured 41 electoral votes; in Texas, he won another 26. He won also in Massachusetts, for 14, and in Florida, for 17. That gave him four of the 10 biggest' states where, by the arithmetic 'f the electoral college, presi- On the Ford victory list werea Indiana, Kansas, Connecticut, Nebraska, Idaho, Utah, New Jersey New Hampshire, Colo- rado. Wyoming, Arizona, Alas- ka, Virginia, Iowa, New Mexico, and Vermont. Democratic National Chair- man Robert Strauss said the pattern looked like a Carter victory to him. Carter flew to Atlanta, planning a victory rally, his speech of triumph already But the outcome of the tion hinged on late returns major states in both the and West, where' races elec- from East were thus, by his election night analy- sis, Ford had to sweep the other states. An Associated Press survey of voters taken outside 100 polling places across the nation showed Ford and Carter drawing on the traditional bases of Republican and Democratic support. Carter was taking 85 per cent of the black vote, 59 per cent of the labor vote. Ford was gaining 58 per cent of the ballots cast by college graduates, 67 per cent of the voters with incomes over' $20,000 a year. Here are how some of the state-by-state vote totals were shaping up: Ford was holding a wavering lead over Carter in Virginia, a pivotal southern state, with a 10,000-vote margin after 90 per cent of the returns were in. In New Hampshire, the Presi- dent inched ahead of Carter by a 52-47 per cent margin, after a third of the state's precincts had been counted. Alabama, predictably, gaveE Carter a good margin of victory, winning with more than 100,000 votes after 65 per cent of the votes had been tabulated. Carter carried South Carolina by a 57-43 margin, putting that state back in the Democratic column for the first time in 16 years.Hepiled up a 70,000 vote edge over Ford with 63 per cent of the precincts count- ed. Ford voted in an elementary school in his old Michigan con- gressional district, then flew back to Washington and the WhiteIHouse after an emotional farewell to Grand Rapids. At the unveiling of an airport mural depicting his career, Ford wept, and in a cracking, campaign-hoarsened voice, told his neighbors that he owes ev- erything he is "to my mother and father." In Plains, Carter got three hours' sleep on election eve, spent five minutes marking his ballot, dnd said he'd voted for "Walter Mondale and his run- ning mate." Outside the cinder block poll- ing place, close by the railroad tracks, Carter said he was sat- isfied with the campaign he waged. "I did the best I could," he said. Then he went down to his peanut warehouse to look things over and inspect the books. In Afton, Minn., Sen. Walter Mondale said he had voted "for Jimmy Carter and his running mate." He waited in line to cast his ballot, and said "I'm so tired I don't know what I'm doing." (Continued from Page 1) lead. The all pointed to the Uni- versity's finances as the major issue of the campaign: Each has posed plans to help the University obtain additional funding, most likely from the federal government. IN ONE OF the most import- ant of the state contests, ten candidates vied for three seats. For the eight-year term in- cumbent Thomas G. Kavanagh beat Democrat Roman Gribbs, Libertarian Wilson Hurd, Re- publican Joseph Swallow, and American Independent James Wells. The two-year term was won by James Ryan who beat Democrat Charles Kaufman. The third seat for a six-year term was a dead heat between Republican Lawrence Lindemer The largest atoll in the world is Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands, in the central Pacific Ocean. The world's longest fjord is the Nordvest Fjord arm of the Scoresby Sund in eastern Greenland. and Democrat James Moody. Human Rights candidate Zol- ton ,Ferency was a poor third. ALTHOUGH THE race is sup- posed to be non-partisan, can- didates must be nominated by a political party, except for in- cumbents ho can nominate themselves. The Democrats, at their State Convention in August rejected bids by Ferency and Kavanagh for nomination for the two- and eight-year terms respectively, apparently for their failure to follow the Democratic Party line. Ferency has angered many Democrats over the years for his radical political positions and for bolting the party to run for Governor on the HRP ticket two years ago. KAVANAGH, an incumbent justice, voted against the Demo- cratic majority on the court on a reappprtionment plan which was promoted by the Demo- crats - losing their favor and re-nomination as well. In place of these two the Dem- ocrats nominated Kaufman and Gribbs respectively. Gribbs is a former mayor of Detroit, while Kaufman is a 12-year vet- eran of the Wayne county Cir- cuit court. Upon being denied nomina- tion by the Democrats, Kava- nagh nominated himself and Ferency accepted the HRP nom- ination for the six-year term. Ferency is running against Moody who describes himself as "a shade left of center on most matters but on ,uman rights a "liberal." The other candidate, Lindemer was appointed to the court in 1975 is a former Uni- versity Regent and a conserva- tive. Kaufman's opponents, for the two-year term, Ryan, a moder- ate who was also appointed last year. Swallow, a circuit court judge, charged the court with "gen- erating a disrespect to law" by overturning lower court rulings on technicalities. The two candi- dates nominated by minor par- ties, Wells and Hurd, both ad- mitted frort the start that they had little chance of winning. Their campaigns were almost invisible and it took Hurd's par- ty headquarters a month to dis- cover he had even been nom- inated. Postill defeated by Minick IA.r Pnoro JIMMY CARTER, his wife Rosalynn and their daughter Amy arrive in Atlanta yesterday where they awaited voting results. With over h elf of the count reported, Carter had a slight edge over President Ford, but CARTER carried his t1eorgia still extremely close and un- home, as expected, by a 68-32 settled as of midnight. margin. Ford was rolling up an early He was pulling ahead of Ford ;lead in California, leading Car- in a key state, Mississippi, by lea in ,alifoni leading Car- a 51-48 margin after 83 per !ter 53 per' cent to 46 pe cent cent of the state's votes were with ? five per cent of the counted. Mississippi is, worth state' 7incts counted. seven electoral votes. s Pennsylvania a n d Illinois, Carter's biggest margin of where Carter led, and Ohio,, victory come in the District ofe where Ford was leading, were Columbia, where he wrapped other pivotal states, more imp up a whopping 83 per cent of ! portant to the President than to the vote. With all the district's Carter. By the account of his precincts reporting, Carter had own campaign manager, Ford' 79,198 votes to the President's had to carry all three, ptus II- 16,470.' The District is very linois and California, if he was heavily black. I to gain the national mandate he Carter also carried Kentucky,: had sought for so long. Florida, West Virginia, Massa- The states in Carter's victory chusetts, Tennessee, Arkansas, column were a roster of, the the race was still too close to call. dential elections are won or lost. drafted. le talked of plans for Of the big 10, Ford had won the transition to a new Demo- only in New Jersey. cratic administration, and said He led in California and i. he had a list of about 75 names Michigan. + as possible appointees to the It was close in Ford's home Cabinet and other top posts. state, but he was running strong At the White House, a spokes- outside Detroit and its industrial person said President Ford was environs, where Carter did best. confident he would be the win- It was close, too, in Illinois and ner. Ohio. Ford's campaign manager, Carter had won in his Georgia James Baker III, said at mid- home, in Kentucky, the District evening that the President had of Columbia, Florida, West Vir- to win four states out of five ginia, Massachusetts, Tennes- big ones - Michigan,, Ohio, Il- see Arkansas, Delaware, Ala- linois, Pennsylvania and Texas- bama, South Carolina Rhode to win the election. He said he Island, Maryland, Minnesota, was assuming Ford would win N o r t h Carolina, Louisiana, California. Baker spoke before Texas and New York. Carter captured Texas, (and (Continued from Page 1) , member - indicating the union has links with organized crime. WITH 60 PER CENT of the precincts reporting at press time, Minick held a rather safe 37,296 to 25,450 margin over in- cumbent Postill. Steeh, assistant head prose- cutor of Genesee County, said last night, "I feel we were able to raise issues in the campaign that people were not aware of before we went underway. We raised the consciousness of the people." He accused Delhey of at- tempting to "misstate my ex- perience and my stands on the issues", and called the incum- bent "unable to effectively deal with the caseload of the office." DELHEY CLAIMED that his campaign did not have "near as miuch money (as Steeh's)- he bad considerable funds and I didn't." Although Steeh clitg to a narrow lead at press time, sev- eral rural Republican regions had not yet reported their re- turns, and the tallies were far from decisive. Incumbent Democrats Cath- erine McClarv and Kathleen Fojtik retained their seats for county commissioners in the 14th and 15th districts with re- sounding victories over their two closest opponents. With 109 precincts reporting, Fojtik held a convincing 3,205 to 1,058 lead over Republican Robert Jones while McClary led Republican Robert Brandenburg 4,054 to 1,160. In a non-partisan judgeship race, Henry Conlin appeared to have defeated'Burgoyne for the 22nd Circuit's newly created Fifth Court seat. Burgoyne had come under attack by the Wash- tenaw County Bar Association in recent years with charges that she is "non-qualified" to be judge. FYOU CAN DRIVE AUAR, YOU COULD SAVE YOUR FRIEND'S LIFE. For free information, write to DRUNK DRIVER. Box 2345 Rockville. Maryland 20852 Voters also appeared to have rejected two county ballot pro- posals for increased taxes for repairs on roads, -bridges and county buildings. Two other proposals, which increased taxes for acquiring and maintaining county parks and extending the county boun- daries to include Milan, receiv- ed the mandate of the, voters. The parks proposal had been narrowly defeated in last sum- mer's primary election. .-WINTE-R-S COMING wouldn't you rather be in Florida? Stop i and register for a FREE VACATION IN~ DAYT ONA BEACH We will be giving away a trip for two every Saturday. While you're there try one f our sandwiches or our cheesecake. They're great, A6 E - CRu8~ 0 721 E. HURON , Across from Frieze Bldg. OPEN i DAILY A-7, 46VJ0 9 a.m.-midnight SUNDAY Free Delivpry 4 p.m.-midnight in Campus Area LiLJ I U Pierce, rsell Staytuned (Continued from Page 1) pected.' PURSELL had been leading almost all night as Wayne County precincts - predomi- nantly Pursell territory - re-1 ported in and it was not until the Washtenaw County votes weredtallied that the margin eroded. Still, the state senator assumed the countenance of a winner: "I think Ed was just a little too far to the left but he had; a better start in the campaign," he said. "However, I did well in the debates and people thought I'd be the most effec- tive." The photo finish for this con-' test is a fitting climax for a campaign which was nip - and- tuck to the very end due to the heterogeneous nature of the bat- tle ground. It consisted of ur-I ban and rural districts, blue and white collar constituents and the most densely student-j populited sector in the state.- Pursell campaigned on the standard Republican platform, espousing the need for a bal- anced budget and 7a strong de- fense while Pierce played up his med al background in strong- ly, advocating the need for na- tional health insurance, and proposed substantial cuts in the defense budget. "I THOUGHT my opponent did not really discuss the real issues," Pierce complained last night. "I was disappointed with the general tone of the cam- paign. I think he knew I was ahead and I think he was just criticizing me without putting forward his stance on the is- sues." Late last night, a spokesman at Pierce's headquarters pre- dicted that the race was so close "Whoever wins will take it with a margin of less than 1,000 votes." Meanwhile, at Pierce head- quarters, the doctor-turned-pol- itician dismissed suggestions that he was running on Car- ter's coat tails, saying, "Well, I'm running ahead of Carter. I hope he'll do better, though." Arby's'' ROAST BEEF SANDWICH TWO LOCATIONS: ANN ARBOR-3021 Washtenaw YPSILANT)-3015 Washtenaw ARBY'S TWO ARBY'S CLUB PLATTER ROAST BEEF 50c off SANDWICHES Arby's Club Sandwich $ 50 One Coupon i i Crispy Potatoes ; per customer Cole Slow per sale Iy _ (LIMIT 4 PLATTERS) (LMITOF8) * Offer Valid thru Dec. 15, i Offer Vaid thru Dec. 15, U S1976 at a lil participating E 1976 at al1l participating *Arby's * Arby's £ mm mm m m m m m.rsrrmm mmmm mmmm mm m s Doily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN Pursell A HOPEFUL CARL PURSELL awaits the final election re- turns at Republican headquarters last night. The Congres- sional race was at a deadlockk as votes continued to be counted late into the night. STOP.7 MICHIGAN YEARBOOK ONSALE U-M ALL CAMPUS Student Run, Student Produced Year-in- Buy NOW before the price increase in November. MICHIGANENSIAN-The Year-in-Review. Limited Supply --first come, first served. Please reserve one copy of the 1977 MICHIGANENSIAN ® i my name. I have enclosed a check for $10.00.1 U ti understand I can pick up the book in early April. ! Name__ Phone Ann Arbor Address___ --- ________ a - -