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October 21, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-10-21

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See Editorial Page


it 4UU6

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High-4 d
See Today for details


Latest Deadline in the State


Vol. LXXXVII, No. 37


Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 21, 1976

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

'Door prize
President Ford had a bit of trouble getting
his news conference started yesterday, in a scene
worthy of NBC's Saturday Night show. "Ladies
and gentlemen, the President of the United States,"
came the introduction as Ford was scheduled to
appear for his second news conference in six days.
There was a desperate rattling of a door knob,
followed by perhaps a full minute of awkward
silence. The door knob had come off in some-
one's haid. Finally the President entered, smil-
ing, from a side door. "I guess we'd better go
back to the Rose Garden," he said, referring
to an area outside the White House where he
occasionally meets with reporters. "We had a
door knob to break off."
Honor the dead
We're surprised they didn't cancel school alto-
gether. Today is Will Carleton Day in Michigan,
and throughout the state, teachers are supposed
to tell their students all about Will Carleton.
No, he's not a former vice presidential candi-
date, he's the state's official (if obscure) poet,
and although he's been dead for 64 years, a 1919
state law requires teachers to observe his Octo-
ber 21 birthday. While there's no penalty for
overlooking this milestone in history, the law
suggests teachers read his work in classes or
offer some other "proper and fitting observance."
Recognizing our civic duty, The Daily herewith
offers Carleton's most famous opus, "Over the
Hill to the Poorhouse": "Over the hill to the
poorhouse I'm trudgin' my weary way .- 'I, a
woman of seventy, and only a trifle gray' - I
who am smart' and chipper, for all the years
I've told, As many another woman that's only'
half as old." We're touched.
Happenings ...,
start rolling at noon today in the Union's
Pendleton Center, where David. Ackley speaks on
"Primitive Art ..." The American Association of
University Women begins its annual used book
sale at noon in the-Union Ballroom. It runs through
Oct. 23 ... There is a Hopwood Tea from 3-5 in
the Hopwood Rm. 1006 Angell Hall ... William
Niskanen, Jr., speaks on "The Economic and Fis-
cal Effects on the Popular Vote for the Presi-
dent," 3:30 in Lecture Rm. 2 of the MLB ...
The Madelon Pound House, 1024 Hill is :the site
of a discussion on "Child Care Options for In-
ternational Families, and it starts at 3:30 ... The
U-M Ski Club holds a general meeting and dis-
cussion on its winter vacation ski trip, in the
Kuenzel Rm. of the Union at 7 ... David Oleshan-
sky reads his poetry at the Guild House, 802
Monroe, at 7:30 ... The Intervarsity Christian Fel-
lowship meets at the League, at 7:30 ... The Ann
Arbor Area Ostomy Association meets at 7:30 at
the Senior Citizens Guild, 502 W. Huron ... Frances
Large speaks on "The Militarization of Our Youth"
at a meeting of the Women's International League
for Peace and Freedom, 7:30, at the home of Betty
Musgrave, 2460 'James ... The Residential College
Players present three one-act plays. Chekhov's
"The Bear," Strindberg's "Playing with Fire,"
and "The Winetree Thing" by Tim Prentiss, at
8 in the RC Auditorium. Admission is $1.00 and
it will run through Oct. 23 ... It's also opening
night for Alice's Comedy Theater in Alice's Res-
taurant in (you guessed it) Alice Lloyd Hall, at
10:30. It's an original show ... One last reminder:
the time for graduation portraits has been ex-
tended to Wednesday, Oct. 27. You can make
an appointment on the Diag or call 764-0561 be-
tween 4-6. It only takes fire minutes and its free.
Empty classrooms
In a reversal of expectations and the trend
here at the University, a survey of the nation's
higher education institutions indicates that college
enrollments may have declined about one per
cent this fall to an estimated 11,126,000. Dr. Gar-
land Parker, who conducted the research at the
University of Cincinnati, called his preliminary

findings a "surprise and a shock," adding that
predictions had called for a 4.5 per cent in-
crease in enrollments. Parker said that if the
findings are borne - out in a broader study next
spring, it will be the first such decline since
1951. 1
Spare the rod
Psychologist John Valusek has a simple cure
for'violence in America: Stop spanking children.
Valusek, a psychological consultant, told the Utah
Association for Mental Health this week that paren-
tal spanking promotes the notion that violence
against others is legitimate. "Spanking is the first
half-inch on the yardstick of violence," he said.
"It is followed by hitting and ultimately by rape,
murder and assassination. The modeling behavior
that occurs at home sets the stage: 'I will resort
to violence when I don't know what else to do.' "
On the inside...
The Arts Page features a preview of the Keith
Jarrett concert by Jim Stimson ... Editorial Page
offers an article about the presidential candidates
by Doug Timms ... and Tom Cameron covers the
hsckrthan1 rsnen for Snorts








By AP and Reuter
Attorney General Edward
Levi yesterday announced
t h e Justice Department
would not investigate alle-
gations linking President
Ford with the Nixon ad-
ministration's Watergate
Levi said there was no
credible evidence, new or
old, to justify a further in-
vestigation into whether
Ford, then a Congressman,
perjured himself in Con-
gressional hearings.
TWO MEMBERS of Congress

had formally asked Levi to in-
vestigate Ford's role in the cov-
er-up after the allegations by
former Nixon aide John Dean.
Dean has said that Ford
helped to block an early Con-
gressional investigation of the
Watergate break-in after con-
sultations with the Nixon White
In other campaign news yes-
terday - the 13th day before
the election - there were these
9 Ford held an afternoon
press conference in which he
attacked Jimmy Carter's stand
on the Arab boycott against Is-
rael, brushed aside rumors that
he would pardon Watergate fe-
lons, and said he intends to

keep Gen. George Brown, chair-
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
despite his controversial re-
marks on U. S. support for Is-
P Carter,gstaying home ,,in
Plains, Georgia,: prepped for his
debate tomorrow night, the last
of three televised showdowns
with Ford.
Levi said in a statement the
Justice department had care-
fully studied Dean's latest re-
marks and previous Congres-
sional testimony as well as
Ford's testimony in hearings to
confirm his nomination as vice-
The Department also studied
the denials of Dean's allegations
by the two former Nixon aides
he had named as liaison men
between the White House and
Ford - William Timmons and
Richard Cook.
IN ADDITION, he said, "the
Department has also considered
the times and circumstances un-
der which these recent and past
statements and testimony were
given" and had also contacted
former special prosecutor Leon
See LEVI, Page 2

FILIPINA NARCISO AND LEONIE PEREZ, accused of the V. A. Hospital murders, give their
side of the story yesterday in a campus area M ethodist church.
.VAnurses detai1 probe

Student surrenders
in Detroit drug bust


Poised and relaxed, the two
Filipino nurses accused of us-
ing a paralyzing drug to murder
and poison patients at Ann Ar-
bor's Veteran's Administration
(VA) Hospital offered their
version of the story yesterday,

describing the FBI investigation
that has surrounded them since
the summer of 1975.
In their second appearance in
the Ann Arbor - Ypsilanti area,
Filipina "P.I." Narciso and
Leonie Perez quietly fielded
questions from a sympathetic

A University law student sur-
rendered to federal officials in
Detroit yesterday in connection
with a major durg bust which
saw the arrests of several Uni-
versity graduates for smuggling
cocaine to the Ann Arbor area.
Ronald Rossi, 24, of Utica,
was held in lieu of $25,000 bond
yesterday. His arrest was the
eleventh in the series which
culminated an approximately
two-year investigation by fed-
eral Drug Enforcement Admin-
istration (DEA) agents.
and Mary Ison, both University
graduates, were the leaders of
the ring which renortedly smug-
gled $6 million worth of cocaine
from Bolivia andPeru into the
IJ.S. via student carriers. The
Isons have not been arrested.
Though Ann Arbor police were

not involved in the raids, Po-
lice Chief Walter Krasny said
the department had been aware
of the DEA investigation. Kras-
ny said the arrests would prob-"
ably curtail significantly the
flow, of cocaine in Ann Arbor
and the Detroit area for awhile,
but that "someone else'll come
up with a new idea and they'll
be back in business."
Officials said. Neil Ison, 27,
and his wife Mary Ison, 23, left
Ann Arbor in April, apparently
dropping the operation to live
off their tremendous profits.
Thev own expensive homes in
Las Vegas and in the Bahamas.
Twenty-four persons were
:-',irged in the grand iury in-
di^tment. including Rossi, the
Tsons, and several former Uni-
versity st"dents. The ring dis-
See STUDENTS, Page 3

'Candidates' Night' adds little
insighit to county, judicial races

Candidates for six county of-
fices and two local judgeships
aired their opinions at City Hall
last night in the second of three
Candidates' Nights sponsored
by the Ann Arbor League of
Women Voters.
In tone, the two-and-a-half
hour sessipn ranged from bland
to brutal, depending on the
contest involved. Some of the
would-be county officers and
judges fought bitterly with their
opponents, while others seem-
ed relatively unconcerned about
their prospects for election.
IN THE RACE for County
Prosecutor, incumbent Repub-
lican William Delhey opened
by listing his years of experi-
ence and telling the audience
"the only issue here is evperi-
ence and ability." His opponent,
Democrat George Steeh, "has
only been out of law school for
three years," said Delhey.
But Steeh, when his turn to
sneak arrived, attacked Delhey
for what he called "negligence
in preparing cases."
"Twenty-three per cent of the
cases brought by the County
Prosecutor's officeharedismiss-
ed outright," charged Steeh,
who blamed sloppy procedures
in Delhey's staff for the dis-
THERE WERE few sur-
prises in the speeches from the
two candidates for the county
circuit court's new fifth judge-
ship. Shirley Burgoyne made
her often - repeated warning to

the audience that her opponent
-- Henry Conlin - was not to
be confused with any other Con-
lins who are local judges, and
outlined her plan to transfer
domestic court cases to a spe-
cial Domestic Section which she
would handle.
"I don't feel a judge in cir-
cuit court can just specialize in
one particular -thing," Conlin
replied. "And I assure you,
such a thing isn't possible."
For his part, Conlin stressed
once more his lifelong ties to
the community, and his "vast
experience in practice."
THE CONTEST for County
Clerk features an incumbent
Republican, Robert Harrison,
who boasted of his record in
eight -years of office. "I intend

to keep this office running like
a business office," he said.
His Democratic challenger,
,Janet Klaver, was quick to add
that "the County Clerk's office
should not only be efficient and
accurate, but also courteous
and helpful." She criticized
Harrison for alleged "high-
handedness" and "inaccuracy"
in keeping records.
Libertarian candidate for
Clerk, Brenda Manning, said
she would do the job if elected,
but wasn't particularly interest-
ed in the office itself. She said'
she was running "to inform the
public about the Libertarian
THE SPEECHES for the 14th
District Court race revealed an
incumbent Thomas Shea who
See COUNTY, Page 3

audience of some 30 persons at
a campus - area Methodist
THE TWO have been charged
with using the muscle - paralyz-
ing drug Pavulon to murder
five patients at the VA Hospital
and poison ten others.
Carefully side - stepping ques-
tions they felt could lead to im-
proper pre-trial commentary on
their part, the two women
spoke about the atmosphere in
the hospital at the time of the
According to Narciso, the
general staff was left in the
dark during the crisis period.
"THE HEAD nurse went to
the chief of staff and asked
what was going on," related
Narciso, "but they didn't tell
her anything,- we never got
any answers."
Narciso said that when the
FBI entered the case in mid-
August, 1975, they immediately
focused their suspicion on her.
"They told me, 'P.L., it's you'.
The FBI told me that," Narciso
said. Later, she said, investiga-
tors also turned their attention
to Perez.
As the investigation concen-
trated more and more on her,
Narciso "said, she was taken off
See VA, Page 7


Proposal A conflict brews

On the radio a soothing voice urged voters to
defeat Proposal A, the so-called "bottle bill"
which would ban throwaway beverage containers
in Michigan. Why, it asked, should everyone pay
for the sins of a few litterers?
Meanwhile, Tom Moran was making plans for
a statewide hike in support of the proposal.
"People are mad," he said. "They're sick and
tired of hearing those ads." Moran and two other
supporters are taking the walk as a fund-raising
drive and as a "media event" for the cause of
THUS THE TWO sides have squared away in a

massive contest for public opinion which may
well influence the outcome of the November 2
Local action in support of the proposal has
included canvassing homes, staging clean-up
drives and working to promote the statewide
march, scheduled to pass through Ann Arbor on
' the way to Detroit on October 28.
"The walk dramatizes the need for Proposal A
by pointing out all cans and bottles along the
highway, sort of like a walk for hunger," ex-
plained Murray Schrotenbore of Help Abolish
Throwaways, a local pro-Proposal A group.
See PROPOSAL, Page 7

10 vie for state Supreme Court

LABOR PARTY Senate- candidate, Peter Signorelli,
blasts .Jemocrats in a Daily interview yesterday.
Socialist Senate
hopmeful hits Dems
U. S. Labor Party Senate candidate Peter Signorelli yes-
terday said "a vote for Jimmy Carter is a vote for nuclear
war" and called Donald Riegle, his Democratic opponent,
"one of the most immoral candidates running."
On a brief swing through Ann Arbor, Signorelli blasted
the Democratic Party's employment programs and pointed
to the Labor Party's vision of a strong new world economy,
its chief element being the establishment of an international
bank which would direct massive efforts to strengthen un-

First of three parts
Judicial races rarely draw
much attention, but this year's
state Supreme Court race
should turn some heads if only
because there are so many can-
didates - ten in the fight for
three vacant seats.
Although only one seat was
scheduled to come before voters
this year, vacancies left by the
death of Thomas M. Kavanagh
and the resignation of John

Swainson, convicted on three
counts of perjury, have opened
up two more of the seven seats
on the state's highest court.
IN BRIEF, the nominees are:
-for the regular eight-year
term, incumbent Thomas G.
Kavanagh - Democrat (no re-
lation to Thomas M. Kavanagh),
Roman Gribbs - Democrat,
Wilson Hurd - Libertarian,
Judge Joseph Swallow - Re-
publican, James Wells - Amer-
ican Independent;
-for the' remaining six years
of Thomas M. Kavanagh's
term, incumbent Justice Law-
rence Lindemer - Republican
(appointed in 1975), Zolton Fer-
ency - Human Rights, and
Blair Moody, Jr. - Democratd
-for the remaining two years
of (,zrninzn, c.G torm inr--,

all the candidates acknowledge,
many will vote simply -by name
identification. Some even say
that. name recognition is the
key to winning a judicial elec-
Giles Kavanagh unhesitantly
admits that his name has "with-
out question been an asset" to
him. The late Thomas M. Kava-
nagh had been a Supreme
Court judge since 1958.
Kavanagh, 58, is running for
his second term, exercising his
right as an incumbent to nomi-
nate himself. The Democratic
party rejected him for renomi-
nation - igniting much of the
furor over thestate's* selection
pro(r'ess - in favor of Gribbs.
The Chief Justice served four
v rc an tho etntp ('rt af An-

Gribbs, former mayor of De-
troit, has charged that the court
has not practiced enough judi-
cial restraint, "often invading
the province of the legislative
and executive branches," and
should move more quickly
through the docket.
Gribbs says his administra-
tive experience will aid, the
bench in dealing with the lower
courts. Before his term as may-
or, 1970-1974, he was sheriff of
See 10, Page 3



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