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October 31, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-10-31

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I itA

See 'Today for Details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVi1, No. 46

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 31, 1976

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

3 3

Election picks
Entries in The Daily's First Quadrennial Elec-
tion Picks Contest have been trickling in slowly
but surely over the past few days, and your
chances of winning a couple of free dinners at
The Blue Frogge are every bit as good as the
contestants' whose guesses are already in hand.
Simply pick the candidates you think will come
out on top in the races listed below, estimate
the next President's margin of victory, and pre-
dict the outcome of Proposal A, the bottle ban
question. List your picks on a sheet of paper with
your name, address and phone number and drop
them off at The Daily, 420 Maynard, by 11:59
p.m. Monday. Only one entry per person. Inci-
dentally, we're almost positive that all of this
is legal.

Mic higan buries Gophers,


Wet crowd witnesses
Homecoming rout
Michigan's top - ranked Wolverises strutted their
stuff for . a national television audience, retaining a
muddy Little Brown Jug with a resounding 45-0 Home-
coming victory over Minnesota's limping Golden Goph-
After treating a rain-soaked, steadily dwindling sell-
out crov;J of 104,426 to three first - half touchdowns,
Michigan added insult to injury with even more pro-
ductive offensive mayhem to reward those diehards who
MEANWHILE, A SPIRITED Wolverine defense confined
Minnesota to its own half of the field until the final Gopher
drive, en route to its second straight Big Ten shutout.
Michigan coach Bo Schembechler, after weeks of pleading
for a "dogfight" as his charges rolled over opponents, changed
his tune in the dressing room's welcome post-game warmth.
"I'm tired of talking about that," Schembechler said. "We
haven't had any close games, let's keep tit that way."
MINNESOTA'S- FORCED USE tf several walking wounded
helped keep the competition down, a factor Schembechler urged
the press to emphasize.
"We just can't get enough people out there at one time
to play," said Gopher coach Cal Stoll. "We've been running
patched together and it caught up with us. We just didn't
put enough glue on."
SEE BLUE, Page 11


Carter (D)-Ford (R) (pick percentage)
Riegle-(D)-Esch (R) Mich.
Moynihan (D)-Buckley (R) N. Y.
Tunney (D)-Hayakawa (R) Calif.
Green (D)--Heinz (R) Penn.
Zumwalt (D)-Byrd (I) Va.
Hartke (D)-Lugar (R) Ind.
Muskie (D)-Monks (R) Maine
Kennedy (D)-Robertson (R)-Mass.
Montoya (D)-Schmitt (R) N. Mex.
Metzenbaum (D)-Taft (R) Ohio


Howlett (D)-Thompson (R) Ill.
Tribbitt (D)-duPont (R) Del.
Teasdale (D)-Bond (R) Mo.
Rockefeller (D)-Underwood (R) W. Va.
Bullard (D)-Dietrich (R) St. Rep.
Postill (D)-Minick (R) Sheriff
Pierce (D)-Pursell (R) U. S. Rep.
Steeh (D)-Delhey (R) Prosecutor
Proposal A-yes-no
Happenings ...
are getting rather skimpy. Today's only
event is a celebration by The Reformed Druids
of North America (Ann Arbor Grove) beginning
at 1 p.m. in the Main Meadow of the Arb --:
Monday's Happenings begin at 4 p.m. with a
lecture by Robert Dombrowski of the University
of Connecticut on "Revolution and Mythical Poli-
tics: The . Case of Italian Futurism," in MLB
Lecture Rm. 1 ... The Women's Studies Program
screens "Women in Prison" and "Attica" at 7
p.m. in the Nat. Sci. Auditorium ... and there's
a mass meeting for the University's New York,
Chicago and Detroit Stummer Intern Programs at
8 p.m. in Rackham Aud.
Galileo was a liar
A group of physicists from East Carolina Uni-
versity have concluded that Galileo never really
conducted that experiment of dropping two ob-
jects - one heavy and one light - from the
top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and watching
them hit the ground at the same time. The sc-
entists tried last week to duplicate the legend
that appears in most freshman physics texts.
The heavier object, a 12-pound shotput, most
definitely hit the ground before a one-pound rub-
ber ball did. While endorsing the old master's
actual law - that objects in a vacuum (without
air resistance) in gravity fields will fall at the
same velocity regardless of mass-the physicists
speculated that Galileo simply dreamed up the
illustration. "I suspect that students who came
to him turned it into a sort of historical myth,"
said one.
It'll play in Peoria
"I do not believe that we should dismantle
the CIA. Many times it is the CIA's covert cap-
ability that stands between a do-nothing policy
and nuclear cpnfrontation. Unfortunately, in to-
day's world, the CIA is needed'." No, that's not
the President or James Schlesinger, it's Joe the
Computer, the brainchild of social scientists John
Cragan and Donald Shields. The researchers fed
their machine a cross-section of foreign policy
views from 60 persons - supposedly representing
the citizenry of Peoria, Illinois - and it clicked
out the perfect speech. Using the Peorians' views,
it designed the speech that would please the most
listeners and offend the fewest. "The speech gen-
erally is what Henry Kissinger has been saying,"
commented Cragan. "It should please him to know
that he plays well in Peoria."
On the inside .. .
Brothers and sisters, Daily staff writer Mike
Norton' hath wrought the gospel truth on Billy
Graham for our Sabbath Magazine ... and Rich
Lerner of our Sports staff, describes the mood

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
YESTERDAY WAS A BAD DAY to be a Gopher, as Michigan splashed Minnesotn 45-0 in the steady drizzle. Here Wol-
verine John Anderson (86) breaks up a Tony Dungy (9) pass intended for wide receiver Ron Kullas.

opef uls.



From wire Service Reports
Running neck and neck with
just days to go, Gerald Ford and
Jimmy Carter campaigned hard
yesterday in states with the fat
electoral bounties 'that make
presidents. Ford said he'll win;
Carter's people said they saw
promise in their own vote pro-
Ford, in his final week surge
spent yesterday morning in
Houston before heading for ap-

pearances in two other critical
states-Pennsylvania and New
CARTER meanwhile f 1 e w
from St. Louis to a brief stop-
over in Tulsa, Okla., before go-
ing on to a large rally in New
Orleans. This was his last cam-
paign in his native south-an
area he is counting on to provide
an electoral vote cushion on

The former Georgia governor
winds up his 22-month campaign
with stops in the prize states of
Texas and California, as well as
Flint, Michigan, on his way
home to Plains, Ga.
Both candidates are winding
up their campaigns with the
focus on policy, after lengthy
exchanges of personal attacks.

Aloof Nixon keeps low profile

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (UPI)- Four years
ago, 47 million voters gave Richard Nixon the
Now Nixon is in utter isolation, almost in
hiding, either in his Casa Pacifica home or on
a golf course.
the slightest part in the campaign. He has not
given his support to, Gerald Ford, the man he
personally put in office, nor has he been -asked
Nixon has recovered his health. He plays
golf three and sometimes four times- a week,
often as many as 36 holes in a single day,
zipping around in an electric cart with Secret
Service agents never more than a few yards
away .
HIS FAVORITE COURSE is Shorecliffs, a
public links on the northern edge of San Cle-
mente. An aide telephones to say Nixon is on
his way. He tees off with no waiting and then
"plays through" the golfers ahead of him.
A few weeks ago a group of young boys
gathered near the first tee and, as Nixon pre-
pared to hit his drive, one of them called out:

"Hey, Nixon, do you cheat at golf like you
did in the White House?"
HE ACTED AS IF he had not heard them.
Clubhouse attendants shooed the boys off and
Nixon went ahead with his game.
But Warren Esterline; managing editor of
the San Clemente Sun Pilot, thinks folks are
somewhat protective of the town's most fam-
ous resident.
"I think the majority think he is a good
guy," says Esterline. "They think he wasgre-
moved from office improperly, that it was full
of politics. It is something they would like to
forget about."
"AND I DON'T think it is strange that you
don't see him on the streets in view of the
office he held and the manner he left it. It
isn't as if this were his home town, that he
delivered papers as a boy, had a lot of friends.
He simply bought property on the south edge
of town. We seldom saw him when he was
"You would hardly expect him to come down
to the beer bar and arm wrestle with the

Carter assailed Ford's proposal
to lower taxes as a $20 billion
windfall for corporations and
the wealthy.
At a rally in Houston, Ford
snelled out the themes his cam-
paign and his attacks on Car-
ter's proposals.
He-blasted Carter's call for
cutting' defense spending by $5
billion calling it "gambling with
the security of America."
HE REITERATED his belief
in tax incentives as the best way
to build jobs and called Carter's
policy one of pushing "deadend
jobs . . . out of the federal
Finally, Ford promised to
battle the Democratic Congress
for his proposed $250 hike in
personal income tax reductions.
Overshadowing the actual ap-
pearance of the two men on the
hectic final weekend of cam-
paigning, however, is the elev-
enth hour flurry of opinion poll's
jockeying to predict Tuesday's
poll showed Carter's lead had
shrunk from a previous three to
four per cent to only one per
cent. 45-44, with seven per cent
undecided and four per cent of
the vote going to independent
Ewqene McCarthy.
The key element in Tuesday's
outcome, however, with the ac-
tual number of votes expected to
split virtually evenly, will be
which states either man can
The result is decided on the
basis of votes in the Electoral
ColleQe. Each of the 50 states
and the District of Columbia has
a mmimtl of three votes out
of 538 electorial votes. A ma-
inrity, or 270 votes, wins the
See FORD, Page 8

Daily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER
JOE HEFFERNAN (Left) and Chris Gray (right) bump
to the beat at the UAC Homecoming Masquerade Disco
last night in the Union Ballroom. Over 200 people en-
joyed the Halloween bash, though there were few goblins
and ghosts to be seen.
Hallow,'een fete
no. discodud
There were few tricks of treats last night as over 200
Devil's Night disciples bumped to the beat of University
Activities Center (UAC) "Masquerade Disco" at the Union
Though few goblins or ghouls were on the scene a few
ersatz Draculas and some left over football fans, dressed
head-to-toe in maize and blue, seemed to be enjoying them-
"DISCO, I love it, I love to dance," said Chris Gray of
Chi Omega who said she and her partner, Joe= Heffernan,
won an award for "the most enthusiastic couple" at her
sorority party.
See UAC, Page 2

Survey shows Carter on

top In
By The Associated Press
Democratic presidential nom-
inee Jimmy Carter is leading
in 22 states and the District
of Columbia with a combined
total of 295 electoral votes4 25
more than he needs for elec-
tion, an election survey by the
Assniatad Pres shows.

In the 14 tossup states the
race is viewed as too close to.
give either candidate even a
slight margin. And in some of
campaign '76
thca ivar2n lnri f i np

Ivote s
ly to gain a majority.
the election situation in some
of the states:
GEORGIA - 12 electoral votes
Carter's home state is con-
sidered certain to support him.
Most of the House delegation
is rnneqdppA ,zp nrp. ant fr

021. MIME,

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