Saturday, October 30, 1976 M'". :A0 - -NV/N1 M iHE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three 11 c~I I _S.,, events and entertainment week o Oct. 30-Nov. 5 Happenings film reviews are written by Christopher Potter. all week COMMERCIAL CINEMA The Front - (Campus) - Woody Allen stars in this "seri- ous" comedy about entertain- ment blacklisting of the early '50's. Is it supposed to be fun- ny or tragic? Obviously the film's creators never made up their minds, and we are left with a weak-kneed mouse of a film that does credit neither to its witch-hunt victims of the time nor to its unremembering audiences of today. ** Marathon Man - (Michigan) - John Schlesinger's muddled' thriller about an ex-Nazi dentist (Laurence Oliver) stalking a Columbia grad student (Dustinj Hoffman), over the possibilityI of a stolen fortune. The filml contains some exciting, well-I paced sequences, but much of; the time is almost incompre- hensible plotwise; surprisingly, things are dragged down furth- er by Olivier's bug-eyed, Col. Klink-ish interpretation of the evil dentist. **% Face to Face - (The Movies, Briarwood) - Ingmar Berg- man's latest film focuses on theE emotional and spiritual dissolu- tion of a female psychiatrist. Burnt Offerings - (The Mov- ies, Briarwood) - The latest monster epic of the formerly great Bette Davis, as she ter- rorizes nice Karen Black and nice Oliver Reed in the proverb- ial Old Dark Mansion Fame, thou art a fleeting commodity Logan's Run - (The Movies, Briarwood)- A post-apocalypse tale of a future domed city hous- ing the remnants of humanity, and of the efforts of two in-I dividualists to escape its stag- nant confines. A potentially memorable sci-fi film flawed by a weak ending and an unbe- lievably noxious performance by Peter Ustinov. ** 2 God Told Me To - (Fifth For- um) - Residents of New York City are turned into homicidal maniacs on direction from a mysterious super-being living among them. The film's first half hour comprises the best opening to a horror movie I've ever seen; unfortunately, things slip rapidly downhill thereafter, both plotwise and tastewise. Still, the excellent and untypical on-location New York photogra- phy makes this an above-aver- age offering for scare fans. ** Alice in Wonderland - (Fox Village) - A soft-core X ver- sion of the Carroll classic, and a total waste of time. Save your money for the Art I. BOMB The, Ritz - (Michigan)-Film version of the Terrence McNally bypadway comedy, just opening. Silent Movie - (The Movies, Briarwood)-Mel Brooks's one- word-only film may appear a parody of the silent genre, but really isn't at all; it's a full- as one of the mere handful of 'exciting underground climax, really classic horror films, pos- and Chaney's phantom remains sessing all the elements the re- the most dramatic countenance cent, overrated Texas Chainsaw in all horror cinema.*** Massacre lacked: An adroit, The Phantom of the Opera - controlled sense of pace and (Ann Arbor Film4Co-op, MLB 4, suspense progression, some tru-18:45 only) - A 1943 remake of ly jarring shock moments, and the Chaney film features Claude above all a continuous. of the commonplacev unthinkable - a qualil tial (and usually lac modern-setting scare fli The Last House of th (Ann Arbor Film Co-op 10:30 only) - Sadism and that's about all about it. What's Up, Doc? -{ bor Film Co-op, MLB 4 10:30) - Peter Bogda self-congratulatory att recreate "those w screwball comedies 1930's", primarily Howa blending Rains as a reportedly watered- with the down phantom. Probably the ty essen- king) in. icks. *** he Left- MLB 3,. galore, I know; (Ann 4r- , 7, 8:45, anovich's empt to wonderful of the ard Haw- last-shown version of the story, Yankee Doodle Dandy - (Cinema II, Ang. Aud. A, 7 & 9) - A hard - driving, rollick- ing biography of song-writer George M. Cohan, with James Cagney utilizing his own song- and-dance background to glor- ious effect. ***1/2 Masque of the Red Death - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 4, 7 only) - A Vincent Price-Rog- er Corman interpretation of .the Poe tale, and probably none too faithful. tative money - maker. Either it's a reflection of the positive! way, it's a mostly reprehensi- side of The American Dream. ble enterprise. ** **% The Wild Bunch - (Ann Ar- EVENTS bor Film Co-op, Ang. Aud. A, Studio Theatre - Bradford's 1 9 only) Sam Peckinpah's orig- Rendezvous; Arena Theatre, inal Butch Cassidy, with his ov- Frieze Bldg., 4. er-the-hill-gang playing out the Ark - Hoot Nite, 9. string in South America. A ' BARS uniquely lyrical and in some Mr. Flood's Party - Tucker' instances downright gentle Wes- Blues Band, 9:30. tern, but not the end-all of the Second Chance - Blaze, 9:30. genre, as some claim; many of the scenes are too cndisciplined jd and run on forever, the Peckin- 0 rs Ey pah's famed massacre sequence at the end is. so saturated in CINEMA balletic slow-motion that it vir- Silent Running - (Cinema tually eliminates any revulsion Guild, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05) -I for the mass slaughter being An absolute gem of a science depicted. Still, this is in many fiction movie with an ecological ways one of the most excep- bent, which passed almost un- tional films in recent years, noticed when originally releas- and certainly should be seen ed. At some indeterminate time at least once. * in the future, a space station enlarging spectre of Mel Brooks breathing down his neck, and thus felt compelled to write something deep and profound and universally humanistic; if so, he clearly bit off more than he could chew. Woody's crea- tive abilities have certainly ma- tured in recent years, but his primary talent remains that of comedian, not cosmic philoso- pher. And his apparent to grasp for the latter plateau results here in some of the most sus- tainedly unfunny passages con- tained in any of his films. ** EVENTS, Poetry reading-Guild House, 802 Monroe, 7:30. Studio Theatre - Bradford's Rendezvous - Arena Theatre, Frieze Bldg., 4. Camelot - Musket, Mendels- sohn Theatre, 8. Ark - Irish music, 9. ly deserving of rank among the very finest of any era. A beautiful, mysterious young 'woman is found floating in the Danube by a Czech fisherman, who apparently rescues her from drowning. Remaining with the fisherman and his family yet telling nothing of herself, she slowly, sinisterly envelopes and alters their lives until the fisherman is drawn into a mad, fateful decision. Adrift is on one level a horror film, on another a surrealist See HAPPENINGS, Page 2 "reason. kes' classic Bringing Up Baby. The Trip - (Ann Arbor Film Potemkin - (Cinema Guild housing the last remaining speci- BARS ! Alas, even Bogdanovich should Co-op, MLB 4, 10:30 only) - Arch. Aud. 7 & 9:05) -Eisen-' mens of plant life orbits a de- Casa Nova - Tom Sabada, have known how suicidal it is Probably the first of the Drug |'stein's tribute to the heroesoffoliated, concrete Earth. When C&W, 9. to try to improve on a super Culture exploitation films com- 'the 1905 RtisinRevoutions de orders come through to jetti- Golden Falcon - Silvertones, original; his resulting product plete with a Jack Nicholson sr, issan e best son this last memory of a green blues-rock, 9:30. is frantically and furiously pac- script and direction by Roger silent film ever made bien world, the station's resident bot- Second Chance - Blaze, rock, ed - and almost totally unfun- Corman himself, for a change. stein was eomnaheadeof mos anist (Bruce Dern) takes dras- 9:30. nv.j This flick was consideredstiwaeoshadfmsI tic action in order to preserve Much of the blame for this dreadful in its time -peps other directors of the time, and' raytionfinerrdpr tohpresargo. mess must fall on the mis- it would bring a very different one can only wonder what he histargo. mathe taens o Brbr ractonnoi would have achieved had he not Modest in theme and budget, f d y matched talents of Barbra reaction now. .be hcldadeetal Silent Running turns out to be CNM Streisand and Ryan O'Neal; -EVENTS b een shackled andl eventually Sln unn un u ob CINEMA O'Neal suffers from the andi- Trombone Students Recital--;destroyed by the political; an enormously moving story of O'Nel sffes fom he and- Trmboe Sudets ecial-straightjacket of a government one man's efforts to preserve Adrift - (Cinema TI, Ang. cap of being funny only when Music School Recital Hall, 2. wanhic not eserve his eni- an essential momory in man's Aud. A, 7 & 9) Hey folks, Ehe's not trying to be - as forI Faculty - Exchange Recital- h **dinodervhs n- htie sa, se tryieto h- asdto arlanJy-ennhingbariteandus- consciousness; it also presents drop your TG gatherings, canoe Striesand, she tries so hard to Harlan Jennings, baritone and -tenoilgcaprpstnthtrpsr trsuhruasnd fill the void left by her co-star Paul Benningfield, tenior, from EVENTS the not illogical proposition that trips or other such rituals and thatshebecmesa crictureMSU Reita HalI Music at Midday - Pendle- we are much closer to beingi come see the movie event of that she becomes a caricature MSU: Recital Hall, 4. sddy-Pautomations ourselves without this and possibly any other of herself -- skipping, hopping, University Wind Ensemble ton Arts Info. Ctr., John Hood, the humanizing influence of na- year. Bet you've never heard purring non-stop in a kind of -Rackham And., 8. string bass; 2nd floor, Union, tre. Dern is excellent as usual of it, right? Released in 1971, two-hour celebration of all the Duo Recital - Rico McNee- noon. negligible sides of her talent. la, violin, William Goodwin, pi- Poetry reading -- Dabney er that should immense sci-fi explicably into an obscure cor- Y o u n g Frankenstein - ano: Recital Hall, 8. Stuart, Pendleton Rm., Union, and non-si-f fans alike. ***ner of the cinema repertoire (Mediatrics, Nat. Sci.m Atd, 7 Ark - David Amram, Ray 4:10. AZ - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, where it still frustratedly lan- S9) - Mel Brooks' masterful Mantilla, 9:30. BARS Ang. And. A, 7 & 9:15) - Cos- guished. Which is a terrible spoof of the Karloff original JULTAN BREAM: Guitarist,' Golden Falcon - Rout, jazz, ta-Gavras' absolutely breathless waste, because if you were to succeeds - perhaps uninten- University Musical Society, Hill 9:30. thriller of a political assassina- pick a single film to see this tionally - in being a dramatic And., 3.-1 Mr. Flood's Party - "Cat- tion in Greece and its subse- semester, then this magnificent, as it is funny. And that unlike- Disn ering Goobies - See fish" Miller, blues, no cover. quent government - rocking in- unbelievably neglected work of Iv combination will make this ' Sat. Events- Second Chance - Blaze, rock, vestigation. Of course Water- art would make an excellent film enduringly memorable. BARS 9:30. gate now makes the subject choice. For what it's worth, I Del Rio--Jazz, 5 to 9, no cover matter hit all the more home, think Adrift is the best film Mr. Smith Goes to Washing- Golden Falcon - Benson and ibut Z would be a crowd-pleas- thus far of the 1970's, and sure- ton - (Cinema II, Ang. Aud. A, Dralles, aez quartet, 9:30. w eunLe s y er in any era. _**___ _ 7 & 9) - James Stewart vault-; Mr. Flood's Party - Tucker Love and Death - (Peoples' ed to screen immortality with Blines Band, 9:30. CINEMA Bicentennial Commission, Nat. this vibrant portrayal of a Second Chance - Masquerade Winter Light-(Cinema Guild, Sci. And., 7 & 9) - What would Crce I c ifest young, idealistic senator fight- Inight, 9. Arch. And., 7 & 9:05) - The possess Woody Allen to playe n ing virtually alone for his be- second of Ingmar Bergman's variations on Tolstoy? Betterev nthe lies inathefer of a n or f y "silence of God" trilogy, this he should tackle bank robbers, g personal vilification segment deals with the agonies futuristic robots - even giant ampai s within the Senate and CINEMA of a Swedish minister who must breasts. Simply put, Love and l bing wagek itesendparts?)PAoracome to grips with the fact that Death is a botch. Not just a ybitlien Seae bttle curet-; ) Attica - (Women's Studies 'he has lost his faith. A strange botch by Woody Allen standard's, ly ein waed n tesepars?)Prora, Nat. Sci. And., 7 on- ' Bergman film which comes btb hs ffrlse u This 1939 Frank Capra film is ly) - A documentary on the drenched in the "common man" 1971 prison riot and subsequent T omplete with two-dimensional mirits than he. elLICE style only Capra could pull off police slaughter, directed by characters and an aliost pre- Perhaps Allen 'felt the ever- and it holds u' remarkably well Cindy Firestone. tentiously obvious theme, but I. - in this age of cvnicism **** EVENTS somehow find this a rather en- EVENTS Faculty Recital - David Shif- dearing film, perhaps because UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Ark - David imram, Ray rn, clarinet, School of Music iothel splendidperformances FOLKLORE SOCIETY (UMFS) Mantilla - 9:30. I Recital Hall, 8. ""PE.H SE" The Disappearing Goobies - Faculty Recital - Louis Nag- Hearts of the West - AnnII UAC Children's Theatre, RC el, pianist, Rackham And., 8. Arbor Film Co-op, Ang. Aud., 0"Specialcomb Aud., East Quad; 11 a.m., 2 Justino Diaz - Bass singer, A, 7 & 9) - A young would- SINGAR Np i c p.m., 4:30 p.m. University Musical Society, Hill be Western writer heads for PENDLETON ROOMncued What Every Woman Knows- Aud., 8:30. Hollywood of the early '30's, Michigan Union I Without a PTP, Power Ctr., 8 p.m. BARS 1 with hopes of perfecting his Degree Recital - Thomasine Golden Falcon - V-II-I, jazz, talent, soon finds himself crank- SAT., OCT. 30prescription Anderson, flute: Recital Hall, 4. 9:30. ing out seedy grade-B Western 7:30-1 1 :00 p.m. BARS Mr. Flood's Party-Tim Carr, flicks of the time. This charm- Bring Instruments and Songsa Drug Blind Pig - Gaslighters, rag- folk, 9:30. ing, low-key comedy is more Refreshments FREE time, 8. Second Chance - Whiz Kids, than just a nostalgia piece - f Casa Nova - Tom Sabada,' rock, 9:30. -- "As managing partner, I insist that we keep the prices for good food as reasonable as possible. "That's why I'm the reason people keep coming back to the Jolly Tiger. After all, if you can enjoy a truly good meal that costs just a bit more than a meal pre- pared at home, you'll want to come back. "Naturally, our pleasant atmosphere excellent chefs and nice waitresses are important But the value I give you for your food dollar is the real reason you'll love eating here:" JORUl..TKW- FAMILY RESTAURANT Where we're all competing to please you. Open 24 hours a day at 2080 West Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbbr , i i( J L, fledged member in good stand- C&W, 9, no cover. ing of the wordless are, ready Golden Falcon - Melodioso, to take its place beside the Latin jazz, 9:30. best works of Keaton, Chaplin Mr. Flood's Party - Tucker and the other geniuses of the Blues Band, blues, 9:30. field, to which Brooks' name Pretzel Bell - RFD Boys, must certainly now be added. bluegrass, 10.1 Masterfully hilarious. **** Rivbaiyat - Celebration, 9, no. cod'er.1 Stur a !Second Chance - DenninsonI Stars, 8. CINEMAc Minnie and Moskiwitz-(Cine- s u n d ay ma Guild, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05)1 - John Cassavetes' comedy- CINEMA, drama about a mismatched cou- The Phantom of the Opera -r ple (Gena Rowlands and Sey- (Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud., 7 & mour Cassel). 9:05) - A disfigured organist Demetia 13 - (Ann Arbor haunting the Paris Opera pulls Film Co-op, MLB 3, 7 only) - evil strings to further the sing- An axe-murderer chiller which ing career of the woman he c marked the unlikely film debut loves. Lon Chaney's famous or- of Francis Ford Cpppola some iginal is now a little shopworn fourteen years ago. but still has that breathlesslyf Night of the Living Dead - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 3, 8:45 only) - A gamma ray storm from outer space causes ANN A4I 0? L fresh corpses to rise up by the o. .00000...- thousands, all driven by an in- satiable lust for human flesh. TONIGHT i Despite this hopeless-sounding HALLOWEE plot line and its cult status no- W HAT'S _____(PETER BOGDANOVICH, 1962 A 'very, very funny homage to thb Ryan O'Neal is an absent-minded an eccentric, idiosyncratic woman farto wacky to describe, but u at the of San Francisco in the finniestc V BEKenneth Mars. " BELLDEMENI (FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA, 19 In 1962, Roger Corman gave a2 to make a horror movie in Irelan Ford Coppola and he's since gone but he's still proud of this tight, 5:30 - 9:00 axe-murderer. Coppola's flair for 500-:00scary film and the climax is brei a peak at the main-man's root -4E DEMENTIA 13, I was getting , i INT A every day asking for more sex violence."-Francis Ford Coppola, NIGHT OF THE W uu (GEORGE ROMERO, 1968) THE NIGHT OF THE LIVING D at Retail Prices mental feature of 1968, imaginativ tuesday CINEMA Dirty Harry - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, Ang. And. A, 7 on- ly) - This controversial but fa- mous film of pistol-toting cop Harry Callihan (Clint Eastwood) boasts exceptionally imaginative direction by Don Siegel and an exciting if over-melodramatic story line. Counterbalancing these virtures are a parade of one-dimensional cardboard char- acters, notably an hysterical too-bad-to-be-true murderer, and an extended series of simple violence - for - violence's sake scenes, however artistically dolled-up by Siegel. The real question seems to be whether this film is a genuine fascist paeon or just an exploi- [ILM C-0mI Se e ...... @* n the MLB! N BEGINS! I nosrea y ta nty I nR LLVWIV 516 E. Liberty 994-5350 JOHN CASSAVETES' 1972 MINNIE ANDMOSKIWITZ This off-beat film is a contemporary version of the "Srewball" comedy- romance genre of the '30's. Cassavetes' Gestalt therapy approach to film focuses on the unlikely affair between an art librarian and an aggressive car jockey. Starring Gena Rowlands and Seymour Cassel. * CINEMA GUILD IS ACCEPTING MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS * INQUIRE AT TICKET DESK SUN.: Lon Chaney as THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA CINEMA GUILD TONIGHT AT OLD ARCH. AUD. 7:00 & 9:05 Admission $1.25 FRANK CAPRA directs 1939 JIMMY STEWART in MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON Jimmy Stewart (Academy Award for Best Actor) plays the naive junior i UP DOC? !) 7, 8:45, & 10:30 ae screwball comedy of the 30's. Iprofessor. Barbara Streisand is n who chases him, the plot is office to say, they destroy most chase scene since Max Sennett! of laughs! With Madeline Kahn, TIA 13 462) 7 ONLY 22-year-old kid assistant $20,000 nd. The kid's name was Francis on to bigger and better things unpretentious thriller about an mood makes this a genuinely eathtaking. How can you resist s? "when I was working on telegrams from Roger Corman and violence, more sex and stars Luana Anders. LIVING DEAD 8:45 ONLY DEAD remains the best experi- vely conceived, with highly at- hand-held camera work. "Prob- invasion by mutants since THE -q flIVX7TAcyfYnM r)7P lfp.. ia(nv mospheric lighting- and harrowing3 ably the best and most menacingi (_ '-r +'re 's4'=r es e a : vv ¢''rr ¢at _'t! I