Tuesday, November 2, 1976
Page Three
Tuesday, November 2, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three
Ford basks in warm glow
of a Michigan homecoming
Carter, Mondale wrap up
campaign with Flint visit
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(Continued from Page 1) claimed as the crowd broke (Contnued rom age i) #
longed to Ford as well. The into a chant of "We want on narrowly defeated Demo-
partisan parking-lot crowd,un- Ford!" precinct Ta ote inshrdl
daunted by the chilly weather, fKpeicha vodtabnri
waved placards such as "Livo BUT ISSUES' took a back If one more person per
nia Loves Ford" and "Boogie -.seat to home state sentiment precinct had voted in 1968, we'd
with Bty" in the late after- yesterday as the President told never have had Richard Nixon,
noon sun. Television personali- the admiring crowd that "you Watergate and a disgraced
ties Hugh O'Brien, Wayne Rog- can confirm me with your bal- White House, said Carter.
ers and Chuck Connors as well lots, and your prayers truly The Georgian sharply criti-
as several noted Detroit ath- helped. I ask for your support cized the "wall around Wash-!
letes, primed the audience with I promise from the bottom ington that we can't get
pro-Ford commentaries before of my heart that I will not let through" -
the President's arrival. you down." The big-shot crooks go free*
With that plea, several area " . . the tax system doesn't treat
FORD THEN touted the elec high school bands struck up a the average American fairly-...
tion hopes of Republican Sen-.rousing rendition of "The Vic- we lose money every year" due
ate and Congressional candi- tors," and Johnny Orr, coach to the Ford administration, Car-
dates Marvin Esch and Carl I of the University basketball ter said. .
Pursell, who joined Ford and team, presented the former Along with his criticisms of
his wife, Betty, on the podium. I Michigan football center with Ford, Carter spoke of the pos-
The President's remarks - a an autographed basketball. sibilities of a bright future.
reiteration of past statements Hoisting the basketball for Is e andn er "p
and promises - focused on a the. benefit of photographers, isorha, adntdepi,
pair of campaign issues - tax- peace in American because Ford then capitalized on a little phes te priere govern ent r o
es and defense. America is strong." Wolverine appeal. everyohvm a nbeign-o
For cald-Crtrs t I every human being. I see a na-
Never mentioning the Geor- Ford called Carter's plans to "It (the basketball) says, tion that has a new vision for
gian by name, Ford recalled cut the defense budget by $5 'To President Ford from the the future."
that in their first debate, Car- billion "too big a gamble for number, one basketball team',"
ter said he would spend a $60 the United States" and prom- Ford said. "I hope they sink a CARTER said he envisioned
billion surplus in the Federal ised that he would never take lot of buckets next basketball an America where racial 'discri-
treasury on what Ford termed such a gamble. season and (today) we have to mination is eliminated.
"prografn after program." "Not a single American is hit home runs and score some He urged the audience to'
dying on foreign soil," he pro- touchdowns." vote, admitting that the race
"I SAID if there is a $60 bil- ---------is close.
lion surplus, I would give it Iy 'This is part of American
back to the American peoplea Ix X is or political history. Every single
in the form of a tax reduction," t - vote counts," he declared.
Ford declared. "What you do in the next 24
"I believe the best tax re- JACKSON, Miss. (/P)-Minor the GOP would win but "it's not hours can make a difference
form is tax reduction," he party presidential candidate Les- because Ford is all that good." for our country."
continued. "The middle income ter Maddox predicted yesterday He said the key reason was
taxpayer in- America has been that President Ford will defeat "Carter has already derailed his CARTER SPOKE proudly of
shortchanged and we're going Democrat Jimmy Carter in to- campaign. The Democratic poli- his running mate.
to change it in the next Con- day's election. tical establishment has decided "I had an option of choosing
gress." Maddox, the American Inde- to drop Mr. Carter. He's - out of the best person in this country;
"Jerry Ford is for the little pendent party nominee, told a the race." to share the responsibilities of
taxpayer and is opposed to the news conference here that he the vice president. I'm proud
big tax spender," he said. ne corence ere Cate! Maddox also said he felt that I chose Walter Mondale . .."
sexpected Ford to lead Carter by Ins the nation acce ted at Tho i nn
ca isn't lazy. They (Americans)
want to work. They will insist
on a president who puts them
back to work. Carter and Mon-
dale will . . . Republicans are!
praying for apathy. They'll get!
a hint' tomorrow - America is
not apathetic."
Carter concluded his remarks
with another plea to the audi-
ence to get out and vote.
"YOU HELP ME tomorrow,
and I'll help you the next four
Carter's appearance followed'
a stop in California earlier in
the day. At the IMA Hall, he
and Mondale were greeted by
Senate hopeful Donald Riegle,
a Flint native, and a host of
Edward Malloy, a Cleveland
policeman for 18 years, per-
formed as a clown in a circus
Malloy got the chance to play
a clown when he made a suc-
cessful bid on a clown-for-a-day
job offered in a fund-raising
campaign on local television.
"It was just something I
thought I'd like to do," said
the 41-year-old bachelor. "There
was no special reason."
Malloy went all out for his
night in the spotlight. He re-
ceived six free tickets for the
circus, buf bought 27 more,
spending a total of $142. And
other prominent state Demo-
Carter was glowingly intro-
duced by Riegle, who leveled
some charges of his own on
the Ford administration.
"The administration in Wash-
ington is a Nixon administra-
tion. Who hired (Ford economic
advisor Alan Greenspan? Nixon.
Who hired (Secretafy of State)
Henry Kissinger? Nivon. Who
hired Gerald Ford? Richard
Nixon. It's time we get rid of
all of them and take some new
leadership to Washington," urg-
ed Riegle.
Following the speech, Carter
left for his home in Plains, Ga.,
where he will vote today.
U-M Gilbert and
:ISullivan Society
call I
for Spring Production
Persons interested in positions of
Artistic Director, Music Director,
or Set
Designer should contact
Joe Beitel
jIt Pays to Advertise in The Daily
THE PRESIDENT also play-
ed up-his defense record, boast-
ing that "I'm the first president
who can stand before the
American people since Dwight
D. Eisenhower and say Ameri-
ca is at peace. But we are at
1 per cent to 4 per cent in the
popular vote and -10 per cent to
30 per cent in electoral votes.
Maddox, who said his own
campaign was hampered be-
cause newspapers and broad-
casters ignored him, said thatl
least part of the American In-
dependent platform "we're go-
ing to lose the United States of
America.", He said America was
becoming soft on communism
and ignoring basic principles
that made the country great. 4
i eAmnnesotan issuea an
emotional appeal to the people1
of Michigan who he said, "want
housing and education for their
"They care about pur environ-
ment and our country and
they're mad," he said. "Ameri-
State proposals prompt intense
DETROIT (UPI) - The battle
over several statewide proposals
on today's ballot raged into the
final hours yesterday, with the
most strident name-calling cen-
tering on items to ban throw-
away containers and limit state
Proposal A, the highly con-
oversial plan to ban nonre-
turnable beer and soft drink
cans and bottles, drew a charge
from union forces that the idea
would cost Michigan jobs. But
supporters said the opposite was,
ON PROPOSAL C, mandating
a state spending ceiling of 8.3
per cent of total state personal
income 'each year, supporters
threatened to mount a recall
effort against Gov. William Mil-
liken for his alleged distortions
against the idea.
More than 100 workers from
the Owens-Illinois bottle manu-
facturing plant in Charlotte and
their families rallied against
Proposal A, on the Capitol steps
in Linsing, saying they have
been warned by their employ- ate attempt to convince voters not sold deposit-only containers
ers the plant will close if Pro- that jobs will be lost when every in five years.
posal A is approved by voters. j study shows otherwise." Concerning Proposal C, the
Mich -n 'AFL-CIO PresidentI "We think the Michigan voters president of Taxpayers Federa-
William arshall told the crowd will see through this latest dis- tion of Michigan Inc. accused
to ignore polls showing that a tortion and continue to support Milliken of repeated misleading
majority of Michigan voters Proposal A at the polls tomor- statements about the spending
favor the proposal. row." limit. He said Milliken's remov-
"THE ONLY POLL you ought , On the other side, Great al from office may be the only
to listen to is the one that will Scott-Wrigley Supermarkets re- chance for citizens to control
take place tomorrow," Marshall leased results of a straw poll government spending and taxes.
said. "I think the proposal, con- among customers that showed "We got rid of a lying Presi-
trary to what the- press says, is 78 per cent would be willing to dent," said Joel Welty," "and
a tos-up." pay a deposit on bottles and we can get rid of a lying gov-
Marshall got little support cans. The survfy also showed ernor.
from a Detroit News survey 76 per cent preferred return-
that showed support was slip- able to throwaway containers. "IF THE governor and his
ping, but the idea still held a special interest groups are suc-
57-33 per cent lead with 10 per BUT IN another portion of the cessful in deceiving and mis-
cent undecided. survey, shoppers said their ac- leading the voters with the de-
Marshall said union members tual buying habits leaned to cention this time, we feel the
favor stronger efforts to clean nonreturnable containers, par- only way we may prevent ir-
up litter, "but I don't believe tially because the stores have reparable harm to a tax limita-
you can do it by destroying
2,000 jobs." RE-ELECT
that's in addition to $95 he paid
for the bid.
LOGAN, Utah (AP) - Three VISITING LECTURER, OCT. 26-NOV. 5, 1976
top Utah State University ad-
ministrators share the same GONZALO CAST ILLO-CARDENAS
hobby-grandfather clock mak- Member Comunidad Ciencia y Pueblo, an interdisciplinary team of Colombian social
ing- scientists committed to social change. Action-oriented research and community organi-
President Dr. Glen Taggart! zation among Indian and Peasant communities in Colombia. Ph.D candidate Columbia
has already made two clocks. Univ. Soc. and Anthro. of Relig.
He gave one to his son and in- Tues noon No. 2 E.C.C 921 Church St.-
stalled another at the president-T *o N . E,
tial residence on the campus. Public discussion and lunch
Western Society, U.S. Corporations and Christian Missions, confronting Indian cultures
produce a cultural crisis which often proves fatal for the Indian community.
debate - Wed., Nov. 3-Film: WAR OF THE GODS
deba teWed. noon International Center, Nov. 3
Wed. 10 p.m. ECC, 921 Church St., Nov. 3
tion proposal in the future will Chronicles the slow vanishing of South American tribes under the pressure of Euro-
be to conduct a taxpayer revolt American civilization-particularly its missionaries impact.
by recalling from office thei Wed. 4:15, Nov. 3 Aud. A Angell Hall-LECTURE
source of that abused power "WESTERN SOCIETY AGAINST THE INDIAN .IN SOUTH AMERICA: Government
and those untruthful state- Policies, Foreign Corporations and Christian Missionaries-Threats to Indian Survival."
ments." Thur. noon, Nov. 4 International Center
In the 'News poll, Proposal C
still held a 43-38 per cent, ad-! CONVE RSAT ION/DISCUSSION (brown bag)
vantage, but a decisive 29 per GONZALO CASTILLO and invited faculty , (open to the public)
cent still were undecided. DANIEL-LEVINE, Poli. Sci, U of M
Two other statewide proposals KENNETH LANGTON, Poli. Sci., U of M
were behind in the survey. Pro-
posal B to lower the minimum For information-
age for legislators to 18 was Office of Ethics and Religion, 3204 Michigan Union, 764-7442
down 21 per cent to 66 pepr cent,
and Proposal D calling for a
graduated income tax was losing
32-52 per cent.
But in all cases, the News
survey indicated, undecided
voters will have the determining
voice on whether each item
ter the rally, bottle
porters said Proposal
ents "are engaged in
issued af-
ban sup-
A oppon-
a desper-
Catherine McCLARY
C.:.::County Comm.- 'Dist. 1 5--Democrat
3:45 p.m. Rm. 1057 MHRI
"From the beginning of my term I have taken
positive stands on affirmative action. I have
amended the standard non-discrimination clause
in all County contracts to include sexual prefer-
ence and marital status. Also, at my insistance,
the County now uses non-sexist language (s/he
or his/her) on all of its contracts. As a member
of the, Nominating Committee of the Board of
Commissioners, I've worked to increase the role
of women and minorities in professional, admin-
istrative, and policy-making positions."
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