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October 17, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-10-17

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See Inside


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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVII, No. 34

Ann Arbor, Michigan--Sunday, October 17, 1 976

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

t .

Island Park conquest
If you get tired of studying today you can go
to Island Park and watch the fall of the Roman
Empire. A group of University students will com-
memorate the 1500th anniversary of the fall of
the western portion of the Roman Empire by
re-enacting it. Students in the Medieval and Ren-
aissance Collegium (MARC) will launch the con-
quest by leaving one of the park's islands des-
ignated as England and the crusade will reach
a climax around 1:30 p.m. with an onslaught of
barbarians attacking "Rome," another island.
"This re-enactment is intended to be both en-
lightening and entertaining," said Mark King, a
MARC student. But he added, "We don't intend
on having it turn into a literal sacking of the
Squeeze them in
It's not your imagination playing tricks on
you - there are more students in your classes.
Enrollment at the University's three campuses
increased again this fall. The Ann Arbor cam-
pus now has 34,754 students, 59 more than last
year. The Flint campus has 211 more students,
putting 3685 students in the classrooms and the
Dearborn campus boasts an increase of 417 stu-
dents, bringing the total there to 5,275. As for the
number of undergraduates here in Ann Arbor, their
ranks swelled by 411 to reach a new total of 21,905.
But the number of students has not soared every-
where. The total number of graduate students at
the Ann Arbor campus is down 692 from last
year's 9,470 total and the students in graduate-
professional programs went down to 4,614 amount-
ing to 64 fewer than a year ago. The male to
female ratio inched slightly in the direction of
equalization but even with 435 fewer men and
an increase of 90 women on campus, the men
still outnumber women 21,143 tb 14,847.
The Gargoyle comne
The campus humor magazine, The Gargoyle,
will make its fall debut Monday. Stacks of this
bizarre publication will be lurking in dorms and
other campus buildings, so keep your eyes peeled.
Happenings ..
..begin today at 3 p.m. with a showing of
the Gertrude Stein film, "When This You See,
Remember Me," sponsored by the Gayness and
Spirituality Group at Canterbury House, corner of-
Catherine and Division ... at 6:30 p.m. there will
be a "Ban Throwaway-Bottles" benefit dinner at
Xanadu Co-op, 1811 Washtenaw to support Pro-
posal A., Spaghetti, beer and live music will be
featured at $1.25 for students, $2.50 for the gen-
eral public ... at 7 p.m. the Gay Rights Action
group will meet in the third floor conference
room in the Union ... Monday has an even larger
assortment of events beginning with a noon GEO
rally on the Diag designed to pressure the Uni-
versity to "start bargaining seriously" ... the Or-
ganization for the Advancement of Women is spon-
soring a speech at 4 p.m. by Marion Cornwell of
the Personnel Department of Ford Motor Co. on
"Moving Up Once You've Been Hired," in the
Michigan Rm. of the Business School ... at 6:30
p.m. ... at 7:30 p.m. the Freeman School Com-
munity Education Advisory Council is sponsoring
a "Meet the Candidates Night" in the gymnasium
of Freeman Elementary School, 3540 Dixboro Lane
... at 8 p.m. Ralph Cicerone, of the University
Space Physics Research Lab, will speak on "Flou-
rocarbons and the Atmosphere," in Rm. 25 of
Angell Hall ... and from 8-10 p.m. the Woman's
Volleyball Club will meet in the Central Campus-
Rec. Bldg.
Jack the kisser
Columbia, Md., police said Friday night they
had arrested a teen-age boy on a juvenile charge

of sexual assault - more specifically, attempted
kissing. They said that on four occasions since
last August, the youth had pursued women along
cycling paths jumping from his bicycle to try
to steal a kiss. Police added that he had suc-
ceeded only once. The other women struggled and
ran away.
But is it art?
Beauty, they say, is in the eye of the behold-
er. And one English woman's idea of beauty has
left viewers agog at London's Institute of Con-
temporary Arts New Gallery, where 22 neatly
framed soiled diapers farm the newest exhibit.
"They are art because I say so," defends Mary
Kelly, mother of the three-year-old "artist." Be-
low each diaper - chemically treated for hygiene
- is a list of what the baby had to eat and drink
the day the ... work? ... was produced. One man's
art is another man's,.
On the inside ...
... in the Sunday Magazine Laurie Young looks

Arb n
Ricky Wayne Wilson, prime suspect
in the murder two weeks ago of Uni-
versity freshwoman Jeannine Boukai,
turned himself in to police in his home-
town of Louisville, Ky., yesterday morn-
It was not known how long Wilson
had been in Louisville, .but Michigan
authorities had suspected he fled to a
southern location.
ACCORDING TO Sergeant Donald
Wolfe of the Louisville Police Dept.,
"Wilson apparently was told there was
something on him (an arrest warrant)
and he wanted to get it straightened
Wolfe said that Wilson, described by
authorities here as a "frequenter" of
Ann Arbor, surrendered himself to a

"beat cop" he knew in Louisville.
Wilson was booked on a fugitive war-
rant after the Louisville police contact-
ed Michigan authorities.
tradition, according to Wolfe, he will be
returned to Michigan authorities some-
time next week. Otherwise, legal pro-
cedures will delay his return to Michi-
Wilson has a police record in Washte-
naw County on a breaking and enter-
ing charge of several months ago.
Louisville officials yesterday were
searching for Boukai's Yamaha motor-
cycle, which authorities believe may
have been taken by Wilson. The vic-
tim's handbag and wallet have not been
recovered, either.
"THE ONLY THING I can tell you

is that he (Wilson) is in custody at
this time, and we're investigating the
possibility of possession of incriminat-
ing evidence," said Wolfe.
John Wegenast, a Louisville detec-
tive, said yesterday that authorities were
checking Wilson's parents' home for
both the missing belongings and Leah
Knox, the woman who Michigan au-
thorities believe had fled Michigan with-
Wilson was named as a suspect the
day after Boukai was found shot to
death in a remote section of the Arbore-
tum, just yards outside the Ann Arbor
city limits. Local authorities believed
Wilson knew the victim, and were in-
vestigating reports that Boukai might
have bought a contract on her life.
AUTHORITIES have already confirm-



ed that Boukai, who was studying to be
an environmental lawyer in the Uni-
versity School of Natural Resources, took
out a life insurance policy and withdraw
money from a local bank less than a
week before her death.
Wilson made no statements yesterday
upon his surrender to Louisville police,
authorities said.
Wegenast, who claims he has known
the suspect for almost seven years, said
that Wilson had a reputation for "rais-
ing hell" in Louisville,rbut was never
charged with crimes worse than break-
ing and entering.
"I had several dealings with him,"
said Wegenast, "He's always been kind
of a punk."
But with respect to the murder
charge, he added, "I never figured this
kid was capable of murder."





ask death
for Mao's
PEKING (Reuter) - Huge,
dancing crowds paraded
through Shanghai yesterday
carrying crude effigies of Mao
Tse-tung's widow, Chiang Ching,
dangling from a hangman's
Sources in China's largest city
reported that organized demon-
strations involving hundreds of
thousands of people demanded
punishment for the ex-actress
and three leading radicals re-
ported to be accused of plotting
the assassination of Premier
Hua Kuo-feng.
THE FOUR - Madame Mao,
Communist Party Vice-Chair-
man Wang Hung-wen, Vice-Pre-
mier Chang Chun-chiao and Yao
Wen-yuan - had their power
base in Shanghai. But the sourc-
es said it now appeared that
"almost the whole city has turn-
ed against them."
The vast crowds carried red-
and-yellow banners demanding
the four be "knocked down."
All day they danced, sang and
chanted outside the harborside
headquarters of the Communist
Party, witnesses said.
See CHINESE, Page 2

Icats, 38- 7
1Lytle leads Blue with1
172 yards rushiing
Special To The Daly
EVANSTON, III.-The top-ranked Michigan Wolver-
ines exploded for 28 points in the second quarter here
yesterday, grinding out a 38-7 victory over winless North-
Holding a slim 3-0 lead after the first period of play,
the undefeated Wolverines smashed across four touch-
downs in a nine minute span to post a commanding 31-0
halftime lead. Iftob Lytle scored two of the four tallies,
and wing back Jim Smith and quarterback Rick Leach
each scored one in the period.
"THE FIRST QUARTER went the way we wanted it
to," said Wildcat coach John Pont. "Then Smith's touch#
down catch shook us. We suffered the effects of that for
the entire second quarter."
For all intents and purposes, the second half was
just a scrimmage, Michigan having sewed up the game
by intermission. A contingent of Northwestern, students
in the crowd of 31,000, disgruntled with the Wildcats'
twelfth straight loss, cheered their team on with chants
"library, library, let's go study."
"You get 31 up and I suppose you let up," said Mich-
igan coach Bo Schembechler, Pont's college roommate at
Miami of Ohio. "We have had so many games like this,
its frightening. I'd just loye to get into a slugfest where
a yard means a yard."
LYTLE LED the Wolverines' first half charge, pick-
ing up 142 of his total 172 yards prior to half time, and
passing Ron Johnson for third place on Michigan's all-
time rushing list. Michigan outgained Northwestern 346-
69 in the first half, picking up 21 first downs to the Wild-
cat's 3.
The Maize and Blue had trouble getting on track in
the first quarter, hindered by untimely penalties, an in-
tercepted Leach pass, and two fumbled pitches by Harlan
"The first fumble was a pitch which just hit him in
the hands and he dropped it, and the second one I hesi-
See SECOND, Page 9
Q uaddies taste.

Daily Photo by SCO IECCKER
Wolfman Jerry Zuver (8) picks off an errant Randy Dean p-ss for Michigan in yesterday's
38-7 victory over Northwestern. Zuver, along with end John Anderson, each intercepted pass-
es as the Wolverine defense limited the Wildcats to one touchdown for the day.

'Candidateswae irwr
By AP and Reuter
Accusations of slander, misrepresentation and dishonesty
flew fast and thick yesterday as President Ford and Jimmy
Carter attacked each other in speeches and an exchange of
Both heated up the rhetoric as they campaigned in the
Mid-West with just 17 days before the election.
FORD RODE AN old-fashioned whistle-stop train as hew
sought votes in the small towns of Southern Illinois, while
Carter flew to Kansas City, Mo. and Ohio for a one-day tour.
In their most pointed exchange on the campaign trail,
Carter sent a telegram calling on the President to stop
misleading voters into thinking the Democratic candidate
would raise taxes for everyone earning over $14,000; slash
$15 billion from the defense budget; push for social programs
costing at least $100 billion and try to end tax deductions
for homeowners mortgage interest.
He told reporters yesterday morning he was sure Ford
would "refrain from making erroneous statements again"-
a reference to the President's nationally televised press'
conference last Thursday.
BUT SOON AFTER Carter spoke, Ford began his ten-
hour trip aboard the train "Honest Abe" in Joliet, Ill., andy
retorted, "We're just telling the truth." He charged his
challenger "will say anything, anywhere to be President of
the United States."
Later, Ford announced to a crowd in Lincoln, Ill. that he
had replied to Carter's telegram with a wire of his own,
calling on the Democrat to clarify his positions on the issues.
The President's reply, distributed later in the train, began
sarcastically that he appreciated Carter's desire to clarify
his positions.r

Amid dorm pandemonium, on
a lone hall in East Quad, 12
industrious Residential College
students have created a kind
of oasis through an experiment
in cooperative living.
Casting off their laminated
meal cards, the dorm co-op
pioneers have opted for "home-
cooking," a choice that brought
with it all theabenefits of self-
sufficiency - and the one dis-
advantage of liberation from the
dorm system - house-keeping.
office, which usually exercises
a stringent policy against break-
ing meal contracts, did approve
the co-op idea last spring when
blueprints for the arrangement
were taken to Housing Director
John Feldkamp.
East Quad Resident Director
Irene Dorzback, who helped co-
ordinate the co-op some six
months ago, said that since stu-
dents attempted to plan a co-
on li-in it'iation in the dorm

"just a bunch of students who
wanted to get out of their meal
plans ... who had no real com-
mitment to the co-op."
THIS TIME, Dorzback said,
interviews were conducted to
see what students could contri-
bute to the co-op and what they
thought they could learn.
Although all the students in-
terviewed were accepted to the
experiment, the number of par-
ticipants ultimately had to be
cut to 12. "We had to resort
to a lottery to get a place in
the co-op," one member recall-
And as soon as the member-
ship was set, wheels began to
turn. Jobs were designated on
a rotating basis: work-manager,
meal-planner, food-orderer and
treasurer. The co-oppers broke
' into their jobs over the sum-
ME NWHILE, the Environ-
mental Health and Safety In-
snectors divided the Strauss
Hall into "two-family dwellings

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