mi iigau Daily Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Thursday, October 21, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Arms embargo should have passed in U.N. " " WHEN BRITAIN, France and the United States Tuesday vetoed in the UN Security Council a resolution for an arms embargo to South Africa, they effectively made sure that re- pression and bloody clashes would continue to be a fact of life there. The three countries concurred that a ban on arms to South Africa could upset Henry Kissinger's peace nego- tiations with leaders there. Speaking for the United States, William Scran- ton said, "For the first time there are prospects for results." It is the results that we question. It is obvious that shipping more arms will not promote peace in a country whose recipients will use the arms to do as they like to the people of the country., Editorial positions represent a consensus of the Daily staff. The thrl By DOUG TIMMS WONDERLAND? -The P election occurs in two w a likely unenthusiastic recept ways, the American Electo be increasingly and suggest positioned largely through imagery. It is not that we comprehend issues, but that to reward impressions (and vite imagery). Then, too, m will either not bother to vot for McCarthy; thereby jus viously voting for Ford or C Carter has invoked a pope - "the people" vs. "the big special interests" - but mig skewered on his studied vagu the fear of the unknown. F paigns on "peace, prospe trust," all of which, but fort have a hollow ring. Ford is, else, trustworthy; but he mig "trusted" to continue reacti ordinated Presidential behavi do not mean of the can't - w chew - gum -at -the -same - ti Where is leadership one mil among a White House staff4 of more than enough Nixon h And what of the issues? Ca paigns on cutting the federa cracy down from 1,900, agenc (similar to what he "did"' in with out emphasizing that h not to cut down governmentt ly rearrange it for increased and responsiveness. In Ge managed to get about half thl cracy in a clumsy HumanI Department-Medicaid beingA example of its fruits. Then, to adopted tax reform as a "go but has yet to even make proposal (which would, un defuse that "goodness"). It a year, he says. He alsof cutting 5 to 7 billion dollars Defense budget without stating level. But then Carter has s Presidency since 1966 andI hate to lose now that he's so Doug Tivmns is a student in versity's MBA program. sensed from the beginning that Amer residential cans would vote above all else f veeks with someone decent that could restore di ion. As al- nity to our brand of nationalism. Wh orate will cares about issues anyway? The smil ively pro- the presence, that's the thing. television Ford sits with his practical callou can not ness - content with the impressi we tend that in the long run the economy wi hence in- advance itself and unemployment w any of us fall. Someone tell him that we do n e or vote live in the long run. He managedt t as ob- all but destroy his fragile popularit arter. at the outset with the Nixon pardo ulist pitch He has finessed the question of his i shots and volvement with the Patman Committ ht well be and the availability of White Hou eness and tapes of Nixon-Ford talks which migh ord cam- free him. He has also satisfied himse rity, and with his ill-favored overture to Vietna the latter, objectors; has generally failed to fas above all 'ion a coordinated energy policy; twit ht also be has vetoed environmentally dispose ve, unco- strip - mining bills; has appeared ev for (and I more the puppet of Kissinger's foreig alk - and- policy; and has taken with apparen me type). duplicity a state's rights stance t ght ask- ward abortion. Ford does know h composed figures, however, having served man holdovers? years on the House defense appropria irter cam-tions committee; a concentratio al bureau- which is not apt to produce very imag ies to 200 inative domestic programs within th Georgia) next four years. he means But I do not want to belittle bot but mere- candidates. Each has another . sid efficiency Carter senses, perhaps rightly, th 'orgia he Americans are not as unhappy wit e bureau- funding government as they are wit Resources the product itself. Reorganization i the worst it seems, warranted. He is likely 1 oo, he has start immediately with a new Depar od issue," ment of Energy. Employment, too,'i one solid likely to see more attention; not witl doubtedly, full blown spending (ala the Humphrey will take Hawkins bill) but with "rifle shots advocates targeted at women, -,teenagers, an from the minorities - or pockets of unemploy g his base ment - along with subsidies to bus ought the ness to hire the hardcore. He hope he would to cut unemployment to 4.5 per cen close. He by 1980 while balancing the budge then and cutting inflation to 4 per cen ithe Uni- (the latter also Ford's target). We ar also likely to see: increased consume .00 1 r- advocacy from him; amore of a moral or tone to foreign policy along with troop g- withdrawals from South Korea; more ho concern with environmental protection; e, rehabilitation and prison reform; a push toward national health insurance; s- more aid to the cities with counter- on cyclical revenue sharing; perhaps ill handgun registration; even tax reform ill to an extent; but all at a higher cost ot along with some antitrust and zero to based budgeting nonsense. Carter ty should prove to be a private individual,, ,n somewhat like Nixon, but with a strong n- moral stance and inner conviction. The ee influx of new people, if only for the se media, might, as he, promises, wash ht out a part of tired, old Washington. lf m ON THE OTHER HAND, Ford, who h- is gaining in economic understanding ce after an embarrassing WIN program ed at the outset, will likely see unemploy- er ment, in fact, if not slowly, fall to 6 7n per cent in 1977. He has succeeded well nt enough given an inherited situation in o- this sphere, although it is doubtful that is he deserves the complete credit. Ford y will continue a largely "hands off" ap- a- proach, hoping the market will respond n to its curative process. What he lacks g- in vision, he makes up for in sheer he doggedness on issues as they arise. He is likely to stress vocational education th programs, aiming grants at the non- college bound; 'attempt to scrap Medic- ea aid and combine federal health meas- S tires in block grants to states -- con- th tinuing, he hopes, a return to more de- centralized power; continue detente, s, this time without inequity; guard fiscal to integrity through more vetoes; push a cs atastrophic illness program at much less cost than national health insur- h ance; favor rent subsidies to low in- y- come groups rather than directly sub- 3 sidizing housing as Carter might do; id encourage sustained growth in defense - spending; perhaps end taxation of cor- '-porate dividends; and seek more vig- s orous control, if not therestriction, of it busing. All in all, a slow, dust-our- nt selves-off, gradual approach to govern- e ing, but one that is unlikely to pro- er duce any large mistakes. Ford is presidential candidates glass Carter Scr anton Iw Editorial Staff Rob Meachum ........... Co-Editors-in-Chief Bill Turque Jeff Ristine .................... Managing Editor Tim Schick .................. Executive Editor Stephen Hersh ..... . Magazine Editor Rob Meachum .............. Editorial Director Lois Josimovich .ds.. Arts Editor STAFF WRITERS: Susan Ades, Susan Barry, Dana Baumann, Michael Beckman, Philip Bo- kovoy, Jodi Dimick, Chris Dyhdale, Elaine Fletcher, Larry Friske, Debr Gale, Tom Go- dell, Eric Gressman, Kurt Harju, Char Heeg, James Hynes, Michael Jones, Lani Jordan, Lois Josimovich, Joanne Kaufman, David Keeps, Steve Kursman, Jay Levin, Ann Marie Lipinski, George Lobsenz, Pauline Lubens, Stu CcConnell, Jennifer Miller, Michael Norton, Jon Panslus, Ken Parsigian, Karen PA ', Stephen Pickover, Christopher Potter, I on Rose, Lucy Saunders, Annemarie Schiavi, Kar- en Schulkins, Jeffrey Selbet, Jim Shahin, Rick 'Soble, Tom' Stevens, Jim Stimson, David Strauss, Mike Taylor, Jim Tobin, Lora Walker, Laurie Young, Barbara Zahs. Photography Staff Pauline Lubens .......:..... Chief Photographer Brad Benjamin ............ Staff Photographer Alan Bilinsky ............. Staff Photographer Scott Eccker ............. Staff Photographer Andy Freeberg .............Staff Photographer Christina Schneider ..... ...Staff Photographer Business Staff Beth Friedman ........... Business Manager Deborah Dreyfuss .......... Operations Manager Kathleen Mulihern .. Assistant Adv. Coordinator David Harlan................Finance Manager Don Simpson ................. Sales Manager' Pete Peterson ..........Advertising Coordinator Cassle St. Clair .......... Circulation Manager Beth Stratiord . Circulation Director Sports Staff Bill Stldg ........ ;........... ...Sports Editor Rich Lerner...........Executive Sports Editor Andy Glazer ...........Managing Sports Editor Rick Bonino ..... .. ...Associate Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Tom Cameron; Enid Goldman, Kathy Henneghan, Scott Lewis, Rick Maddock, Bob Miller, John Niemeyer, Mark Whitney. STAFF WiTERS: Leslie Brown, Paul Campbell. Marybeth Dillon, Ernie Dunbar, Henry Engel- hardt, Jeff Frank, Cindy Gatziolls, Don Mac- Lachlan. Rich Ovshinsky, Jim Powers, Pat Rode, Jonn Schwartz.' We are aware that the United States has something of a vested interest in mineral-rich (chromium for example) South Africa. This may explain why our country vetoed the arms embargo. Why Britain and France joined in is anyone's guess. It only takes one vote to veto a reso- lution in the Security Council. It is possible that these two other countries also have vested interests in South Africa, paricularly Britain with its South African Prime Minis- ter John Vorster. But that is as de- bateable as exactly why the U. S. voted to veto. Central in the situation is the fact that to send arms to a country to pro- mote peace is not just warped logic, it is symbolic of behind-the-scenes chicanery. That such wheeling and dealing exists is no obscure fact. Kissinger is an experienced and brilliant political manipulator. He isn't in South Africa because of his conscience; he's there because of overriding interests. Henry Kissinger and other Ameri- can and world leaders owe it to us and themselves to come clean on South African politicking. That arms embargo should have passed. TODAY'S STAFF: Ford also likely to continue his easygoing but probably nondescript way. So we have Carter and Ford. Plains, Georgia and Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Challenger vs. the Incumbent. Through the looking glass? Vote. HEALTH SERVICE News: Jeff Ristine, Lani Jordan, Liz Retallick Ken Parsigian, Kaplan, Martha Editorial Page: Rob Meachum, Tom Stevens; Steve Kursman, Mark Wagner Arts Page: Lois .Josimovich Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens By SYLVIA HACKER and NANCY PALCHIK QUESTION: I get sore throats a lot. When is it serious? What can I do about it? ANSWER: One of our eminent sore throat experts at Health Service, Dr. Paul Wolfish, of- fers these wise words: The vast majority of sore throats are probably caused by viruses, and at present we have no means of "curing" viral in- fections. Usually, a sore throat is only one of a constellation of symptoms produced by the virus, such as running nose, congestion, watery or itching eyes, ear pressure, sneezing, coughing, fever and generalized aches. These symptoms can last from a few days to sev- eral weeks and are almost al- ways self-limited. Nevertheless, the sore throat can 'be the pre- dominant complaint or even the only one. A combination of the symptoms enumerated above often appears in a condition called, in highly technical term- inology, the "common cold." Al- though there is no "cure" for it, there are treatments avail- able to alleviate the symptom$ and help the patient feel bet- ter while his own body defenses work to fight the illness in their own way. Consistentiwith out philosophy that a patient should participate more actively in his/ her own health care, Health Ser- vice now has available a self- care cold clinic for the primary purpose of instructing people on the care and feeding of their cold. You will become part of this clinic if you come in for evaluation of any of the symp- toms mentioned above, after it is determined that there is noth- ing more serious in your condi- tion. A particular virus, the E-B virus, is responsible for the dis- ease known as Infectious Mono- nucleosis which is often associ- ated with a severe sore throat. Once again, except for the rar- est cases, treatment consists of alleviating symptoms plus s t r o n g recommendations for specific ways of caring for your body. On occasion, a more serious +1 ntin -innran - - it hic a variety of protective mechan- isms for dealing with bacterial infection, antibody production being one of them. Although antibodies are usually bene- ficial, the ones produced against this specific beta variety of strep also behave, for some in- explicable reason, antagonisti- cally to certain of one's own body tissues such as the heart and joints. One of the diseases resulting from such action is rheumatic fever which afflicts many organs including the heart and joints. It has also been found that a certain va- riety of kidney disease appears to be related to the antibodies formed against strep infection. Thus, the important objective in treating a strep throat as quickly as possible is to pre- vent the body from mounting its normally protective immune response to the beta streptococ- ci. This is accomplished by pre- scribing antibiotics to kill the bacteria. Since one cannot dis- tinguish between bacterial and viral infections from their ap- pearance, we consider throat cultures essential in determin- ing the cause of the sore throat. Then, if the offending strep va- rietv is found, antibiotic treat- ment is administered. QUESTION: I am consider- ing having myself circumcised? What are thebenefits and the risks? Also where can. I go to have it done and how much -would it cost? ANSWER: We have referred your question to Dr. Robert E. Anderson, the Director of our Health Service and specialist in urology. He. has noted the following: The subject of circumcision has long been one of controver- sy. Without question it is recog- nized that circumcision aids in hygiene of the male genital area. There is also fairly con- vincing evidence that cancer of the penis, while a rare entity, occurs less in circumcized males. It is also possible that cancer of the cervix occurs less frequently in wives of circum- cised husbands. There is, how- ever, strong controversy as to whether this protective benefit occurs in persons circumoised oa infancv Aln ,irccnision of the penis and cervix are not recorded in these countries. There has also been recent con- cern about the decision for cir- cumcision, being vested in the parents rather than the male himself. In the Fall of 1975, the Amer- ican Academy of Pediatrics pub- lished a statement that routine circumcision was not essential of good personal hygiene were used. It recommended a pro- gram of education leading to continuing good personal hy- giene to offer all the advantages of routine circumcision without the attendant surgical risk. Complications from surgery in performing circumcision are un- common but do occur. While routine circumcision can be done as an out-patient procedure, it is usually done in the hospital. The convales- cent period is only a few days. Kissinger's road show' is assailed by student group The most of the3 procedure may range from seventy five dollars as an out-patient procedure un- der local anesthesia, to three hundred dollars as a hospital in-patient procedure under gen- eral anesthesia. It is desirable for uncircumcised persons who have questions regarding this procedure to be examined by a physician and to discuss the pros and cons of circumcision on an individual basis. By THE REVOLUTIONARY STUDENT BRIGADE kISSINGER'S latest "shuttle" in Africa and his promise to end white minor- ity rule in two years is hardly an act of conscience. His travelling road show is' working double time to keep millions of Africans slaving for the profits of U.S. and British bankers and corporation owners. The system of white minority rule in both Azania (South Africa) and Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) has been taking a beating from the' African people as they continue to build their fight. In Zimbabwe, after a six-year war of liberation, the liberation fighters have opened up a fourth front, spreading government troops thinner than they are now. The only two rail lines link- ing Rhodesia to its supply of arms in South Africa have been cut seven times in the last four months. The liberation forces have gained more territory, more support among the people and many new fighters in recent months. Meanwhile, just to the south, in South Africa, student demonstrations which start- ed in June have spread like wildfire. In mid-September,hundreds of thousands of workers in major cities, including Johan- nesburg and Cape Town, held a massive strike, calling for an end to the system of white minority rule. Even the most repressive actions of the government have not only failed to stop these rebellions but have showed 'more clearly why the fight must be carried on. This !was shown dur- ing the Kissinger negotiations when thou- sands faced gas and bullets to march, chanting and carrying signs proclaiming: "Kissinger is a Murderer" and "Kissinger, Go Home." Kissinger is no travelling' country preacher. He was sent to Africa by the raw materials - especially chrome, which is in plentiful supply there and much in demand, throughout the world. Also, Kis- singer is anxious to prevent the Soviets, the U.S.'s chief rival, from getting a.foot- hold there. Kissinger's plan for peaceful transition to majority rule calls for setting up a state council. The council would have three black and three white voting members and a non-voting white chairman. With deci- sions being made with two-thirds majori- ty vote, the Smith regime could block anything. The plan also leaves the Smith regime in control of the army and po- lice. But all this nice talk about majority rule in two years has not hidden the real interests of the U.S. from the African people. When the plan was turned down by the heads of several African countries, the people erupted in wild celebration in the streets. The fighters of Zimbabwe are clear that it is their struggle which has gotten them this far and it is their strug- gle that will bring down Smith. They are determined to continue fighting until their country is liberated, and it is this strug- gle, not negotiations, that will put white minority rule on the scrap heap and lib- erate the people of southern Africa. Here, in this country, there is a lot we can do. One important thing we should do is expose the Kissinger plan and mo- bilize public opinion against it. Another is to organize against University complici- ty with apartheid. Thessame University of Michigan which raises our tuition and downgrades our education, also owns some $40 million worth of stocks and bonds invested in corporations doing business with apartheid. As the Tanzanian ambas- sador pointed out, in his recent visit here, the prosperity of the colonial settler re- f ; , .+ 1 0 , i '/ i 1 }:f .i.t 111/1 1 l . l '" ' / ' G\ y 5,f 1" 1 J .m