Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St , Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Pulling the I Saturday, October 30, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan ci Dietrich ads To The Daily: TO JOHN DIETRICH and all those who paid for his political advertisement in Tuesday's Daily: Your 'broad-minded' puns are not funny -they are insipid. If we were you,- we wouldn't be so cock-sure.' To The Daily and those of you who found the ad funny: for people who espouse all those things that good liberals espouse, you certainly blew it this time. In an attempt to represent (and in good faith, we presume) all the candidates by printing their ads, you've managed not only to support mud- slinging but, to quote that old familiar line; keep women down by objectifying us. Perhaps YOU should be LESS 'broad- minded.' Jane Rosenthal- Alexandra Beckett Ellen Sapper Arlene 'rank Gina Amalfitano Vicki Bohm October 26 To The Daily: THE REPUBLICAN candidate for the State Legislature had an ad in today's Daily which I find totally offensive. To imply that the Democrats are the party of,"booze, broads, and excursions" is ir- responsible politics; to publish such ads is irresponsible journalism. Nearly a century ago the Republicans tried to label the Democrats as the party of "rum, Romanism, and rebellion"; the ef- fort blew ip in their faces. Let's hope that history repeats itself. E. L. McMahon Electrical and Computer Engineering October 26 Editor's Response: To the misinformed persons who wrot the above letters: The Daily staff makes no editorial judgment on political ads, or any other advertising it chooses to print. To Jane Rosenthal, et al: We register a vigorous objection to your assertions that we have, in the process of running the ads, supported mudslinging and 'keeping women down." To E. L. McMahon: It wasn't irrespon- sible journalism to print the ads; In fact, it was quite useful and responsible. Ob- viously, many voters in the University community, after having seen the ads, found them to bertasteless. Like you, hope- fully, they have decided they don't want a person of Mr. Dietrich's demeanor rep- resenting them in Lansing! Rob Meachum Editorial Director Dullard endorsement To The Daily: I -FEEL AS A student your recent en- dorsement of Bullard is incredible. One of the big problems facing students is the lack of jobs. A few years ago we could very liberal on this campus and not worry about getting a job. Today it is different, today we are in need of jobs. Your overly liberal views and those of Bullard seems to overlook what happens to us once we leave college. These liberal views are based on our present position as students not our future one as wage earners and par- ents. How are we to exist if we can't find work. Dietrich position is to work with the representatives not against them to create jobs with businesses. Not just big busi- nesses but small businesses, those which make up this city and which this city needs desperate help in. Bullard has done noth- ing for them even though he represents them in the State House of Representa- tives, but Dietrich wants to help the city. Dietrich believes in making Education a priority because he will be representing the students. He also has a sense of con- trolling expenses and keening the state fiscal sound, something Bullard doesn't consider and liberals tend to ignore by spending. Just remember the Environment and Rights are important to us but what wll w e do without a job when we leave here. one final point, I woold rather vote for ?A}¢' kvm he will finish his term than Bnllard who has serious intentions of running for State Senate in the very rear future and leave his present office early. Independent Students for Dietrich October 29 prosecutor To The Daily: WE FEEL IT IS time to respond to the many false accusations, which have been Delhey has successfully tried many felony cases, his apponent has never tried a capi- tal case, much less any case in Washte- now County. How can this brevity of ex- perience make his opponent equipped to deal with the present day challenges of the criminal justice system? William Delhey's opponent has charged him with complacency, stating that he is not innovative, concerning new programs. This is simply not true. Mr. Delhey was instrumental in implementing the Consum- er Action Center, the Anti-Rape program and the Law Internship program. His op- ponent claims that if elected, he will es- tablish many new projects. However, he has never specified what they would be, or how they would function. With over 5,000 cases, it is unfortunate that Mr.tDelhey's opponent continues to use poetic license and distorts the facts, concerning those few he feels were mis- handled. It should be noted that William F. Delhey has served the office extremely well and has an outstanding record. By JAMES KENWORTHY TPO MANY, THE COMING election has become a con- fused crescendo of manipula- tively sentimental television commercials and absurd claims by candidates of permanent prosperity if put in office and permanent peril to the Republic if not. Yet those few Americans supposedly responsible for run- ning the nation's cities look at this election with an informed interest of what the federal gov- ernment can do to help or har- ass them with their job. What follows is one small- time, small towh politician's prejudiced perspective on what the election could mean to Ann Arbor. It is an attempt to ap- ply the debate over federal housing, employment, and so- cial programs to the particular situation of our town. A city of over 100,000 people, Ann Arbor has a General Fund budget of $14 million, with about half going for fire and police. The city gets about $5 million in local property taxes, $15 mil- lion general revenue sharing, $2.5 million from the state and $500,000 from the local's favor- ite sin, parking tickets. Ten years ago the city hits its tax limit set in the charter and so there is little room for any- thing but providing for the ba- sic services of public safety, picking up the garbage, inspect- ing buildings every three years or so, and maintaining the parks. With inflation, union settlements, and a decline in real revenues, the city now has about 15 per cent fewer em- ployes than four years ago try- ing to provide services to 10 per cent more people. During the Kennedy - John- son years a lot of low to mod- erate priced housing was built in Ann Arbor for poor people, and students. The senior citizen project of Miller Manor was put up by West Park, over 1,300 units were built in three hous- ing co-operatives in Southeast Ann Arbor and the HUD titles set up that led to places like Arrowwood Trail. The result was a growth in the city's pop- ulation and diversity. During the 1970's housing con- struction contracted rapidly, on- ly two developments financed by HUD have gone up in four vears here and the documented shortage of housing for low and ever fo moderate income people in Ann Arbor has increased as fast as your rents. Of - course unemployment worsened. In 1975 whe nthe city and county were in a consor- tium to administer CETA funds we were receiving $6 million a year and creating jobs at less than $10,000 a piece for fewer that 3 ptr cent of the unem- ployed in Washtenaw County. To sit on those boards to decide who gets the job is to allocate despair. Now the city is a prime spon- sor with about $3 million that gives training of a subsidized job to less than 700 people. This is less than one in ten of the acknowledged local unemnploy- ment. Since there could be no increased Congressional appro- priation after Congress overrode Ford's veto, we will not have money next year at his spend- ing level to creat more than a handful of new jobs while we try to keep employed current CETA worker shoring up the city's operations or working in local non-profit community ag- encies. The phone calls to me asking for a job get a little pathetic. r city And then there are such un- met and mundane local needs at $20 million necessary to re- pair our streets, $30 million to expand our sewage treatment plan so we stop killing off the' Huron River, and $10 million needed for flood prevention pro- jects. These are necessary mu- nicipal projects not provided for in our $15 million General Fund budget that just tries to keep the slow machinery of city gov- ernment picking up the trash and responding to a non- emergency police calls in less than an hour. Aside from fewer federal dol- lars, the way that federal ag- encies like HUD take forever to repair and resell vacant homes in my district would make a Kafka jealous or a Con- fucius mad. You wonder, after a day at City Hall, that if it is nearly impossible to provide decent services to our relatively af- fluent city with its expanding tax base without bankrupting the citizens with higher proper- ty taxes, how does one try to run a place like Detroit where unemployment in some areas is 40 per cent, where they layoff police by the hundreds, and they can't afford gchool cross- ing guards? needs It's true that that programs and spending levels proposed by the Democrats in Congress will not finally solve our housing, employment, and human serv- ice problems but they have at least shown the country that they know what the real needs of our cities are and that they are willing to redirect priori- ties to begin at least to manage our domestic problems. Ford and Esch have shown no such promise. So on Tuesday I'm pulling the big lever for Carter, Riegle, and Pierce. My vote has nothing to do with whether I like Jimmy's smile, or where Jerry once nlayed football, or where Don Riegle once spent the night, or even because being in city gov- ernment for three years makes me feel less twice-born than twice-dead. It is this small-town politician's statements of hope about which people are going to begin to meet the real needs of this country's communities. Jamie Kenworthy, 28, was a fairly happy and' promising University graduate student in Anmerican Culture until his election to City Council i 1974. Ie is a Fourth Ward Deinocral. Yes on C means higher tuition Greg Lane Marjorie Lynn Pope October 26 proposal 1 To The Daily: THE "BIG LIE" TECHNIQUE is the only way to describe the media blitz cam-1 paign now being waged by corporate op- ponents of Proposal "A." The "Big Lie" that returnables cost more than throw- aways is simply outrageous. The fact is that returnables cost less. When I compared prices at Meijer's in Ann Arbor, I found that a 10-oz. portion of Coca-Cola costs 21 cents in throwaway cans, 16 cents in throwaway bottles, and only 13 cents in returnable bottles. Clear- ly returnables cost less than throwaways. This corporate "Big Lie" campaign is ll the more shocking in view of testimony U.r the Presient of Coca-Cola before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. At that hearing, the President of Coca-Cola, J. Lucien Smith, said: "Returnable bottles offer the best value to the consumer and returnable bottles provide the most economically sound meth- od of distributing soft drinks .. . Coke sold in food stores in non-return- able packages is priced ...thigher than toca-Cola in returnable bottles. The dif- ference lies essentially in the different costs of the packaging. The cost of returnables is spread over many uses; thecost of the non-returnable package is absorbed in one use." IN OREGON, where a ban o non-re- t'irnables has been in effect since 1971, the average bottle is used more than 10 times, resulting in a great raw material savings. In addition, studies by the Fed- eral E.P.A. and Michigan Public Service Commission show that requiring returnables will result in significant energy savings. Other studies (by Dr. Myron Ross of West- ern Michigan University) indicate that up to 9,165 new jobs would be created and that Michigan consumers could save $66 million if a throwaway ban were enacted here. Judging from polls taken prior to the big-spending, "Big Lie" media blitz cam- paign, Michigan citizens were more than ready to ban non-returnables. The Dade County, Florida experience, however, shows 'what a last minute media blitz designed to mislead the public can do. In Florida, opponents of a similar ban outspent sup- porters 10 to 1, and the measure was de- feated although early polls showed over- whelming public support for a ban on non- returnables. It just goes to show that votes :an be bought by big-spending campaigns designed to mislead and reverse public opinion. I hope Michigan citizens will not be fooled by this corporate "Big Lie" cap. paign. Perry Bullard State Representative 53rd District michigamu a To The Daily: IN ITS OCTOBER 27th article on the racial discrimination complaint filed against the University for its support of Michigamua, The Daily incorrectly identi- fied the Native American Solidarity Com- mittee (NASC) as a Native American or- ganization. Most NASC workers are non- native people. NASC is attempting to edu- cate people in non-native communities con- cerning Native American struggles for sov- ereignty, self-determination, and independ- ence. We are attempting to confront the racism directed towards Native Americans by non-native people. The local NASC chap- ter - there are 27 other chapters around the country - was formed in 1975 by mem- bers of the Ann Arbor Wounded Knee Sup- By CALVIN A. LUKER If you care about how much it costs you and, or your parents for you to attend the Univer- sity of Michigan, then you should be very in- terested in what you are about to read. The Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) voted Tuesday night to oppose Proposal C, which will appear on the election ballot this coming Tues- day. Proposal C, if passed, will put an expendi- ture limit of 8.3 per cent of the total state personal income level on the Michigan Legis- lature. Yes, that is confusing. As I write this I still don't really know how best to explain exactly what the proposal would do. Trying to reduce the discussion to something I can. under- stand, what the proposal would do would be to tell the state that it can only spend 8.3 per cent of what all the citizens of Michigan together make in a year.. It also stipulates that the State Legislature cannot cut the percentage of its budget used to support any local program such as schools, transportation, etc., and .that local governments cannot raise property taxes to cover possible funding deficiencies without a vote of its citizens. What does this all mean? It means that if the total °personal income of all the citizens of Michigan is $ billion dollars, then the State Legislature can spend only $83 million dollars on all of its programs. The expenditures of the State Legislature would be directly linked to the income of the citizens of Michigan. If the in- come of the citizens of the state went down, so would the amount of money the State Legis- lature could 'spend. But wait a minute. Didn't I say that the proposal states that the state cannot cut its percentage of funding to local units? Yes, but look closely. I said percentage of the state budg- et. That means that it 4 per cent of the state budget is currently going to the Ann Arbor School District, then it will remain 4 per cent. The catch is that should the total citizen in- come of the state go down, then the amount of money going to each unit will also decrease. 4 per cent of $83 million dollars is more than 4 per cent of $73 million dollars. The state gives the same percentage of money, but it doesn't add up to the same in dollars and cents. Most of the money in the state budget now goes for human services and education. Sup- pose the income of Michigan drops, reducing the amount of money the state can offer in the support of these programs.. How will the cuts work? The state cannot cut much out of its human services budget, because most of its money expended there is matched by federal funds. For every dollar the state cuts from human services the federal government cuts another dollar in matching funds. Education then *ecomes the target. There are Old econg on By JON PANSIUS leading econonr tvo kinds of education, the traditional Kinder- garten through twelfth grade education and high- er education. Let's suppose the state cuts the funds to education (without cutting the actual percentage of the state budget allocated to edu- cation. Remem~er the proposal forbids that.) The K-12 schools can either eat the deficit, or they can go to the local taxpayers, as they have always done, and ask for money to keep their program, at the same level. Where can higher education go to make up for getting cut short? There's really only one answer. They have to raise- tuition. Perry Bullard states that if Pro- posal C passes,. tuition could go up from 18 per cent-36 per cent the first year!! We can- not afford to bear the increase, especially the way tuition has climbed in the past five years. It is unfair to expect us to. But that's exactly what Proposal C would require! Another argument that should be mentioned with regard to Proposal C: creativity is a great thing. It is one of the fonndation stones of the University of Michigan. Creativity, like every- thing else, costs money. Should Proposal C pass, it would be safe to say that the money avail- able to fund creative and meaningful new pro- 1grams wouldbecome non-existent. I'd sure hate to see the University unable to keep uip with edu- cational innovation for lack of money. I haven't seen many times when either SA or SGC have been in agreement with the admin- istration on anything. Proposal C is an excep- tion. In an unprecedented move, the Board of Regents publicly voted to oppose Proposal C. President Fleming is becoming one of the more vocal public opponents of the measure. The League of Women Voters, with a history of non- endorsement, chose to break tradition to oppose the proposal. Governor Milliken and leading Dem- ocrats in the State House and Senate have given joint news conferences to announce their dissat- isfaction with the bill. Think about it. Michigan Education Association, the American Association of University Professors, the American Associa- tion of University Wives, the UAW; and the AFL/CIO have all gone on record as opposing this bill. The Michigan Chamber of Commerce and the Michigan Real Estate Lobby support it. Which side do you think is out to protect your interest? You cannot afford to let this proposal pass, unless you are willing to watch your tuition soar and your parent's property tax increase!! MSA says it can't stand by and watch a bad bill in- crease the burden on students. We hope you agree and believe that it is vital to your own interests to vote "no" on Proposal C. That is of course unless you are willing to pay the cost. MICHAEL BECKMAN WAS SUPPOSED to assist in the compilation of The Daily's endorsement of Jimmy Carter, Wednesday night. After mulling over all possible reasons why I could con- ceivably endorse the man without it being a lesser of, two evils type endorsement, I came to the conclusion that I couldn't do it. And I reached this conclusion even though during the week, I had decided to vote for Jimmy Carter. I copped a plea; at 2:30 in the morning I called the Editorial Director and told him that I was too exhausted to come over and write. It was true, but I can't help wondering whether or not I would have been as tired and unwilling to contribute if I wasn't so totally turned off by the candidates. I attributed it further to my profound disappointment that in this, my first chance to have some input into the political process, my initial excitement had evolved into total apathy and disdain towards the election. I WAS WALKING through the Diag yesterday morning with a friend, fresh from a dismal failure in one of two mid- terms, when a man attempted to shove a Workers Vanguard into my hand and said, "Don't vote, because both of the major candidates are the same, for the rich." My friend and I started discussing the idea of non- voting as a form of political expression. I brought up that this election could produce the lowest percentage of voter turnout in recent history. My friend said that it was because it was a no-issue campaign, and that nobody really cared. I countered with the argument that "since the debates had been on television and millions of people who never had previously taken the time to be informed, had the candidates and the issues brought right into their homes-coupled with a very strong and unified campaign by organized labor to educate the workers and to encourage them to turnout-it should be a very high voter-turnout election." SHE REPLIED THAT the debates just brought to light the non-appeal of the candidates and the lack of a clearcut difference between them on the issues. I said that I had found through viewing the debates that I could differentiate betw'een the candidates' positions on many of the issues, and that I was sure that everyone was able to discern the same things that I did. She answered, "We as college students were more aware than most people and could see the distinctions, but that most people can't, and as a result, don't care and won't vote." I became angry and said that her claim smacked of intellectual snobbery, and that she was underestimating the intellect and political efficacy of the American people. SHE HUFFED AND PUFFED and said it was not in- tellectual snobbery, that I was too idealistic and that how else could I explain the projected low voter turnout. At this point we reached the dorm and parted ways. A little while later, I began to think about my own choices for the election, and the principle of non-voting as a form of political expression. And I started thinking about my abstention from helping write the Carter endorsement, in light of the fact that I had decided to vote for Carter as "the lesser of two evils" candidate after having previously planned to vote for Ford for exactly the same reasons. I REALIZED THAT whichever candidate I finally de- cided to vote for, it would be a negative endorsement of him. I would be voting for one man because I would be betting that the next 4 years would be less distasteful with him in office than with the other. And I am having a difficult time reconciling myself to this mode of selecting a President. When I have brought up this dilemma to my friends, they've said to vote for one of the third party candidates. But this year there is no third party candidate that appeals to me strongly. If there was a candidate whom I identified with, then I would happily give him my vote and my support, even though he or she most likely wouldn't have much chance of winning the election. Under the present circumstaices, voting for a third party would be a waste of a vote. AND THUS, my thoughts strayed back to non-voting as a viable and self-fulfilling alternative. If my friend was right that the low voter turnout that is predicted for this election can be attributed to people not caring, then if I decided not to vote, wouldn't I be helping to propogate what is becoming an epidemic of apathy? Or are people refraining from going to the polls because they recognize along with me that they would be voting to keep one man out of office and not in support of the other man that they voted for? And in which case, would our non-vote be counted and recognized as the protest it was intended to be? Will the winner of the election notice the low turnout . im oTf Cal.in Iuker dent Assembly. is President of the Michigan Stn- rnic " e--4sistm iic indicators are TN THE UPCOMING national referendum choice between naive bunglers, hokey dema- gogues, and omniscient ideal- ists - also known as the Presi- dential election-the most para- mount issue has been the na- tion's economy, which has even been occasionally mentioned be- tween the prolonged bouts of m u t u a 1 mudslinging. Unlike Ford's campaign fund manage- ment and Jimmy's sex life, however, jobs and inflation are something that should be seri- ously talked about. Ever since its discovery, discretionary eco- nomic policy has become an Important Issue, to be inflated into pigskin and punted about for the merriment of the vari- ous interests and, or rare oc- casion, discussed rationally. Fortunately, the establishment of the Council of Economic Ad- visors and the Congressional Budget Office has raised the rationality ratio to a barely ade- quiate fraction. Small talk aside, the econom- ic prospects of the campaign are dim. On one side, we have the ohoice of President Ford, who beginning to point downward. This hardly seems like a strong recovery. In Ford's favor, there is the enormity of the task involved. At the trough of the recession which he essentially inherited, unemployment was at a nominal high of 8.9 per cent, with many more no longer seeking em- ployment. Now, after discount- ing for the unexpected surge of seasonal workers (mostly school employees) drawing unemploy- ment compensation, the rate has inched down to a little over seven per cent. Inflation, once at an annual rate of twelve per cent, now is down to around five per cent. Overall, however, his performance has been medi- ocre. His proposal to lower in- come taxes is overdue, and its linkage to spending decreases would cancel out much of its beneficial effects. ON THE OTHER side, we have the Georgia gratuiter, Jlimmy Carter, who has been wanting to jiggle with taxesband spending for almost three years. He has promised us m-ore jobs; he has also promised less in- flation. Unfortunately, he has le has also recalled the Ken- nedy-Johnson ghost of voluntary wage-price guidelines to hold the lid on prices. He seems to forget that lid will blow off un- less the heat underneath the pot gets turned down. Somewhere out in space we have McCarthy. His most not- able proposal has been the shortening of the work week or work year. Enjoyable as long weekends and vacations are, this scheme has little chance of success. If we do legislate a four-day work week, this would cause a cool 20 per cent per hour wage increase if weekly wages were held constant or. a 20 per cent per week wage decrease if per hour wages were held constant. With the former, we get inflation; with the lat- ter, we get more overtime, moonlighting, and wage in- crease demands. NONE OF THE major can- didates have yet to come up with anything original. This is sad, since there have been some important structural c(hanges in the past few years. Industrial expansion is more costly now with increased re- u(irw-,ents and demands for