Sunday, October 17, 1976
Page i f ine
Sunday, October 17, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY
4 ..saw,.. ineI
I '.-
Touching all
(Continued from Page 1) took a Leach pitchout and
tated a bit and it threw off our slashed to the ten where he was
timing and he wasn't expecting hit simultaneously by two pur-
to get the ball, said Leach. ple defenders. He then made a
360 degree turn and sprinted
ON MICHIGAN'S second pos- in for the score, leaving the two
session, Leach directed a 57 Wildcats sprawled on the field.
I lL leQyard drive to the Wildcat 16 be- "I got into the crease and tried
h Uase fore it stalled out on an illegal to make a move on one guy
-lf procedure penalty and two in- when the other hit me from the
Bill Stieg complete passes. Bob Wood blind side just as the first guy
W h n then connected on a 33 yard got me. I spun around and I
hen going gets tough... field goal to open the day's guess I lucked out," said Lytle.
scoring. Another poor Northwestern
" Michigan owned the second punt gave the Wolverines the
willBlue get going? period, scoring all four times it ball at their own 47, and this
had the ball. After moving the time it only took three plays to
EVANSTON Wolverines 27 yards on six hit paydirt.
YOU DIDN'T MISS A THING: It was the same old show. plays to their own 48 on their LEACH HIT Curt Stephenson'
first possession of the quarter, with a 42 yard bomb. Fullback
Leach lofted a bomb down the Russell Davis moved the ball to
Those of you who considered driving out here for the game right sideline. Smith had sneak- the seven and on the ensuing
but decided against it can rest assured you made the right ed behind the Northwestern play Leach scored on the option.
move. Yesterday's game was nothing special. coverage, corralled the ball at Four plays later Michigan
It wasn't the kind of devastating rout that fans can savor the 20 and pranced unmolested had the ball again, following
for a long time - a flawless performance that makes you into the endzone. John Anderson's interception of
shake your head in awe. A short Paul Martin punt a Randy Dean pass. Two plays
It wasn't a close game where each snap of the ball makes gave Michigan the ball at the and 46 yards later, Lytle was
everyone edge forward and sit up straight, their eyes fixed on Wildcat 37 shortly thereafter, in the enzone with his secondj
the field. and it only took the Wolverines touchdown of the day. The
In other words there was nothing memorable, nothing that four plays to score once more. senior speedster raced 45 yards
stood out. If you saw the Wake Forest game two weeks ago, Iaround end, and on the next
stood out. If yo seaht the hwFrer game weeks IWITH A THIRD and one at play dived over from the one'
you'd have a good idea of what the Northwestern game was the Northwestern 18, Lytle, to cao Michigan's second period
like, ;running from the tailback spot, explosion.
Michigan's scoreless third
quarter was the first time the
Wolverines were unable to reg-
ister any points in a period
since the third quarter of the
season opener against Wiscon-
sin. Northwestern threatened in
the period moving to the Michi-
gan 27 before wolfman Jerry
Zuver picked off his third in-
terception of the year to thwart
the Wildcats.
scoring in the fourth quarter
with an 80-yard drive in 12 plays
aided by two Northwestern pen-
alties. Huckleby scored the
touchdown with a 12-yard run.
With just over half a minute
to play in the game, Northwest-
ern managed to get on the
scoreboard, Dean moving the
team 66 yards on 14 plays. The
senior signal caller hit Scott
Yelvington with a four yard
scoring strike to cap the drive.
Dean played the entire game
with a broken bone in his left
hand, bundled in tape as tight-
ly as King Tut's grandmother.
The win leaves Michigan with
a 3-0-0 record in Big Ten play,
tied for first with Ohio State
and Minnesota. Next week the
Wolverines travel to Indiana
(3-3) while the 0-6 Wildcats
host Wisconsin.
Once again, Michigan totally outclassed the opposition.
Winning was a perfunctory chore and playing a strong S ;
game was unnecessary. Michigan played well enough to MICH.
run up a nice score, and then sat back to watch North- First Downs ........... 25
western' try to make a respectable showing. Rushing (att/yds) 57-366
This isn't surprising. In fact, it's a natural and common (att/com/yds) . 7-3-101 1
occurrence in all sports. Few teams play their best against Totai Yards ... 467
weaker opponents. They save their strongest efforts for the Interceptions ..-..
strongest teams. Fumbles (no/lost) ... 2-0
Problem is, the Wolverines haven't faced anyone worthy Yards PenalizRUSHINd 55
of a really strong effort. Coach Bo Schembechler is understand- Michigan
inned cai s
Daily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER
FROM THE LOOK OF THINGS Michigan's Harlan Huckleby has no intention of letting
anyone get a hand on the precious pigskin as he charges through the Northwestern de-
fensive line yesterday. Rob Lytle is shown here providing a key block for Huckleby,
who went on to tally 80 yards for the afte rnoon.
G. Johnson .....1
. .yds.
t 52
1 42
1 7
Bailey... ..
Ba dge rs
ably worried. His players aren't getting any competition.
"I think its haunting us," Schembechler said. "I'm con-
cerned. I'm not saying we're playing bad football - Its just
that we've had nothing to measure it against. I want a slug-
All of the teams Michigan ,has played have losing records.
The Wolverines are operating in a vacuum. They have no way.
of knowing how good they really are.
It's the same thing, game after game: run a few plays,
then break away on a long run or pass. Michigan's last
three touchdown drives in yesterday's first half lasted four
plays, three plays, and two plays, respectively. The other
'Lytle.......... .
Clayton ................. 1
Whims ................. 24
Maycan .
Dean .......... .. 9
att. eom.
Leach ........ 7 3
Dean ......... . 16 "11
yds. avg.
172 9.5
80 4.7 MICH.-Wood 33-yard
40 6.6 field goal.........3
40 6.6 MICH.-Smith 52-yard pass
4 4 from Leach
4 4 (Wood kick).........10
3 3 MICH.-Lytle 18-yard run
83 34 (Wood kick) ..---.17
43 3.0 MICH.-Leach 7-yard run
24 3.0 (Wood kick).........24
-15 -1.6 MICH.-Lytle 1-yard run
(Wood kick) . 31
MICH.-Huckieby 12-yard run
int. yds. (Wood kick) . 38
2 101 NU-Yelvington 4-yard pass
from Dean
2 111 (Poulus kick)........ 38
Special To The Daily
o MADISON - It was a carbon
copy of Friday's game, and as
0 was the case of last night's, the
wrong team won. Wisconsin's
0 Dave Lundeen, standing in a
o crowd in front of Michigan
goalie Frank Zimmerman, shov-
0 ed in a shot at 2:53 of overtime
* day's game had been replayed tie up the game.
in its entirety, save the over-
time period, so that the home BEFORE THE period -en
crowd could go home happy. Eaves scored again and g
the Badgers back the lead.
Dan Hoene scored shorthand-
ed at 11:30 and Dean Turner
ded, put one high over Mike Dibble's
ave right shoulder 19 seconds later.
Zimmerman was excellent in
as the third period, single-handed-
-ept ly keeping the game from be-
ice coming a rout, stopping 17 of 18
hots shots, including eight superb
saves. In all, Zimmerman saved
56 of 63 shots.
W I S C O N S I Nscored first
as its top line of Steve Alley,
Tom Ulseph, and Mikes Eaves
combined at 8:30 with Eaves
getting credit for the goal.
first half scores came
That's not much of
on a forty-eight-yard pass..
a challenge.
to givet
7 It wa
the Badgers a 7-6 win.
taThe Badgers went up by two
as almost as if yester- as star defenseman John Taft
fired a shorthanded goal a cou-
ple of minutes later.
The second period seemed
if all the Wolverines, exc
Zimmerman, had left the
as Wisconsin poured 23 sl
on goal, scoring twice.
Norm McIntosh and Cr
Norwich slipped the puck p
Zimmerman at 13:29, and 16
MICHIGAN'S powerful
So what is wrong with that? Ab 'tely nothing. Schem-,
bechler certainly can't criticize his Wolverines. It would be GOPHERS DOWN STA
like a baseball manager telling his players to stop hitting
home runs so they can practice their baserunning.
But still, these early, easy successes may eventually hurt
the Maize and Blue. There were some warning signs yester-Bs s io p
Dave DeBol scored his fourth
goal in two nights at 13:27,
taking a pass from Kris Man-
AT THE END of the game
both coaches were satisfied with
his teams play. "We played
ten times better than last
night," said Michigan coach
Tense tied the gamei un in the
Michigan fumbled twice, threw two interceptions, and By The Associated Press
were penalized five times. None of these miscues, however, MADISON, Wis. -Jeff Logan
meant much. Victory was never in doubt, so lapses in con- rushed for 113 yards in 19 car-
centration were harmless.
Srim, ha sthe last four ries, setting up two touchdowns{
Simply put, this can't happen in games of apiece by quarterback Rod
the season, when Michigan plays Minnesota, Purdue, Illinois, Gerald and fullback Pete John-
and Ohio State. Likewise, Michigan can't expect to break long son to power ninth-ranked Ohio
plays against these better teams. Every yard, every first down, State past Wisconsin 30-20 in
must be earned. Big Ten college football yester-
"There are several teams on our schedule that can beat day.
us," Schembechler said, referring to the last four games. "We'll The Buckeyes took the lead
have some tough games. I don't know if we've improved, either. permanently at 14-7 as John-
We've never been in a game where we've had to sustain our son capped a 57-yard drive
effort with a one-yard scoring run
It's a legitimate concern. Who knows. how Michigan will with 8:15 left in the second
react in a close game? Picture a Purdue game. where Michi- quarter. A five-yard run by
hs' Logan, holder in a field goalf
gan has lost two fumbles, been intercepted twice, and hasn't formation on fourth dawn and
been able to break away for a long touchdown. Purdue leads; four from the 19, sustained the
by five going into the last quarter. drive.
Will the Michigan players respond with a relentless, ! The Buckeyes raised their!
grind-it-out touchdown drive? Or, being unfamiliar with record to 4-1-1 and 3-0 in the
such pressure, will they just fall apart? These first six Big Ten. Wisconsin is 2-4 over-
games have given no indication of what to expect in such all and 0-3 in the conference.
a jittery situatipn:
It's true we haven't been in a dog fight," admits quarter- Dungy douses
back Rich Leach. "But when it comes down to it, we'll come EAST LANSING, Mich. -
through, especially with our great offensive line blowing peo- Quarterback Tony Dungy set
ple out like they have. We'll be able to do it." up two touchdowns with his
That's easier said than done. Just remember last year's passing and "designated scorer"
Ohio State game and Orange Bowl. Jim Perkins scored both times
as Minnesota edged Michigan
When a team is challenged, the mental part of the game State, 14-10, yesterday.
comes to the fore. That's when a team knows how good - or The Gophers withstood a
how great - it is. These last few games should be very fourth-quarter rally by MSU
interesting. which saw reserve fullback
JimEarley go 16 yards for v
score while racking up 13F
yards in a relentless Spartan
ground game.
Minnesota is now 5-1 on th
year and 3-0 in the Big Ter
while MSU dropped to 1-4-1 an
is winless in three conferenc
Illini rll ,y
Chubby Phillips' one-yard toucl
down dive with a minute to g
highlighted a frantic, fourtl
quarter Illinois rally yesterda
as the Illini broke a three-gam
losing string and handed Purdu
a 21-17 setback.
Purdue seemingly had the
contest wrapped up, leading
17-7 early in the fourth quar
ter, before the error-plague
Illini came to life behind Kur
The junior quarterback, wh
scored Illinois' first touchdow
on a one-yard run in the secon
period, unleashed an aerial a
tack that set up both fourt
period scores.
The Boilermakers fell to 2
in the conference and 3-3 ove
all. The Illini also are 2-1 an
n 7
e ra
n, w
d lif(
e ;ov
-F 94 A5 _/Uery at the goal mouth to put Dan Farrell.
Michgan n th boad. =third period with a parade of
Michigan on the board. goals that started with Manery Badger co
Ioosiers hustle Kip Maurer was the benefic- at 6:48, and Dan Lerg at 7:51. said "the w
IOWA CITY Iowa - Fresh- iary of another Manery setup The drive stalled as Wisconsin overtime isl
an tailback Mike Harkrader pass less than a minute later to went up 6-4 on Alley's tally. play all year
n 18 yards for a touchdown~
ith 4% minutes remaining to I
e Indiana to a 14-7 victory',H rrirs hustle to vctoi
er Iowa yesterday.
Bob Johnson
we played in
I'd like us to
Harkrader, 5-foot-7 and 174
pounds, set up the scoring
drive on a 46-yard dash. Six
- plays later he scampered up
the right side to break a tie
that had been forged early in
h- the first quarter.
e The victory spoiled Iowa's
te homecoming in Kinnick Sta-
dium, dropping the Hawkeyes to
e 0-3 in the conference and 2-4
g over-all. Indiana improved to
- 2-1 in the conference and 3-3
d over-all.
VField goal
h- records
DALLAS (AP) - Soccer-style
kicker Ove Johannson booted a
69-yard field goal - the long-
est in football history - for
Abilene Christian in the first
quarter of a game yesterday
against East Texas State.
Johannson, aided by a 16-mile-
e per-hour wind broke the NAIA
e mark of 62 yards set by Hills-
dale's Chester Marcol in 1969.
Meanwhile, Texas A&M's
d barefooted kicker, Tony Frank-
t lin, broke the NCAA field goal
record twice yesterday. Frank-
r lin booted 64-yard and 65-yard
s field goals, breaking the NCAA
women netter whEip S
By ERNIE DUNBAR er. "I felt good the whole way,!
Special To The Daily and I was just waiting to seeI
EAST LANSING-Michigan's what happened.
Greg Meyer out kicked Spartan "After about a mile to go, I
Herb Lindsay in the final 300 thought I was going to get
yards to win the individual ti- him," said Meyer. Then with
tle in yesterday's double-duall
cross country meet with Minne- -
sota and Michigan State.
In team scoring, Michigan
defeated Minnesota 25-30, and
downed State 27-30. The third 300 yards left, I took a little
portion of the meet had the Go- bit of a lead and I said I'll go
phers taking the Spartans 25-32. ow and see what happens. I
Meyer shattered the old looked over my shoulder and
course record of 29:52, as he had 15 yards on him and said
blasted the six mile race in goodbye."
Running toether for the ;Meyer's second consecutive
week of course records over-
entire race, Lindsay and Mey- shadowed Steve Ellitt's meet-
er seemed content to wait and winning kick, who flew past
rst who was going to move two Spartans and rescued the
fist meet for Michigan.
After the meet, Lindsay gave Dm eikin s
an indication of the type of Dan Heikkinen was the meet-
ndual he and Meyer had. te saver for the Wolverines against
"I gave it everything I had," Minnesota, as he kicked past the
said the 1976 Big Ten outdor Gophers' forth and fifth men.
1,500 meter champion. "It's
definitely one of the best races Netters upset
I've ever run." Playing their most important
Even though he looked com- match of the fall season, the
fortable throughout the race, Michign women's tennis team
'Lindsay obviously showed signs upset Big Ten champion Ohio
of the quick pace in the final State 6-3, yesterday at Colum-
kick. b7's.
"With about 300 yards to go "Evervbodiy played as well as
I put it to the floor and there I've seen them nlav," stated
just wasn't anything left," Coae JIohn Atwood. "The team
said Lindsay. .' was am---inelv nisvched nrn."
On the other hand, Meyer felt The WVolverines, victorios
the pace wasn't all that gruel- at first, second and sixth'
ing. 0i"Rleq and in all three dou-
Special To The Daily
EVANSTON -- Jim Smith clutched the
Rick Leach bomb firmly in one hand,
and sashayed it into the end zone to
cap a picture-perfect play.
Twenty-five minutes later, Smith again
turned to snare a long distance Leach lob.
But this time, Wildcat safety Jim Hutch-
ings grabbed the glory.
And there you have the story of yes-
terday's game.
field at halftime this story was taking
shape as the anatomy of a rout. But some-
where between that second hot dog and
the final gun, the Wildcats led one to sus-
pect they indeed belonged on the same
field as Michigan.
The frantically = finishing first half shat-
tered some recent stereotypes.
Northwestern, herald as yet another
ed typical form in moving well between
the twenties, the Wolverines brewed up
some of the big play potion that charac-
terized earlier wins.
It began innocuously enough. After a
five yard penalty, Leach managed to find
Smith for that fifty-two yard score. Then
came a deluge of four-, three- and two-
play scoring drives as the befuddled Wild-
cats strove vainly to adjust. Even Curt
Stephenson, a rare target, added a 42
yard catch to set up a Leach score.
The big play was back.
"Michigan doesn't sustain drives, they
beat you on big plays," said Northwestern
strong safety Pete Shaw. "We knew that,
but we didn't defense them."
"It was a compounding of problems,"
Pont said. "Our punting was bad and that
gave them field position. 'Then the Smith
touchdown pass really shook up our de-
"We started doubting ourselves, second
po ten t
Smith's touchdown catch provided th
first half turning point, the failure of th
same largely delivered the second seg
ment into Wildcat claws.
"In the second half, when they 'trie
that pass again, we did it properly," Pon
said. "We intercepted it."
And while each team added anothe
score, they left no questions which wa
' a 6-4, 6-3 win over Grimes and
j Stewart. Kercher, and Rentsch-
ler swept Olazagasti and Wal-
tan 6-4, 6-1 at second doubles,
while Janet Wilson and Missy
Pollick playing their first match
together registered a 2-6, 6-3, 6-3
victory over Schubert and
Jones at the third doubles posi-
'This was a real test of pres-
sure which We got through,"
stated Atwood. "Ohio State will
probably get better with more
practice, but we will also im-
prove by the spring regional
AI tops field
T e x a s A&M claimed the
championship of Michigan's
Second Annual Invitational Wat-
er Polo Tournament. The Ag-
gies knocked off a cinderella bid
by the University of Illinois
Chicago Circle Campus (UICC),
The Michican polomen
dronoed two games yesterday,
leering them in fourth place.
UTCC edged the Wolverines
yesterday morning 15-14. The
winner of the game, UICC,
won the right to play in the
r'hamniorshin, while Michigan
f woed Loyola for third place.
. The Wolverines ran out of
gqs and -lost by a wide 14-7
m urgin in the consolation
hOl'E rs smqeah
Michigan's volleyball team
came on strongly in the rubber
S'me of the match to defeat
f Cnl-in College, 2-1 Friday.
It took the Wolverines three
t vmes to disnose the scranpv
t -Al"in College team from
f,---d Rapids, 15-9, 7-15, and
Mi~nhan's starters played
the entire game as coach
S-nev Vonir, elected not to
most important. With the clock ticking record of 63 yards set by Clark
into its final half-minute, Dean climaxed Kimble of Colorado State last
a lengthy, impressive Northwestern drive year.
with a four yard flip to his favorite flank-
er. Scott Yelvington.
From the crowd's reaction, you'd think
the Wildcats had won the game. Or may-SC
be the Rose Bowl. COLLEGE FOOTBALL
"It meant a lot for us to be able to
sre"Dean said. "W~e never gave up." MICHIGAN 38. Northwestern7
score," DMinnesota 14, Michigan St. 10
"We didn't lav down for them," Shaw Ohio St. 30. Wisconsin 20 ,
added. "We hit them as hard as anyone." Indiana 14, Iowa 7
Illinois 21, Purdue 17
THERE LIES THE KEY to what may Alabama 20, Tennessee 13
prove one of the most satisfying defeats Georgia Tech 28, Auburn 10
i,~ 1'*Colorado 20, Oklahoma St. 10
"I can go faster," said Mey-
Ohio U. 28, Miami (O.) 14
Grand Valley 17. Saginaw 6
Iowa St. 21, Missouri 17
Nebraska 51, Kansas St. 0
Houston 26. SMU 6
Texas A&M 24, Baylor 0
Central Michigan 16 ,Indiana St. 13
Wayne State 35. Evansville 28
Boston Collge 14, W. Virginia 3
Florida 33. Florida St. 26
f r Crnlina 0. Nlisssi)
bles matches, upned their re-
cord to 5-0 with the win.
Barbara Selden, playing in the
)'Mnbpr one nosition, set the
pace with a 6-3,4-6,7-5 triumnh
oveur Maria Olazaaasti, ranked
n-mber two in Puerto Rican
iinior tennis. Freshwomen
Kathy Karen sweat veteran
r-keve TLe-nn Grimes 6-1, 6-4
at seco-d singles, and Elaine
Crnsbv scored a 6-2, 6-1 victory
o0'er Tlene Sommer at sixth sin-