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October 27, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-10-27

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wedsesday, October 27, 1976 Ten Cents Ten Pages

Vol. LXXXVII, No. 42

Nuts to Jerry
The Detroit Free Press turned its editorial nose
up at Michigander Jerry Ford yesterday, and en-
dorsed Plains' own Jimmy Carter for President.
While recognizing that the stand against a home-
grown product such as Ford is unusual, the Free
Press lauded the southerner because of his contri-
bution "to the racial conciliation in Georgia, his
,emphasis on jobs, his good mind and his sense
of vision about America." Carter also received
good vibes from the Saginaw Valley, where the
Bay City Times dusted off the Watergate issue for
use on its opinion page. Watergate, the Times
wrote, 'is not a blunder of the past to be stamped
'closed'. It is still with us, and Gerald Ford was
part of it." But Ford need not feel completely os-
tracized by his home state press. Many other state
publications, including the Oakland Press, Lan-
sing State Journal and the Traverse City Record-
Eagle have already said "Nuts to Jimmy" on
their editorial pages.
Happenings ...
... will keep you on your toes today . . . There'll
be a costume sale by the University Players out-
side 1528 Frieze Bldg. Drop by anytime from 9 to
12 and 1 to 5 . . . At noon, attend a "Return to
Returnables" Rally on the Diag in support of Ballot
Proposal 'A'. You can march to the Diag at
11:30 from the Help Abolish Throwaways Office
on the corner of Fourth and Huron . . . If throw-
aways aren't your thing, attend the Commission
for Women meeting at noon in the President's Con-
ference Rm. of the Administration Building . . .
Also at midday, the Rev. Richard Singleton speaks
on "Government Power and its Abuses: A Cri-
tique from the Orientation of Biblical Prophets",
in the Pine Room of the Wesley Foundation, at-
tached to First Methodist Church on State and
Huron. Tea and coffee will be served . . . Rudolf
Arnheim, Professor Emeritus on "The Persistence
of Goodness in Time: Notes on the Survival of
Architecture", at 4. Chrysler Center Aditorium on
Bonisteel Boulevard, North Campus . . . Like to
eat? If you do, catch "Early Amerian Foods:
A Lecture-Demonstration" at the International
Center, 603 E. Madison, at 4. A traditional apple
bob will follow the presentation . .. Sir Eric Ashby
will talk on "Power in Academe: Britain and the
United States," also at 4, 1309 School of Education
Bldg. . . . you can voice all those gripes about
tuition, dorm food and the like at 7, when the four
Republican and Democratic University Regent can-
didates meet for a debate in the Pendleton Li-
brary of the Union. Event is sponsored by the
Mad Hatter's Tea Party student organization,
among others . . The LSA student government
meets in Rm. 3410 of the Union, also at 7 . .
Again at 7 University President Robben Fleming
is interviewed in "A Study in Homophobia" - a
videotaped documentary of the gay rights strug-
gle at the University in 1975. Catch this one at 612
S. Forest, Suite B . . . Elliott Skinner, a Columbia
University anthropologist, will speak in Schorling
Auditorium of the School of Education Bldg. at
7:30. Talk is sponsored by the Center for Afr
American Studies . . . There'll be a mass meet-
ing of the Washington Intern Program at 7:30,
Nat. Sci. Auditorium . . . and, finally, applications
are being accepted for the Project Outreach In-
ternship Program at 7:30, Nat. Sci. Auditorium
. . . and, finally, applications are being accepted
for the Project Outreach Internship Program -
Adolescents in Stress Situations - which will be
offered Winter '77. Drop by 554 Thompson or call
764-9279 . . . Keep busy and have a nice day!
On the inside . .
. ..Editorial Page offers an article on GEO by
Dan Tsang . . . Mara Brazer takes a look at Mon-
day's Spanish Folk Ballet on Arts Page . . . and
Kathy Henneghan surveys Big Ten basketball tic-
ket distribution on the Sports Page.
On the outside . ..
.. It's going to be a real chiller today. High
temperatures will be in the upper 30's, but you
can find some solace in a lack of precipitation.

'U' confronts new
Michiguama sex,
race bias charge
A Native American student has filed a race discrimi-
nation complaint charging the University with provid-
ing the privileged use of facilities and services to Michi-
gauma, an all-male, secret senior organization.
In a complaint filed with the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare (HEW) under Title VI - a law
prohibiting race discrimination in federally funded edu-
cational institutions - Grace Pego stated that Michi-
gamua "never had a Native American member" and
"through its publications and actions portray Native





N1Xon tapes set
for broadcast
WASHINGTON (AP)-The U.S. Court of Appeals cleared the
way yesterday for broadcasting of the Nixon White House tapes
played at the Watergate cover-up trial.
"The tapes played at trial are no longer confidential," the
court ruled in a 2-1 decision.
THE RULING ALSO PERMITS the sale of the tapes as phono-
graph records.
Included is the so-called "smoking gun" tape of June 23, 1972,
when former president Richard Nixon ordered that the FBI's
investigation of the Watergate break-in, six days earlier, be
Also among the tapes played at the trial is the March 21,

1973 warning, by former Nixon
HUD to
axe funds
for local
Twenty-six local public ser-
vices programs - and possibly
more - will lose their federal
funding Sunday due to a re-
cent ruling from the Depart-
ment of Housing and Urban De-
velopment (HUD).
The Ann Arbor City Council,
however, is attempting to com-
pensate for the losses to some
four to six other programs by
last-minute legislation.
THE PROGRAMS to lose fund-
ing are:
" Housing programs of the
Salvation Army, Catholic Social
Services and Ozone House.
A Summer programs includ-
ing the Elderly Project and
Handicanped Project of the Ann
Arbor Recreation Department,
the Washtenaw Camp Plac -
ment service and Project Grow;
* Day care programs of the
Student / Parent Center, the
See PROGRAMS, Page 2

was a

John Dean, that there
cancer on the presiden-

THE THREE television net-
works, the Public Broadcasting
System, a news directors' or-
ganization and Warner Commu-
nications, Inc., a record manu-
facturer, has asked to repro-
duce the tapes.
Initially, U.S. District Judge
GerhardGesell had ruled that
could be done, provided the
applicants came up with a plan
to prevent commercialization
or .undignified use. Later he re-
viewed proposals and found
them unacceptable.
U.S. District Judge John Siri-
ca, who presided over the cover-
up trial, then denied the appli-
cations, saying any such action
had to wait until appeals were
exhausted by the four men con-
victed in the case, John Mitch-
ell. H.R. Haldeman, John Ehr-
lichman and Robert Mardian.
cently unheld the convictions
of all except Mardian, but all
have said they would carry the
anneals process to the Supreme
Involved are 30 tapes played
0,1ring the three-month trial.
Trnnscrints of the tanes were
n"blished in whole or in part
wvb1 the trial was in proeress.
The opinion, written by Chief
Judge David Bazelon, said that
by definition the tapes no long-
er are confidential and that Nix-
on, who opposes their release,
"is left to argue that it some-
how would be 'unseemly' to al-
See NIXON, Page 2

Over 300 members of the
Graduate Employee Organ-
i-ation (GEO) jammed the
Michigan League Ballroom
last night and voted by a
two-to-one margin to go on
strike starting 12:01 Tues-
day morning, November 2,
pending approval by two-
thirds of the entire mem-
bership during a three-day
referendum this week.
According to Union by-
laws last night's vote is not
sufficient to start a strike,
but rather is sufficient only
to initiate a strike referen-
dum. Beginning today, and
running through Friday, all
Graduate Student Assist-
ants (GSA's) who a r e
members of GEO will be
able to vote, by secret bal-
lot. either for or against a
LUBENS strike,
st night.
THERE WILL be three poll-
ing places - the Mason Hall
Fishbowl, the Freize Building,
and the North Campus Com-
mons - and voting hours will
be 9:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m.
on Wednesday and Thursday,
and 9:00 a.m. through 3:00 p.m.
on Friday.
All ballots will be tallied on
Monday, November 1, with the
results to be announced at a
mass membership meeting lat-
er that night. If the referendum
one of his passes, the Union would be out
on strike by midnight.
gratory con- Last night's meeting follow-
candidates ed yet another fruitless bar-
'candidats gaining session that Union of-
Friday that ficials felt "left them with no
attacks in choice but to strike."
efore next
"E S S E N T I A L L Y
e said yes- they are still reiterating their
er refused positions," said GEO Treasur-
er Barbara Weinstein. "Today's
gazine and bargaining session was not pro-
to set up dtctive."
GEO President Doug Moran
See GEO, Page 7

Daily Photo by PAULINE
GEO MEMBERS vote to take strike referendum in Michigan League ballroom las


Ford attacks




By The Associated Press and Reuter News Service
President Ford yesterday made his toughest
attack on Democratic Presidential rival Jimmy
Carter, accusing him of inviting aggression rath-
er than trying to deter it.
Ford also said Carter's views on foreign poli-
cy showed his inexperience.
THE CHARGES DREW an equally tough re-
sponse from the Georgian who said it was time
to stop bluffing with America's military might.
He accused the Ford campaign of slandering
him and his family by distributing a tabloid
newspaper containing cartoons which poked fun

at him and recountered stories that
sons had smoked marijuana.
The sharpening of the campaign or
trasted with declarations by both
in their final television debate last F
they would not resort to personal
their final days of electioneering b
Tuesday's vote.
terday that President Ford had nev
an in-depth interview with the mag
that the White House twice offered
shorter ones.
See CAMPAIGN, Page 10


of two diehard


McCarthy keeps pushing on

Independent presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy, who
whisked into Detroit last night for a two-hour visit, told a small
but enthusiastic group of supporters at Metropolitan Airport that
scrutinizing the two-party control of politics is "more important
than "examining the differences between Ford and Carter."
"In Russia, everyone has to vote, but they have only one
choice," said the Minnesota Senator. "Here, we are encouraging
everyone to vote but there are only two choices. There are more
and more people to vote, but for less and less."
McCARTHY, who now seeks a "protest vote" more than a
victory vote, shrugged off insinuations that he is splitting the
Democratic vote.
"Jimmy Carter could resign and I could win - he's spoiling

it for me," said the '68 campaign also-ran who says pollsters now
estimate McCarthy will carry 5-10 per cent of the vote.

"I though about it for a year-and-a-half
today in St. Paul without any remorse or
ferring to his absentee ballot. "It's not for
to withdraw."

and voted for myself
regret," he said re-
me to say I'm going

McCARTHY has focused his campaign on striking down state
statutes designed to keep independents off state ballots and has
successfully challenged eight such states. And during his speech
last night, news came through that New York had just consented
to put his name on the ballot.
McCarthy blames the media, in part, for perpetuating this two-
party system.
McCarthy cited an instance where CBS maintained the fair-
ness doctrine had been met because he received his 21-minute
equal time allotment from various news programs. In compari-
son, the two major parties had their national conventions, and de-
bates, as well as day-to-day news coverage.
"CBS WAS particularly moving - they said I'd been mentioned
two times by Walter Cronkite," McCarthy said scornfully.
"There was a 45-second spot on one. Apparently, if you're men-
tioned by Walter Cronkite, then you're alive," he added.
McCarthy also claimed that the media often casts him in a
See McCARTHY, Page 7


Udall bo
When Mo Udall bounded into the Union
Ballroom yesterday afternoon he jokingly
told his fever-pitched audience that he
"demanded a recount of the Michigan pri-
If those discinles could have willed it,

isters Carter effort

who was last in Ann Arbor the week be-
fore his razor-close loss to Carter in the
May state primary - also won thunder-
ous approval for himself from the 800 plus
student - dominated crowd which carpet-
ed the floor of the ballroom.
The rhetoric was not the same that Udall
}hn hrmicrh m ih him nn his lat trio here.

booth endorsements for independent presi-
dential candidate Eugene McCarthy. While
admitting he "loved Gene McCarthy,"
Udall cautioned the young voters with any-
vote-for-McCarthy-is-a-vote-for-Ford motto.
"I ask my liberal friends to take the
Udall two-minute truth test," he said. "If
you're planning on voting for Eugene Mc-

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