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October 28, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-10-28

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for Details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVII, No. 43

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 28, 1976 Ten Cents Twelve Pages


Election picks!
In the tradition of our Sports Page "Gridde
Picks," the Daily's News department presents ..
Election Picks! To win, just pick the candidate you
think will win in each of the 19 local and national
races listed below, and choose "yes" or "no" on
Ballot Proposal 'A', concerning throwaway con-
tainers. Also indicate the percentage of votes both
Ford and Carter will capture in their presidential
race, just in case of a contest deadlock. Write your
choices on a sheet of paper with your name, ad-
dress and telephone number and drop by the Daily
offices, 420 Maynard, by midnight election eve,
Nov. 1. We haven't yet worked out the details for
a prize, but we've got some pretty wild ideas, so
keep watching this spot in the Today Column for
further details. Remember, you can only enter
once. Good luck and happy predictions!
Carter (D)-Ford (R) (pick percentage)
Riegle (D)-Esch (R) Mich.
Moynihan (D)-Buckley (R) N.Y.
Tunney (D)-Hayakawa (R) Calif.
Green (D)-Heinz (R) Penn.
Zumwalt (D)-Byrd (I) Va.
Hartke (D)-Lugar (R) Ind.
Muskie (D)-Monks (R) Maine
Kennedy (D)-Robertson (R) Mass.
Montoya (D)-Schmitt (R) N. Mex.
Metzenbaum (D)-Taft (R) Ohio
Howlett (D)-Thompson (R) Ill.
Tribbitt (D)-duPont (R) Del.
Teasdale (D)-Bond (R) Mo.
Rockefeller (D)-Underwood (R) W. Va.
Bullard (D)-Dietrich (R) St. Rep.
Postill (D)-Minick (R) Sheriff
Pierce (D)-Pursell (R) U. S. Rep.
Steeh (D)-Delhey (R) Prosecutor
Proposal A-yes-no
Happenings .. .
... unfold at a civilized hour today with the
Hopwood tea from 3-5 p.m. at 1006 Angell Hall.
This civilized event occurs every week at this
time ... Prof. Emanuel Le Rois Ladurie speaks
on "Saint Simon et La Cour" at 4 p.m. in Rm.
2012 MLB ... The School of Natural Resources
sponsors a debate on Proposal A, the measure
that would ban throwaway bottles and cans, 7:30
p.m. at the Tappan Intermediate School Aud.,
2251 E. Stadium. Representatives from the bottling
industry and the state government will debate
the issue and take questions from the audience
... Deborah Allen and Mary Koral read their poetry
at the Guild House, 7:30 p.m., 802 Monroe ...
The Intervarsity Christian Fellowship meets at
7:30 p.m. in the Michigan League. This week's
theme is "How to study the Bible."
The Hump is dumped
Humphrey is getting his walking papers.
Humphrey, age 5, is a male Bactrian camel,
the two-hump model, purchased by a Washing-
ton, D.C. zoo as a romantic interest and father
image for the zoo's woman Bactrians. In the
zoo's breeding farm at Front Royal, Va., he
seemed to be getting the job done, at least in
the opinion of those who watched from a dis-
tance. But it turned out that Humphrey had
been, uh, well, gelded, according to zoo officials.
"A clipped orchid," as one put it. They discovered
this condition when Humphrey was examined by
the artificial insemination people. The zoo said
that the dealer who sold Humphrey to them in
a, package deal for $35,000 has promised to re-
place him with the real thing. The dealer, who
requests anonymity, pleads ignorance to the en-
tire affair.

If you can't beat 'em
An Alabama federal judge has ruled that con-
victed wife beaters will be able to vote in next
Tuesday's election. U.S. District Court Judge J.
Foy Guin Jr., enjoined officials from enforcing
a section of the state constitution that denies
the vote to men convicted of wife beating, a
misdemeanor in Alabama. Guin's ruling came
in response to a suit filed by a Wayne Hob-
son, convicted in 1972 of assault and battery
against his wife. His suit claimed the law de-
nied equal protection because it applied only to
OIL the inside .
.Editorial Page offers an election guide for
voters showing where the candidates stand on
the major campaign issues ... Michael Jones and
Stephen Pickover review Young Vic, the English
ortinn r-- n r fnr A rto DPnen nA rd M Un

Ford and





By AP and Reuter
While Jimmy Carter and
President Ford may dis-
agree about many things,
they apparently are in
agreement during this final
campaign week on where
the crucial votes are. For
the second straight day,
yesterday they campaigned
within a few miles of each
other, Ford in New Jersey
and Carter in New York.
As they flew East after
campaigning Tuesday in

Chicago suburbs,C
Peanut One jet pas
Force One, the presi
plane, over Clevelan
THE SUN was shining


City when Carter
his wife, Rosalynn
the Democratic c,
in an open-top li
Fifth Avenue. T
smiled and waved
noon-hour crow(
the route, while

drifted down from sk
Buoyed by the size

Rhodesian nationo
accuse British of
collusion with Sm
By AP and Reuter
GENEVA - Two black Rhodesian nationalist leaders
Britain last night of collaborating with Rhodesia's white-
government in an effort to wreck a conference due to begi
In a statement issued last night, Joshua Nkomo and
Mugabe also warned that if their demands for, among othe
the release of political detainees in Rhodesia were not m
success of the conference stands in jeopardy."
NKOMO AND Mugabe, who have formed a loose allian
the "patriotic front," for the negotiations, met the Britis
man of the conference, Ivor Richard, for a second round
liminary discussions earlier yesterday.
Nkomo and Mugabe discussed with Richard a series
mands they submitted Tuesday. The demands were that
take a bigger role at the conference, meaning a cabinet
should preside; that Britain do all it can to compel Smith

Carter's crowds, estimated by Secret
sed Air Service agents at more than
idtial 50,000, Carter told a rally in
idenia 'thecity's Garment District that
d. ' "this is an absolutely unbeliev-
able o'ltpoiring of confidence in
g in New New York City, confidence in
arrived. the future and confidence in
n, at his one another."
andidate Carter's trip to New York was
.imousine to pay homage to the city's
'he Car- shrinking Liberal Party, which
d at the every four years stages the gar-
'ds that ment district rally for the Dem-
confetti ocratic Presidential candidate,
yscraper and to pay a courtesy call on
Terence Cardinal Cook, the
of the archbishop of New York.
THE CARDINAL is one of the
prominent Roman Catholic lead-
ers with whom Carter has been
feuding over his refusal to en-
dorse a constitutional amend-
ment banning abortion.
Ford flew to Atlantic City,
N.J., and appeared to be cam-
paigning as much against Rich-
ard Nixon, his Republican pre-
decessor, as against Carter.
Upon his arrival in the New
Jersey resort city, the President
told reporters he has "signifi-
accused cantlv rednced the power and
minority anithority of the White House
n today. staff."
Robert HE REPEATED the conten-
r things, tion, expressed in a campaign
et, "the speech broadcast the night be-
fore in Illinois, that his admin-
istration is significantly differ-
ce called ent from Nixon's because
e cale "there's no pomp, there's no
h chair- ceremony, there's no dictatorial
Sof pre- w"'oritv."
Ford told reporters in New
s of de- Jersey that he has transferred
Britain much of the authority held by
minister tie White House staff under
to free Nixon to Cabinet departments
See KEY, Page 2

THREE DIEHARDS, who have walked miles for the "bottle bill", Proposal A on Tues-
day's ballot,- lustily drummed up support for a "yes" vote on the bill in the Diag yester-
day. They are (from 1. to .) Tim Kunin, Jeff Ross and Tom Moran.
Proposal A wulufalkers bottle
up support at Diag rall

After eleven chilly days of walking, trash
collecting and proselytizing, four men who are
walking the length of the state in support of
Proposal A, the "bottle bill", trudged into town
The band of four -- Russ McKee, Tim Ku-
nin, Tom Moran and Jeff Ross - sang "Buy
the beverage, not the bottle' Yea on A" as
they marched boisterously to a noon rally on
the Diag. A small crowd of about 75 heard
speeches in support of the proposal from State
Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor), State
Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) and May-

>r Albert Wheeler. If
woud ban throwaway
lids in Michigan.

approved, Proposal A
containers and pop-top

THE WALKERS set out from Benton Har-
bor on October 16 and are fNtowing Michigan
Avenue (U.S.12) across the state, staying at
the homes of friends and supporters of the bill.
"It's been below freezing every other day,
s-owing, slushing, hailing, sleeting," lament-
ed Kunin, "but we still made about 15 or 20
miles a day."
Kunin said support for the proposal aning
residents they encountered had been quite
See BOTTLE, Page 2

Bayh stumps for Carter i~n


Jimmy Carter's campaign
machine in Michigan is run-
ning scared.
Not of Jerry Ford, but rather
of Independent presidential can-
didate Eugene McCarthy.
to convert McCarthy support by
liberal college students into votes
for Carter, the Democrat's state
c a m p a i g n organizers have
brought two of the party's most
progressive and influencial

members to local campuses-
Arizona Congressman Mo Udall,
who was in town Tuesday, and
Indiana Senator Birch Bayh,
who spoke to EMU students yes-
terday in Ypsilanti.
Bayh, like Udall, tried hard
to counter the argument often
heard among McCarthy support-
ers - that if Carter loses they
can elect a more liberal can-
"Perhaps that was the same
argument that was being made
back in '68," he said "as a

result, we didn't get Gene Mc-
Carthy in 1972 ... we had the
imperial presidency of Richard
HE WENT ON TO attack
President Ford's stance on the
crime issue for what he said
was a lack of commitment to
alleviate the problems that
cause crime.
"The reason crime continues
to escalate at an alarming rate
is that we are unwilling as a
society ... to bring to bear on
the lives of children those ser-
vices that are necessary to keep
children who have trouble ...
from becoming adults who have
trouble and trouble society for
the rest of their lives," he
The amiable Senator saved
his most bitter attacks, how-
ever, for Ford's economic poli.
cies and his position on aid to
higher education.
personable individual but his
policies are not in the best in-
terest of the country," he said,

"The Ford administration is
timid about getting the country
put back to work ... Instead of
cooling it (the economy) off
they put it in the deep freeze."
Earlier he said in an inter-
view that Ford's veto of the
higher education bill cost the
nation's students over one mil-
lion loans and scholarships.
He also discussed the future
of the left or 'progressive' wing
of the Democratic Party and
his role in it.
"I think the more progres-
sive wing of the party has a
very important role - moving
the party in the direction of
new ideas (and) making cer-
tain that we remain sensitive
to human rights. And I think
it has and will continue to play
that role," he said.
HE ADDED, "I don't think
that I'll ever run for president
again. I hope that we're going
to have eight years of a Car-
ter administration ... Frankly,
I think there's a great deal
See BAYH, Page 9

Empty seats mark
Regental debate
Four invited major party candidates for University Regent-
plus one uninvited Libertarian hopeful - met in a student-spon-
sored debate last night before a threadbare gathering the size of
most recitation' sections.
Incumbent Democrats Gerald Dunn (Lansing) and Robert
Nederlander (Birmingham) and Republicans Earl Gabriel (Dear-
born Heights) and David Upton (St. Joseph) were joined at the
Union by Libertarian James Hudler, a recent University gradu-
ate who claimed he was not invited to participate in the event.
Hudler, however, was urged by
{' yDunn to join the invited quartet
n . on the dais.
WHILE THE five candidates
espoused on a cornucopia of
topics ranging from tuition to
Title IX, roughly 25 persons -
including the children of some
candidates - listened attentive-
h lv. Several students occasion-
. ally approached a podium to
directly grill the candidates.
;'"I would have liked' to have
seen a full stadium," said a dis-
appointed Upton after the 90-
minute debate. "Lots of stu-
Duiin dents probably don't even vote
and probably most of them
don't even know what the Board
of Regents is."
f¢Upton likened the debate's
meager response to an issue
he feels is crucial - having
the Regents directly mix with

FORMER presidential hopeful, Indiana Senator Birch Bayh,
urged EMU students in Ypsilanti yesterday not to vote for
Independent Eugene McCarthy but to be realistic and back
Democrat Jimmy Carter.
Syrians cooperate
Itrwh Pales tinianI"Is
By AP and Reuter
BEIRUT - The 18-month-old Lebanese civil war was hit with
a new development yesterday-indications that Syria and the
Palestinian commando movement, bitter foes in the struggle, were
cooperating for the first time in nine months.
Commando reinforcements, released from virtual captivity in
Syria. have been allowed to pass through the Bekaa Valley in
Syrian-controlled eastern Lebanon to reach bases near the Israeli
border, Palestinian officers in the village of Kfair said yesterday.
THE PRESENCE OF the newly-arrived commandos in Kfair
and nearby Hasbaivah indicated Syria has reopened the so-called
"Arafat trail."
It is the most con:rete indicalion so far that an Arab-backed

........ ..

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