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October 20, 1976 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1976-10-20

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Page Two ;


Wednesday, October 20, 1976 I

Page Tw&~ 1 lIE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 20, 1976

Campaign based in dorm J
(Continued from Page 1) |is that it's not'easily accessible hopes to have details on a Mc-
five weeks ago. Since that time,|to the general public. Carthy visit by the end of this
about forty people have signed The local committee is looking week.
up to work on the independent to find space in the Michigan
candidate's local campaign. Union, but there is no way they OTHER THAN raising money,:
"To get that manyworkers could afford to rent space in a Barrymore said, campaign vol-
for an independent candidate is more central location, according unteers are trying to make
pretty good,,"ed campai s oto Barrymore. people aware that McCarthy will
ordinator said, "especially this The McCarthy.campaign is on be on the Michigan ballot inI
laredinthe ampi" t a shoestring budget, he said. November.
BARRYMORE himself didn't Independent candidates don't re- Barrymore feels that once they1
sarYuppor M h untl ceive any federal spending know there's an alternative to
start supporting McCarthy until money. the major party candidates,
last June. He had worked for INDIVIDUAL contributions voters will flock to the McCar-
Arizona Congressman Morris have been used to pay for the thy camp.
Udall in the Democratic pri- printing of campaign literature, The independent candidate is
maes, but when Udall failed to and some expenses have been on the ballot in 31 states now,
get the party's presidential non- paid out of the local coordina- and he hopes to secure a place1
ination, Barrymore found that tor's pocket. in seven other states before thet
he couldn't support nominee "Our biggest goal right now is elections, according to Barry-i
Jimmy Carter. { raising money," Barrymore more.
"I didn't do much until some- said. McCarthy plans a sweep HE MET Eugene McCarthyt
time in September," he said. through Michigan in the final for the first time at a conven-
That's when Barrymore Con- days of the presidential cam- tion for the candidate a few
tacted McCarthy's, national or- paign, and the Ann Arbor head- weeks ago in Madison, Wiscon-!
ganization and offered his help. quarters needs at least $1,000 sin.
Barrymore said he has no to bring him here. "I was impressed," Barry-
regrets whatsoever - either for Barrymore said that a Mc- more said. "He's an excellent1
supporting the independent can- Carthy visit at the end of Octo- I speaker. He seems to have con-
didate, or for turning his dorm; ber would only last a few hours trol of himself and control of thet
room into a campaign head- at the most, with a few speeches issues."s
quarters. j and possibly a fund-raising din- And, yes, Barrymore said,'
THE MAIN problem with the ner. Although no plans have he's worth giving up a dorm1
North Campus location, he said, been finalized, the co-ordinator room for.


Unions, namecalling

mark sheriff's
(Continued from Page 1) Smith called for binding ar-'
3500 police officers across the bitration in department dis-
state, including members of the putes in lieu of unions.
Ann Arbor Police Department. A University graduate stu-'
Valenti charges that Postill's dent, Smith spent most of his
comments on the union have response time relating the Lib-
damaged his reputation. ertarian Party philosophy. Lib-
Postill called the lawsuit a ertarians advocate individual
"political slam" and said, "I'm control of "life, liberty and
not surprised that something property."
like this has come up so close "I HAVE no experience what-
to the ection."dth soever," Smith said, "My po-
eas also accused elitical career will begin and end
Teamsters of making direct at- here."
tacks on his performance as I diin h orcni
sheriff and barraging him withd In addition, the four candi-
unjustified complaints, dates discussed county partici-
"TEAMSTER participation in pation in the Washtenaw Area
law enforcement is like the fox Narcotics Team (WANT). Un-
guarding the chicken coop" der Postill, the sheriff's depart-
Postill said. ' ment withdrew from WANT, a
Until recently, the command cooperative unit composed of
officer section of the sheriff's many local law enforcement
department belonged to the agencies including the state po-
Teamsters. They have since lice- and Ann Arbor Police De-
left the union. partment.
Minick, a Teamster through Minick said that he would re-
the' city police, called Postill's Join WANT although "it is not
charges against the union "un- a success on its own." He ad-
founded and unwarranted." vocates arresting drug addicts
THE TWO minor party candi- and placing them on a 'cold
dates also spoke out on the un- turkey' withdrawal program.
ion question. Jackson, an Ypsi-
lanti councilperson, maintains POSTILL called WANT a
that "the constant harping "senseless, expensive operation"
against the Teamsters is a ploy and said it is impossible for
to get away from the real is- law enforcement to deal with
sues." drug traffic properly.

Postill also advocates a regu-
lation of marijuana use similar
to current statutes governing
the use of alcohol.
Of the four candidates,
Postill, Jackson, and Smith all
view the sheriff's role as that,
of an administrator and politi-
cal spokesman. Minick, how-
ever, has called for a return
to "basic law enforcement" by
the sheriff's department.
have relied heavily oh statis-
tics in their quest for the sher-
iff's office. During the debate
Minick accused Postill of "ly-
ing with statistics" to show the
cost for sheriff's department
services at $20 per person. Min-
ick claimstthat his figures show
the cost at nearly $60 per per-
son, the highest in the county.
In a discussion of contracting
sheriff's cars to protect outly-
ing county areas, only Minick
took a stand against the poli-
cy. Under Postill, villages and
townships may contract and pay
for additional sheriff's deputies
to supplement their police pro-
tection. Minickhas referredrto
this procedure as,"immoral" al-
though the other candidates
called it the only solution to
the problem.

Peace plan slackens
fI hting Lbon
(Continued from Page 1) a little bit optimistic," said one
largest force on the rightist- Western diplomat. "It's im-
Christian side of the 18-month- portant that the Arab leaders
old war, welcomed the Riyadh realize that the peace keeping
plan. He said that if Palestin- force must be strong.
ian commandos observe their "But is even 30,000 men
pledge not to interfere in Leb- enough? They will have to be
nese affairs, the agreement heavily armed and equipped."
would remove the most import- The biggest doubts center on
ant cause of the conflict. the proposed peace force. The
There was no immediate word }Riyadh agreemient says it will
from the other major Christian+ be composed of 20,000 men un-
militia leader, former President der the personal command of
Camille Chamoun. Lebanon's President Elias Sar-
There were indications Cha- kis, who has been strongly
moun was unhappy about the backed by Syria.
section of the agreement call- IT IS SYRIA'S unspecified
ing for application of the Cairo contribution to the force which
agreement of 1969, restricting excites most suspicion among
movement of armed guerrillas Palestinian commandos in Leb-
except in their refugee camps anon.
" and the romote Arkoub area Syria, which intervened in
near the Israeli border in South: Lebanon last summer on the
LeCa OUN HAS BEEN call- side of the rigshtists, has, ac-
fo stricte Ntrols ovE acording to the Palestinians,
ringfo stitrcnrl ver a about 20,000 soldiers .now in
virtually disarmed Palestinian theouty, Mandi;woud m
Rio m1ovement.th country. Many would ap-
guerrillaov mn t d parently be converted into
Rdostations reported spor- peacekeepers.
adic shelling and shooting in IfeSyrs.
Beirut and around the besieged f Syrian troops in green
leftist-held port of Tripoli but peace force berets are assigned
the main military action' was by President Sarkis to enforce
at thevillage of Ayshiyeh in the ceasefire in areas now con-
southern Lebanon. trolled by the Palestinians and
t ouhen ebno.l ftl t hn thy 'Palptininn


Paid Political Advertisement
"We Americans Have Been Separated
From Our Government Wall of Secrecy"
A Carter Administration Would Open Up Virtually All Govern-
ment Meetings to the Public.
-REFUSED to allow the Commerce Department to release
the names of companies cooperating with the Arab
Anti-Jewish boycott.
-SHIELDED AT&T from an investigation of wiretapping
-SOUGHT TO PREVENT the Senate from making public
its report on the CIA.
Paid for by Washtenaw County Democrats

C i


Reuters correspondent Nazih'
Mustafa reported from the area
that Palestinian commandos and
their Lebanese left wing allies
stormed the Christian village be
fore dawn and fighting went on
through the day.
PRO-LEFT Beirut Radio said
seven -leftist militiamen had
been ambushed and killed in
The village lies six miles (19
km>) from the Israeli border,

# eiTsts, inen ierases nians
will almost certainly consider
that the Syrians are simply
continuing their war against
the commando movement un-
der a new guise.'
RADICAL commando ele-
ments might resist the plan,
which would force them to re-
turn to their refugee camps and
allow them heavy weapons only
in areas near the Israeli bor-

U.S., France, Britain



_11. , A aa av A -u s
near which left wing and right Clashes between commandos
Veto S .riii Aeana arms IAn wing forces have clashed in re- and S y r i a n peacekeepers
cent weeks. would provide an almost cer-
Diplomatic observers in Bel- tain formula for starting the
(Continued fromPage 1> Britain and France, which as take diplomatic, economic or rut said the Arab peace plan war again. But peacekeepers
resolution for fear it might tear permanent members of the military action against the coun- might just work, but there from other Arab countries
asunder "the delicate fabric of council along with the Soviet try deemed to be creating the hopes were hedged with many
negotiations" under way to win Union and China, hold veto threat.d"I'M STAITING to be just in leftist areas, diplomats said.
independence f o r South-West power. THE___d________
Africa and black majority rule IT WAS THE third triple vthree
n countries vetoed a similar reso-Ir
"WE HAVE IN sight the pos- lution June 9, 1975, and a pro-se
sibility of independence for posal to expel South Africa from
Namibia, which this council has the United Nations on Sept. 30,
sought so persistently for so 1974. o Ar(]
many 'years," Scranton said The proposed resolution sought sa licr s
"W do not believe that the to have the council say that,
measures called forin the res- "acting under Chapter i of the: (Continued from Page 1) Mondale told a rally in San The confident Democratic
olution before us will improve United Nation charter," it "de- up to $15 billion in the defense Francisco that the new statis- candidate drew a huge roar
the' chances to gain a free and termines that the illegal oc- budget. Carter has said he can't tics were "proof of the serious as he declared at a rally in
independent Namibia. In fact, cupation of Nambia and the anti- remember using that figure and weakness of the economy. central Harlem: "I'm running
they could do just the opposite. guerrilla war being waged there declared that $5 to $7 billion "With this lackluster real for President and I don't intend
China, the Soviet Union and by South Africa constitute a could be cut from the Pentagon economic growth rate and con- to lose."
Sweden voted for the resolution threat to international peace and budget through better manage- tinuing inflation, we are mov-
along with the sponsors-Benin, security." ment. ing further and further from HE MADE jobs and housing
Libya, Tanzania, Guyana, Pan- Under that chapter, such a Meanwhile, Carter and his our nation's economic poten- -two key issues in Harlem -
ama, Romania and Pakistan. finding is a prerequisite to a vice presidential running mate, tial," the Minnesota senator the theme of hi address. Job
The proposal died by the nega- binding order from the council Sen. Walter Mondale, were said. ilessness was one reason for
tive votes of the United States, to the nations of the world to quick to jump on the latest gov- j crime in poor city areas, he
ernment economic report show- IN FLORIDA, Carter told the said, but a Carter administra-
ing a slowdown from July health . association meeting tion would help turn rising
" S.t j 'oTy vt. c i through September. I that he intends "to provide the crime figures around by its em-
The Commerce Department aggressive leadership, that's phasis on jobs.
4fI0) ' -T said the Gross National Product needed to give our people a na-
1011+"2LfJ d1 dat tionwide, comprehensive, effec- country iss enoug

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1 1 ,


LIZ E.. go !s


--- o






the totai output of gooas ana
services in the economy, ex-
panded at an annual rate of 4
per .cent in the third quarter of
1976. The growth in the second
quarter was 4.5 per cent. It
was 9.2 per cent during the
first three months of the year.
"THE FORD' administration
says that prosperity is just
around the corner, yet new
signs of weakness are appear-
ing every day," Carter said in
a statement. "How much fur-
ther will the economy have to
slide before this administration
recognizes that the economy
is in trouble."
Officers of the Free University
of Iran wil be on the Univer-
sity of Michigan campus dur-
ing the week of November i5
to interview Iranian nationals
who have finished or who are
pursuing post - graduate de-
grees in the following areas:
education, and related areas,
social sciencs, psychology, en-
gineering, physical sciences,
natural sciences, agriculture,
math, health sciences, and
computer sciences. In addition
to employment opportunities a
limited number of scholar-
ships are available.
Interested candidates are re-
quested to contact Mrs. Orther
at the S t u d e n t Activities
Building for further informa-
tion on The Free University of
Iran and the scheduled visit
to the University of Michigan

tive health care program.
"Good health care ought to
be a right and not a luxury," he
After that speech, the Demo-
cratic candidate addressed a
senior citizens rally in Miami
Beach. The vote of Flotida's
large population of'retired per-
sons could be a deciding factor
in the close race for the state's
17 electoral votes.
LATER, Carter flew to Win-
ston-Salem, N.C. for a brief
stop-off before continuing on to
New York where he spoke be-
fore a loud, enthusiastic crowd
in Harlem.I

The first Presidential candi-
date to campaign there for
eight years, Carter received a
tumultuous welcome from thou-
sands of the area's black and
Spanish - speaking residents.


to have jobs for people that
want them," he said. The crowd
swarmed into the street around
Mr. Carter's car as his motor-
cade left for a central Manhat-
tan hotel to attend a Demo-
cratic fund - raising function.
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