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October 22, 1976 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1976-10-22

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PageTwo HE ICHIAN DILYFriday, October 22, 1976

lW(k. -~ioAN)~ Wi nttr ~od$

Chinese celebrate '1k1 uida Lion'

(Continued from Page 1)
the counter - revolutionary con-
spiratorial clique and liquidated
a bane inside the party."
wO0fficial staid theticelebrations
night. Peking television has told
overseas networks that it will
then be transmitting "import-
ant news."

S I M I L A R demonstra-
tions continued in Shanghai, the
power base of the radicals.
Sources there said three top
city adminstrators closely qs-
sociated with the "Gang of
sour would be put before a
NCNA reported -that one and
a half million people took part
in yesterday's demonstrations
here to "warmly celebrate the
great victory in shattering the
scheme of the Gang of Four to
usurp party and state power."
"The army men and civilians

de o'nced the bunch of con-
sniramors and careerists . . . the
demonstrators pointed out that
t'sev wx're tynical representa-
ti'es -of the bo'irgeoisie inside
the nnrtv and unrepentant capi-
tabst - roaders,'" it added.
NCNA said they had wanton-
-ly tampered with Marxism-
L'eninism - Mao Tse - Tung
thought, opposed Chairman
Mao's line on domestic and in-
ternational questions and en-
gaged in "unbridled intrigues
and conspiracies.

could be the
ments of the
sibly other

speculatej this
formal announce-
radical purge, the
of Hua and pos-
major leadership



Cwididates amuse guests

NEW YORK (AP) - Presi- New York tonight."
dent Ford and his Democratic Ford preceded Carter to the
opponent Jimmy Carter flew in rostrum at the Waldorf-Astoria's
yesterday for separate but grand ballroom by 1% hours.
equal appearances at New York He was on his way home. in
City's yearly political gala, the Air Force One before Carter
31st annual Alfred E. Smith began to speak. The two never
Memorial dinner. crossed paths.
Their speech writers for the Both met privately with Ter-
occasion turned out to be two ence Cardinal Cooke of New
minds with a single thought. Xork, who was host to some
Ford referred to the confusion 2,000 persons attending the Ro-
that often attends the hustle man Catholic-sponsored dinner
and bustle of a presidential that each year attracts high
campaign, then added. "It's al- echelon politicians.
ways nice to come back here In the spirit of levity that has
to Philadelphia." become a hallmark of the an-
CARTER FEIGNED forgetful- nual gathering, Ford referred in
ness and, in a stage gesture, his speech to Friday's third and
referred to a card in his pocket final debate with Carter and
before cormpleting the sentence: said:
"It's a great pleasure to be in "ONLY THIS ONE will be dif-
wIl be held at HIGH POINT CENTER, 1735 S.
Wagner Rd., Ann Arbor, Michigan (between
Liberty & Scio Church Rds.) From 11:00 A.M.
to 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24th. Un-
usual and diverse art objects plus antiques will
be on sale. A percent of the proceeds will go
to High Point Center which services exceptional
A BAKE SALE will also be carried on. Cider and
donuts will be available, along with free pump-
kins and apples.
Sponsored by the HIGH POINT PARENT-

ferent. Gov'. Carter is going to
answer his questions and I'm
going to question my answers."
At another point, Ford said a
special lock had been installed
earlier in the day on the front
door of the White House and
added, "it's ,jimmy-proof."
There was applause and also
the good natured type of boos
with which an atrocious pun is
usually greeted.
Carter referred to his Play-
boy magazine interview and de-
"1 had an onportunity to chat
nrivately with Cardinal Cooke
toniaht and he gave me some
good ad'ice. Among other
things I've agreed that if I ever
oixre another in'terdew on the
e ihboel sins of pride and lust,
it will be to a reporter from
'Our S'indav Visitor.'"
The Sunday Visitor Is a wide-
ly circulated Catholic weekly.
917 FMO PEN.
FRDAY. l() A.M. - 7 P.M.
& 30
SATURDAY. 10 A.M.- 2 P.M.
5th 1 loor of LSA Bldg.
UM Cam pus


B. Libcrty


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