kt GEO reject By SUSAN ADES and KEN PARSIGIAN Six months of GEO drama drew to a close yesterday when 720 ballots, sorted and counted after a three-day strike referendum, revealed decisively that union members did not want to walk off their jobs. N And in the wake of the 498-214 vote, some 300 dejected GEO diehards voted to return to the bargaining table and settle the disputed contract as swiftly as possible. "IT APPEARS THAT MANY PEOPLE have to be great- ly abused before they are willing to take the strong action needed to protect themselves and their economic situation and working conditions," said a dispirited GEO President Doug Moran. At last week's membership meeting, 167 voted to sup- s strike; q port the strike - only 47 less than the 214 who voted for it over the three-day referendum. "These are sobering results," GEO Vice President Nancy Kushigian tqld the members assembled in the Old Architec- ture Auditorium. "If any of us were drunk with our strength or our militance, that is no longer so." CHIEF UNIVERSITY BARGAINER John Forsyth reacted with ambivalence to the vote. "I'm not doing cartwheels," he said. "We still have to reach an agreement; ask me how I feel when we sign a contract." The members did vote to negotiate for a quick contract, but there was heated debate over plans for the, future. Two distinct camps emerged - one pushing for a quick settle- ment, the other, more militant faction advocating a holding juick settlei pattern while building strength for another strike vote in January. ADVOCATING EXPEDIENCY, one CEO bargainer told the group that a quick agreement is crucial because GSAs m *t have a basis on which to submit grievances. "Let's grieve them.to death this year," she said. "Let's make a short-term death into a long-term victory." She added that without an agreement, GEO could not collect agency shop fees vital to the union's survival. But strike organizer Oliver Karsten retorted, "A union that won't fight is not a real union." And Karsten's cohort Marty Halpern said the majority recommendation would lead to "collective begging," not collective bargaining. FORMER GEO LEADER Da've Gordon, who was at the helet likely helm 18 months ago when GSAs walked out, disagreed with Karsten because, as he sees it, another strike vote defeat in January could signal the union's decertification. "I think that it's a temporary setback," Gordon said after the meeting. "They'll realize that if they have to eat a bad contract this time they'll just have to fight harder next time." "You don't get anything without going out on strike," he added. THE MEMBERSHIP SIDED WITH the executive recom- mendation to return to bargaining, 87-57. Nevertheless, the bargainers are proceeding with their hands tied. "We're faced with their (the hiversity's) intransigence and without a strike threat it's going- to be very hard to See GEO, Page 2 4 x GEO SELLOUT See Editorial Page Y Sir Ci~~ D~aitF EJEC;TORAL High--O Lw-30 See Today for Details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No. 47 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 2, 1976 Ten Cents Ten Pages plus Supplement U q Fr MU SEE NEWS HAiPENt CALL. Z-DAIY Getting to the polls If you're confused about where :gou should go to cast your ballot today, take a look at page ten, where there's a complete list of the polling places for every local ward and precinct,. If you have moved recently but haven't changed your registration address, go to the polling place for your old address. The booths close at 8 p.m. If you're still having trouble finding your pre- cinct, give the folks at the City Clerk's office a call (994-2725). Happenings . ... yes, there is something else happening to- day. At'3:30 p.m., Prof. Karen Sinclair of EMU speaks on "The Myth of the King Figure in 17th Century France: An Anthropological "erspective" in MLB Rm. 2012 ... and Dabney Stuart reads poetry at 4 p.m. in the Pendleton Rm. of the Union ... On Wednesday, things start off with a coffee hour for Dabney Stuart, at 10 in the Hop- wood Rm. of Angell Hall ... There's a potluck luncheon for returning students, in Rm. 3205 of the Union, and it starts at 11 ... Frank Petrock, a behavior modification expert, and Jeff Evans speaking to the matter of rehabilitation, discuss "Treatment" at tonight's Project Community pro- gram, MLB Lecture Rm. 2, at 7:30 ... Anthropolo- gist Margaret Mead speaks at Hill Auditorium at 8 ... The Jung discussion group will address itself to "Animus and Ainima, at Canterbury House, the corner of Catherine and Division to- night at 8 ... The day gears down with an in- formal discussion group on (hold on to your socks) "Maximizing your Potential in Relation to your Values: Exploring Dimensions of Ethics and Religion," in the Markley-Concourse Lounge, at 9. It is sponsored by the Office of Ethics and Religion. On the inside .. . The Editorial Page has a near page-full of letters about various and sundry aspects of the election ... Rick Bonino relates Bo's regular Mon- day afternoon luncheon for Sports ... and Arts Page offers a review of Sunday afternoon's Julian Bream concert, by Jim Stimson. On the outside .. . ... Not promising Election Day weather. A cold front will be rolling in with overcast skies today, and the temperature may or may not break 50. Low tonight should be 30-33, With a 40 'per cent chance of rain. Ford Dems wrap u By JENNIFER MILLER special To The Daily FLINT - Democratic hope- fuls Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale joined forces last night to issue an election eve pitch to the voters of Gerald Ford's home state. The crowd of 7,000 at the Industrial Mutual Association Hall was fever - pitched as Car- ter painted a glowing picture of a stronger, better America. "OUR COUNTRY is strong enough to put people back to work, great enough to have a tax system that's fair, to have strong urban centers, and is strong enough to stop inflation and control unemployment," Carter told the frenzied crowd. The audience, on its feet for the entire 25 minutes of Car- ter's and 'Mondale's speeches, jeered loudly at every mention of Ford, his running mate, Robert Dole, and former presi- dent Richard Nixon. Mondale, at times hoarse and DEMOC .almost tearful, pleaded for the stands 1 people of Michigan to "reach date Jin out and touch people, ask them last nigh to help our country. "Wehave to believe, we have to try, we have to care again," BOR said Monday. "We need you so much tonight and tomor- row." Both candidates mentioned the 1968 election, in which Nix- See CARTER, Page 3 Carter blitz Michigan I President g areeted warmly By JAY LEVIN Special To The Daily With Wire Service Reports LIVONIA - President. Ford pulled the card marked "Michi- gan Audiences" fromh his speech file yesterday and ad- dressed a spirited shopping center rally here-his last cam- paign stop before returning to Grand Rapids for an emotional homecoming which drew 70,000 sunnorters. Speaking hoarsely, the buoy- ant President told -a chilled gathering of roughly 15,000 par- tisans at Livonia's Wonderland shouning center, "From, your ranks I comeand with you I stand and will for the next four years." "I DON'T INTEND to con- cede Michigan,"' he told the anoroving throng. "We're go- ing to win it in Michigan." The president's last-minute stop came when polls of the state show his lead over Jimmy Carter hereddwindling. Carter, himself, ended his long quest for the presidency with an ap- "earance in Flint, making a final attempt to win Michigan's prize package of, 21 electoral votes. In -Grand Rapids, Ford wept onenlv before 70,000 chanting neighbors. Thethome folks did not appear to notice what the candidate said. Instead, tlhev used such words from Ford as "President" aid "Betty" as cues for tumult. "W E S T E R N Michigan ran decide the fate of this coun- try the next four years", by rnakin Michigan for Ford and not "arter, he said. Chantinrg of "Let's Go Jerry, Let'q Go Jerry." gave way to a ro Ation of "Tha Victors." The Aaft-roon in Livonia be- See FORI, Page 3 Daily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER RATIC VICE presidential candidate Walter Mondale beside his better known ticket mate, presidential candi- mmy Carter, and waves to a cheering crowd ini Flint ;ht. AP Photo PRESIDENT FORD fakes a shot at an imaginary basket yes- terday during an appearance at a Livonia shopping center. DER BATTLE ER UPTS: ihodesian factions dlash ,BULLETIN DIXVILLE NOTCH, N e w Hampshire, Reuter - The 26 voters in this little town near the Canadian border today gave Gerald Ford 13 votes, Jimmy Carter 11 and Eugene McCarthy one in the first re- sult of the 1976 presidential election. The other vote was declared void because it was not filled out properly. By AP and Rnuter Fierce fighting between Rho- desian troops and nationalist guerrillas was reported yester- day near the Rhodesia-Mozam- bique border. Meanwhile, British diplomat Ivor Richard, chairman of the recessed Rhodesia conference, announced a meeting to discuss setting a target date for the transfer to black majority rule. Mozambique has accused Rho- desia of invading -its territory. The Mozambique news agen- cy said early yesterday that Rhodesians had used "tanks, cannon, mortars, infantry, fight- er-bombers and cavalry" in thrusts on the provinces of Gaza and Tete and referred to the Rhodesian action as "the inva- sion." RHODESIA maintains that it has the right under internation- al law to pursue guerrillas across its borders if they have been involved in attacks inside the country. In a statement, the Rhodesian government spokesman said se- curity forces headqdarters al- ready had announced that "hot pursuit" operations had been un- dertaken. "The reports emanating from Maputo and elsewhere were highly imaginative," he said, adding that more information would be made atailable later. BRITAIN ASKED black and white Rhodesian leaders to meet informally today in Gene- va, Switzerland on the dispute over speeding up the power turnover. The United States was reported pressing Prime Minister Ian Smith to be more flexible on the issue. Through the weekend and yes- terday, Richard has been press- ed by each of the four black nationalist leaders to set a 1977 target date - much earlier than the 1978 date Smith says was fixed as part of a package ne- gotiated during Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's .trip to Africa in September. Sources said Kissinger's as- sistant secretary of state for African affairs, William Schau- fele, met with Smith last night and urged him to be more flexi- ble lest the guerrilla fighting escalate into an all-out race war that could draw in the major powers. SCHAUFELt, who flew to Geneva over the weekend, reit- See RHODESIAN, Page 7. Senate race finally in focus as smoke clears By JIM TOBIN This fall's race for the United States Sen- ate, one of the bitterest in Michigan's his- tory, has given voters a difficult choice between political opposites-Democrat Don- ald Riegle and Republican Marvin Esch. The rough-and-tumble campaign of per- sonal charge and counter-charge has ob- scured the sharply differing styles and re- cords of the candidates, who have tried, in recent weeks, to pull the race back to s sincere consideration of the issues. cautious approach to government. A Con- gressman for ten years, he has molded a record with obvious appeal to his-hybrid district, which comprises liberal Ann Ar- bor and conservative Livonia. Donald Riegle has spent ten years in the House as well, but his image is the antithesis of Esch's - fiery, young, a po- litical maverick who condemned his par- ty's president, Richard Nixon, and switched party affiliation. SON OF A former Republican mayor of Flint, he has led a charmed political life. After winning his Congressional seat at 28 from a heavilv-favtoreA Democratic incum- bent, he risked his future by coming out mminst the Vietnam war. That move lost him the nrsonal fa'or of Richard Nixon, "'t Pi 'le's constitents reendorsed him City Coucil Votles to extend CDBG budget By MIKE NORTON Ann Arbor City Council last night extended the budgets of nearly all the public service programs threatened by a cut in Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds - until Dec. 17, at least. The programs, funded under the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), have been disallowed by HUD) because they fail to meet re- quiirements that they be con- grams - including the city's Model Cities Programs - will be funded until Dec. 17, when first-year CDBG funding ex- pires. Council also gave its tenta- tive approval to a controversial $5.5 million city parking plan, despite angry demonstrations of opposition from downtown area ministers early in the meeting. Five downtown clergymen ap- peared before .Council during the public comments session to speak against what they called TO THE PUBLIC eye, that effort has been largely in vain. But at the race's Nlose, with the heat of the campaign cooled { I.- DhI If INIl: I I IRPKIC