) CHEAPEST SHOT See Editorial Page Yl r e 1AO i.t q~au :43 "ii SLUSHY High - 40° Low - 35* See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No. 35 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 19, 1976 Ten Cents Ten Pages I F ____r Rocky rolls through Michigan iYUSEE NESHAPPENCALL LY Support your local sheriff If you're interested in shooting a few ques- tions at the candidates for Washtenaw County sheriff, then stop by the Kuenzel Room of the Michigan Union this evening at 6:30. Debating the issues will be Democratic incumbent Fred Postill, Republican Tom Minick, HRP candidate Eric Jackson, and Libertarian hopeful Craig Smith. Sunrise, sunset The Detroit Sun is apparently through for 1976. The "alternative" publication said yesterday .that the issue currently in the coin-boxes and on news- stands will be the last until' January. Publisher Barbara Weinberg said publication was suspend- ed to complete some organizational revamping, O Happenings ... ..abound at miday today with a lunch dis- cussion at the Ecumenical Campus Center, 921 Church. Poli. Sci. Prof. Allen Whiting discusses ."China After Mao." Lunch there is 75 cents ... This week's brown-bag lunch at the Center for the Continuing Education of Women features Dr. Judith Elkin, speaking on "Discovering a History of Jews of Latin America in the 19th and 20th Century." That's at noon, 328 ThompsonSt.2. The Pendleton Center at the Union offers a free noon concert, with School of Music student Brenda Kee playing the piano and discussing black com- poser George Walker ... Second District Congres- sionalcandidates Ed Pierce and Carl Pursell de- bate the issues at noon in Lecture Hall Ii of Washtenew Community College's Exact Science Building. Questions from, the floor will be re- ceived during the second half of the program ... You can catch an. introductory lecture on trans- cendental mediation at 2 p.m. and again at 7:30 on the third floor of the UGLI in the Multipurpose Rm. Prof. Edward Seidensticker lectures on "Nature and the Tale of Genji," 4:10 at the Rack- ham Ampitheature (4th floor) ... Women in Com- munications holds a committee meet 'g in South Quad's west lounge, at 7 ..: The Go Club gathers at 2050 Frieze Bldg., at 7 ... The Spartacus Youth League (SYL) sponsors a forum entitled "South Africa: Smash Apartheid! For a Workers' Revo- lution!" 7:30 in Rm. 3209 of the Michigan Union. The speaker is Ed Jarvis of the SYL ... Shirley Burgoyne and Henry Conlin, candidates for elec- tion to the newly created judgeship in Washte- naw County's 22nd Circuit Court speak at a pub- lic forum about the county's Friend of the Court policies, at 7:30 in Courtroom 1 of the Washte- naw County Building (second floor) ... Lutheran's Collegians meet in Rm. 3205 of the Union at 7:30, and all interested persons are invited ... A rep- resentative from the local Jimmy Carter organiza- tion speaks in East Quad's Greene Lounge at 8, and will answer questions. The last hairah Louis Harris, step aside. Pat Caddell, put away your pocket calculator. The National Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Association says a majority of women who frequent beauty salons give Presi- dent Ford the edge over Jimmy Carter in next month's presidential election. Ballots cast in beau- ty salons across 46 states and the District of Co- lumbia give Ford 13,211 votes (42.3 per cent) and Carter 11,584 (37.1 per cent). Michigan, Minne- sota, Ohio, and Nevada were not included in the balloting. Especially glaring were the Florida re- sults, where Ford enjoys an 822-499 edge in a state believed to be heavily in Carter's corner. Some 4,560 women, nearly 15 per cent, said they were undecided. Dial-a-heist A 30-year-old Stockholm woman was arrested yesterday after trying to rob two banks - by tele- phone. Bank officials said she called at noon yes- terday and told bank employes "Put 10,000 kronor (about $2,340) in a plastic bag. I'll be picking up the money in a while and will be armed." Police took the woman into custody when she showed up at one of the banks soon afterward. 0 Lost at sea The Coast Guard said yesterday that it holds little hope of finding the Panamanian Cargo ship Sylvia L. Ossa, whose last reported position Wed- nesday placed it in the midst of the Bermuda Triangle. The area, bounded by Norfolk, Va., Puerto Rico, and Bermuda, has for years been a subject of mystery with tales of ships and planes vanishing without a trace. But the feds don't buy the science fiction stuff. "The United States Coast Guard is not impressed with the supernatural explanations of disasters at sea," said a spokesperson. Searches so far are unen- couraging, having turned up only an oil slick, a lifeboat, a coil of rope, and "a sign board with the letters OSSA on it," about 140 miles off the coast of Bermuda. The Ossa, bound for Phila- delphia, was carrying 37 crewmen. On the inside . . ..Editorial Page features Ron DeKett, who discusses the joys of "Subliminal Seduction." to bolster GOP campaigns By GEORGE LOBSENZ Special To The Daily DETROIT-Vice President Nelson Rockefeller swept into De- troit yesterday on a whirlwind tour through lower Michigan de- signed to bolster the uncertain fortunes of President Ford and Republican Senate candidate Marvin Esch. With Esch and Lieutenant Governor James Damman at his side at an afternoon news conference at the Pontchartrain Hotel, Rockefeller touted Esch as a "dynamic and attractive" candi- dae and lambasted Jimmy Carter for inexperience. IN THE FAMILIAR gravelly voice, Rockefeller took every opportunity to extoll the virtues of the Ford Administration, all the while taking swipes at Democrat Carter. Asked about Ford's leadership qualities, Rockefeller some- how fashioned an attack on Carter, specifically the Georgian's proposal to make substantial reductions in the federal bureauc- racy. "When Mr. Carter says he's going to take 800 government agencies and make 300 he's got to be kidding," exclaimed the for- mer New York governor. "Congress and staff have vested inter- ests in those agencies; they're not going to abolish them. What he's saying shows a lack of understanding of federal government." ROCKEFELLER also dismissed Carter's lead in the polls, saying Ford's momentum would carry him to victory in the final two weeks of the campaign. "When Mr. Carter came out of New York (site of the July Democratic convention) he was, what, some 30 points ahead," said Rockefeller. "Since then that lead has steadily declined and I think it's going to keep declining." Rockefeller added, "The more he (Carter) talks about the issues, the more he shows what he doesn't know, and then he changes his position." NEAR THE END of the news conference, Rockefeller ran into some toigh questitons on the controversy surrounding recent reve- lations about an extra-marital affair conducted by Esch's oppo- nent, Donald Riegle. Asked whether he thought Esch would gain through public airing of Riegle's private affairs, Rockefeller said: "I don't think Mr. Esch is going to win on personal problems, he wants to win on the issues. He's a man who has a proven record." On follow-up -questions, Esch stepped forward to come to the aid of a wavering Rockefeller and to clarify his position. "I didn't talk about his (Riegle's) instability," Esch remarked. "I'm talking about the inconsistencies of his voting record." HOWEVER," the Ann Arbor congressman added, "I don't be- lieve you can separate private integrity and public trust.", Later, Rockefeller topped the bill at a star-studded $50-a-plate See ROCKY, Page 7 Daily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER Rockefeller and Esch t Carter vows to By AP and Reuter Apparently recognizing that the presidential campaign could become more bitter in its wan- ing days, Democratic contender Jimmy ,Carter expressed confi- dence yesterday that both he and President- Ford would try to keep it from descending to the "gutter level." Carter made the observation in an early-morning interview with network reporters at his peanut warehouse in Plains, Ga., .hours before a scheduled departure on another vote-seek- ing foray, this time to Florida, North Carolina and New York. race But the trip, lasting only two , days, marked an easing of the pace set by Carter most of the past week. CARTER SAID he will "bend over backwards" to keep the campaign from deteriorating in- to a litany of low-level charges and personal attacks. Carter will end his effort with an eight- day tour that begins next Mon- day and ends on election day. cord was in Washington, where he plans to remain until Thursday when he embarks on a final, 10-day campaign blitz that will take him to as many Riegle admits to affair withex-staffer By The Associated Press and United Press International SOUTHFIELD - A visibly angry Rep. Donald Riegle ad- mitted yesterday he once had an affair with an unpaid staff worker during which they recorded intimate conversations on tape. But Riegle, the Democratic Senate nominee, told a sub- urban Detroit news conference that the brief 1969 affair, con- ducted while he was still married. to his first wife, had no relation to the campaign. He accused Republican opponent Marvin Esch of "character assassination beyond all bounds of decency and fair play." FLANKED BY HIS WIFE, Meredith, his father Donald Sr. and other family members who linked hands during the news conference, Riegle also accused the Detroit News of eagerly conspiring with Esch to conduct a "gutter level" campaign against him. The News published a copyrighted article Sunday which ex- tensively quoted tapes and letters of intimate meetings between Riegle and a woman identified only as "Dorothy." Some of the discussions involved Riegle's aspirations for the presidency in 1980. Riegle termed the affair a "foolish mistake," but he said a personal incident seven years ago is not a valid campaign issue. "I AM NOT A PERFECT HUMAN BEING," Riegle said, at times shaking with anger. "The brief personal relationship See RIEGLE, Page 7 clean as 14 states in a bid to over- take Carter's evident lead be- fore their Nov. 2 showdown. A number of polls and sur- veys released during the week- end put Carter ahead of the President by varying percent- ages among voters and in pro- jected electoral votes. But most showed the Democrat's edge well within the margin of error that all such samplings carry, meaning that the race is near- ly even and could go either way. IN ANOTHER poll released yesterday by the Louis Harris organization, Carter was shown to have a 44 to 40 lead over Ford after their second debate on Oct. 6, a narrowing of the 46-39 edge held by the Georgian after the first debate. Any comfort in the Harris poll for Ford was partly offset by the threat of new controversy over a reported comment by the outspoken Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General George Brown, that Israel was a U.S. military burden. Two years ago General Brown was reprimanded by President Ford for saying Jews had un- due influence in Congress, bank- ing and the press. BROWN'S COMMENT on Is- rael was part of an interview with the King Features Syndi- cate, due to be published next week. The White House today said it would make no com- ment until the full transcript was available. But spokesman Ron Nessen said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is investigating re- ports of the interview which quote the general as saying that "from a strategic point of view, Israel has to be con- sidered a burden to the U.S." The' remarks come barely a week after Ford announced Is- rael would be getting sophisti- See CARTER, Page 10 AP Photo "He inhaled a lot of smoke!" A Milwaukee fireman "rescued" this phony skelton from a "Haunted House" amuse- ment facility run by the March of Dimes. Officials are investigating the possibility of arson. The skeleton lives. UNION MEMBERS TO MEET: GEO, 'U' to resumetalks: .:... . ... ... . ..... .... . .. . .. ... .. ..: :.; . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. .*wr :: .: ... . . .. * ; .,. . ... .....;.::.*::: .. .. : Requiem f4 By DONNA BRITT "Yeah, I'was staggering half-drunk into the dorm Friday night and noticed _a couple of my neighbors speaking together, really solemn, you know? And then they told me John had shot him- self. It was so weird . .." Jim Savoie's brown eyes are perplexed as he speaks. The word "suicide" conjures up pictures of aging, barbituate-swallowing film stars and businessmen whose hands have been caught in the company till. So how can an 18-year-old col- lege freshman react when he learns that the neighbor he helped with his algebra last Sunday has taken his own life? JOHN OLIVER, a University sophomore, was found dead in hid locked South Quad room on October 8. A shotgun and a receipt of its pur- chase were found with him there. Savoie shakes a strand of his long blond hair nea of hk PvPCndion-,+ the vonhme of his wailing ora friend an apartment together next year. Now he's dead. Everybody's talking about it - and him - and making suppositions they have no basis for. I just want to get it off my mind." Morton is making coffee as he talks, care- fully measuring amounts in a shiny silver spoon before adding the water. His white turtleneck and close-clipped hair contrast sharply with Sa- voie's t-shirt and shoulder-length locks, but their opinions of the dead student differ little. "He was very friendly, though he kept to him- self as a rule," Morton went on. "A nice guy. What gets me is that I didn't sense that any- thing was wrong, never saw him unhappy. I just don't know." r A GENTLE-VOICED exchange student from Algeria answers questions with obvious reluc- tance. His room is next door to the one that has been locked and silent since the tumult of am- By SUSAN ADES and KEN PARSIGIAN More than two months after their last face-to-face confron- tation and some three weeks since mediation broke down, the Graduate Employe Organiz- ation (GEO) and University bargainers resurrected contract talks yesterday, less than 48 hours before GEO's contract negotiation deadline. While chief University bar- gainer John Forsyth termed the meeting "the most produc- tive session we've had to date this year," he and union lead- ers are aware that tonight, when the GEO rank and file as- semble, the majority could vote to begin circulating a strike referendum. DESPITE STEADY progress on such moderately contested issues as the definition of grad- uate student in good standing, TA training, and student in- volvement in curriculum deci-. sions, yesterday's three-and-a- half hour session was 'cut short to permit GEO negotiators to attend a noon rally on the Diag. The rally was designed to flaunt union strength and aplv tres- sire on the Ulniversit to "bar- gain seriously." stick with your principles." THE principle the University has so relentlessly adhered to for the duration of seven months of talks is that all issues the Administration classifies as "academic" are not labor con- tract material and are there- fore not negotiable. The- Union's unshakeable de- mands all fall into that "no- compromise" category: affirm- ative action - recruitment, non- discrimination in hiring, tuition, and-class size. And viewing the, University's refusal to compro- mise on economic matters, pros- pects for a swift settlement are still grim, even in light of yes- terday's headway. GEO says it will not make all the moves. "We purposely brought up issues we feel we're particularly close on (at yes- terday's session) but it would be necessary for them (the Uni- versity) to start bargaining on issues they've been so intran- sigent on," said union treasur- er Barbara Weinstein. FORSYTH 'SAID: "It makes sense they're going to start with the area in which they've got the most flexibility. "We told them upfront," he See GEO, Page 10 Chieang accused of/ trying t ilMao PEKING (Reuter) - A wall poster in Peking has accused Chairman Mao Tse-tung's wid- ow, Chiang Ching, of trying to murder her husband. The poster, pasted up on the campus of Peking University, charges that she personally tried to kill Mao on his death- I