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Vol. LXXXVII, No. 40
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 24, 1976 Ten Cents Ten Pages
I -
Let them eat biscuits
About 8 million pounds of biscuits stored at
civil defense shelters in Wisconsin since the 1960's
may be used to stretch drought thinned livestock
feed supplies. The biscuits, hard rations for the
public in the event of a disaster, are getting too
stale for public consumption. The Defense Pre-
paredness Agency has advised the state that the
biscuits should be removed from the shelters. Hogs
fed a mixture of animal food and' crushed bis-
cuitsagained substantial weight in testsrconducted
earlier this year. This leaves only one question:
what will people eat if the Russians attack?
Happenings .. .
Begin today at Briarwood with a presentation
by the UAC Children's Theater of "The Disap-
pearing Gobbies" at 12:30 and 1:30 ... from 1-8
p.p. the Washtenaw County Advisory Committee
on the status of women will' sponsor an Em-
ployment Fair at the Washtenaw Community
College ... beginning at 1:30 p.m. at the First
Methodist Church (corner of Huron and State)
a "Walk for Hunger" will start ... at 3 p.m.
Democratic candidates will appear at Stockwell
... at 4 p.m. the Livingston County Wildlife and
conservation Club will sponsor a debate on pro-
posal "A" at their clubhouse, 6060 M36, two miles
- west of Hamburg ... at 7 p.m. the Ann Arbor
Libertarian League is having an organizational
meeting in Anderson Rm. B of the Union ,.. on
Monday the only event will be an educational
seminar on Women and Health Care sponsored
by the Ann Arbor Women's Health Collective, it
will begin at 7:30 p.m. and the topic will be
Hold thy tongue
The president of Bob Jones Unive sity, a pri-
vate fundamentalist college in South Carolina, has
apologized to President Ford for calling 'the First
Lady a "slut." The remark was made in an in-
terview in which Dr. Bob Jones Jr. said he ob-
jected to statements Betty Ford has made about
premarital sex and drugs. "I was not brought
up in a world of rough language, and to me
that word has an entirely 'different connotation
than it seems to bear with a great many other
people," he said in his apology. "To me 'slut'
simply means someone whose publicly expressed
position is unbecoming of a lady in a position
of leadership." But the first family was not
singled out for criticism in the interview. Jimmy
Carter was blasted as a "foul-mouthed, double-
crossing hypocrite."
Crime doesn't pay
Two would-be bandits got more than they bar-
gained for when they attempted to hold up a man
sitting in a car in Inglewood, Calif. One of the
pair pulled a pistol, pointed it at the man and
demanded his money. The intended victim, how-
ever, was an undercover sheriff's deputy on a
surveillance stakeout. The deputy shot the gun-
man and arrested his partner. The 19-year-old
gunman was hospitalized in critical condition.
Wine tasters rejoice! The Christian Brothers
winemaster says this year's Napa Valley wine crop
is small but of high quality. "Less than half
the normal winter rain produces a poor growth,
small grape clusters and small, lightweight ber-
ries,", said Brother Timothy, head of the order's
wine operations. "However, small berries, as long
as they are mature, will produce wines of more
intense aroma, flavor and varietal characteristics
than large berries." He added that this years wine
quality should be "excellent." Drink up! .
A pause in time
Time has stopped in London - at least for
Big Ben. The world's most famous clock was
stopped at noon yesterday so that scientists could
inspect it with ultra sonic detectors, radioactive
isotopes and all the paraphernelia of atomic science
in an effort to find invisible cracks, flaws and
metal fatigue in the clock's 125-year-old cast iron
mechanism. One such fault brought Big Ben to a
grinding halt Aug. 5. The clock was out of ac-
tion for elevendays, and its quarter hour chimes
still do not work. But at the end of the 36-hour
check-up, time will return to normal for British
clock watchers.
On the inside
The Sports page has the details of Michigan's
stunning victory over the ill-prepared and out-
manned Indian- football team in yesterday's game,
and the Sunday Magazine has a story by Elaine
Fletcher on Women's sports and its relation to
By ANN MARIE LIPINSKI usual election
When Political Science Prof. Warren Miller thin canvassin
distributed the syllabus for his contemporary Po- debates in spar
litical Issues class on the firsts day of the term, tically all that
a quote from Aristotle followed close after the which once ret
listing of the teaching assistants. sideptial electi
"Goodness by itself is not enough; there must Outside of,
also be a capacity for being active in doing amongst Unive
good," it read. major party
observers cite
ARISTOTLE WOULD be disappointed with the issues" as the
level of student adherence to his philosophy this this fall.
election year.
With little more than a week to go until the "INDEED, Ip
voting polls open and the final act in the presi- ing the new pr
dential campaign drama is played out, there is en,, equal righ
scant evidence on the University campus of the there would be
Blue hum
Lytle's rushilng; leads
Special To The Daily
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - The pieces keep falling into
On a day that saw Nebraska toppled and Ohio State
quarterback Rod Gerard injured, Michigan played near
perfect football and beat the Indiana Hoosiers 35-0.
THIS WAS A cold, dreary, rainy day, the kind that underdogs
revel in. But the Wolverines executed marvelously, racking up
493 yards and not losing the slippery football until the game was
well out of reach.
"We played well," said Michigan Coach Bo Schembechler.
"We made no mistakes in the first half. Three possessions, three
"We did what we had to do and I am pleased because of that."
ERRORLESS FOOTBALL was the day's goal and the most
errorless Wolverines were tailback Rob Lytle and quarterback
Rick Leach.
Lytle rushed for 175 yards in 25 carries, while Leach scooted
for 52 and added 102 more on 4-4 passing accuracy.
"I felt our offensive was just fantastic," said Lytle, who
started at tailback for the first time this season. "We took it to
them..We knew they were good, we were fired up and it showed."
SCHEMBECHLER PRAISED Leach, noting that he saw only
one error by the sophomore quarterback all afternoon.
"We practice outside all the tirte," explained Leach. "And so
we're used to any kind of condition."
Michigan pitched the ball wide 13 times in the "conservative"
ball-control first half, but Leach had an explanation for that too.
"LAST WEEK we looked at the films and felt I was too far
from the tailback on my pitches,", said Leach. "This time I con-
See MICHIGAN, Page 9
idf f
year bustle. Leaflet-dotted kiosks,
g activity and occasional political
rsely filled dorm lounges are prac-
remain of the campus activism
ached feverish heights during pre-
on seasons.
a particularly low-level interest
ersity students for either of the
presidential candidates, political
,the lack of any glaring "youth
biggest factor in political apathy
F the campaign were emphasiz-
olitics' issues - the role of wom-
hts, aid to foreign countries -
a lot more activism," maintains
9r want of
Miller whose political science course, offered Ettinger,t
each election year, involves the enrolled stu- Carter can
dents in active campaign work. "But there was out of that
a clear decision, particularly in the Carter cam- from near
paign,' not to make new politics an issue. I don't says the c
know why." tive suppo
.Jack Katosh, who is the coordinating teaching "When
assistant of Miller's course, agrees. one per ce
"The war is over," he says simply. "There is very impr
just no issue that concerns students as dramatic- Ettinger
ally as that did." issues has
- "THE K
THE LOCAL Carter machine, which has at- ably unem
tracted more active student support than any you're app
other campaign organization in the city, works make a m
out of a cluttered, walk-up flat on State St. close 'loy'eit
to campus. University graduate student David
Hoo siers,
who is the di-trict coordinator of the
mpaign, spends 16 hours a day working
t headquarters. Despite volunteer time
rly 400 University students, Ettinger
campaign is still hurting for more ac
you think about it, 400 students is only
ent of the student body, and that's not
essive," he says.
agrees 'that a lack of youth-oriented
been a cripp ing factor.
KEY ISSUE in this campaign is prob-
nployment," he points out, "and when
ealing to a student body whose parents
edian income of $28,000 a year, unem-
just doesn't hit home."
See LACK, Page 7
MICHIGAN DEFENDERS Dom Tedesco (99) and Jerry Zuver (8) block Indiana quarterback Scott Arnett's (16) pass attempt.
The University has an office
for just about every kind of
student. There is an office for
tuition, one for housing, one for
academics and on and on. And
for each one of these offices
there are computers, and secre-
taries, and long lines, and red
tape, and oh yes, answers to
your questions-if you can put
up with all that.
But there is one University
office that is trying to help. It
is different than all the rest. It
is the Office of Ethics and Re-
ligion (E and R).
INSTEAD OF- filling out
forms, standing in lines and
making appointments, one can
just relax in a comfortable
lounge and talk with some
people that care.
E and R is a University fund-
ed agency. So they do not pro-
mote any single religious orien-
tation or belief.
E and R maintains communi-
cation with over fifty groups, all
listed in their directory of spiri-
tual and religious resources.
The, directory contains a very
comprehensive listing of any
such groups. A description of
services, an address, phone
number and an individual to
contact is helpfully catalogued
for each organization.
STUDENTS wishing to satisfy
their spiritual needs can do so
by finding out which organiza-
tion best suits them. And that's
your spI
ly unbearable administrative
and establishment problems
that arise can become some-
what lessened with the encour-
aging guidance of an E and R
staff member.
Informal counseling, suffering
extinction in many clinics, does
exist at E and R. The staff is
easily accessible, unlike ether
campus counseling agencies.
They are highly qualified in
counseling, clinical psychology
and religious studies. Someone
is always there to just talk
things over with.
E AND R SERVES an educa-
tional function. "One of our
iri ts
aims is to make visable cer-
tain religious values we think
are irgportant and not covered
in the University curriculum,"
explained Robert Hauert, a
staff counselor at E and R.
They are coordinating short-
term discussion groups and hu-
man sexuality workshops. A
few of their planned activities
are a weekly film-lecture se-
ries, .,weekly follow-up discus-
sions and special guest lectures.
So next time the bureaucracy
of this University gets you down,
take a break. Walk up to the
third floor of the Michigan Un-
ion where you'll get some
straight answers and some per-
sonal attention - for a change,
Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
Jazz pianist Keith Jarrett constructs intricate patterns on his acoustic piano last night at
Hill Auditorium.
Candidates face
Smugglers Mi1x
Take 2B-Carbomethoxy-3B-Benzoxytropane. Transform it from
a white powder to a liquid, using the most mysterious of chemical
techniques. Pour it into Scotch bottles. Elude authorities.
For a while, it seemed the perfect way to conduct an Ann
Arbor-based dope ring. Until they were nabbed last week, mem-
bers of the clever band - including several University students-
had smuggled into the country $6 million worth of cocaine, neatly
disguised as Scotch whiskey. They even mastered a way to turn
the "whiskey" back into its native form.
BUT FROM a standpoint of organic chemistry, there's a mys-
tery - how'd they do it?
From wire service reports
President Ford and Jimmy Carter went into
the grueling final stretch of the presidential cam-
paign yesterday, both seemingly satisfied with
the political images they have created.
With the third and final nationally televised
debate behind them, the two opposing candidates
embarked on a final ten days of on-the-road
thetic about politics and to vote on Nov. 2.
WE CAN CHALLENGE ourselves to strive'
for excellence or we can whine and moan and
withdraw when we have inevitable failures,"
Carter told a crowd of more than 10,000 per-
sons in Alexandria, Va.
Aides have said voter apathy is the biggest
threat to Carter's election, siice the voting blocs
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