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November 03, 1976 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page



:43, a t I

See Today for Details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVIf, No. 48

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 3, 1976

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Ten Cents

Ten Pa nes.,




From Wire Service Reports
Democrats - easily kept control of the Senate and
appeared to be increasing their current 62-38 margin by
several seats as returns were tallied for 33 Senate races
last night.'
The party was also holding on to its two-to-one majority in
the U. S. House.
Democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan wrested a seat from
Republican Conservative James Buckley in a tight Senate race
in New York.
BUT AT LEAST four other Senate incumbents-Joseph Mon-
toya (D-N.M.); Vance Hartke (D-Ind.); J. Glenn Beall (R-ld.)
and Bill Brock (R-Tenn.) - were defeated in their bids for
Meanwhile, millionaires John Rockefeller (D-W. Va.) and
Pierre duPont (R-Del.) won their races for 'state governors.
In Illinois, Republican James "Big Jim" Thompson wasj
leading in an important race against Michael Howlett, the
Democrat hand-picked for the statehouse by Chicago Mayor
Richard Daley.
MOYNIHAN, who presented a traditional, liberal Demo-
cratic case against Buckley's strongly conservative views, piled
See DEMS, Page 2

Big states
hold key
From Wire Service Reports
Jimmy Carter held only a paper-thin lead over Ger-
ald Ford in popular votes early this morning, but the
electoral vote picture made it look like the Georgian
was on the verge of realizing his long, tiring quest for
the presidency.
With 67 per cent of the nation's precincts report-
ing, Carter was winning with a 51 per-cent margin and
over' 28.2 million votes. Ford, with nearly 26.5 million
votes, had 48 per cent and Eugene McCarthy, whq the
Democrats feared would spoil the race in some states,
had one per cent.
CARTER HAD won 18 states, giving him 211 of'the
270 electoral votes needed for victory. He was leading
in seven others, which, if carried, would give him 327
electoral votes-and the White Houe.
Ford had captured 16 states, with 108 electoral
votes, and was leading several others for a tentative to-
. _ tal of at least 211 electoral votes.
It was a close race throughout the evening and
early morning hours, as the pollsters had predicted.
AP Photo Reports of heavy voter turnout all across the nation-
rally in traditionally good news for Democrats-turned sour
later in the day as it was clear Carter had not swept
to an early, inevitable victory.
FORD CAPTURED the 21 electoral-votes of his home
state, Michigan, despite the earliest returns which
showed a whopping lead for his challenger. At 1:02 a.m.,
Ford had 949,349 Michigan votes (50 per cent) and Car-
ter had 969,830 (49 per cent). McCarthy was getting
the other one per cent, with over 26,000 votes.
New York, with its 41 important electoral votes, was
shaping up as Carter country, but the White House
asked state officials to impound the ballots and voting
. machines in the state. Presidential Press Secretary Ron
he level of Nessen said a Republican campaign worker in the state
ective and informed a senior presidential aide that he had reason
to believe it was important to take steps "to ensure the
eached its See FORD, Page 3
he Detroit .
etailed ac-
rital affair
an unpaid
gle imme-

JIMMY CARTER AND GERALD FORD both arrived home yesterday;' Carter waves to neighbors and friends at a
Plains, Ga., while Ford and his wife, Betty, greet supporters at the White House.




From staff reports

AN EXUBERANT Senator-elect Donald Riegle announces vic-
tory ,ver Republican contender Marvin Esch last night
at his Cobo Hall.election headquarters.
Regents uncertain
From Wire and Staff Reports
Democratic Rep. Perry Bullard handily won re-election last
night over Republican challenger John Dietrich. But as of press
time, outcomes of other key state races, including those for State
Supreme Court and two seats on the University Board of Re-
gents, remained very much in doubt.
With about a fifth of the vote counted, Bullard leads Dietrich
by a margin of 5891 to 3366.
BULLARD'S weak opposition allowed him to focus his cam-
paign on controversial issues avoided by many other candidates.
This was most evident in his avid support of proposal A, which
would ban throwaway bottles in Michigan.
Dietrich attributed his loss to a late start and a lack of funds.
"We didn't really have the money to buy media coverage,"
said Dietrich, who owns a printing company in Ann Arbor. He
had been basing his hopes for election on the premise that the

Democrat Donald Riegle eas-
ily defeated his Republican op-
ponent, Marvin Esch, for the
U.S. Senate seat left vacant by
retiring Sen. Philip Hart, despite
a last-minute campaign aimed
at destroying his character.
With 47 per cent of the votes
counted, Riegle -had gained 56
per cent of the vote as against
Esch's 44 per cent.
AT 11:33 last night, Esch con-
ceded defeat, saying: "I'd rath-
er lose in a cause that is right
than lose in a cause that is
wrong." He sent a telegram of
congratulations to Riegle.
Addressing a crowd of some
500 elated supporters at the
Cobo Hall in Detroit, Riegle
spoke of "the tremendous re-
sponsibility of trying to follow a
man like Phil Hart" and promis-
ed to be "a fighter in the Sen-
Riegle, 38H is a ten-year vet-
eran of the House of Represen-
tatives. The first seven years he
spent as a Republican. The son
of a former Republican mayor
of Flint,rhe won his seat in Con-
gress from a well-entrenched
Democratic incumbent at the
age of 28.
BUT RIEGLE left the GOP in
1973, after dramatically repud-
iating the policies of then Presi-
dent Richard Nixon and support-.
ing the 1972 candidacy of George
McGovern. A vehement critic of
the Vietnam war, alienated both
from the party he left and the
one he embraced, he has spent
the last three years as a political

E-ch, who has also been in
the House for 10 years, was de-'
scribed by Ralph Nader as "his
own man." The 52-year-old Ann
Arborite is a moderate Republi-
can who has been a plodding but
effective legislator. Unlike his
flamnboyant opponent, Esch has
quietly steered an impressive
number of bills through the
House. /
A University graduate, -Esch
also received his doctorate in

speech here before moving to'
Wayne State University to mach.
He served two years as a state
Senator before being elected to
Congress in 1966.
offered Michigan voters a dis-
tinct choice between a middle-
of-the-road Republican and an
aggressively liberal Democrat,
and the two candidates found
ample opportunity to clash on a

ouse race tied

wide range of issues.
Nevertheless, the
quickly decayed to t
vicious personal inv
wanton innuendo.
The mudslinging r
lowest point when t
News published a d
count of an extrama
Riegle once had with
staff member. Rieg
diately blasted the

From staff reports
Both Republican candidate
Carl Pursell and Democrat Ed
Pierce sweated it out early this
morning as the race for the
Second Congressional District
seat remained in a dead heat,
With 53 per cent of the vote
tallied, Pierce just hedged Pur-,
sell, exceeding the Republican's
51,575 totalby a mere 400
PURSELL had been leading
almost all night as Wayne'
County precincts - predomi-
nantlv Pursell territory - re-
ported in and it was not until
the Washtenaw County votes
were tallied that the margin

eroded. Still, the state senator
assumed the countenance of a
"I think Ed was just a little
too far to the left but he had
a better start in the campaign,"'
he said. "However,aI did well
in the debates and people
thought I'd be the most effec-
Although optimistic, Pierce-
the liberal medical doctor with
no legislative experience-ap-
peared somewhat uneasy after
the early Wayne County re-!
"I'M NOT doing tod good,"
he admitted. "I was expecting'
39 per cent in Wayne County.

It looks like I'm only getting
35 per cent."
The photo finish for this con-
test is a fitting climax for a
campaign which was nip - and-
tuck to the very end due to the
heterogeneous nature of the bat-
tle ground. It consisted of ur-.
ban and rural districts, blue
and white collar constituents
and the most densely student-
populated sector iry the state.
Pursell campaigned on the
standard Republican platform,
espousing the need for a bal-
anced budget and a strong de -
fense while Pierce played up his
medical background in strong-
ly advocating the need for na-
tional ' health insurance, and
proposed substantial cuts in the
See PIERCE, Page 3
from Wire Service Reports
Proposal.A - the cQntrover-
sial ballot issue that would ban
throwaway beverage bottles and
cans in the state - appeared to
have passed by a margin of
nearly 2-1 last night, with a
vote of 142,866 to 82,082 as of
2 o'clock this morning.
Additionally, the other three
state-wide ballot propositions
were losing overwhelmingly.
dorsed by Gov. William Milliken

ages a smile last night even though his race with Republican
Carl Pursell was deadlocked most of the night.



political mood of the student
electorate had changed.
"Obviously it hasn't," he con-
SAVORING his . victory last
night, Bullard called his effort
"the best I've done so far." He
pointed to his legislative record
as the reason for his good
Bullard's four years in 'Lan-
sing have" been marked by his
supnort of the legalization of
marijuana and his oonosition to
the state nolice's "red sogad."
His liberal voting recordq hmve
brought one hundred ner cent
ratirns from the Puhlic Tnter-
est Pes nrch Gr-in i' Mi-m i-
gan (PTRGTMv). Arn-,ira"' f-~,

inicl easily ousts
iC a bent Pos till

proposals fail

De'morati2 Sheriff Frederick
11-still failed in his bid for re-
letine yesterday as Republi-
^ali TomN Minick - a 16-year
"eter n of the Ann Arbor po-
lice f,)r-e - coasted to a re-
5vvdi' vitory.
\Vla lWh 1?, a Repiubli'an was
tmii' for the county prosecu-
tor post. with 73 of 181 local
'i',e -t 1- renorting. Democrat

Sheriff-elect Minick, who sup-
l)Orts rejoining the controver-
sial Washtenaw Area Narcot-
ics Team (WANT), said last
nig'ht, "I just feel we've come
across in a more honest man-
ner to the public (than Postill):
"I'm not a politician, I'm the
salt-of-the-earth kind of guy."
PISTI I., WHO HAD traded

then attacked Milliken, and Ain
reference to the 1978 Guberna-
torial race, threatened to defeat
him because he supported Pro-
posal A.
"I don't think the battle is
over," Marshall commented.
The state labor group actively
opposed the measure.
The second proposal, one that
would have lowered the age for
state legislators from 21 to 18,
lost by a surprising 3-1 mar-
gin, 50,745 to 161,410.

President, and we can get rid
of a lying Governor."
Proposal D also lost by an
overwhelming margin. The
measure would have imple-
mented a graduated income
tax structure in the state, a
move supporters said would
have made the taxing system
more equitable by taxing resi-
dents strictly according to their
personal income.
As of early this morning the
measure was losing by a vote
of 59.999 to 147,798.

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